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The 40+ crowd! Do you exist in SL?

Kush Daddy

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On 4/20/2019 at 1:47 PM, Chicky Delicioso said:

I love young people, no offense. I really do.


I need people I can relate to.. 30s - 60s if you are out there, say hi! (Girls or gays only)

I don't love to shop.. sorry if thats a disappointment. I do love to play board games and I have pretty much all of them. Happy to go to a club or venue, discussion, etc as long as theres not like 5 people in the room with tip request spam. (tacky!)

I have a foul mouth and am an east coast girl with a big heart. In a long term relationship almost 2 years and already gone RL with him so you don't need to protect your boyfriends from me! I am totally uninterested in that sort of drama. 

Anyway, say hello my mature ladies! 

Oh we are around, trust me on that.

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On 4/23/2019 at 2:23 PM, Selene Gregoire said:

Creating drama to avoid drama doesn't work. The only point in even mentioning it, is to create drama.

Two years isn't that long for a serious relationship. It's when you look back at the 20 (or even 10) year relationship that you realize just what long term relationship really means.

I had to laugh when I read this because I can remember when I thought two years was a long time. That use to be my time limit back in the day that would tell me if the relationship lasted past two years and was still good then it could possibly make it for another 18 and hit that 20 year mark. In two years you can pretty much learn all your partners nasty little habits and decide if that is what you really want to see in front of your face for the next 2 decades. lol :D

On 5/14/2019 at 7:41 AM, Kytteh Wytchwood said:

I see you want to believe there are heterosexual men in SL that are harmless but unfortunately 99.9% of the time, a Hi from a guy I don't know, leads to the guy being interested in getting into my avatar's pixel panties. She has every right to state what she wants so you are in the wrong to harass her because you don't like it. I've never had any male who greeted me just only want to be my friend. They always want sex or just want to flirt. Instead of making comments to make fun of this woman, why didn't you just greet her with a hello and lead by example by your own words?

I actually think both @Drake1 Nightfire and @Zeta Vandyke had to really valid points. Drake asked some very reasonable questions in fact and he was not harassing at all. I find it interesting how some would read that and think how dare he ask that. She has ever right blah blah this and that. I find the mentality of society amusing these days because by that exact same logic then I should be able to post the exact same thing opposite of that and it'd be well with in my right. Like nobody is suppose to ask me any questions or anything about it?

So I can make a post and say hey guys I am looking for the over 40 crowd. I only want to talk to the guys because the guys make sense. I don't want to deal with no women because I don't really wanna hear all their yaps and I don't want to hear from no gays because I don't want to hang out with a dude that thinks it's cute to prance around in a freaking dress. So by your logic, the logic of society now days I can say all that and you think what? Nobodies suppose to get offended? Is that what you seriously think? Would I get that same defense of my rights on such a post too? Nah. I think not. I think you and every other Broadzilla out there with teeth would be ready to rip me a new one while all the gay people sit back and have a good laugh. lol :D

It's just really interesting to me the way people think now days. While I don't want to die there is a part of me that is glad even in fact that I won't be around to see the final product of the entire world turning in to poo. ;)

Now in fairness to the OP if I were to wager a guess on such specifications it'd more then likely be because she don't want her ol'man feeling some type of way about her hanging out and running around with a bunch of dudes and that is understandable. Had she worded herself and the post a lot differently nobody would have probably even thought twice about it, but when you make it a point generalize it and then follow it up with to say I don't want x, w, and z then expect to be asked why. That's just common sense to me. It's not rocket science. Come on people.

Now me personally I am in the over 40 crowd and like Zeta pointed out all guys don't do that random hi thing. I don't do it. If we meet we meet because of circumstance. Somebody introduced us, we met threw a friend, etc., etc., and bing badda bing we're talking. Oh lookie now wesa made new friends. lol I got dozens of friends from all walks of life and every side of the fence and yes some of them are in fact female. Very hot females in fact and my interest level in them out side of a platonic friendship is at an absolute complete zero.

Now that's not to say if they wear something hot we don't look. Every straight guy on the planet will always look at a hot lady. It's hardwired in our DNA. lol We can't help it. lol That being said there is RESPECT and that overrides any and everything even our DNA because we know if we don't have that then we don't have nothing.

That's the type of guy Drake is from what I have seen and that's the type of guy that asked the questions he asked and they are in fact very valid and reasonable questions for any guy to look at and ask those same questions to themselves when they read such a post presented in the way and manner of which it was presented. They are the same exact questions that popped in my head when I read it so I obviously did. So if he hadn't have asked I probably would have if for no other reason to understand the OP's train of thought and thought process on all of that.

Like I said I find it interesting and hypocritical even to generalize a post such as this and exclude a group of people in it and be found acceptable and if I had made such as post as referenced in my example I would have been hung out to dry and more then likely copped a forum ban if not at the very least a warning for it. Funny and interesting how the minds of the world work in this new day and age. And there are even some people who think that frame of mind is actually smart. Very interesting indeed. 🙄

Edited by Velk Kerang
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/me raises her hand for the 40+ crowd.  

Most people I meet claim to be 40+ unless I happened to be craving the chaos of a busy infohub and stopped by to observe.  Many of the people there seem to be under 25.

It would appear to be unusual by the comments in this thread, but most of my friends present themselves as straight males.  They are lovely and intelligent and can hold a conversation and my interest for more than a few minutes or a dance.  I get very few just "Hi" messages, so I have to wonder where people teleport to have that kind of thing  continuously happen to them.  Is it music/dancing venues?  Sandboxes? Shopping sims?

Anyway, the 40+ crowd is active in SL and I enjoy it immensely ❤️

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1 hour ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

/me raises her hand for the 40+ crowd.  

Most people I meet claim to be 40+ unless I happened to be craving the chaos of a busy infohub and stopped by to observe.  Many of the people there seem to be under 25.

It would appear to be unusual by the comments in this thread, but most of my friends present themselves as straight males.  They are lovely and intelligent and can hold a conversation and my interest for more than a few minutes or a dance.  I get very few just "Hi" messages, so I have to wonder where people teleport to have that kind of thing  continuously happen to them.  Is it music/dancing venues?  Sandboxes? Shopping sims?

Anyway, the 40+ crowd is active in SL and I enjoy it immensely ❤️

You don't have to tp anywhere. You can be hanging out at your own home. Some guys join a group and go through the list IMing all the female names they see. Some don't even bother to look to see if you are online or not.

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34 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

You don't have to tp anywhere. You can be hanging out at your own home. Some guys join a group and go through the list IMing all the female names they see. Some don't even bother to look to see if you are online or not.

Darn, I was going to check out what groups you are a part of, but your profile is set to private or friends only.  I wonder what groups guys think they'll get lucky in.

Still, you have to admire the perseverance of a phishing trip into the members of a random group. 😂


(fellow Oregonian)

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40 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Darn, I was going to check out what groups you are a part of, but your profile is set to private or friends only.  I wonder what groups guys think they'll get lucky in.

Still, you have to admire the perseverance of a phishing trip into the members of a random group. 😂


(fellow Oregonian)

All kinds. I've never been in any kind of sex group. Just clothing stores, builder's groups, vendor groups, a few medieval or Pandorian RPs. Nothing even remotely sexual.

More like desperation than perseverance. 😆


(*waves* Howdy neighbor!)

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  • 4 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:

My unscientific theory is that SL is mostly over-40’s roleplaying 20-somethings.....

Me included....

   Except me, being a 20-something role playing a 40-something!

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2 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

My unscientific theory is that SL is mostly over-40’s roleplaying 20-somethings.....

Me included....


lol I'd have to agree.  I somehow tend to gravitate to the 20 somethings, who act closer to 40 than I do. lol

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8 hours ago, Catrie said:

lol I'd have to agree.  I somehow tend to gravitate to the 20 somethings, who act closer to 40 than I do. lol

My theory is based on the success of 80’s music venues in SL 🙂. Either the music of my wilder days is enjoying a comeback with much younger people; or a lot of us are enjoying the ability to defy both the calendar and gravity 🙂

That being said, I *love* Second Life and personally think that the capability to appear as we see ourselves is wonderful.

I really would rather not see what anyone looks like in RL; I enjoy being around them here in SL and RL doesn’t matter to me :-)



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13 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

My unscientific theory is that SL is mostly over-40’s roleplaying 20-somethings.....

Me included....



I've claimed from day one that Lil is 30.  The year I turned 30 was probably the best year of my life, the year I finally discovered ME.

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I'm 29 in RL and although I know a few people in their 20s most people I meet are of the older crowd. Like many other kid avatars, I'm in SL to shop, decorate, explore and to escape from adult life for awhile, and despite being heterosexual and male in RL I'm not in SL for romance or sex. In fact, James is very much in the "Ewww girls have cooties phase!" lol but then he is only 9. 

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17 hours ago, SeikariTheMierianShadow said:

I'm 30... ish ( Not 40 yet) But I'm always up for meeting new people and new friends.... unfortunately I'm not gay and I don't identify as a woman either ( Non Binary ) 

But I do wish you luck - smiles.- 


For what its worth, as my time in SL has piled up on the clock - more and more my “standards” are non traditional when it come to attractiveness.

If I encounter someone who creates an aesthetically pleasing avatar and whose typist possesses a fun personality; we can be friends without it ever occurring to me to inquire as to what biological pigeonhole they fit into.

I have some teenage emotional damage that makes male avatars a little *less* aesthetically-pleasing than female ones (this distresses me) but beyond that; its all about personality.

Some people would call that “jaded” but I like to think of it as “seeing with better eyes”

Maybe SL has evolved me?

Luckily, my Partner is my #1 “Attractiveness standard” - and after nearly 15 years that is a wonderful thing 🙂



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57 just a few weeks ago and happy to chat and mingle with anyone mature ... not on as much as my SL birthdate would indicate but darn, I find it hard to find places where a few dozen are hanging out and chatting. Age is less important than maturity to me, though drama and BS seems to drop off as age increases at least somewhat noticeably. Feel free to IM me anytime.

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2 hours ago, JuliaAemilius said:

Age is less important than maturity to me, though drama and BS seems to drop off as age increases at least somewhat noticeably.

Amen to that sentiment.  Most of the over 40 crowd in SL that I meet are interested in quality relationships, not quantity.  When you are over 50 in SL the best part of meeting the under 30 crowd is watching their reaction to telling them your age😀  Typically a long pause and then (that's not so old!) and then usually RL beckons.  Even better though is meeting people in their 70s who are active building things, running businesses, or just having pixel fun.  They inspire you, and make us 50 somethings feel young😋



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On 4/20/2019 at 7:47 PM, Chicky Delicioso said:

I love young people, no offense. I really do.

I need people I can relate to.. 30s - 60s if you are out there, say hi! (Girls or gays only)

I don't love to shop.. sorry if thats a disappointment. I do love to play board games and I have pretty much all of them. Happy to go to a club or venue, discussion, etc as long as theres not like 5 people in the room with tip request spam. (tacky!)

I have a foul mouth and am an east coast girl with a big heart. In a long term relationship almost 2 years and already gone RL with him so you don't need to protect your boyfriends from me! I am totally uninterested in that sort of drama. 

Anyway, say hello my mature ladies! 


52 here.

Ok, that was an outing actually.

When I am not busy with my adult media business (avid blogger). I am Into clubs, music venues, sailing, flying planes, exploring the grid..that sort of entertainment, some shopping but not excessively.

And you could have my boyfriend temporarily, if you wanted 🙂
May I watch idc?

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So I'm over 40 although I like to shop. I also like to play board games and go to clubs. I've tried to go to some discussions in world but my RL schedule seems to conflict (and there isn't a lot on the events listings in world). I also like to explore around different places and try new things.


If anyone wants just IM me and say Hi Sometime.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/3/2019 at 8:11 PM, Conall DeCuir said:

Another 40+ year old here, though i can upgrade soon. The clock is ticking 


Same here, quickly in to post before I'll have to post in the "50 crowd, do you exist in sl" thread ;) No, I don't care, I'd post there too, clock age is just a number. 



If anyone wants an almost 50 year old gal for company for pretty much anything other than poseballing, feel free to pm. It would probably work best if you're in Europe too, though. I'm flexible with weekdays but work during the day, Saturdays and often Sundays included. Also, I'm not clingy, so, no worries, if it doesn't feel like a good fit somehow, we can just stop (we can even have a rule "if one of us doesn't pm back to a 'Hi, what's up, feel like ... next Wednesday, or have any other idea?' within a reasonable time span, it's the sign to move on, no  hard feelings, no awkward explanations or anything needed"). Or it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, who knows. (B̶e̶a̶t̶l̶e̶s̶ Casablanca music playing).

But take a peek at my in-world profile before you pm, perhaps it tells you "Oh Gawd no" or "Hm, could work :)", that would save us time :P

Edited by rayyn
formatting thingy gone wrong
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