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InnerCity Elf

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Everything posted by InnerCity Elf

  1. Possible. Although, as I don't and never had any, and my experience is more like Scyllas, and I don't know of any stats, neither go and click around to see what others are wearing, but can see all the offers on MP, which probably wouldn't be there without demand, I'd want to add the suggestion, that it might be a not so vast or maybe not even the majority, but just as well a minority with lots of accounts that all need their parts for their preferred SL pastime, hence the majority impression. Just a fun little alternative (sorry for the irresistible pun) theory. It's fabulous that all those add-on body parts exist, though, for everyone who wants them, same for all kinds of vehicles for vehicle enthusiasts, or ... let me check my inventory, um, all kinds of trees in different seasons and with or without moving branches and butterflies and glowy particles for tree friends, or... Hey, wait, let me suggest that the vast majority of SL people are secret tree hoarders! 😅 Seriously, though, my guess would be something around 50:50 or even majority, but would doubt vast majority. I'd love to know, would be generally interesting, after all, but I fear we will never.
  2. Well, actually,... 😅 Ooof, yay, there's at least two of us!, and that's just from forum user sub group, there may be one more, let's make up a secret handshake if we ever meet in-world! I mean, in theory, it can happen, you're happily wandering aimlessly around that nice sim that came up with zero traffic when you were sorting your options, listening to music, and, then, bam!, another not representative avatar beams in, their sorting list still having said zero traffic for the place.
  3. Maybe a sim quadruple dedicated to manifesters, quantum jump reality shifters and other searching souls, and the cross marks the best spot for those who still didn't manage, because they're not trying hard enough. Maybe just cybersparkly, though, risky but pretty, because who cares about risk in the face of beauty. Is there an automated vendor selling an "I survived the ❌" shirt nearby? When I have mainland, I form it with public in mind, and am happy if other people go there. I'm surprised that many people don't, to me, it's much more fun to create something not just for myself but to share. Not viable irl, but in SL very much so, that's a really nice aspect for me. For privacy, I'll take to a skybox. But, yes, your land, your imagination.
  4. Hallo @djd McDonnell djd, klappt's immer noch nicht? Hab grad mal nen Baum gekauft, weil, Bäume kann man ja nie genug haben, alles normal bei mir, hilft dir natürlich nicht wirklich weiter, aber es ist wohl zumindestens kein deutsches Problem, sozusagen. Vielleicht musst du da doch den Kundenservice bemühen.
  5. What is this new devilry? Although, if also, "talk to 3 random people you meet inworld, you have at least spoken to one 60+ person who is lying about their age" could be true, one might be none the wiser on one's search of fellow SLosaurs I'll put a "talk to 3 random people, and actually ask about their age" challenge on my SL-ToDos, in any case, just to see, what happens.
  6. I sold my🖨️ before moving last time, and after deciding I can surely somehow deal without the two or times a year I used it in the last years. I can, very well, and for cheaper. Printerless life is possible! I know you're joking, but a tech unsavvy acquaintance recently indeed had that "need to print out old emails problem", but I could save them the paper, ink, and storing space cost (which they are upset about, while insisting to need a printer) by suggesting to forward old mails to new mail address. Personally, my plan is more to, once retirement rolls around (most probably it won't, ever), nuke any old mails, phone numbers, etc., get brand new ones, and be very selective giving them out. 😄
  7. Yes, take your time (s)hopping around. I've bought Mainland several times 😅, and the prices for what really looks like pretty much the same, can vary a lot, and if you spend some time and enjoy "the hunt", you have a chance of stumbling over a better price, cooler sim name, better geography (I love sim corners, but they tend to be pricey), nicer neighbourhood (potentially fleeting factor, of course).
  8. Hm, that's a valid opinion, but there are other valid opinions, too, we're not all on the same page as to what intelligence means, in the first place. But it's comforting to know that there also are AIs with writing skills that surpass that free one's, and could compose a vibrant bio that would be more attractive and exciting to read, do Love justice, and also add some intelligent element of surprise into the free one's very predictable mix. In any case, intelligent or not, no way around them anymore. I already had to redo my YT watch strategy, but it's getting ever harder to escape the artificial, in many a sense. 😅 It's certainly fun to play.
  9. I haven't had that experience in SL yet, but voices are a big thing for me, so I can understand it very well.
  10. Is it a good summary? Could be. But I can't help thinking, "that 'Expert AI' sounds as if a teacher made their middle school class write a bio of someone who they never heard of and doesn't interest them at all, as homework over the summer holidays, after teaching them to best use "they" if the person's name doesn't sound binary, and their preferred pronouns aren't known to Wiki, while they already were half out of the door, endless days of 🏖️ 🏀 🚲 🍈 on their mind, and cobbled it together half asleep at 7am on the first school day after the holiday". 😅
  11. This made me think there are probably a few dozen highly intellectual treatises, dissertations, and the like, about the cultural, societal, sociological, narcissistic, et al. values of thongs, or their health benefits or detriments, and they might just want to discuss whether you think that health insurances should give a discount or on the contrary take more from members who regularly wear them, and if you think that dressing differently in SL than RL undermines your RL authenticity, also if health insurance should be allowed to add thong wearing frequency to the forms their members need to fill out, or... 🤔 But yes, it's probably usually a good pointer 😄
  12. Wdym, nvm?! I'm still clueless, and had hoped to not have to ask myself, to not have to disclose it! "I'm old enough to know and have used AOL.", btw, could also be a good response to age questions.😆 More on topic, I don't really get ageism, even less in SL, as age will be far less important for most things people do on SL. What really amuses me is when young people who heavy-use but have not even the slightest idea about how any of their tech works, basically assuming it's magic and all popped into existence in the year 2000 or so, and they magicians because they can use it (and do their pawlowian dog part in the big scheme ;)), automatically assume that their oldbie neighbour, who, for the sake of the argument, invented AOL, or is called Philip ;), has no clue about tech, and needs their 5-year-old grandchild to show them how to use SL. (Of course, for the sake of the argument again, no responsible grandparent would ask their grandchild for help with SL, they'd just ask them to download Solitaire or Mah Jong from the App Store for them, maybe chess, if we stretch our belief in the grandparent's intellectual prowess, and they have an Eastern bloc name ;)). Ageism exists, but is just as stupid as so many other isms. They will eventually find out, or not. I'm still in my fifties, btw, ergo, much better than you, so don't you dare talk to me if we ever meet in-world. 😛 On the other hand, if you'd open the group you didn't find, and make it 50+ to... hm, difficult, it might need an upper number to prevent some very special people from ageisming those who don't interpret that as 50-59... maybe "49 3/4 -101+" 🤔
  13. Except? THAT sounds like the fun part. 😄
  14. Do you know if it counts unique regions, or also every visit of the same region, like every time I log into my set home? I found my figures surprisingly high, as well.
  15. I think that many people who are concerned, didn't and won't sign up to a site like that in any case, or not, after scanning for the "footer things". To me, it's highly astounding, to say it nicely, that it's allowed to have a public site like that without an actual legal site notice. If I want to have a website here, even a personal one with, let's say, about my hobby of collecting 17th century thimbles, not selling anything at all, no commercial purpose at all, with nothing even remotely like sign-up options for newsletters, etc., I need to disclose full name, address, way of communication. Even when people just browse your site, you're already "collecting" data about them, whether intentionally, or even ever looking at such data, or not. The downside being that this probably robs the world of a few 17th century thimbles fan sites, as they won't all want to expose themselves to the Pandora's box of cyber crimes, stalking, identity theft, site notice shark lawyers, etc., but it probably also has its good sides. I wonder how long it will take until things like that are universally, or lets say globally, for now :), ruled, or if they ever will be, it's an intricate ocean and rough waters to surf for any site operator with international customers or even viewers, for sure.
  16. That's a good point, and should also be considered. It's not so easy, though, as platforms need to balance the happiness of both parts of the equation, and doesn't have unlimited people power for checks. Customers who left bad ratings for bad products might be not too happy if their feedbacs simply get deleted, especially if the product they bought is still flawed, and they weren't sent the updated product, and even if the product is okay now, it wasn't in the past, and while I myself wouldn't mind a "feedback reset" for improved products, some might not, and wouls want their feedback to stay, if with a "date; product was improved since" banner or something. Also, some merchants themselves might rather not have a feedback reset for updated products, as many 5* with a few 1* thrown in might still be better for them than 0 feedbacks. Maybe, after product updates, past feedback could be kept and viewed in a "historic review list" but wouldn't count for the average rating amd such from the release date of the improved product, I doubt that manz people would go to the trouble of opening a separate tab for "feedback for older version of the now improved product" and waste their time scrolling through old and possibly mostly irrelevant feedback. Then again, there could be negative feedback for something that did not get improved and might be relevant info for some potential buyers, it might generally be beneficial to the platform to keep historical reviews to motivate sellers to not release umfinished products,... or what if... Lots of variables to consider. It's really pretty difficult to keep everyone happy; I'm a seller on a different platform, and there have been several reviews of the feedback system over the years, lots of beta testing phases, small changes, big changes, even changes that made some things worse again instead of better for some user cases, and it's still not perfect for everyone, and probably won't ever be. Doesn't mean the platforms shouldn't strive for getting as close to perfect as possible, of course. And from my experience elsewhere, it's absolutely possible that platform staff looks over suggestions and complaints from sellers and buyers, as well as customers in the sense of both buyers and sellers as the platform's customers, and might even act on the one or other.
  17. This reminds me of an article about different chips/crisps flavours being created for different countries that I read some time ago. It was surprisingly interesting. Initially, though, I saw the last post by Ceka, and my brain just noticed cup noodles, didn't notice the flavour, but the question about a college campus, and thought the WTF of them charging $128 for a cup of cup noodles would turn out as being some kind of "whole semester of cup noodles supply for college kids" deal, before I realised it's $1.28, and about the flavour being perceived as yucky, after a split second of "ah, hyper super ultra limited special edition cup noodles that they somehow have the hope of getting "weeboes" to buy, because a manga creator, for fun, made it a popular chatacter's favourite flavour, and Nissin noticed and actually created it" 😂
  18. I don't have anything against child avatars, at all, on the contrary, I believe that they enliven SL, and I actually even prefer roleplay sims that allow child characters, they feel "more realistic", I'm also happy, when encountering a granny character once every decade or so. I don't see why people who enjoy playing children, or furries, or demons , or hot-looking adults in outfits that look uncomfortable like hell to me, or... should be disallowed from SL, as long as they doesn't cross ToS, laws, and such things. However, I also feel that the opening post with its "we" and "you" rhetoric, and sounding like lumping anyonr who doesn't use child avatars/represent as child in with "you, who do perverted things" isn't likely to help with your objective. In so far, I think that @Love Zhaoying has a point. Generally supportive of child avatars, this post doesn't exactly make me want to go and check out the linked post.
  19. As a merchant/service provider (being the latter irl and having been the former irl), the customer isn't always right, however, always should be treated with politeness. It's also astounding that they'd not offer either an explanation of how to use the product (they should have a notecard or something with "beginner explanations" if not already included in the product), or, seeing the rather insubstantial price, a refund. As a customer, if I don't think it's clearly my "fault" that I'm unhappy, and if a seller was being rude in interaction, I might leave feedback, indicating "oh, beware", in a ToS-compliant way, to be sure that future potential customers can take it as a warning. I think it's better to contact a seller first, before leaving feedback, though, so they have a chance to make it right, or explain; then, depending, I can still leave bad feedback, or not, if their reaction or explanation isn't it. Of course, a seller should still be polite, when taking the initiative of contacting someone after they left feedback, but they may have had a bad day or something, we're all humans, and giving them a chance at good customer service before leaving bad feedback might avoid such situations. That said, I have to say that I tend to just let SL things go, as the L$ usually aren't worth my time; with irl online purchases, on the other hand, I've gotten to an acceptable solution more often than not, when contacting sellers where the product didn't mirror the description in a significant way, and sometimes, perceived rudeness is more a language/culture/education barrier than someone being an a$$. The actual point, in any case, is, that, as long as a feedback complies with the ToS, it should not be removed, and sellers should only be allowed to contact buyers to offer a solution, not to harass them about deleting their feedback. If a seller uses the tactic of simply delisting and relisting a product anytime it gets a bad feedback, those feedbacks should still be visible, if not under the then not any longer existing product, then still somewhere visible under the seller profile. There could be a few modificators, like if a seller generally gets lots of good feedback, the, could be eligible to choose the topmost displayed ten feedbacks themselves, or if they have lots of sales, up to three bad feedbacks per month don't count against their average, if it's new sellers, rules could be a bit more lax for a starting period to not tank them if they are unlucky enough to get an unfairly bad review early on, etc. I'm sure there are lots of ways to fine-tune and evolve feedback systems these days.
  20. Yes to these, and generally, I don't like clothes with too low necklines, jeans with a permanently open button, and such, while I love clothes that are the same but have different versions of themselves, like... a shirt with long sleeves, and as well rolled up sleeves, a hoodie that has a version closed zipper, open zipper, and both of that with hood up or down, things like that. Some days ago, I was hairstyle shopping, and the newest styles of that shop had maitreya petite versions<3 nothing looks quite as stupid as hair that "rests" in plain air in front of your not existent big boobs. Also... animations that are more "neutral", not dependent on your avi having larger boobs, hips, behind, pants pockets...
  21. I don't go to clubs much, but started seeing this in some roleplayers' personal ToS in their profiles, that they won't play with the no mesh commoners. Sounds like they became their own unrelaxed "you don't play with the dirty kids from that road down there" parents? No idea if they really go through with it; of course, they can just walk by a non-meshie, but what in group RP? Honestly sounds silly. Or is it a code to discourage attempts at more personal roleplay by non-all-meshies? In any case, I can see it being a thing set by sim (or club or whatever) owners, if they want to be like that, but by single people visiting someone else's roleplay sim...
  22. From my personal past experience, an Asus ROG was the best gaming laptop I've used, and absolutely capable of making SL enjoyable. It came with 16GB, and I added another 16, and a fast SSD. If I'd go back to laptops, I'd buy one of those again. I'd definitely not buy an MSI, as mine, while it had been even more expensive than the Asus, had lots of issues, up to a self-inflating battery, which busted the frame... As one might imagine, that experience completely put me off MSI. However, if you research feedbacks, I fear you'll find yays and nays for every brand and model, or not enough reliable feedback, or not enounce feedback in the first place. It's a bit of common sense, and a big leap of faith, typically.
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