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Velk Kerang

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  1. Thanks mate. I appreciate it.👍😎 Doesn't look like to much as changed then other then maybe a little easier to get sucked in to the same old email tag system. lol The more things change the more they stay the same. lol🤣🤣
  2. So I gotta ask. Because not to be a buttholio, but I feel inclined to call BS. When did that exactly change? Because as someone who fought and beat an unjust ban way back in the day it took me 6 months or better to even get any kind of coherent, intelligent replies and the only way I could appeal was via email as I was not even allowed to log in to my account. lol The person who's account actually got compromised never even got their account back. So I mean if you're gonna tell people they can magically log in to their banned account and make an appeal then I'm curious as to how that works. Because once your account is banned that's it. Game over. You're locked out entirely. Unless you're willing to jump threw hoops and weed threw miles of red tape. The ban system in SL is the worst I've seen in any platform ever. I've seen little to indicate that has changed and heard plenty to believe it only has gotten worse over the years. So I have to say no. It is definitely NOT the same as dealing with a ban on the rest of the platform mate. lol🤣
  3. Inconvenient Truths about Second Life. I'll give this a shot mates. Ok here it goes. lol Second Life brings everyone's inner child out. People argue about the stupidest things, they sign off on the stupidest things, they say the darndest things, and we learn the craziest things. It's like being back in school, but not. lol🤣
  4. Pretty much this for me too mates. If I do movie nights we are generally on Discord. All though Discord has been acting funky the last few days or so. My feelings on it is if they do away with the OG SL Voice and replace it with that web voice crap my very rarely is going to be a solid zero never at all. I won't even bother to touch it. Good bye lip sync. lol I just feel like it will be just another added resource hog in to the mix. They could easily have updated the back end on what they have in place right now and keep all viewers compatible. They got enough issues with PBR as it is. lol🤣 I mean I use Genesis Viewer now days and I speed rezz everything in an instant with an average of 120 to 140 frames on that viewer. Even with that having been said I can still tank the frames down to 4 to 1 frames even with my gaming rig I that use for live streaming high end content landing on a sim that is overly meshed out or even in a packed crowded club. So I'm not at all interested in the new changes when the old changes aren't even tweaked out and optimized for performance. lol I, personally have a good laugh about it all because right now LL is looking goofy to me mates. lol🤣
  5. MP stores are a lot more like Steam then they are independent stores in RL. If we are comparing independent stores in RL to anything then it should be in world stores. In which case if someone shows up and shows their behind then they absolutely asked for it. Independent stores in RL don't ban you from buying. They ban you from entering and generally with good reason. You can still order online. Which in SL is the MP basically. When it comes to people being banned from making a purchase because the creator is afraid of a bad review then that is the exactly equivalent of developers on Steam having reviews removed because they don't want the negative press. And if a creator bans someone simply because the read a review and don't like it and claim they don't want the drama. Then they might want to do a self evaluation on themselves first. Because the only drama people have in SL is what they create in their minds themselves. I, personally have ZERO drama. Ya know why? I don't sweat the small stuff. If you and I have a disagreement then it is JUST a disagreement. You're still aces in my book. Why? Because I don't sweat the small stuff. lol👍😎
  6. Fun fact. Second Life is literally the only sandbox mmo platform that has this stupid feature. lol It's also the only platform where people justify it and say oh they got the right to block you. It's a market place. Saying that sounds about as stupid as saying Steam developers should be able to block people from purchasing games on the platform. That's just some simple minded petty crap right there. People with that attitude won't ever make no real money. I, personally don't ever buy from creators if I know they act that stupid so I would never even know if I even made a list in the first place mates. lol🤣
  7. First thank you for the link and explanation mate. Much appreciated. Secondly. I got questions then. Fact. Firestorm is quite literally the only viewer to ever manually force users off a version. Let alone 3 versions behind. No one else does this. No one else ever has. If a viewer becomes out dated then it obviously ceases to function. People update when they choose to. Not when it is chosen for them. The problem I have with the either we do it or LL does it logic is that you guys (Meaning Team Firestorm.) are literally the only ones with that logic mate. lol I can quite literally jack in to the Matrix with any other viewer and any other version. Easy, peezy, lemon squeezy. So make it make sense my G. Make it make sense.👍😎
  8. You know the Firestorm team is eventually going to force you off the old versions right? Which is something I've never supported them doing. They do it all the time. I currently have FS installed. That was the version I was last forced on to and my off ramp with them. I have been unable to log that version even on cleared cache. Tested on several gaming machines with well over 40 gigs of ram. Keep in mind I have over 200k in inventory so that may contribute to the problem. Here is the thing though. I can load all 200k inventory on Genesis Viewer instantly! Have fluid movement as if I am on a brand new avatar. So while I agree it is not the Firestorm teams fault on any changes LL may make it is their fault that their viewer loads and runs like utterly complete and total dog poop. And I'm not even talking about the peanut butter and jelly (PBNJ) changes made by LL. lol So when the performance sucks on the level that it does and has for quite some time now then I think it is totally fair for people to call it out mate.👍😎
  9. What is the motivator for a subscription here? I'm asking because recently I've been debating on it, but so far the only motivator I see is for more groups. Which if I am being entirely honest I feel like if you have shoveled in thousands of dollars in to this platform over the years already then they should already be giving you the extras groups with out the subscription. I'm just going to be real on that one and that's always been one of my reasons not to upgrade.👍 So to me the only other reason would be for land. Which is why I am asking this here. For example premium gives you a 1024, but the average prim limit for that is crap. Not even worth getting out of bed for. However I read that Horizons gave about 702 prims on up for a 1024 parcel. So I decided to go have a look. I am not gonna lie. I had a good laugh because what I seen was on that next level stupid. People charging between 400k to 500k for a 1024 parcel. Basically about two grand. lol So ya. They can kiss my entire behind on that one mates. That's crazy. lol🤣 So I gotta ask. What is the motivator for people here? Because either the prim counts are crap or the land prices are next level stupid. I wouldn't pay that crap and I wouldn't want to ever meet nobody stupid enough to pay that crap because I don't want to hurt their fee fees with some brutal honesty if it ever came up in conversation. lol I gotta ask though because I've been looking around and I just don't get it mates. lol Thanks in advance. lol🤣
  10. That's actually an outstanding response mate. I think we all can totally relate. While V1 is my preference and the one I recommended was mostly purely based on over all gaming performance and speed. There are others viewers I would probably recommend over it based on what someone wants to do in SL. That's an excellent point. And each one does take some time to learn and find out the distinct differences. Thanks mate.👍😎
  11. To each their own mate. In regards to Singularity I will say this much. Since that viewers conception I've literally only ever had one issue with it over the years. That is more then I can say for my experience with Firestorm both on an average computer and on a high end gaming rig I live stream content on. With Genesis Viewer I literally rezzed in and loaded an inventory with over 220k of items INSTANTLY! So you HARD PASS all day long my G. lol You HARD PASS all day long. lol The performance speaks for itself. All you proved by your statement is that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Lmao!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
  12. I, personally don't care for the changes myself. They do nothing to impress me. Mesh by itself is already taxing enough of high end gaming rigs let alone the average computer. I recently watched a roleplay sim fall under new ownership and the new owner replace all the builds with complete and extremely ugly mesh builds and it did nothing, but create a super duper lag fest. The new changes will only serve to make that experience worse. Especially if you are using Firestorm which most users are. However I have recently been testing out one of the newer viewers. Genesis Viewer. Mainly because Singularity has been having issues telling me to relog and I have been unable to log in with Firestorm. Probably because I have over 200k items in my inventory. I don't know. I've been using a text viewer Radegast for the most part. With Genesis I logged in and loaded my entire inventory instantly. To say this viewer is awesome is an understatement. The movement is fluid as if you are walking around on a brand new avatar. So this may the answer for some of you. You can find it here. https://genesisviewer.org/ I would totally recommend this viewer mates. It's like the viewer you'd get if Firestorm and Singularity had a baby, but even better. lol So it may not always be the hardware that is the issue. It very well may be the software you are using to log in to Second Life. I'll drop a video link so you all can see what it looks like. Hope this helps some and good luck mates.👍😎
  13. As someone who is in several well known active anti griefer groups and has been for years this would be the first actual case I've personally read about where someone has used a child avatar to grief someone. I would say it's a extremely rare occurrence. So as someone who does the whole family thing on here I'd say no. However that having been said when the topic of land comes up to me it is due to the TOS changes that I'm not inclined to rebuy and/or purchase land on this platform anymore either. While I get what they are trying to do the reality is they are a day late and a dollar short by decades. These new changes do nothing, but paint targets on peoples backs who legitly play their kid roles and who work in that market. So I kinda feel bad for them for having to deal with and put up with all of that. Won't ever be me. I don't have the patience for wrapped up in stupid and rolling in dumb anymore these days. I support the end game goal, but not the so called method of execution to the resolution. People who circumvent the rules will always find the work around. This did nothing to change anything except punish the average players. That I won't support. At the end of the day I don't care. This is just an out side looking in opinion from me. I just think a pandoras box got opened up providing ammunition for false reports to those who don't like people who play kid avatars. Which was already a problem before the change. Hopefully most people like myself already had their own set of strict rules in place already to where this is a non-issue either way the wind blows on it. So I personally didn't loose any sleep over it. I just think it's a bloody load of crap is all. lol🤣
  14. Awesome! That'll work. Thank you. lol I can probably size half my inventory down easy, peezy, lemon squeezy and I'm thinking it might solve a big chunk of my issue. I don't know how a lot of my mates with more inventory then I rock are managing, but I am about to spend a day here soon and box the living crap out of my inventory. lol Thanks again for the help mate. Much appreciated. 👍😎
  15. Thanks mate. I read over the link you gave me. A lot of that would apply if I were having issues logging in just in general. I can log other accounts fine with no issues. It's only on my main I am having this issue. I could have sworn Firestorm had a setting on how textures and inventory were fetched. I can't seem to find it. I don't know if it was removed or what. I also forgot to mention I can't even log in to that account with cache cleared. lol Another question I meant to ask though was what is the max amount of items you can pack up in a box? A good chunk of my inventory I can probably just simply box up. I have a lot of gacha crap I collected from back in the day I can pack up to size things down. Thanks again for the help mate. I appreciate it.👍😎
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