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Security/Privacy and New Linden Homes

Constantine Linden
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I have my main accounts home if I decide I want privacy. With my Linden home I'm not all that fussed if people enter my home(unless of course you decide to be a moron) or are able to see me from outside my parcel. Being a kid I'm not going to be doing anything that I wouldn't want anyone seeing.

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6 hours ago, IthilwenRose said:

Not a closed box no!!! lol sorry got my mind going on that one.


not for everyone, no

from a pragmatic pov, LL did have to build something to match the increased tier included in the premium package. The parcel sizes match the new increased premium tier allowance. So all good on that basis

someone mentioned earlier as well that when try to do too many things at the same time then the potential for fail is higher. In this case, the provision of residential housing in the same contiguous space can become problematic when the users have competing needs/wants. The outcome of that is that whose needs/wants are not met will go elsewhere

the question then is where do these people go, while still keeping them on the platform and continuing to pay a premium subscription ?

the whole point of the premium program is to get users to pay subscription fees to diversify LL's revenue stream away from the over-reliance on land tiers

Ebbe Linden has indicated that other types of premium benefits are in the works, coming soon. It may very well be that the decision to take down banlines on these newly-built continents has been taken in light of what else might be coming in terms of alternative premium packages

closed box parcels ? I would get one of them. I have one now, kinda sorta. On old mainland. Way up in the sky past the 2000m mark. With a zero-time distance-measured orb, on the basis of who flies around sightseeing above 2000m. Well nobody hardly ever. 4 so far. 4 too many. They gone and no mercy. Is no All/Group banlines at ground level, as they are ineffective for my residence way up in the sky. And to defeat the TPV teleport-to feature, away from myself in the sky, is to set the parcel's teleport routing to a point on the ground

i would dump the orb if I could preemptively set the banlines to any contiguous height level on my parcel, which in my case I would set to only cover the near space of my residence.  But I can't, so permissive orb it is

this is what I mean about making people jump through hoops. Who knows how to do all this ?

Another question. For myself. Why would I want a closed box ? My parcel I only use as a dressing room and little sandbox to make a few things for myself. That's it. I have a few trees, plants and stuff to pretty it up and I change it all out now and again, but dressing room it is. I don't need or want anything more than this for myself. For social, I go to clubs, live music events, art and performance events, fashion events, shopping, etc. Tipping and paying as I go for my usage of the facilities, products and experiences provided by those owners, creatives and performers. Like I do in the real world pretty much



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On 4/19/2019 at 3:37 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

If anyone bothers me in my Linden home, I’ll just do lion things. Rawwr!

I’m a snow leopard and I’d love to threaten to do snow leopard things to anyone who bothers me. But there has never been a single recorded snow leopard attack on a human being in all of recorded history. Even when defending a kill, snow leopards usually react to humans coming along by retreating. So if someone bothers me, I’ll do snow leopard things like . . .  being cute. Keeping my distance. Hiding. Is everybody scared of me now?

15 hours ago, animats said:

LL seems finally to have found someone who understands game balance. That someone got this right, and they'll have more influence within LL due to that. I'm curious to see what happens next.

YES!!!! I didn’t quote your whole post because I didn’t want to spam everybody. But that was one of the most interesting forum posts I can remember and it just makes so much sense! Seems exactly like the one of thing LL is doing. I think you just totally explained what LL meant by the OP saying they want the new continent to be social. 

For myself, I’ve made quite a few friends by randomly bumping into people and by having good neighbors. I (and probably most people) go to clubs and such to spend a lot of time precisely because the density of people increases and therefore so does the chance of meeting new friends or running into old ones. 

1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

There are a line of folks waiting to snatch the home the second it becomes available. 

LL cannot please everyone.  No matter what they do, some will not like it.  Given how few seem to have abandoned their houses over this tells me that the majority either agree with LL on it or do not mind the new rules enough to move.

Let me put it this way. A couple of days ago, a really nice, Blake region parcel with protected water access came up for sale at a pretty reasonable price. I have seen those parcels pop up before and seen them usually get purchased by a land baron, who multiplies the price heavily, and it just sits empty for ages. So I didn’t wait. I swooped (picture snow leopard swooping) and bought it. It used up my available tier I was saving for an LL home so I no longer have the tier available. 

I still want one of the new LL homes. I’m just wrestling with whether or not it’s worth it to abandon or sell any of my other land. And, if so, which parcel(s). I *really* hate abandoning land.

If someone who has been waiting for months can go from “Wooooo! I got my Blake Land exactly where I wanted it!” to “I still want a LL home” in 48 hours, that’s gotta say something about how great the LL homes are. It’s also pretty iareasnteresting to me how few people teleported into my new parcel to check it out and maybe buy it. Usually, when I buy a parcel, I get a bunch of visitors at first because they see it marked for sale on the world map and it takes a while for the map to update. This time, I got exactly 1 visitor who tp’d in, apologized, and immediately tp’d out. For a Blake parcel with protected access to all the sailing/flying at a price under $5L/m, there was exactly one person who came in looking to buy. To me that is surprising and I cannot help wondering if Bellesaria has absorbed a lot of demand for such things.

Someone in one of these threads said that the new homes were for people who wanted a Blake Sea lifestyle, but could not afford the buy in. And someone else pointed out that LL actually seems to be trying to do Blake one better. I cannot help thinking there is much truth in both those statements. 

And the fact that anyone who abandons their LL home has it taken by someone new within minutes, if not seconds, really says a lot about how well it’s working. LL should feel proud of themselves. While there are a few people who are too afraid of change to even give it a chance, and while there are going to be even fewer people who just won’t like it at all once they try it, I think it is working out as a huge win for the Lab so far and I think that will continue.

Here is my prediction for how it will go:

First of all, griefers are a lot less common and a lot less severe today than they were in the old days that many tell stories of as reasons why ban lines are very important. That won’t change.

But there will be a short term rise in troublemakers testing the limits of what trouble they can make and how air tight the security arrangements can be. 

The level of troublemakers will fade within a month, but probably much less time.

The new continent will become a haven for groups like GTFO, Drivers of SL, as well as the various sailing and aviation groups. It will host events, like the Drivers’ regular drives and it will serve as a long distance transit corridor. Travel related faciliti s built there, like GTFO hubs, for example, will compete with Blake región equivalents for popularity and might even top them. 

The density of people living in LL homes will stay high compared to the original LL homes, but it will never be a truly “dense” area.

My crystal ball is nothing special, but we will see how well my predictions hold up. 🙂


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  • Moles

Advice for those of you waiting for the next round of Linden Homes to be released and are considering abandoning your parcel somewhere else on mainland first:

1. DON'T abandon it (yet)
2. Create or use a group you are the Owner of and has at least one other member so it won't be disbanded (an alt account is best for this).
3. DEED the land to that group and contribute the tier you were using for the land to the group to support the group owned land.
4. When the new homes come out, remove the tier contribution to the group before you try to get one.
5. If you don't get one, go back and donate your tier back to the group.
6. If you do get one and do not wish to keep the group owned land (or pay extra tier fees), abandon or sell the mainland parcel you do not wish to keep.

I know this does not work if you have an older Linden Home (since you cannot deed the land to a group), but for the rest it is good way to insure you don't lose the land you have if the new style of Linden Homes you want are all gone already in the next round of releases.



Edited by Abnor Mole
putting emfasiss on the appropriate cillahbells
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17 minutes ago, Abnor Mole said:

Advice for those of you waiting for the next round of Linden Homes to be released and are considering abandoning your parcel somewhere else on mainland first:

1. DON'T abandon it (yet)
2. Create or use a group you are the Owner of and has at least one other member so it won't be disbanded (an alt account is best for this).
3. DEED the land to that group and contribute the tier you were using for the land to the group to support the group owned land.
4. When the new homes come out, remove the tier contribution to the group before you try to get one.
5. If you don't get one, go back and donate your tier back to the group.
6. If you do get one and do not wish to keep the group owned land (or pay extra tier fees), abandon or sell the mainland parcel you do not wish to keep.

I know this does not work if you have an older Linden Home (since you cannot deed the land to a group), but for the rest it is good way to insure you don't lose the land you have if the new style of Linden Homes you want are all gone already in the next round of releases.



I am a bit confused with this but might just be reading it incorrectly.

You CANNOT DEED the Linden Homes to a group, you can only SET to a group. 

But again, I got lost in your step by step so may simply be confused. 


OK EDITING as I saw who posted that LOL and they should know.

Since I am NOT new, maybe it really is just confusing. I have a group, I have land deeded to a group so that isn't new. Still confused. Don't worry about me as I am not going to abandon anything, but thinking this might not be clear to others either LOL.

OR just a BLONDE day here. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
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2 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I am a bit confused with this but might just be reading it incorrectly.

You CANNOT DEED the Linden Homes to a group, you can only SET to a group. 

But again, I got lost in your step by step so may simply be confused. 

He's saying a method to use if you own land other than a linden home so that you can check if there is a linden home available before you abandon mainland thinking you're going to get a home. Basically you take away your donation to group leaving the group in the red for sqm. Then you check quickly to see if a home is available. If it is then you're set but you still have that one group that is at -1024. So you'll need to abandon that mainland to get everything back in the clear.

Does that help? Or did I confuse you more?

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Just now, Blush Bravin said:

He's saying a method to use if you own land other than a linden home so that you can check if there is a linden home available before you abandon mainland thinking you're going to get a home. Basically you take away your donation to group leaving the group in the red for sqm. Then you check quickly to see if a home is available. If it is then you're set but you still have that one group that is at -1024. So you'll need to abandon that mainland to get everything back in the clear.

Does that help? Or did I confuse you more?

Sort of. But we know how all confusing that group land thing is even if we DO IT.  

So you have 24 hours or something before they charge extra tier on mainland that is group owned?  

That didn't work for my alt last year. Ended up paying extra. Not a biggie. 

Unless someone is good at the group deeded land thing, it seems more pragmatic (and less problematic) to just make a new alt and pay the yearly fee (which is basically $15 US for a whole year).   And of course you could SELL your land like you and many others did, hence not losing anything. If someone loves their parcel that much --- seems like they should stay there :D.    

I was never BLONDE, but I was a REDHEAD for many many years (bottle variety) so maybe that fits into the equation. LOL


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  • Moles
12 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I am a bit confused with this but might just be reading it incorrectly.

You CANNOT DEED the Linden Homes to a group, you can only SET to a group. 

But again, I got lost in your step by step so may simply be confused. 


OK EDITING as I saw who posted that LOL and they should know.

Since I am NOT new, maybe it really is just confusing. I have a group, I have land deeded to a group so that isn't new. Still confused. Don't worry about me as I am not going to abandon anything, but thinking this might not be clear to others either LOL.

OR just a BLONDE day here. 

Yes, I did say I know this does not work if you have an older Linden Home (since you cannot deed the land to a group). You can leave your group owned land without enough tier to support it for a short period of time, definitely long enough to try and get a Linden Home with that tier instead without increasing it.* If you try and they are already gone, you put the tier back into the group and keep the land. If you do, then you can sell or abandon the land after you have your new Linden Home.

At least if you abandon your old Linden Home you can get another one of those easily enough. Probably not in the same location, but a home nonetheless while you wait.

*edit: unless something has changed recently on how group land tier contributions works that I'm unaware of. 

Edited by Abnor Mole
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2 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

Advice for those of you waiting for the next round of Linden Homes to be released and are considering abandoning your parcel somewhere else on mainland first:

Abnor Mole is great and wise. It took me a long time to get around to putting land in group. But it's so worth it, not just for the 10% tier bonus, but for the flexibility it gives to do things like he described. 

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6 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

He's saying a method to use if you own land other than a linden home so that you can check if there is a linden home available before you abandon mainland thinking you're going to get a home. ..

Another method I used successfully:

Log into the "give me a home" page NOT as yourself but as one of your Not- Premium Alts. If you don't have one, just make one. They will offer you the best there is, trying to lure you into becoming a Premium. If there is nothing, just try again some other time. If there IS something then you might throw in 9.50 US$ and grab it (I did!)

... or log out, abandon you mainland - or do whatever was adviced to rid yourself of it for the moment - and try to grab it as yourself.

Maybe it will be gone by then - hard luck! ;)



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15 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

There are a line of folks waiting to snatch the home the second it becomes available. 

LL cannot please everyone.  No matter what they do, some will not like it.  Given how few seem to have abandoned their houses over this tells me that the majority either agree with LL on it or do not mind the new rules enough to move.

Yes, yes. My alt still trying to get a house. So to those leaving, I can only say: mais para nós.

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, Easten West said:

Any update on when we will get the Security Orbs?


- Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs early next week

I know, it's Wednesday.  But if there was really any concern, they would have been released with the change.

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5 minutes ago, Gryphon Ronas said:


- Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs early next week

I know, it's Wednesday.  But if there was really any concern, they would have been released with the change.

... and is it true what I've heard about these Linden security orbs? That they send any trespassers to The Corn Field?

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22 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

Log into the "give me a home" page

For some reason I'm finding it difficult to find several of the pages that have been mentioned recently on this thread; probably because I'm just stupid half the time!

May I have a pointer this page, please?

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1 hour ago, Odaks said:

For some reason I'm finding it difficult to find several of the pages that have been mentioned recently on this thread; probably because I'm just stupid half the time!

May I have a pointer this page, please?

You're not stupid, I think it just isn't real clear right now which page offers up the new homes since they're all taken and don't show as an option.  

It should be this page: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/lindenhomes/land-selection.php

Oh, and the new houses show up as the first option when they become available.  

Edited by Callo Dinzel
more info
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OK so i set up a tour covering 90% of the continent......   SLurl here :    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fox%20Chase/226/167/36

but unfortunately unlike mainland these sims have no object entry making the guided tour unable to continue, they get stuck at the next sim crossing if the person leaves the vehicle... (mainland allowed these vehicles to continue non stop across the continent on repeat so people could easily use them.....

my question will the sim roads be made with object entry like the mainland roads? 


 hope you guys enjoy my tour   http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fox%20Chase/226/167/36  it might pass your house!!!  

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