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What are some of your pet peeves?

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Names of groups with some random characters in the beginning and in the end of the actual name.  😠 🤬   That totally destroys any alphabetical order.

~ Awesome Store ~
![Awesome Store]!
.::Awesome Store::.
*Awesome Store*
..::{Awesome Store}::..

I know what your aim is there. But don't do that! 😛

And naturally, display names with some random, not cool, totally unreadable Unicode characters! The special Unicode characters are meant to be used for various languages which actually use those characters in their writing system. They are not meant to "decorate" display names.

Don't do that either!

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16 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

~ Awesome Store ~
![Awesome Store]!
.::Awesome Store::.
*Awesome Store*
..::{Awesome Store}::..

That boat sailed in 1960 though?  I was annoyed by it until I learned the sort order because it confused me.
Once I learned, I was OK. It made sense again. 
But my response to things that annoy me is usually ‘how can I minimize the impact on myself’. I have more success with that. 


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5 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

Names of groups with some random characters in the beginning and in the end of the actual name.  😠 🤬   That totally destroys any alphabetical order.

~ Awesome Store ~
![Awesome Store]!
.::Awesome Store::.
*Awesome Store*
..::{Awesome Store}::..

I know what your aim is there. But don't do that! 😛

And naturally, display names with some random, not cool, totally unreadable Unicode characters! The special Unicode characters are meant to be used for various languages which actually use those characters in their writing system. They are not meant to "decorate" display names.

Don't do that either!

They do it to make sure that their store is listed first in an alphabetic search.

I edit the names of every item in my inventory to remove leading charactars, otherwise I will never find anything I need ever again.

However, I do use some of these special characters to sort my outfits so they do have their uses. 

Edited by Matty Luminos
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   'Tis the season to be unpacking gifts. Neph has been standing on the photo platform most of the afternoon and evening trudging through the boxes - and whilst I quite like unboxing stuff without knowing what they are, it does bring me to a pet peeve of mine ...

   How varied and unpredictable, and generally archaic boxing methods people still use in this day and age.

   It's so simple. Take a prim, or your mesh model, or whatever it is that you want to use as your box - put the products into the box - and put a free 'click-to-unpack' script that works whether it's rezzed or attached, and just pick the box up, attach to HUD > Center, detach, and presto; a box that works whether you attach or rez it, and doesn't muck up your AO or throw scripts and animations in your face when you open it.

   It's just so infuriating when half of the boxes must be rezzed, and half go on your HUD/avatar - and you have no idea which do which, and if you rez a HUD it's two-dimensional so that you can't find it, and if you attach something that's supposed to be rezzed, you suddenly have an intricate prim sandcaslte stuck in your butt. The script I got has been around since at least 2010, and was entirely free, so how people who are serious enough about their SL business to partake in events can't put 5 minutes of thought into how their products are handed over to their customers-- Grr.

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Ok, so I don't post on this thread very often because (of course) equanimity, tolerance, peace, and sisterly love are what I am ALL ABOUT, and if I feel aggrieved about something (which of course I very seldom do, because equanimity, tolerance, etc.), I just take it out on my cat. (No, don't panic, I'm not physically abusive: I just glare at him in a not-very-nice way. He usually deserves it for some reason or another anyway.)


I've been trying, slowly, to convert to BOM. FINALLY, the popular and very well-known skin maker whose products I have been using EXCLUSIVELY came out with an update of their body skins, which now include system layers. The new updated skins are very nice: better, in fact, than the old applier ones, and with more options. So THAT is well and to the good . . .


Said skin maker has not updated their old head appliers. Yes, their new skins for heads include the requisite and necessary tattoo layer that matches the new body skins, but it would appear, as things stand, that if I actually want to go BOM I'm going to need to buy a new skin for my head, for a not inconsiderable sum. Which is annoying, not merely because of the cost, but also because I LIKE MY CURRENT FACE, which I purchased maybe 5 months ago. (I'm glaring at my cat right now. He doesn't care.)


It appears that the new body skins, although issued in what are supposedly the same range of skin tones as the old ones, are actually a little darker, so even the updated appliers no longer match the old faces. ARGGGHH.


I have the following options: 1) waiting longer in the hope that the older skins for heads are updated with new tattoo layers, which is looking increasingly unlikely, B) drop L$1,250 or whatever it is for a new head applier/tattoo layer that I don't like as much as the one that I bought (in case I forgot to mention it) JUST 5 MONTHS AGO, or iii) say screw it, and just scrap these skins entirely and move to a new skin maker that isn't so annoying.


The demos for the newly updated and/or created skins do NOT include all skin tones, which means that I can't even demo them in the skin tone that I'm currently using, but have to get demo versions of head and body skins for ANOTHER, DIFFERENT skin tone. I guess I'm just supposed to hope that if I DO drop $L 1,250 for a new head tattoo layer in my ACTUAL skin tone, it will match!


(My cat definitely just flinched a little.)

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Yeah, this is the first roll out that I just haven’t been able to get into. The whole thing has just been....ugh.

The funny thing was I liked the idea of BoM. I was excited for it. Then it came out and it was just like *raspberry*. New makeup, new skins, skin I’m not happy with.

I’ll wait a little while.

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1 minute ago, janetosilio said:

Yeah, this is the first roll out that I just haven’t been able to get into. The whole thing has just been....ugh.

The funny thing was I liked the idea of BoM. I was excited for it. Then it came out and it was just like *raspberry*. New makeup, new skins, skin I’m not happy with.

I’ll wait a little while.

Yeah. That was my attitude, until my new body skin became available, at which point I thought, I might as well try it. (I'm using a Slink body, which is already out in a fully BOM compatible version.)

The learning curve has been mildly annoying, although once you've got the basics down, it is pretty easy. More to the point, however, very few of my appliers -- makeup, tees, camisoles and undies, jeans and leggings, my one tattoo -- come with system layers (and are very unlikely to be released with an update, I suspect). And I've noticed that a good many "new" applier products, at least the ones available through the weekend sales, seldom have these either, which I find a bit bizarre. And the mesh clothing I'm seeing is frequently not coming with alpha layers, too, so that's going to be a potential problem. So, going BOM is going to require an awful lot of work, searching for replacements for old appliers, as well, of course, as a not-inconsiderable outlay of money.

So, I'm going back into "wait and see" mode. One thing I'm doing now is not buying anything that doesn't come equipped for BOM already. There's no point, really, in getting something that I know I'll have to replace eventually anyway.

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I seem to have been unusually lucky in my transition to the BOM universe, so I am rushing around like mad knocking on as much wood as I can find, hoping that the luck holds.  I have been using a Maitreya Lara body and a LAQ head for some time, and was quite nervous about BOM.  What finally made me bold enough to try it was the promise that I might finally resolve the persistent blurry neck line between them.  Surprisingly, it worked.  Not only that, but I could apply any one of my old favorite LAQ and Belliza skins again and look even more stunning than I had when I was back in my beautiful pre-mesh body.  I am definitely a happy camper now, although still knocking on every plywood prim I see in world.

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Oh, and while I'm on a roll . . .

What's with this new thing for "peak-a-boo" sweaters and tops? I don't mean really short tops that end half way down the breast, revealing large expanses of both under-boobs: those have been around forever. What I'm talking about are the ones where just one side of the sweater has just "happened" to "sneak" up over one breast, displaying under-boob or even a bit more, sometimes?

This isn't really a peeve, because I don't actually really care, and it affects me not at all. I'm not judgy even a little bit!

No, really!

But it's such a weird look! It looks so completely contrived: tops just don't do that in RL, unless they are already really really short, and thus already halfway on their journey to your collar bone. Mostly, you'd have to carefully and deliberately arrange your sweater to produce this effect, but I presume that the idea is that this is supposed to be accidental, like "Oops! I seem to be displaying rather more of one breast than I meant to! However did that happen!?!?" (*blink blink flutter flutter*)

And it looks uncomfortable! I keep wanting to run over to people and pull their sweaters down properly, not because I'm offended by the sight of their breast, but as a favour to them. Like when you have to decide whether or not to tell that nice young girl walking in front of you that she's caught the back hem of her skirt in her backpack strap, and is (presumably accidentally) showing off her panties (which may or may not be worth showing off) to everyone walking behind her.

Anyway, as I say, I don't really care, and I'm not being at all censorious about it (No, really!). I just find it an interesting new trend (assuming that it is new? Or newish?)

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On 12/17/2019 at 9:13 AM, Panteleeva said:

random dude at winter sim:you are so white!




Is there a herd of random dudes doing this? When Seicher is really pale I also get this! Right now she's been in the sun a bit to get some vitamin D and so the comments are gone. But yeah, what's up with that?

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54 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

lots of stuff I read and agreed with about BOM ... and her cat, who is now plotting some dastardly revenge against Scylla who finally made him/her/them jump


So, going BOM is going to require an awful lot of work, searching for replacements for old appliers, as well, of course, as a not-inconsiderable outlay of money.

The last time I left SL for a considerable amount of time it was during the system to MESH EVERYTHING revolution. Learning curve. I was deer in headlights.  This time I come back to BOM and something they are doing to Windlights. Learning and unlearning curves. Eff it. I'll end up taking a break from SL and the whole thing will change again. Yay! I'll bet this is what bears feel like when they wake up from hibernation. "Wtf? This wasn't like this before!"

Plus, I lost a bunch of important stuff just to update my viewer so I'd stop seeing the patchwork people. Major grrrr moment.

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I was thinking of this very thread yesterday when I TP'd into what turned out to be a rather busy shopping event.* Yes, yes, we all know so many people just cam. Well, news flash folks, a lot of people still walk these events. There was a huge pile up of avatars right at the TP spot. Move you mf's! So I plow through that. Then there is a bottleneck at the one entrance. I was trying so hard to not bump into any of these people when I finally just got too fed up and thought eff it and did just plow through people with nary a "sorry, sorry" in local. Nope. Is is SO hard to move over just a bit and stay out of the way? Do you stand in the doorway of the supermarket, in herds, to look at your phone, thus preventing others from passing?! Oh, right, yeah, you do. I know this has probably been complained about every other page in this thread, but sheez. Honestly. Harumph.

AND (no cat to throw shade upon)

This was a "man's" event. What is it about the new(?) trend of guys with pitbulls or other perceived macho dogs in tow and the dogs bark and growl, loudly? So so loudly. There were avatars with their dogs in attendance all over the place, and then the stupid, busy, laggy sim also had a herd of these things running around as decoration. They should rename the place "The Kennel Cave." I'm generally in quiet places, or places where I want to hear the gentle ambient noise. So when I pop into a place where I'm quietly minding my own business (or plowing through people), concentrating on what I'm doing, the loud barking, plus physical bumps, just throws me for a loop.


*event? Really? Are they actually so lofty as to be considered events? I grumble about snow storms that have somehow morphed into snow events too. You kids really need to get off my lawn.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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33 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

There was a huge pile up of avatars right at the TP spot.

That right there is my pet peeve.

I gave up trying to be polite about it ages ago. I plow over every one of those mofos and IDGAF. I don't care if you can't see or if nothing has rezzed for you yet - MOVE. You can still see your keyboard, can't you?! SO MOVE. 

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23 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

You haven't looked at the actual events list lately, apparently. Just saying. :D

With the events comment, the fact that they are all practically the same. Booths, very little creativity and uniqueness. I would like to see someone create a real experience when I go shopping, immerse me in the world that they created. Nope, we get booths. That and there are too many events in general. Can you say oversaturated much?

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11 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

With the events comment, the fact that they are all practically the same. Booths, very little creativity and uniqueness. I would like to see someone create a real experience when I go shopping, immerse me in the world that they created. Nope, we get booths. That and there are too many events in general. Can you say oversaturated much?

The primary meaning of event in this context, to me, has always been "Something special to witness or experience"; the operative word being special.

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13 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

The primary meaning of event in this context, to me, has always been "Something special to witness or experience"; the operative word being special.

That is what I am getting at. What is so special about going to these "events"? I get nothing special to witness or experience from them. Just a shopping thingy, like every other shopping thingy.

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34 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

With the events comment, the fact that they are all practically the same. Booths, very little creativity and uniqueness.

I'm the complete opposite when it comes to shopping events. I want them to be as stripped down as possible so I can easily cam vendor to vendor, grab what I want, and get out. I'm not there to be entertained, I'm there to shop. 

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10 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I'm the complete opposite when it comes to shopping events. I want them to be as stripped down as possible so I can easily cam vendor to vendor, grab what I want, and get out. I'm not there to be entertained, I'm there to shop. 

I just want cyclically changing shopping venues to stop calling themselves "events." (Was my original point.) I'm not losing sleep about it. It's just annoying, like people who put two R's in their pronunciation of sherbet.

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I guess not a peeve, just an opinion and some (hopefully humorous) ’peeve prevention’. Yes I know many people are protective of their peeve pets but some of us also take pleasure in working them out. I find it oddly satisfying when I can solve one of mine and shopping events was a biggie! Just a fun if long post so just skip if not in the mood for some silliness, I have a cold and I’m a bit bored today. 

For my needs and tastes there are still too many and too frequent strictly shopping events on the grid that each last too long, more often than biannual or quarterly for any of the booth or machine events (without an immersive sim or an entertainment factor too) just isn’t very interesting for me anymore unless I really like the theme. A shopping event grinding on after 2 weeks with 3 people on the sim full of samey-same shopping displays just lost any excitement for me. I’ve really stopped being excited for any monthly events. 

this is where the cut would go, if this forum supported them. 😉

Fauve’s Shopping Event Peeve Prevention Tactics:

  • Follow my favorite creators for advance sneak peeks, this is fun just because I’m a curious person. I usually do it on Discord or Flickr and it’s much *more* fun since I completely stopped using Facebook for SL. But FBxSL is another peeve/rant completely.
  • Peruse the shopping guide if there is one. Yes stores are always missing, but it still saves time.
  • Alpha myself or wear my my low-weight, no script shopping suit of the moment.
  • Set ‘render friends only’ (persistent after TP), engage my pre-made mostly-potato-level graphics preset. LOD on 4 so inevitable crappy meshes will render in the shopping area but prepared to switch it back to to 2 to evaluate the rez area items.
  • Turn all remaining SL sounds off, preferably turn on nice music of my own choosing in the background,
  • Premium status means little to no waiting, I actually threw out my tp hammer, so...TP in, move about 5 steps Backward, fewer people bunch up behind the TP point, everyone rushes forward.
  • Cam out, adjust draw distance to fit the event, no larger. 
  • Go AFK for at least 5 minutes so everything rezzes fully. Might seem wasteful but it saves time because I can shop much more quickly when things are rezzed. Use this time to procure a tasty beverage, possibly mildly alcoholic, and a snack if necessary to prevent (excessive) hangry snark over the sartorial offerings.
  • Cam shop counter clockwise for the first half of the booths, clockwise for the second, TP to the rez area if I’m considering anything there, look at the wireframes. grab a demo of anything I’m uncertain of, usually throw it away untested in my monthly cleaning because I rarely return after he first visit anyway. 😹
  • Return home, stick everything in a labeled and dated folder and spend the next {unspecified time, but usually up to a month} pulling out a new thing in odd free moments and wearing or placing them. 

I like hearing how people do things like shopping in SL, especially if they are funny and reflective lists or in an amusing how-to format but I can’t really think of a good new thread topic for it, maybe ‘How I do...X in SL”?

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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

I just want cyclically changing shopping venues to stop calling themselves "events." (Was my original point.) I'm not losing sleep about it. It's just annoying, like people who put two R's in their pronunciation of sherbet.

Remember when they were “events?” 

Cyclically changing shopping venues are exactly what they are now. It used to be “Omg X opens tomorrow!” You’d marvel at the sim and how creatively it was done.

 Now it’s like “X opens tomorrow, will they have anything worth buying?” Or “Yeah, x opened yesterday...I bought like 2 things.”

I really wish HUD shopping caught on.

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1 minute ago, janetosilio said:

Remember when they were “events?” 

Cyclically changing shopping venues are exactly what they are now. It used to be “Omg X opens tomorrow!” You’d marvel at the sim and how creatively it was done.

 Now it’s like “X opens tomorrow, will they have anything worth buying?” Or “Yeah, x opened yesterday...I bought like 2 things.”

I really wish HUD shopping caught on.

I do miss PocketShop and PocketGacha. I loved the HUD shopping.

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