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What are some of your pet peeves?

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On 12/7/2019 at 5:14 PM, Odaks said:

You want to try a demo on in the store, in front of everybody? Simple! Just put the demo on, then take the original outfit off.

Unless you're already out of attachments points (and probably lagging everyones' viewers with your high complexity), this really is too easy:)

not just demos, but any clothing change, TP to a club and realize you should have worn something else.  Put on the new then take off the old. I do this all the time.

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So I'm a bit late with this, but I just realized this forum turned a year old a few days ago. i never thought it would have gotten 10 replies, and its surpassed 100 pages, which has just, blown my mind to be honest. So to celebrate I thought I would post an updated list and to say thanks for sort of making this Unofficial-yet-official rant page of sorts and keeping it  (For the most part anyway, we've had our moments when stuff has gotten pretty heated LOL) civil when discussing the things that annoy you most, I didn't expect this forum to continue going for as long as it has, so thanks y'all so much for that, heres to hoping this forum is still active come this time next year, and many more to come ❤️ 



Above is my old list, so below is a new one

  • Empty Profiles are still one
  • So are the unreadable fancy fonts
  • and no AO
  • When you ask for store recommendations and theirs always that one person who goes "MP"....the MP isn't a store! its a place where you can FIND stores!
  • People who wear, companions (Cats, dogs) Wings, bumpers, spankers and other unnecessary things to shopping events, that are known for lag to begin with!
  • People who go off if you can't spend every minute with them and arent willing to drop everything your doing when they log in
  • Sympathy Seekers. The people who will whine about noone caring about their problems or about them, but refuse to talk about it when asked.
  • People who can't take a joke, No matter how careful you are about the jokes you crack, theres always one whose gotta get offended
  • People being rude when you are simply trying to help them
  • Unrealistic proportions on Avatars
  • When your mesh bits don't match
Edited by IvyLarae
Grammatical Errors plus added more
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5 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

When you ask for store recommendations and theirs always that one person who goes "MP"....the MP isn't a store! its a place where you can FIND stores!

I beg to defer with this as described. LOL I recommend MP all the time, though I am specific with exact brands/creators (Specific MP stores.) If you mean people who just suggest "Marketplace" full-stop, then I do concur with you!

One of my pet-peeves (unrelated to the above): If someone accidentally revives a Necro'd thread and the next reply is nothing more than scolding them for reviving a necro'd thread.

Seriously? At least have some useful input then mention that it's bad form to revive the thread. (And for the record< these people are using web-search to find these and not realizing what they are finding). I know a revived necro'd thread is a pet peeve for some people and not for others. It is what it is, I suppose.

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On 12/22/2019 at 12:52 AM, IvyLarae said:

So I'm a bit late with this, but I just realized this forum turned a year old a few days ago. i never thought it would have gotten 10 replies, and its surpassed 100 pages, which has just, blown my mind to be honest. So to celebrate I thought I would post an updated list and to say thanks for sort of making this Unofficial-yet-official rant page of sorts and keeping it  (For the most part anyway, we've had our moments when stuff has gotten pretty heated LOL) civil when discussing the things that annoy you most, I didn't expect this forum to continue going for as long as it has, so thanks y'all so much for that, heres to hoping this forum is still active come this time next year, and many more to come ❤️ 



Above is my old list, so below is a new one

  • Empty Profiles are still one
  • So are the unreadable fancy fonts
  • and no AO
  • When you ask for store recommendations and theirs always that one person who goes "MP"....the MP isn't a store! its a place where you can FIND stores!
  • People who wear, companions (Cats, dogs) Wings, bumpers, spankers and other unnecessary things to shopping events, that are known for lag to begin with!
  • People who go off if you can't spend every minute with them and arent willing to drop everything your doing when they log in
  • Sympathy Seekers. The people who will whine about noone caring about their problems or about them, but refuse to talk about it when asked.
  • People who can't take a joke, No matter how careful you are about the jokes you crack, theres always one whose gotta get offended
  • People being rude when you are simply trying to help them
  • Unrealistic proportions on Avatars
  • When your mesh bits don't match

4 of these issues would be a non-issue by derendering people.  You can't get people to change but you can change what you look at hehe. I agree with you about those fancy unreadable fonts. Also the many sucky display names and especially the ones with the fancy unreadable fonts. I only really like the old SL last names but since so many people complained about wanting their OWN last name we have the Resident situation with the display names feature. Then people wanted regular last names so soon there will be the option to buy a last name which is only fair I think. If people want to complain then let them pay for the feature they want lol. Sometimes just too much complaining. It's a virtual world, not going to be perfect. How can we expect so when RL isn't either.

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With great weeping and clenching of my teeth I've learned to tolerate most no mod products.

But there are some that are practically unusable if they're not modifiable and I wish creators understood this.

Furniture is one. For the love of God, I'm not a three meter tall amazon! I look ridiculous on your megabed and if I can't resize it I can't realistically use it.

Unrigged hair is another. Modify is absolutely needed so I can make it fit or change it to look good under a hood or hat. Or, you know, tint it... Which one often does with hair even in real life. And veeeery few hair makers other than slink allow me to individually color parts of it, on top of that, which I could do with modify as well.

Bonus peeve: no mod products with scripts that don't allow me to delete them. I cannot and will not walk around with several megabytes of unused scripts in my attachments! It makes me feel like an absolute butt when I go to clubs or events! Make them mod or let me delete them some other way, please!



I think that's all the peeves out of my system for a while.

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So, I see this post is a year old and still going... I can not remember if I posted previously and am to lazy to look.


So, in this time of the season where loving, community, peace on earth and all that is supposed to grasp our bodes and take hold while we all do random acts of giving...

 It makes me sad in the face a lot of you put as pet peeves how peoples avatars look.... I mean do you go around in life like that to real people?? Oh your nose does not match your face, sorry it is to big.. You are unworthy of my time... ?

I dislike the sad people who think people are not worthy of a chat because they are not wearing the latest mesh body and heads and hair....

 It is singularly the biggest insight to how shallow people are and I avoid them like the plague.. (No offense meant to anyone)


Have a wonderful Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and May peace, love, and unity bring a happy Kwanzaa to you.

I am going to try in the new year to not be so superficial and I will be more accepting of the differences in each person that makes them who they are.





Edited by Tarina Sewell
okay upside down font.. that is my pet peeve. I refuse to even try t read it and I judge you, yes I do. DA
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2 hours ago, Tarina Sewell said:

I mean do you go around in life like that to real people?? Oh your nose does not match your face, sorry it is to big.. You are unworthy of my time... ?


I really try not to judge all books by their cover in any situation (even though we all make some judgements based on what we initially see, it’s human nature and first instinct) but in SL we have huge amounts of choice in very easily changing so much about how we look, so for me, there’s not really a fair comparison between this kind of judgement RL and SL. It’s a whole other conversation about bias in a world where things like sex/gender/age/race/skin color and so many other things are completely changeable with the click of a mouse. 

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12 hours ago, Sommerland Starostin said:

4 of these issues would be a non-issue by derendering people. 

You can derender people, and I usually walk around with friends only activated for that very reason, but just because you can't see the, doesn't mean the complexity and script count of their avatars doesn't boggle down a sim. You may not be able to see them, but their avatars are still on the sim and the unneeded attachments they have, dogs, cats, wings, Particle bumpers, spankers etc can still cause a significant amount of lag on a sim

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6 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

... in SL we have huge amounts of choice in very easily changing so much about how we look, so for me, there’s not really a fair comparison between this kind of judgement RL and SL. It’s a whole other conversation about bias in a world where things like sex/gender/age/race/skin color and so many other things are completely changeable with the click of a mouse. 

You can't really be suggesting that it's somehow more acceptable to be sexist/racist/ageist in SL just because we can "change" those characteristics on our avatars?

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5 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

You can't really be suggesting that it's somehow more acceptable to be sexist/racist/ageist in SL just because we can "change" those characteristics on our avatars?

Ditto this.

Also, a peeve of mine (and I will actually call this one a real Peeve over an annoyance): When people feel some need to comment in a "how do I..." computer-related thread, that "I have no problem at all, because I have the new $53,000 Mac Pro!!! Lulz!" Obviously I parody that, but you know what I mean. They like to hype how super-powerful their Gamerz Box is and that's about it. No one cares.

And an annoyance I may have mentioned before: Those who respond to a new comment in a necro'd thread with nothing but a scolding for reviving a necro'd thread and nothing else. Sheesh. At least contribute something, anything useful to the most recent comment, then mention that i's an old thread. Otherwise you actually worse than the one reviving the thread; you're the one keeping it alive. Have a heart, people make boo-boos all the time. Don't kick someone when they're down because they happened to trip while walking.

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19 hours ago, Tarina Sewell said:

 It makes me sad in the face a lot of you put as pet peeves how peoples avatars look.... I mean do you go around in life like that to real people?? Oh your nose does not match your face, sorry it is to big.. You are unworthy of my time... ?

I gotta be honest, when I see a shirtless guy with a 24” prosthetic wiener sticking out of his pants in Wal-Mart, I start to get a little judgmentally

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I'm being a grumpy photo person with this one. I like looking at SL photography, in the forums, FB, even the dreaded Flickr. There's a bit of snobbery about Black Dragon among photo folk. BD does take beautiful photos, but not all computers can run it, and not all people who can run it want to. It is not a perfect, easy viewer.

So peeve 1: Quit with the BD snobbery s'ready. Give it a rest.

2: In BD you can tilt and rotate shots. It is a cool effect and is very useful. However, since that came out everyone is tilting everything in every single shot. It is so overused and badly used that it makes it difficult for me to even look at those photos any more.

3: Ok, this one is REALLY picky, but it makes my eyes twitch: Vertical lines in photos should be vertical, not converging. Not always, not by a long shot (pun!). But if you have telephone poles they should go up and down, not lean. If you have edges of a wall showing, they should go up and down, not lean. To get them to be vertical you need to spend time with camera placement. Too low, shooting up at your subject, will make the vertical lines lean. Same with shooting down. You can still aim the camera from a low or high perspective but keep the camera level. And breaking this "rule" can give some terrific shots! Like I said, this one is picky, but I just saw way too much of the leaning pictures today and my eyes are quivering. :)

I have other photography pet peeves...


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Black Dragon is the SL version of an Audiophile with cedarwood speakers, a turntable with vacuum tubes on it, hi-fi reels, etc, etc.

The funny thing is I like Black Dragon..a lot. It’s just like anything else in SL that people get snobby about; kinda tarnishes the product a little when people get like that.

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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

I'm being a grumpy photo person with this one. I like looking at SL photography, in the forums, FB, even the dreaded Flickr. There's a bit of snobbery about Black Dragon among photo folk. BD does take beautiful photos, but not all computers can run it, and not all people who can run it want to. It is not a perfect, easy viewer.

So peeve 1: Quit with the BD snobbery s'ready. Give it a rest.

2: In BD you can tilt and rotate shots. It is a cool effect and is very useful. However, since that came out everyone is tilting everything in every single shot. It is so overused and badly used that it makes it difficult for me to even look at those photos any more.

3: Ok, this one is REALLY picky, but it makes my eyes twitch: Vertical lines in photos should be vertical, not converging. Not always, not by a long shot (pun!). But if you have telephone poles they should go up and down, not lean. If you have edges of a wall showing, they should go up and down, not lean. To get them to be vertical you need to spend time with camera placement. Too low, shooting up at your subject, will make the vertical lines lean. Same with shooting down. You can still aim the camera from a low or high perspective but keep the camera level. And breaking this "rule" can give some terrific shots! Like I said, this one is picky, but I just saw way too much of the leaning pictures today and my eyes are quivering. :)

I have other photography pet peeves...


Ditto this. And BD does not take great pictures... it just makes it easier for the amateurs (EDIT to clarify - not amateurs in terms of picture-taking, but rather with regard to knowledge of viewer controls and the power of the mighty keyboard-commands LOL.) I can take just as great 100% in-world pictures with the LL Viewer. As for how good (or not) a picture is: That's the "photographic eyes" of the person composing the shot, not the viewer at all. And I agree with the tilted aspects - way, way over-used. It should only be used for effect. An effect is an effect because it's unusual or helps to tell the story. Too much of anything begets desensitizing to it and it turn into "meh."

@janetosilio I disagree; BD is more like Instagram, a-la filters. Just like anyone can pull the trigger of a gun, anyone can click a few buttons to create "FX".

I'd love to see a "photo contest" that is limited 100% to the LL Viewer and the picture must include full Viewer UI in it. That would be fun to see. LOL

Edited by Alyona Su
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3 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Ditto this. And BD does not take great pictures... it just makes it easier for the amateurs. I can take just as great 100% in-world pictures with the LL Viewer. As for how good (or not) a picture is: That's the "photographic eyes" of the person composing the shot, not the viewer at all. And I agree with the tilted aspects - way, way over-used. It should only be used for effect. An effect is an effect because it's unusual or helps to tell the story. Too much of anything begets desensitizing to it and it turn into "meh."



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30 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

2: In BD you can tilt and rotate shots. It is a cool effect and is very useful. However, since that came out everyone is tilting everything in every single shot. It is so overused and badly used that it makes it difficult for me to even look at those photos any more.

This ^^  

I'm getting to where I mostly just skim right past any Flickr or Forum post where the person is sideways (unless it is a true laying down shot) or mostly sideways, or even slightly tilted if they do it to pretty much every one of their pictures.  A tilt on a photo every now and then can look nice, but it is just so overused.

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9 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:


@janetosilio I disagree; BD is more like Instagram, a-la filters. Just like anyone can pull the trigger of a gun, anyone can click a few buttons to create "FX".

Yeah, but see it’s not filters or anything like that. There’s obviously a lot of unused settings in the SL viewer that aren’t used that Black Dragon actually uses and it makes a big difference in what you can actually see. In other words, it uses settings that have always been there and they look great.

Also, anyone can pull the trigger of a gun, that doesn’t mean they can shoot. I’m not going to poo-poo someone for using black dragon, because now you’re falling into the trap that was just mentioned, I.e judging someone for the viewer they’re using.

Its a good viewer, it’s just super technical which puts it out of reach for the average SL user. Not my daily driver, but it does unlock a lot of potential in SL.



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20 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Yeah, but see it’s not filters or anything like that. There’s obviously a lot of unused settings in the SL viewer that aren’t used that Black Dragon actually uses and it makes a big difference in what you can actually see. In other words, it uses settings that have always been there and they look great.

Also, anyone can pull the trigger of a gun, that doesn’t mean they can shoot. I’m not going to poo-poo someone for using black dragon, because now you’re falling into the trap that was just mentioned, I.e judging someone for the viewer they’re using.

Its a good viewer, it’s just super technical which puts it out of reach for the average SL user. Not my daily driver, but it does unlock a lot of potential in SL.



I concur, BD is a good viewer for what it's designed for. I'm among those who actually loves the LL viewer (and those based closely on it., like Catznip), and I do admit I've been in SL for a few days so I do know all those features and where to find them that BD and even FS create panels for. My main "pulling a trigger" is directed where it applies and I think most of us can see where that happens a lot. LOL Once in a while, sure. But every. Single. Picture? :D

39 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

My only knowledge of BD comes from the behavior I've seen from the person that made it, and the behavior is atrocious. No way in hell I would every patronize that POS. 

He's okay, though I think he forgets that his knowledge and general efforts to be information tends to feel condescending sometimes. I get it. Though there are those *other* people who outright express their "greater-than-thou-ness*. All. The. Time.

30 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm getting to where I mostly just skim right past any Flickr or Forum post where the person is sideways (unless it is a true laying down shot) or mostly sideways, or even slightly tilted if they do it to pretty much every one of their pictures.  A tilt on a photo every now and then can look nice, but it is just so overused.

I'm with you on this. I'll go ahead and add: no creativity when every picture is the same skin/hair/outfit, etc. in every shot. I like to think of pictures as telling the story. We can only handle the same story over and over so many time before it gets burnt-out. LOL Not a pet-peeve, but "skip-worthy" indeed.

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