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What are some of your pet peeves?

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29 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Regarding the no nudity...well, understanding all the written words is not easy...I just thought I had read nudity was for Adult only.   Learn something new every day.  

No worries. When in doubt it is always best to err on the "safe" side, right?

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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I am sure you're right, as often as not, although I'm also certain that there are creators who believe that loading adult animations into objects like this will make them more marketable. (Possibly, also, they feel it justifies charging somewhat more for it, something that we often see when there are both PG and A rated versions of an object available).

This is usually the case; nothing in SL is sacred anymore.. The good news is that if it's AVsitter, it's really easy to make it PG (no adult copulation stuff) - just edit the AVpos notecard and find all the "TOMENU..." that go to the adult parts (usually TOMENU ADULT) - just put a # in front of those lines. Now that button will not appear on the menu and you won't break anything (even undo it later if you want).

Edit to add: If the creator is a real blockhead and makes that notecard no-modify, then copy all of it, create a new notecard called AVpos, paste and change, then replace the notecard inside the object. And your object IS modify, right? Never buy no-modify animation-based objects. Ever. LOL

Edited by Alyona Su
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55 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And yes, the washing machine has adult animations. I sort of get this, maybe: Harriet's in the basement, doing her womanly duties and wringing out her black frillies, when in pops Ozzie, feeling a little randy. Next thing you know, little David and Ricky Nelson have a new baby brother. Sure, whatever.

One of my uncles got exactly that idea one afternoon. He and my aunt actually caved in the washer's lid, which stood as proof ever-after (I saw it!) that the two of them knew how to have fun. That new washer was a gift to her, to make up for his using the previous wringer model to attempt a mass-descaling of bluegills he'd brought home from a day of fishing.

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25 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Most creators assume, correctly, that the real onus is on the purchaser to ensure that the object is used appropriately.

This is where we see a parallel between this conversation and the ongoing discussion in our other thread about Things That Make SL Hard for Newbies. After nearly 13 years in SL, I find it hard to remember how much of my first days here were spent in a fog. However, I do remember the "AHA!" moment when I finally realized how animations work. It was one of the triggers that started me stumbling down the road to becoming a scripter. I suspect that there are a lot of newbies out there who have absolutely no idea why their standing fans and ironing boards make them do the whoop-de-do tango with the milkman. And fewer yet who know how to make them stop doing it.

15 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

The good news is that if it's AVsitter, it's really easy to make it PG (no adult copulation stuff) - just edit the AVpos notecard and find all the "TOMENU..." that go to the adult parts (usually TOMENU ADULT) - just put a # in front of those lines. Now that button will not appear on the menu and you won't break anything (even undo it later if you want).

And another large fraction who would find those simple instructions too intimidating to follow. As a scripter, I am forever amazed by how little people know about how scripted things work.  As a helper in the Answers forum for many years, though, I am rarely surprised by their honest, bemused questions.

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2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

And fewer yet who know how to make them stop doing it.

Now, there's a nightmare scenario.

Surely Dante has imagined something like this for one of his many fiendish eternal punishments in Inferno?

Maddy, you might know, being a denizen and all.

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So ... this just happened.


[07:58] Person: hi
[07:58] Responder: Hi
[07:59] Person: i have a question
[07:59] Responder: Go ahead and ask your question.
[08:02] Person: anyone can help me?
[08:03] Other Responder: What do you need?
[08:03] Responder: Just ask the question already
[08:04] Rhonda Huntress: What can we help you with?
[08:12] Person: nvm.  i'll ask again when the mods are on


Not really a pet peeve.  More like a head banger.

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33 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

And another large fraction who would find those simple instructions too intimidating to follow.

Yes, we are surrounded by [insert adjective and noun]. Which is why my response is often, I"ll be happy to do it for you for a fee, since I'd just be doing what you'd be doing, nothing special about it.

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:
35 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

And another large fraction who would find those simple instructions too intimidating to follow.

Yes, we are surrounded by [insert adjective and noun]. Which is why my response is often, I"ll be happy to do it for you for a fee, since I'd just be doing what you'd be doing, nothing special about it.

Well, not quite.  I was not implying that anyone who can;t follow those simple directions is deficient in any way. There are plenty of people who genuinely cannot understand simple directions.  For some, the problem may be a language difficulty or a morbid fear of breaking something. For others, a totally excusable unfamiliarity with the lay of the land ("So ... um ... what's a notecard?")  I wasn't making any moral judgment about why people find instructions too intimidating to follow.  It's just a fact of life that some people do.  For something as easy as screwing in a light bulb, I'm usually inclined to take a second and say, "Here.  Let me show you..." (Of course, I occasionally regret it a half hour later....)

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4 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Well, not quite.  I was not implying that anyone who can;t follow those simple directions is deficient in any way. There are plenty of people who genuinely cannot understand simple directions.  For some, the problem may be a language difficulty or a morbid fear of breaking something. For others, a totally excusable unfamiliarity with the lay of the land ("So ... um ... what's a notecard?")  I wasn't making any moral judgment about why people find instructions too intimidating to follow.  It's just a fact of life that some people do.  For something as easy as screwing in a light bulb, I'm usually inclined to take a second and say, "Here.  Let me show you..." (Of course, I occasionally regret it a half hour later....)

If I learn someone is dyslexic, I try to send them links to youtube videos rather than words. 

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Merchants who have a Demo tag attached to an item for sale, but when you click it you get the message "Sorry, this product does not have a demo".   Seriously ?!?!?!?!   Those particular vendors come in multiple versions - all in the same purchased box - including ones without the Demo tag.  Ugh.

No sale.

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On November 1, 2019 at 11:42 AM, Rolig Loon said:

I'm usually inclined to take a second and say, "Here.  Let me show you..." (Of course, I occasionally regret it a half hour later....)

I have the same inclination, however that potential regret often leads me to actually say "Here, Let me do it."

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35 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Merchants who have a Demo tag attached to an item for sale, but when you click it you get the message "Sorry, this product does not have a demo".   Seriously ?!?!?!?!   Those particular vendors come in multiple versions - all in the same purchased box - including ones without the Demo tag.  Ugh.

No sale.

Or when they advertise it for specific bodies, and in the demo you only find one of the bodies that it's rigged for. So how am I supposed to see if this specific item works for my Belleza Body, when it only has Maitreya in the box? I tend to not buy it or put it in my shopping list.

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Showing up at a store to check out a sale item - some type of furniture or landscaping item - and not being able to find a rezzed version anywhere at the store.  I'm not buying rezzable items without being able to see them first - and I don't mean seeing a freakin picture.


Quite a few things hitting my frustration buttons today.

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Pet peeve: People who are too lazy or entitled to even consider walking their avatar from a landing point to a venue / club. Case in point: my place. It's an explorable build that's open to the public and includes the venue where I put on my live music shows. I built it with a teleport hub at ground level that has teleports to various locations including the venue. But does anyone ever use it? Not a chance. Unless I put the landing point inside the venue, no-one bothers turning up. I mean what does it take? Three steps and a click. But no, that's asking too much. Grrr......

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People (not beggar bots) that can't take no for an answer they IM wanting L$100+ for something frivolous claiming they "accidentally" spent it elsewhere, you give some no reason like if you give them the L$ you wont be able to afford rent so they try asking for less L$ thinking you can magically afford it

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15 hours ago, Alazarin Mondrian said:

Pet peeve: People who are too lazy or entitled to even consider walking their avatar from a landing point to a venue / club. Case in point: my place. It's an explorable build that's open to the public and includes the venue where I put on my live music shows. I built it with a teleport hub at ground level that has teleports to various locations including the venue. But does anyone ever use it? Not a chance. Unless I put the landing point inside the venue, no-one bothers turning up. I mean what does it take? Three steps and a click. But no, that's asking too much. Grrr......

Lets be fair, though: If someone clicks a SLURL to your venue and lands somewhere and there is no venue within sight, they, more often than not, may get the impression "It's obviously moved". They also may be on-the-hunt and sim-hopping. No time to explore to find a teleport to some dance floor way up in some unseeable skybox that may or may not exist; it's too easy to TP to the next venue on the list. Just saying.

12 hours ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

OK a genuine peeve - land ads that make no mention of the maturity rating. Can't be donkeyed to mention it? Then I can't be donkeyed to even click on it even if you manage to provide an SLURL. How hard is either? :)

This is why I shop for land using the in-world map. Much easier, at a glance, to see all that you need: Region rating, parcel size, price, actual location, all within the map. My genuine pet peeve are land advertisers who like to use the word "Protected" when there is zero "protected" anything anywhere near their parcel, as "Protected" in land advertising refers to the view along witht whether to not someone can build anything next to you They think a 2 Meter wide gap between parcels means "protected". ~rolls eyes~

11 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

People (not beggar bots) that can't take no for an answer they IM wanting L$100+ for something frivolous claiming they "accidentally" spent it elsewhere, you give some no reason like if you give them the L$ you wont be able to afford rent so they try asking for less L$ thinking you can magically afford it

This is why there is a "Block" (a.k.a. mute) button. :) But I ike to reply to those people, usually with something like: "No problem! I'll pass you a loan application and you just return it to me with a L$1000 application fee and you'll have your L$100 instantly and with NO INTEREST!!"

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16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Showing up at a store to check out a sale item - some type of furniture or landscaping item - and not being able to find a rezzed version anywhere at the store.  I'm not buying rezzable items without being able to see them first - and I don't mean seeing a freakin picture.


Quite a few things hitting my frustration buttons today.

This so much! 

The same applies to houses and buildings but even more so. If I can't see like 15 pictures on MP showing off every dimension of the place I'm quickly going to lose interest. If I am interested, that curiosity will simply evaporate if I cannot see the building rezed out at an in world store.   

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People who lose in a game of chance in SL blaming it on the lack of randomness of the Linden Scripting Language pseudorandom number generator function llFrand.

I did 10,000,000 virtual dice rolls using llFrand in an LSL script, and this was the outcome:


The expected value is 1,666,667 per number, so the simulated frequencies are less than 1% off (which is mostly a coincidence).

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Here's what must surely be my pettiest peeve: Vendors that don't list what bodies the clothes are for. I expect at least Hourglass, Maitreya and Freya if you don't specify, and if it turns out it's Maitreya only I'm going to very grumpy and angrily delete the demo. >:|

I mean sure it's only a few seconds of my time wasted, but if the creator just spends those few seconds typing "body X Y and Z" on the picture, it'll save everyone else that time! Think of the total seconds saved! 😧

Edited by Cinos Field
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