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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. ... you just admitted to ripping content ...
  2. Actually no, the first versions of the mesh upload process didn't auto split your model, it would just refuse to go beyond the index limit. Then they "fixed" it.
  3. Doesn't mean you're ment to do it. I don't even know why they fixed this.
  4. Unless he has, in which case, proclaiming innocense will not earn them any favor.
  5. I sincerely hope my bug/feature tickets are evaluated by the Lab with more serious than this.
  6. I'd use integer wherever possible, it's the most compact & lossless data type we have on hand.
  7. Protect from... what? And yeah having to fish out some prim inside my own avatar or inside other people's is not uncommon. This art is getting lost unfortunately.
  8. Home typically, but a lot of the code I write I don't actually need to be tested until it is actually functional, so I can just do that wherever.
  9. Yes it does, and they are almost always dreadful, they might aswel just remove that function.
  10. the minimum size for any object in SL is 1x1x1cm As on the subject of smoothing vs no smoothing. for small objects 4 sides can do the job just fine.
  11. I can't be bothered to check but I believe that each unique SL "face", also counts towards your object's complexity. EDIT: Do keep in mind that LL intent on re-balancing LI & complexity calculations in a near future.
  12. No an "experience" is kind of a "group" sort of thing you have to join to allow scripts compiled with it to do things like force teleport.
  13. Without experience/RLV relay, you will need some kind of interaction from the user.
  14. I see an awful lot of people who appear to have decided to START with Marvelous Designer. (I'm not going to mention that most of them probably don't have a license but that's beside the point) Then they export their work to Blender (or any other modeling package really), and they end up completely swamped, because not only do they have to deal with an extremely complex export, but that mesh is gonna require a lot of cleanup, which requires some serious practice on blender, practice they could have acquired by STARTING in Blender with a much simpler project, and working their way up until they are somewhat comfortable with all the basic modeling skills. Before doing anything fancy you need, first and foremost to be able to go in edit mode and build, expand, and fix raw geometry. I know the feeling of hopping into some piece of software, expecting to avoid getting into that skill that I don't have, I've been there before. I started 3D modeling because I couldn't drawn, and I thought that I could get around the issue that way. To this day, I still can't draw
  15. I'd recommend to also show wireframe & uv layout, there is only so much people can learn from showcase shots.
  16. I almost wish LL would just remove this feature and just force you to supply your own collision mesh.
  17. 5K is reasonable compared to the junk you tend to see on the marketplace, but that's still quite a bit for a hat in my opinion. If it's your first project, don't sweat it too much, but keep in mind that it is perfectible. My answer is always the same when it comes to polycount & texture usage, "as low as you can get away with". I usually don't recommend using MD if you are a beginner at 3D modeling, because MD will not teach you anything about modeling proper, it is first and foremost a physics based design and draping tool, and will not produce meshs that are clean enough to use in SL without some severe editing. Yeah the problem is that "they" usually don't actually use that high tri-count to add details, it's just a byproduct of their modeling workflow, without any cleanup. Before pushing it on SL you should clean out unnecessary geometry. Here is a quick example: This is an outfit i designed, this is what it looks like straight out of MD, even with the quad mode it's "okay", but it's still quite a mess (it's also way too dense but I wanted a good normal map source) This is the "rebuilt & cleaned up" version. I only kept the most important geometric details and made it one single piece. (8076 triangles total) Also important: Objects do NOT need to have an interior face, with the exception of areas where it can actually be seen. (The collar here for instance, top picture, not sure why i removed it in the bottom picture but whatever) Once the optimized version is normal mapped, you recover most of the surface details of the original (the entire outfit fits on 1024x1024, 1diffuse, 1normal, 1specular). Note that even if you don't use normal mapping, that's not an excuse to compensate with polygon/texture bloat. All those models don't get rendered for free. Another thing, take a good look at your object with wireframe off, in different angles, and try to think what's the "average" point of view someone might have. then figure out if this or that edge loop is even noticeable at all. Trust what your eyes see, not what you know about the object.
  18. Didn't LL state somewhere that your SL account remains their property?
  19. Tragedy of the commons. I suppose there is a significant market for this kind of product to be able to displace products you can actually use.
  20. Well lets see. How would you rate your skills when it comes to general low-poly modeling and texturing?
  21. You know it almost seems like some of the people in this topic want to use the GDPR just as a way to be annoying and a waste of time for businesses...
  22. Might just be better to try to get LL to fix the alpha shading bug.
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