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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. A long time ago my theory on height creep was related to male dominance: "My character is a slightly bigger than average dude" And generation after generation of this simple idea lead, over time to taller and taller males, until they essentially hit the height limit.
  2. That being said, low settings shouldn't affect the altitude floating point precision error. Or at least I can't think why it would.
  3. It might be but i was more... expecting something like the loss of rendering precision that naturally occurs at high altitude (1000m and more). Alternatively if you where on low it could just be poorly made level of detail models by the creator, you have a picture by any chance?
  4. Scary is debateable, I find it surprising that people get scared by that permission box and don't bat an eye at the permission_debit one
  5. It's more out of fear of the unknown than anything else. Experiences can't do anything permanent to your avatar. You can leave an experience at anytime and it will lose all permissions over your avatar.
  6. Are you at a high altitude in-world?
  7. Indeed but I don't see any rug in this picture.
  8. Can you re-explain it in more details? I'm not sure I understand the issue.
  9. People tend to assume a lot of the more "controlling" options for LSL require RLV.
  10. the thing is there is no potential gain in LI below 20-something triangles, wich is more than enough to at least make some sort of cuboid blob. 2 triangles are gonna stand out.
  11. 260,260,16,2 Yep, that's gonna look "great" when you zoom out.
  12. I think a lot of it is called social pressure. Our words and actions all have consequences.
  13. Unless i'm mistaken the sole purpose of loading a highpoly in substance is so you can get substance to bake the different maps most of its filters need to paint in a geometry-aware fashion.
  14. I know but i find it strange that @Tataku Yugen feel that he would have to rebuild each lod from scratch and UV them, so maybe I assumed wrong? But i still don't understand why he thought he would have to do that. Please enlighten me.
  15. If you don't ever touch your polygons directly during your workflow you are, ultimately, doing it wrong. Procedurals are a good to work on the design, but after that is nailed you most likely will have to remesh to get something that isn't completely bloated. For a realtime application, each polygon matters. My approach is typically to go from high to low. Model everything that will be in my final model. Write down the triangle count. Duplicate the model (this will be my first lod model). Remove loops/simplify/collapse until i've reached half or less of the original, that's my first lod (most of those operations won't affect uvs much). Write down triangle count. Duplicate again and simplify further for my next lod. Do it once more, possibly more aggressively for the last lod. With a bit of practice it doesn't take very long to get something decent.
  16. Excepted for a handful of creators/investors that are pretty much cemented into the foundations at this point, SL is hard work for very little pay. It's fine if you see it as a vocation (like getting into a convent i guess) or if you do it because you have an unquenchable creative itch I suppose.
  17. Kinda hoping one day to see a tv adaptation of discworld. There is so much material.
  18. I don't want much from it, outside of a complete transparency on content. I'm not getting the hard caps i've been vouching for anyway.
  19. Kemono is bar far one of the best bodies from a craftmanship standpoint. Style wise? It's a personal thing. But yeah a lot of kemono content creator either go for "over sexualised", or for "comfy cute".
  20. I just use tga for everything, never had any problem.
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