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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. You're shooting yourself in the foot saving files as jpeg due to the lossy compression the jpeg format uses. All uploaded textures are re-compressed as Jpeg2000, so your texture is effectively degraded twice. Size on disk doesn't matter, all that matters is the total pixel count and whether those pixels are 24bit (RGB) or 32 bit (RGB + Alpha). Depending of the tools you use, png files might sneak in an alpha channel which causes the texture to bump to 32 bit.
  2. That's what I mean, BoM allows you to use alpha masks on mesh bodies so still having the body cut up into slices might not be necessary anymore. I suppose all they did is remove the onion layers but did not actually re-upload the body as a single piece.
  3. Originally the topic was about how a lot of people take the path of least resistance that will get them from "no prior 3D modeling" to "something I can sell". Ignoring every skill they should learn and considerations that do not lead to a better store picture. I'd love to let the market decide, but the market is typically blind to the implications that bad content bring to SL, you could compare it to the ban on lead paint: Lead accelerated the drying, made the paint more durable and fresh looking for longer, it also made it moisture resistant, you would be a fool to make lead-free paint in a market driven economy because you would be producing inferior paint. It took medical research and government enforcement for it to stop.
  4. The disclamer is there because some people with very fragile egos stop listening once they feel they are being criticized, and I'm only human. So now that everyone had their fun, can we go back on topic?
  5. To be fair we probably wouldn't be in this situation if there was no object detail slider.
  6. Beginners have never been the problem. I had experienced creators tell me before that they don't care because if their customers aren't paying for it, they are not going to go through the effort of doing it.
  7. Then I'm sure you understand why tank threads are not allowed on public roads.
  8. He's more than likely tired of repeating himself and being asked time and time again to justify his stance. People don't really understand that keeping a consistent texel density improve the look of the scene, they just see that it's 10L$ for a 16x16 and 10L$ for a 1024x1024 and figure out they will just get the most bang for their buck.
  9. I'd suspect they can't tell you that either. Paypal absolutely care about the type of busness you are doing and will kick you out if they don't like it. LL also has to abid with the US tax system, fraud prevention and anti money laundering laws which is why everyone who receive a steady income from SL has had to file a bunch of paperwork.
  10. Why do people keep bringing up this idea that detail and optimized content are at two opposite ends of a spectrum? Within the constraints of what Linden Lab allows, this is still their system, we just rent it for a while.
  11. They mention that auto-hide is still a thing so i assume that everything is still cut up into slices?
  12. No, i was targeting people who might be tempted to keep making things like alpha slices.
  13. it really depends on the rest of your settings, hardware, view distance, and what you can actually see. Lod switching distance varies from object to object based on their volume, but in general, when you double RenderVolumeLodFactor (object detail slider) your double the distance between an object and your camera, before it switches to a lower LOD model.
  14. The "lod" setting is basically the "object" slider in preferences, you don't need to access it from the debug menu, unless you want to set it to values outside the "normal" range offered by the object detail slider. (Which you shouldn't because it can cause unstability and/or crashes) Content creators should make their objects LOD models in such a way that they rendered properly at an object quality of 1.125 or at least 2. Objets that have bad lod models are not accidental, whether the creator did so through ignorance, lazyness, or to push the LI of the object down, it's always intentional. So that creator telling you to bump up your graphic settings is just trying to shift the blame away from themselves, that's not an acceptable answer when you paid them almost 100$.
  15. It varies, how often, how much and how regularly is definitely a factor. The most likely reason it takes a while is that whatever they use to evaluate the "trust" level of your account is telling them to run a full check or something. This has always been an asymetric process because companies are usually expected to receive payments for their services, when it comes to individuals, that's relatively rare. Anything that is considered exceptional in the system typically requires more red tape on one side or the other.
  16. HUDs are just like any object in SL, the only difference is that they are rendered in "2D" on a screen projection and that only the wearer can see them.
  17. It is, however those cuts are typically very few, and the final character tend to be "fused" back into a single model if the game is trying to be conservative with draw calls. Yet another optimization we can't really use in SL because we can't go with the assumption that a script isn't going to "change" that model one way or another.
  18. I know, i added complexity check to my experience entry gate for well... experimentation purpose (it's not a place you are required/need to visit, so I use it mostly as a testing ground). I even went to the trouble of making the gate script run a quick analysis of the person's wearables to give them a suggestions. And ONE person did get a little hissy about it and said basically: "So we can't use mesh bodies here?" My script can only "suggest" what you could take off based on LI (there is no way to fetch the complexity of individual objects at the moment) and i guess it suggested them to take off their body. So I disabled that piece of code, until we can collect more accurate metrics.
  19. You're not wrong but this? Pretty sure people will make the easy choice between altering their look and getting new toys? I don't know, why would you go at a shopping event to be seen? they are such a laggy mess. There is another reason nobody uses complexity in script decisions for anything serious: It doesn't work reliably at all. Complexity will fluctuate wildly over time because the region computes it based on "statistical measures" provided by the currently connected viewers. The implementation is just terrible. Viewers reporting on what complexity they see, very secure... It's also not really a good metric in its present state because of things like the rigged mesh lod bug and bounding box stretching, which allows many creators to boast completely unrealistic (low) complexity scores. To me it's very much like ecology or an example of the tragedy of the commons. Our personal choices affect everyone around us.
  20. Same, not that I have many that use alpha slices, I'm just waiting for the official support from the body creators (since they have some decisions to take layer-wise) for now and then i"ll update "literally the next day" :P
  21. In a way I can now understand why Bake on mesh was so important to LL. It gives an opportunity for mesh body creators to "clean up their act" before work begins on ARCTan. They need to provide better support for script/parcels to filter visitors based on that and people will care. Right now it's extremely unreliable and has false positives. And unlike script count, once they fix the current loopholes in the complexity code it should be pretty reliable.
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