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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. So does no one teaches anymore how to model and texture without going through baking textures? I can't wrap my head around what goes through some creator's heads when they sell you road pieces, but rather than recycling their road texture across all the parts, or hell, providing it in the package alongside the mesh, ... they bake it into a blurry paste and aparently believe that this is just fine?
  2. We can't really help you unless the scripts can be modified, and even then, that's for the scripting section.
  3. Which is why the golden rule in game content is typically "avoid alpha blending whenever you can get away with it". Sometimes it involve adapting your content/vision to better fit the constraints of the platform, because the other way around is very unlikely to happen.
  4. What limits do you propose? There would have to be very strict ones since SL creators are completely unable to constrain themselves.
  5. Blender baking also has a little quirk, in the sense that it doesn't do anti-aliasing no matter what the settings for normal rendering are, so rendering at a higher resolution is a good idea, but i would first solve the UV issue.
  6. You can box select with B, select everything/nothing with A(or is it Q?) and ctrl+L to select everything that is "connected" to what you already selected. But i suspect part of your problem is simply that, your UV islands are too small and spaced away, which means you're only using a tiny fraction of that texture space. You will get a much better texture definition in general once you match the UVs to the texture area you have available.
  7. Yeah this is a classic issue with MD exports. The UVs need to be seriously reworked if you want to capitalize on the texture area. Any texture your item has has to be downloaded and loaded into the client's videocard in full, even if you only use a fraction of it, so it's important to make sure you pack your islands tightly to get the most out of it. Here is an example of a maid dress I made a while ago.
  8. @Muiregwen Would you mind showing us your UVmap for this object? Maybe there is something going on there.
  9. Alternatively, LSLForge is still very much alive.
  10. My personal preference for making glass in SL (advanced lighting only): Diffuse: Something simple such as the default blank texture, or a white/blue ish gradient, it's better if it's already semi-transparent with an alpha channel as using the SL "transparency" value will tone down the specular/environment effect. Normal: Nothing, unless you want to imitate cracked, frosted, or other types of "surface damaged" glass (won't really be cracked or frosted). Specular: Default blank texture, and then I play with the Gloss/Environment setting to get something convincing. In my opinion, there is little point in "baking glass" in Blender or other programs, it's never going to look good for anything but still pictures, a simple material glass on the other hand will look correct at any angle and in any lighting conditions, and use very little textures.
  11. So I'm not 100% sure, but this is the problems I thing I'm seeing: Make sure you don't have multiple UVs on that object. And if you do, keep in mind that SL will only take the first one.
  12. Avatar 2.0 & kemono are free, you can just grab the files from a download on utilizator's website.
  13. For the post, i would even go as far as a smooth shaded box with a point on one end.
  14. Or just widen the wheelbase, the SL track gauge is fairly close to a standard used in India (I think)
  15. I don't see you selecting an export preset there.
  16. I maintain that a 4D object in a 2D projection is not realistic. unless representing a sphere (3D) with a point (1D) is acceptable.
  17. SL Represents 3 dimensions on a screen (two dimensions). "Representing" 4 dimensions would requires 3 dimensions.
  18. I dunno i've never had this kind of complaint from people in my store and i've been in the business just as long as you have. Over the years i've been pushing my texture usage down with each product.
  19. Yeah I actually have a megaprim somwhere that is 65536x65536 meters.
  20. I thought I"d repost an excellent article from Robert Yang https://www.blog.radiator.debacle.us/2012/04/on-joiner-detail-and-greeble.html And a quote from this article that I believe applies to SL more than ever:
  21. If they use the LL UV layout, use that. If they don't, use the provided layout.
  22. I'd like to add that the DRM circumvention clause of the DMCA kicks in regardless of the complexity of the protection scheme.
  23. Alternatively, don't generate PBR maps at all, setup diffuse/normal/specular outputs in substance, configure them to auto save on change, hook those textures as temporary textures in your viewer, and use SL itself as your preview window, rather than substance's preview
  24. Avatar 2.0 could use some love, there is definitely an untapped market there, but I'm biased.
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