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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Now if only you where using a mod body...
  2. The error message you are getting would also be useful.
  3. I've been sorting my textures in neat little categorie in my inventory.
  4. Yeah reducing code depth is nice for keeping things readable.
  5. If you are lazy like me you can also invert the check and drop early. if( llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner() ) return;
  6. None of which you are required to do, or even do consistently.
  7. The beta grid is also, well a beta, so things may or may not work.
  8. You should probably tackle something easier to rig than a face if this is your first rigging project...
  9. It's not even out yet and we get 4 layers instead of just one and per parcel presets, some folks are just never satisfied.
  10. The freedom Second Life offers us can sometimes be a curse. Some things cannot be done efficiently, and in my opinion, if it can't be done properly, it shouldn't be done at all. For every piece of code/model, there is at least one way to do it properly, and a dozen ways to do it improperly. And then you have those bad ideas where your internal voice should be screaming at you. A lot of SL creators have zero consideration for the impact of their work on the grid, either through ignorance, recklessness, or because they simply don't care about things they aren't paid to care about. To quote one of my favourite movies: "They were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
  11. Yeah but with a trapped state entry a nomod object isn't strictly necessary.
  12. It could be, but you can just "censor" the problematic text section
  13. I guess we will never get the error message...
  14. At no point did I mention the use of legacy skins, my body & head don't even conform to the original LL UVs to begin with so you completely missed my point. Matter of perspective. It was discussed to death during the meetings, the cost was a balancing act, And while it isn't great, the goal was to prevent people from covering entire regions with animesh trees, doors, swingsets, fishes and tumbleweeds. And yeah the result is that mesh bodies & clothes are completely unsuitable for this purpose because attachments have been mostly unmetered for the past 15 years and any attempt at course correction has been met with fierce opposition. But this situation, is hopefully being resolved (arctan). If only there was an actual way to phase out things in SL that shouldn't exist anymore... Because display names are non-unique? Even on system where your login and "display name" are different, the displayed name is either unique/or you have some sort of userid#.
  15. EH... As someone pointed out, mixing normal & specular is a non-trivial operation. As for whether BoM is useful or not, I only have my own experience to pull from, all I can say, is that when I moved to a mesh head & body, I pretty much kept my skin modifications to a minimum. Now that my head & body are bake on mesh ready, i've been making all kinds of tats & makeup arrangements for my own use. You could say I'm easily entertained. I couldn't care less about anyone's need for glistening skin pores to be honest...
  16. Substance Is really geared towards PBR. That doesn't mean you can't use it for SL, but that's not what most of the built in content is designed for.
  17. "Getting rid of it" is the only answer that gets you out of the "naughty" corner.
  18. Faces that don't need to be tinted or textured independently should really be joined, I'd recommend splitting the model into logical components rather than doing "that".
  19. Longer answer, you only have two points in the life of a particle, the start and the end, there is no intermediary step (at the present time).
  20. Yes, sometimes support can be fast when they don't have higher priority cases to handle. Just because it's fast once or twice doesn't mean it should be expected systematically. The company I work with for servers answers tickets within 24 hours. A friend of mine works for large businesses and their response time is within the hour. Guess which one is vastly more expensive than the other? You typically buy L$ from other residents, but rarely from Linden Lab themselves, and while they do take a transaction fee it's not in real money so it doesn't exactly pay the bills. That's why premiums & concierge-tier users have access to live chat support.
  21. Ends of month tend to make people a bit more desperate to cash out fast so I typically try to sell earlier than that.
  22. The only thing I have against it is that I'd like to get a headsup so I can figure out how to handle that db-wise.
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