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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. It's a very specific case I suppose but because of the restricted view angle on the frills, the illusion is quite persistent.
  2. I ended up with a really nice & aggressive example of normal map magic the other day, I don't think it's worth a dedicated topic but i thought this might interest some people. Normal mapping on: Normal mapping off:
  3. Which you should never use on your "final" model output, your final model should be as optimized as possible, and while it is perfectly fine to use subdivision modeling during your creation process, all those wasted triangles that subdivision will add in many areas where they don't contribute to the object's shape should be removed. So yeah, bad advice.
  4. If it's a museum about good mesh I'd wager that it's mostly about showcasing good examples of "final results", so the tools & workflow used would ultimately be irrelevant.
  5. I'd just start with blender, learn actual modelingn through ahd through and only then, I'd consider adding a design tool like MD or Clo to your workflow. You need to learn modeling first if you want to ever hope to become a decent content creator. Otherwise it's like trying to be a seamstress and using a hot glue gun on your beautiful and delicate fabrics.
  6. Good hair creators don't abuse alpha layering and use alpha masking as much as they can. Bad creators claim it's SL's fault. Good creators do the best they can within the limitations of the system. Bad creators complain that the limitations exist.
  7. A fair reminder is that animeshs have a hard limit of 100K triangles for the entire animesh avatar. Now that this feature is out, it's a fair expectation that people are gonna try to use your products to compose animesh characters.
  8. A metaverse without adult content is not a mataverse worth having -_-.
  9. normally "delicate texturing" & fur tuft "cards" is the proper way
  10. It's a terrible way of doing, grossly inefficient too. They doubled/tripled their base mesh and slapped an alpha texture on top.
  11. To keep company; associate; hold intercourse: followed by with.
  12. @animatsNone of those will have tolerance for adult content, and thus will leave most of the SecondLife pie on the table.
  13. And that's why i'm slowly considering other payment options than L$...
  14. A while after Onrez and Xstreet where bought, assimilated and shut down, one of the vendor solution providers created a web frontend to their vendor system which was called primbay. At some point the website closed and they said they would reopen soon, and nothing happened.
  15. I guess I missed it given how it got buried in absolute utter nonsense.
  16. But what was the script error... 😭
  17. You can also just ignore "internet though guys".
  18. Id love better metrics on listing enhancements, but I don't see them happening as it would likely REDUCE the amount of enhancements sold by LL. It's one of the big rules of advertising. On a sidenote, I'm looking at my patreon account and wondering if i should start using this more, offering some kind of in-world reward, rather than using L$ at all.
  19. Unless my math is wrong (and it very well could be) the total merchand fees are now: Marketplace: (sale fee+exchange fee+cashout fee) 13% -> 17.5% (after the change) In-world: (exchange fee+ cashout fee) 8.3% I mean yeah 17.5% is not 30%, sure, but the next time you double marketplace commission (and we know you will), it will be. Let's not forget I guess i should be thankful that they waited SIX WHOLE MONTHS.
  20. Hehe I didn't actually read the script, I thought her post was just an example. My bad
  21. In the background, technically you aren't getting unseated, when you cross region border, your avatar and vehicle are re-created in the new region, you are then silently re-seated, and the client pretends that this didn't happen. When you end up "unseated" it means that something has gone wrong during this (complicated) handover.
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