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17 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

They're pets not children ffs.  But then, I didn't let my son wander the neighborhood unattended either.  Was that cruel as well?  In a densely populated community, it's being a good neighbor to not inflict YOUR pet on others.  We have skunks, raccoons, opossums and coyotes.  No one has contol over those.  Would it be more humane to allow your pet cat to tussle with them?  

I wonder about you sometimes.

It is just that it reminds me of some pet owners I have known over the years whose pets desperately wanted outside as they scrambled for the door anytime it was open. It just felt really sad to me that they were not allowed out and I think it was those experiences that were instrumental in my choice to no longer keep pets. If it works for you great but for myself, no thanks.

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1 minute ago, Arielle Popstar said:

It is just that it reminds me of some pet owners I have known over the years whose pets desperately wanted outside as they scrambled for the door anytime it was open. It just felt really sad to me that they were not allowed out and I think it was those experiences that were instrumental in my choice to no longer keep pets. If it works for you great but for myself, no thanks.

This is how we came to have our pet budgerigar.

She wanted out from her previous home, got out somehow, had a bit of a party with some crows in the garden who made an attempt or six on her life, humans rescued budgie - Charley Green - from the crows, she was passed around different houses and ended up with us for a couple more years. She was bred in captivity but wanted out. We compromised and let her have free rein in our living room, but to let her out of the house entirely would have meant her certain death.

I personally don't agree with cages for dogs, apart from when they're travelling in vehicles, but other people use them frequently and the RSPCA don't seem to think they're cruel, as long as the dog is given out of cage time, and generally healthy and fed. 

An animal's nature is to want out of wherever they are. But once they're out they haven't a clue why they wanted it.



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This is a thread for us to post about our threads.  While we do sometimes briefly wander off onto a tangent, if people continue to have "discussions" about someone's peeve or comments made, the thread will get closed.

Yes, I know that most of us like to have the last word on whatever we are arguing about, but please, not here, not now.

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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This is a thread for us to post about our threads.  While we do sometimes briefly wander off onto a tangent, if people continue to have "discussions" about someone's peeve or comments made, the thread will get closed.

Yes, I know that most of us like to have the last word on whatever we are arguing about, but please, not here, not now.

I started this one by talking about cat poo being a pet peeve in the garden.

I think we've done now discussing cats and poo. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
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6 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

This is how we came to have our pet budgerigar.

She wanted out from her previous home, got out somehow, had a bit of a party with some crows in the garden who made an attempt or six on her life, humans rescued budgie - Charley Green - from the crows, she was passed around different houses and ended up with us for a couple more years. She was bred in captivity but wanted out. We compromised and let her have free rein in our living room, but to let her out of the house entirely would have meant her certain death.

I personally don't agree with cages for dogs, apart from when they're travelling in vehicles, but other people use them frequently and the RSPCA don't seem to think they're cruel, as long as the dog is given out of cage time, and generally healthy and fed. 

An animal's nature is to want out of wherever they are. But once they're out they haven't a clue why they wanted it.



Putting a pet in a cage is far different than keeping them in your house.  

A dog scrambling for the door whenever it's opened is not a well trained dog.  Another part of pet parenting 'too hard' for some people.  Dogs can kill, small dogs and cats can maim.  Sorry, but my rights as a human come before your pet's right to run amuk.  

And as per @LittleMe Jewell🙂 I'll end it and let Arielle have the last word.

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5 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

This is how we came to have our pet budgerigar.

She wanted out from her previous home, got out somehow, had a bit of a party with some crows in the garden who made an attempt or six on her life, humans rescued budgie - Charley Green - from the crows, she was passed around different houses and ended up with us for a couple more years. She was bred in captivity but wanted out. We compromised and let her have free rein in our living room, but to let her out of the house entirely would have meant her certain death.

I personally don't agree with cages for dogs, apart from when they're travelling in vehicles, but other people use them frequently and the RSPCA don't seem to think they're cruel, as long as the dog is given out of cage time, and generally healthy and fed. 

An animal's nature is to want out of wherever they are. But once they're out they haven't a clue why they wanted it.



I live a way out of town on a street where most would just let their pets walk without leashes or if they had to go do their business, just let them out the door. Most times it was fine but I did have one beagle mutt for a while that took to going further afield and one morning he came back from an overnight outing with feathers around his mouth. I kept him in a few days not knowing what he had got into but finally I let him out again and he took off straight down the street like he was on a mission. I didn't seem the next day and the one after that the humane society came by and informed me they had him in lockup as he was caught with a couple other dogs in a chicken coop killing the birds. I owed a portion of 26 dead chickens which I paid and was informed that such a thing usually means the dog has a blood lust and required me to have him put down as he couldn't be trusted to not do it again given the chance. It was unfortunate but I realized a hunting dog like a beagle has that tendency so didn't take on any more after that and went with larger dogs which did not have an inclination to hunt.

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26 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I started this one by talking about cat poo being a pet peeve in the garden.

I think we've done now discussing cats and poo. 

Yeah, I hate cat poo.  (Just went a cleaned it out). Thanks for the reminder!

And only because it has to be said...good thing it was only chickens.

Children make up more than half of the victims of dog bites (59 percent), and according to the CDC, the individuals who require treatment after dog bites are predominantly children aged 5 to 9 years.

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1 hour ago, blissfulbreeze said:

Crappy winter. Two snowstorms in a week. I hurt my back shoveling. Ugh. 

Our winter has been odd, but we have managed to get snow often enough, with temps cool enough, that on the north side of the house where the sun never shines, the snow is now roughly a foot deep.  That area and a patch on the north side of the southern fence is the only snow left in the yard.  Even with this coming week forecasted to be spring like in temperature, it is still possible that those 2 spots of snow will still not fully melt.

I live in Colorado and it is typical to get a lot of snow, but to also immediately get sunny days so that it all melts quickly.  The last 2 snows, the sun melted it during the work day before my husband had to go shovel.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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well, since kittyland has been a topic, my pet peeve is that I bought my new kitty a huge cat tree, and she's pulling out the carpet fibers on it, sometimes even eating them! They're pretty short, so not so worried about the problems long fibers can cause when animals consume them, but I doubt carpet fibers made from petroleum are nutritious!

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Pet Peeve: Being to late for my favorite topic. Caaaats.
Pet peeve: My cat licking me a lot. Like, she loves to groom me. I know she does it because she loves me so much and is super comfortable with me, but.. sandpaper-tongue, lol.
Pet peeve: being in munich, so no taking pictures in SL for me. I can be online, but not around too many people, and with low graphics. I guess I have some time to plan a few outfits for Fallen Gods Anniversary in October, lol. (Can't really plan for Fantasy Faire, since I mostly get inspired by the regions and goodies there.

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Pet Peeve from my man: One of his favourite games he plays on his tablet only be played via Freakbook.   For a long time you could play it without using FB, but they made a change in their last MA (Maintenance) a few days agi that now requires it.  We are like 21 people on the planet that avoid FB like a plague. Sadly he was at a very high level when the fun ended.

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9 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Pet peeve: being in munich

   But, but, but .. Weißwurst! And they have some really good Weißbier too (although that you can get even up here ..). 


   Pet peeve: when they serve us hotdogs for lunch. That sort of thing is hardly suitable for human consumption. I would much rather have had me some Weißwurst and a pretzel! .. A Weißbier wouldn't have been out of place either. 

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30 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   But, but, but .. Weißwurst! And they have some really good Weißbier too (although that you can get even up here ..). 


   Pet peeve: when they serve us hotdogs for lunch. That sort of thing is hardly suitable for human consumption. I would much rather have had me some Weißwurst and a pretzel! .. A Weißbier wouldn't have been out of place either. 

I don't drink beer, lol. But I do have Weißwurst and Bretzn for lunch here on a semi-regular basis, heh. Including a pretty nice view of the alps. Life's good, haha.

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23 hours ago, sailorcipher said:

Welp, was just starting a fun day on SL when my computer spontaneously and without warning kicked the bucket. Now I need to figure that whole mess out...

Update to this: was able to order a new computer, which was meant to be here Wednesday... but the shipping tracker just changed the estimate to Friday. I can only do so much with my phone, damnit!

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An ex gf was manic about doors because her two budgies roamed the house free and slept in an open cage .

Interior doors couldn't be shut without extreme care because she had some stupid notion it might cut their feet off if they were perched on top of the door at the time and outside doors were more secure than those in the Kremlin .

Ironically she had like a greenhouse leanto porch on the back door so i took to (when she was out) leaving the back door open and closing the greenhouse door so they could see what might eat them while being unable to escape .

As a result when i opened the front door to leave they would rush to grab me trying to prevent me going out then retreat into the house once i crossed the threshold lol .

Edited by cunomar
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