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17 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

You didn't know you were my alt?  🤔

You didn't know I'm everyone's alt? 🤭

People keep accusing me of being an alt and in that they are correct. Where they have never gotten it right is who's alt. Not once has anyone ever accused me of being my own alt. 🤣

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16 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Someone told me.it was on Virtual Secrets.  So, of course, I just had to look.  

I'm always amazed that the site continues to be active.  It just confirms my negative view of humanity in general. 

Sites like that, combined with people's obsession with reality TV & the personal lives of anyone in the spotlight, show that too many folks have such low self-esteem that they must constantly be wrapped up in drama about others in order to make themselves feel okay.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm always amazed that the site continues to be active.  It just confirms my negative view of humanity in general. 

Sites like that, combined with people's obsession with reality TV & the personal lives of anyone in the spotlight, show that too many folks have such low self-esteem that they must constantly be wrapped up in drama about others in order to make themselves feel okay.

Hey, if I'm that interesting and important in their life, not much I can do about that.  They do seem to be a little obsessed.  The funny thing is, it's definitely someone from the forums as I'm rarely logged in.  Not nearly as often as I had been the previous 10 years.  

FWIW, I have other avatars.  I use ONE avatar.  I can give you the names of 3 people who can confirm my RL sex as female.  I have no desire to break up any SL couple.  If your man or woman is that easily taken from you, why would I even want them?  I go to about 5 or 6 adult places when I do log in if I'm not shopping, taking pics or standing at home. If it's my personality you find ugly,  you're entitled to your opinion.  However, I think you've shown yours quite clearly and it ain't pretty.   At least I stand behind what I say and don't hide behind anonymity.



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   How adorable. A random simpleton throwing a tantrum, resorting to anonymously spewing bile on a gossip site for riffraff. 

   However shall I sleep with such hurt feelings?

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4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

People.  For heaven's sake, please try to spell my name correctly next time and it's YOUR'RE not YOUR.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank all of my alts.  Who knew?  Gotta love VS.

Shout out to @Orwar  @LittleMe Jewell  @Sam1 Bellisserian  @Rolig Loon  @Silent Mistwalker



LOL. What thread did I miss that lead to the creation of this secret?  I am reminded of why I don't visit the VS site. That place is hot garbage.

The 'm' is simply the 'w' turned upside down. :P It's like representative of the topsy-turvy nature of their psyche. If their head was a RL high-rise penthouse or a parcel in Bay City, think of all the savings living rent-free. But hey, free rent/tier!

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6 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

People.  For heaven's sake, please try to spell my name correctly next time and it's YOUR'RE not YOUR.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank all of my alts.  Who knew?  Gotta love VS.

Shout out to @Orwar  @LittleMe Jewell  @Sam1 Bellisserian  @Rolig Loon  @Silent Mistwalker



I do have to give you Kudo's Roman...you certain know how to give all your alts different personalities and opinions and can keep them all straight!

Did they just come here and pick random names of frequent posters? LOL

OH SL is SO much FUN!

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3 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

LOL. What thread did I miss that lead to the creation of this secret?  I am reminded of why I don't visit the VS site. That place is hot garbage.

The 'm' is simply the 'w' turned upside down. :P It's like representative of the topsy-turvy nature of their psyche. If their head was a RL high-rise penthouse or a parcel in Bay City, think of all the savings living rent-free. But hey, free rent/tier!

I don't think it was any particular thread.  They just seem a bit obsessed with me.  It's not the first time they put me on that site.  The misuse of words and misspellings are exactly the same as the last time.  I'm guessing they probably having a little crush on me.  You know how the little boys always pick on the girl they like in elementary school?  Kind of childish like that.


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9 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

People.  For heaven's sake, please try to spell my name correctly next time and it's YOUR'RE not YOUR.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank all of my alts.  Who knew?  Gotta love VS.

Shout out to @Orwar  @LittleMe Jewell  @Sam1 Bellisserian  @Rolig Loon  @Silent Mistwalker




I am TOTALLY peeved at being overlooked!!!!

Edited by Jordan Whitt
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4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I don't think it was any particular thread.  They just seem a bit obsessed with me.  It's not the first time they put me on that site.  The misuse of words and misspellings are exactly the same as the last time.  I'm guessing they probably having a little crush on me.  You know how the little boys always pick on the girl they like in elementary school?  Kind of childish like that.


How sad for them, trying to stir up conflict. Let 'em rot. lol


2 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:


I am TOTALLY peeved at being overlooked!!!!

Wonder why.  Aren't you in the country that keeps getting left off maps?


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17 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

People.  For heaven's sake, please try to spell my name correctly next time and it's YOUR'RE not YOUR.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank all of my alts.  Who knew?  Gotta love VS.

Shout out to @Orwar  @LittleMe Jewell  @Sam1 Bellisserian  @Rolig Loon  @Silent Mistwalker



It's John Nobhead. I just know it from the writing style and character depth.

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30 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Ewww Mariah. The brakes on a transit bus stopping sounds better.

They call the wind Mariah.


The only vid on YouTube I could find where they had spelled MariaH correctly. Everyone else spelled it Maria. And people wonder why I think the human race is not getting smarter.

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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

They call the wind Mariah.


The only vid on YouTube I could find where they had spelled MariaH correctly. Everyone else spelled it Maria. And people wonder why I think the human race is not getting smarter.

Who said they were getting smarter?  I only heard they were getting taller.

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My peeve is I don't understand why people strike poses at events and not move. Can someone tell me why this is a thing?  Does it reduce lag (when these avatars are often jellied out already) or is it a trend?

So real peeve is my bad purchase: no prim/land impact info on vendors at main event!  Last week, I bought a pack of fruit bowls" thinking, maybe 2 LI, but one was 9, the others 6, and all too small to reduce further.  The entire event display was linked in a manner that I couldn't count the individual LI --everything de-linked and re-linked hodgepodge, making count impossible. I based my decision on expectation of what to expect at a major event, and bought 2 items on my said expectation.  1. Individual fruit bowls and juice bottles.  2. Picture. 

Deleted the whole thing.  So I paid 550L for a picture because the bottles were another 250L!  I had to TP back and examine her display for my missing bottles. Ok TP, no big deal, right? but the event was full! Took forever. Creator just grumbled at me when I questioned her method of non disclosure of LI and how to buy her products. Learned a lesson even after all these years (2009). If LI not listed, not buying even if they're invited to big events and items are cute, and will never buy from this seller who wouldn't "at least" credit me (gift credit would have been fine) and fix her signage.

So, I'm my own pet peeve.

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20 minutes ago, JoJo Aurelia said:

non disclosure of LI

It has always been my policy to never purchase items that didn't list the prim count (pre mesh days) and when mesh was introduced it made no difference. No LI disclosed? No sale. If the item isn't inworld where I can right click it and see for myself what the LI is, no sale.

LI is one of the most important things to consider when making purchases. When the information isn't readily available, you lose sales. 

The top things I look at when making purchases are price, LI, footprint and copy/mod permissions. If any of that information is missing, I won't buy any of your products at any time.

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52 minutes ago, JoJo Aurelia said:

My peeve is I don't understand why people strike poses at events and not move. Can someone tell me why this is a thing?  Does it reduce lag (when these avatars are often jellied out already) or is it a trend?

It might be just a static stand.  I use those.  When I arrive at an event, I move to a wall or corner somewhere and stand.  Camming around is much easier than trying to move around if the event is packed.  I also turn on See Friends Only so if I did move, I might be running over people.

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58 minutes ago, JoJo Aurelia said:

My peeve is I don't understand why people strike poses at events and not move. Can someone tell me why this is a thing?  Does it reduce lag (when these avatars are often jellied out already) or is it a trend?

I think a lot of people have come over from IMVU at this point and just use static poses where ever they go, even shopping events.

I tend to go in a corner somewhere and cam shop, just so someone doesn't wham into me. I can't recall seeing someone go static at a shopping event, but it's really not surprising since there are a lot of cheapie AOs that are really just a bunch of static stand poses. 

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