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Your worst SL job!

Rat Luv

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Obviously NO naming people or businesses! But…did you ever have an inworld job from Hell? 😈

One of my first hosting jobs was at a country rap club...the only time the DJ IM'd me was to say “I’m really stoned” 😲The assistant manager was meant to come in and put money on the contest board, but he didn’t show up. I IM'd him and he replied “Hello sweetie :D” and then asked my ASL...he was in America so I said, “I’m sorry, I’m in the UK, oh well! But the guests are asking if the contest’s still on?” and he replied “I believe true love can extend across an ocean” 😮 (We’d only been in IM for 5 minutes! I told my American friend this and she wouldn’t stop saying it back to me for weeks, lol). He never showed up, so all the guests left after half time and the contest never went ahead...the DJ went AFK and I logged off with 0L ☹️

A friend tried to get a job at a job agency and was told to join all the rival job agency groups, wait until someone posted a job ad in chat, and then IM them to ask how much they were paying that agency...and then try to undercut them 😮 He quit after a day!

Tell us about your worst SL job experiences…or did you sensibly buy your Lindens through Paypal xD

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I hosted 12 years ago at a pretty busy live music venue & I took it very seriously.  Was overwhelming feeling that I had to watch local chat, keep an eye on radar to greet, remember to copy & paste into chat various things about tipping venue & artists, offering group invites etc.

 I then forayed into exotic cartoon stripping  & I enjoyed it immensely when a patron would be interactive & weaved a short scene with me.  But it was usually very tedious and eye rolling with “u make sex?” IMs & policing tripods who weren’t adhering to realism rules.  

I learned it’s easier when I had the opportunity to just buy my lindens & if I were broke, did without for a period.

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

In my 14 years in SL, I have never worked, not even for myself - though I keep telling myself that I should actually sell those stray Gachas that I have and all of those darn kitty boxes.


It takes time to create each listing, but you’d be surprised how quickly you can resell random commons on MP.

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My man worked in this club for like half a shift. They jumped on him for not talking constantly --- even over songs, not disabling the song titles and finally a song that was on the club's ban list. During that song he got fired and 86ed from the island. Funny thing at the same time the manager crashed out of SL and couldn't change the stream and someone still at the club PMed my man.  He decided to have fun and dedicated the song after the Fox song to the club's owners - Take This Job and Shove It.

Btw the song that got my man banned was Ylvis - The Fox song.


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2 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

My man worked in this club for like half a shift. They jumped on him for not talking constantly --- even over songs, not disabling the song titles and finally a song that was on the club's ban list. During that song he got fired and 86ed from the island. Funny thing at the same time the manager crashed out of SL and couldn't change the stream and someone still at the club PMed my man.  He decided to have fun and dedicated the song after the Fox song to the club's owners - Take This Job and Shove It.

Btw the song that got my man banned was Ylvis - The Fox song.


Never trust a club that hates Ylvis to be a a good place to be caught dead in.

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I used to work a lot in SL,Like my first 4 years or so..

The Jobs were never really bad, But the clashing with people made them bad.. Too many egos, not enough grid room.. hehehe

I could probably put up some good stories, but Honestly I really don't want to tap into those memories ever again.. I get enough cringe moments with them popping up from time to time on their own..  Then usually followed by a head desk and double face palm and me saying, God I was so childish!!\o/


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I managed 3 sandboxes for 10 years.

Babysitting eventually became tiresome.

When Animesh came along in the months that followed, I returned to what originally brought me to SL. "Building".

Sadly, Animesh ended up like so many other major features, half-implemented with no roadmap to complete the previously promised follow-up additions.

4 years later and still no roadmap.

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For a time I did a bit of hosting, booking acts etc in a club. Worst job building and creating stuff I used to do it for fun, ultimately I never had the skills to be really decent, however pre mesh I could make enough in a week to cover up to 100% of my rent. then mesh came along that was/is way beyond me. I got in to pose making until my computer died then never got round putting daz on subsequent computers

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   Commissioned photography.

   As a host, at least you've got your time slot, you can suffer through it and tender your resignation after that time limit ..

   But working for people because they checked out your Flickr and want to have their profile pics taken, but their avatars look like the half-breed offspring of the genetically unfortunate union of a giraffe, a monkey, and a T-rex, and there's no amount of image editing that's going to change that. I'm not doing any commissions these days as I fear I'd find myself having to resort to the Mr. Bean method of retouching to make a passable profile picture.


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19 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

Never trust a club that hates Ylvis to be a a good place to be caught dead in.

Even more important: Never trust a club that takes Ylvis seriously. It's amazing how many people don't seem to realize "The Fox" is a paody.

Edited by ChinRey
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For all the n00bs out there: always do the math before you take on an SL job:

    E = Energy (kWh x 3.6e6*, J)

    P = my computer's power consumption while running SL (W)

    t = time spent on the job (s)

As long as:

    E ≫ P∙ t (+ income tax + health care premiums + insurances + various overhead)

Then it's not a *****ty job.

So that excludes, among other jobs, sploders, SL camping and 'AFK' sites.

*kWh to Joules conversion factor

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The  job I have now really sucks..

I've going to go in and sort my inventory..

It took me like 15 minutes to get my alts organize.. Mine is gonna take , who knows how long.. hehehe


I'm just gonna have to get the nostalgia out of my head and toss things that I know I'm never gonna use again.. That should take care of 50% of it.. hehehe

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1 hour ago, Bree Giffen said:

I tried working as a dancer for a club. I was fired for being AFK. I decided that I don’t want to work while I’m playing in SL. That was my last job in SL.

Yea, If you were not doing it for the fun of it, it would suck and feel like a job..

Myself, I did it for the enjoyment of it and getting into the right place, made pretty good money.. It paid for my sim and all my shopping and spending in SL..

But the drama after awhile just got so not worth it.. Club drama has to be about the worst there is in SL... So in that sense, You dodged The Bullet hehehe

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This is one of those times, where one should just count the "better" then the worst, due it taking less time - case in point - In almost 11 years I've worked at over 33 clubs, co-owned two, and managed one and was a dj at all of them. With the exception of one of the co-owned, the one I managed (which had its own set of good days and seriously bad) , and one vintage jazz club I worked at for several years, doing once a month shows (and only left due to tech issues and a repeating schedule conflict), I can't say too many of them were anything close to good jobs, and saying some of them were bad jobs, could be an understatement.   


The worst that comes to mind however, was a rather short stint I had that lasted around 24 hours, and the only reason it lasted that long is due to time zone differences (US vs EU). I put in an app, which was replied too, within the hour of submitting it, then get asked to do a demo "as soon as possible". No problem there, even though it was 5am my time and I had been awake since around 10 am the day before. I hop to the club, do what I thought would be a 20 minutes demo, and did a full 2 hours. I then was asked to come back in a few hours to do an actual full show, which of course (due to slept dep) I agreed too. I come back, still no sleep, do the show, and then have a "meeting" with the owners, who inform me the club was being built with a past club in mind, that, and the details were a bit on the sketchy side, they either due to being kicked and banned from, or left on their own good will.....my guess is "good will" meant less kicking and banning. So keeping in mind that there's nothing wrong with a start up club, and "things" happen to cause folks to leave places, and so on (trying to be all positive n stuff), I told them I was good, if they were good and what day or days would I be working.

From that point on, things get a bit hazy (and not even due to lack of sleep). First I get "asked" to be the dj manager, which I decline since I had just been recently removed from being a manager for 5 years at a club, that the owner decided to close due to rl. Wasn't a bad ending or any anger about it, we did our time, place had run it's course, so time to go...

I tell them this, and get an something that I thought meant "Ok no problem" and then am informed that I am the new dj manager.  I won't say things went downhill fast from that point, but let's just say an oiled person on a slip n slide pointing down Mt. Everest would be moving slower. 


I spent the next several hours first in a voice meeting, while another "dj" who brought an alt to host, was randomly playing music, continuously (or at least every 5-10 minutes or so)  typing the same emotes in local, telling the world (staff and a few wandering in to see what the place was about  types) how great he was,  yet again saying I wasn't up for being a manager, which was followed by what they expected me to do as far as handling the djs.....oh....forgot to mention including the one who was on, and myself, our staff of dj's consisted of maybe 3 djs, and yet again me trying to inform them that I wasn't up for the job, and finally in short, telling them I couldn't do it, which was responded by "Sure you can, we believe in you!" .....like that made all the difference of course!


After that, for the next several hours, I received a mild tsunami of IM's both offline and online, from one of the manager/owners overly excited about the 500-1000 people that were there, and more coming in by the dozen.  I figured they were offering money or sex for free or something, which I wasn't too far off of as they had purchased a sploader (meh). The person believed, the poor soul, that this was bringing in actual patrons, as in club goer's who were there for the club and music and so on.  I tried to explain how they weren't actual patrons and just what I and many others in the past had referred them to as "sploader locust"  and that as soon as they got their 1-5-10 L's they'd be on their way. 

She didn't seem to grasp the concept, and after 20-30 more Im's with number counts, coming in like stock market readings, and me repeatedly asking how long the people are actually staying,  the owner/manager got irritable (to reality) and  said I should be there to witness and be part of the clubs "greatness", and by not dropping everything I was doing, I was being arrogant, selfish, and words of similar flavors. Safe to say following a touch more of that type of nonsense, a few more insults for not being a team player and added in with the early nonsense and apparently lack of communication, the conversation ended courtesy of the magic "hush" button and I never went back nor ever spoke to anyone related with the place ever again. 


Oh and for the record, most likely due to lack of sleep, and frustration over the reality that me not wanting to be a dj manager had fallen on deaf ears, I IM'ed the above mentioned dj, informing him that apparently I was doing that job and could I add him. He replied with " :) " . 


A good few other places I've burned time at, were pretty close to that, including the one venue I worked at, where they not only boasted about how much money they spend, but then blamed for chasing patrons away by the owner due to songs being "too long", only to be followed by same owner telling me I'm the best dj ever, and then followed by, yep, same owner, requesting an our of genre 8 minute song. 


As I tell my wife, when traveling down "amnesia lane"  when talking about previous venues I've worked at - "A lot of them are closed now, and most, should have probably never opened to begin with!" 😈 

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This is why I Never get my inventory cleaned.. I end up playing with all the stuff I end up finding that I haven't seen is a long time..

I totally forgot about those wings.. I forgot why I even bought them.. hehehe

Oh yea, Found my roadkill noob also that someone  from either here or SLU gave me..  poor guy


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I've seen a few things in clubs. Some of them had my IM window open 24/7 because some hostess did not show up and a replacement was being sought for them. It quickly became very annoying when you were constantly begged to come to the stupid club, even though you were doing something else and had communicated that.


But the worst was a club in which I had freshly applied. The owner showed me everything, we had a very nice chat and she hired me. At some point she had to go offline and it took less than 5 minutes when her husband wrote me lewd IMs and was with His camera under my skirt to send me photos of my panties -.-


I didn't know what to do, I was a completely new employee and thought that if I tell her she wouldn't believe it anyway, as the passing on of IMs is not allowed or He Just Turns the story on me. So I quit shortly afterwards.

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13 hours ago, Vicious Hollow said:

, and one vintage jazz club I worked at for several years, doing once a month shows (and only left due to tech issues and a repeating schedule conflict),

Aww thanks Vic. Those were good times and I was sad that it didn't work out in the end.  I'm glad to see you have your boat business just down the coast. (Which reminds me - I need to talk to you about a custom paint job for my IF... :D)

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3 hours ago, Lewis Luminos said:

Aww thanks Vic. Those were good times and I was sad that it didn't work out in the end.  I'm glad to see you have your boat business just down the coast. (Which reminds me - I need to talk to you about a custom paint job for my IF... :D)

Very good times indeed! And sure thing come on by we'll get you fixed up proper! 😁

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I usually just buy my linden, although I do enjoy earning linden through fishing or Lindo.  I wouldn't really consider those as jobs, just entertainment for when I'm bored.  When I'm playing Lindo I typically will spend what I have earned on tipping DJs and Hosts.  I always feel bad when they are working hard, and few people are on the dance floor, and most are just botting away to make a few linden.  Most of them are pretty good at what they do too, so I think they've earned it :)

I haven't considered a job in SL otherwise, I don't think I would make a great host, plus I don't like being confined in one spot for to long.  I could possibly, start playing around with mesh and try to sell stuff but I don't think there is very much money to be made doing so.  When all is considered, an hour of real life work gives me enough linden to pay for my skybox, and have a couple thousand linden left over to buy things with.

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