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10 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Or that Luna's and Velk's off topic posts were removed from the Gacha thread, as Luna suspected they might, causing her to create this thread?

Luna anticipated this, why didn't you and Velk?

Sorry I missed this mate. What made you think I didn't anticipate this? Luna and I discussed this before she even made the thread. lol😎

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

A/C or DC? 
I'm studying old tube ("valve") radios, surprising the voltage requirements, even at DC!

How old? I have a 1928 hand built (by a local farmer) with flying, uninsulated square cross section wiring that I should restore before the AM airwaves go dark. Heater voltage is 3.3V and B+ is 90V. The tuning coils are works of art.


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7 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

How old? I have a 1928 hand built (by a local farmer) with flying, uninsulated square cross section wiring that I should restore before the AM airwaves go dark. Heater voltage is 3.3V and B+ is 90V. The tuning coils are works of art.


Not that old, most so far are one "All American 5" [tube] designs. Most seem to be late 40's-60's (some early can transistors).

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On 8/10/2021 at 6:13 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Who has more power in any society

Before I address this I want you to consider chaos. Chaos is, well, chaos. You can't control it directly. It's impossible. There is however "chaos theory". This means you seek to undestand the chaos. You control your own action/responses instead of trying to control chaos directly.

To society I say ***** the norm. That's the problem. The normal person is actually very flawed. TOO flawed. Do you want to be "normal" or "Better"? It's too common for people to allow mistakes to happen, not address context and be weak and evasive cowards incapable of making fun happen instead of complaining about it.

I used to hide from the world. Now I am the eye of the storm. Influencing what's around me. Want to believe you have the power? You'll have to back up your claims then. Show me you're an aware person that can establish assurance  and honesty and you'll have the power. I'll happily place my trust in someone that has a brain and knows how to use it.

But make mistakes? Hmm... Seems you're the one that needs guiding. And I will do so. The learning can be fun. But you will learn control. You will learn to be stronger. Better.

Lie to me? Refuse to give me straight answers? Can you even handle the truth? Hahahahaa...

It's all in being upfront with awareness and corrections while remaining upfront and honest. You can't get under my skin. You can't phase me. I've been through the worst you see. Broken. To the point of apathy. And you know what taught me? To not fear the unknown. To seek out the answers. To make the best from the worst. And knowing I make that happen? Feels pretty damn good.

You know you have power when you convince the most stubborn. You know you have power when you move mountains. Just keep in mind that no one acts without self interest. And the greatest power of all is to use that against someone to further your own goals. Which just so happens to align with theirs.

Be prepared to debate about what the truth is for a week if someone has concerns though. In the end who has the power of... observation. It's a talent to value. Think of me as a dog. Hellhound is my persona actually. Good nose for it. cold hard truth is this. You probably are an idiot. The question is if you're willing to learn. Why do you think the wisest will say it's about what isn't known? It's all where the answers lie. And that knowledge is indeed power.

The winning argument? The turning point every time when somoene acts like they know something? How do I get people with doubts/concerns to do things with me which makes them happy too?

"What don't you know?"

In order to turn strength into weakness you must admit you're weak. The same can be said for power then. If you're clearly not having your way then there's a missing factor. Sooner you admit it sooner you can gain that power.

Edited by Taramafor
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3 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

The posts don't really ring a bell right now mate. I'll look them up and see if I can remember. I did get in to it with some people getting nasty with me on here last year at one point. I don't recall us ever getting in to it though. So I can't really say if we did or didn't. I only ever actually hit the laugh button on one persons posts purposely to irritate someone because she kept popping mine on every other post so for a laugh I returned the favor and she cracked it on me by sending me little hate messages in PM's and we talked for a bit and I told her look let's just chill with the nonsense already. It was funny at first, but it's going a bit far. So we chatted a bit and called a truce I guess you could say. Dang that sounds so childish. I'm literally laughing as I am writing this crap. lol I mean as silly as it sounds sometimes it just goes like that on these forums. Someone will act like a jerk and then you got stupid comments back and forth and they pop laughs on your stuff and I'll generally pop one back too as my way of saying ya I am laughing too mate. lol😁

As for us though like I said I can't honestly recall right now why I would have hit those reactions. Looking over the photos I dare say we were probably discussing politics which honestly I should just stop doing that all together. lol If it's the thread I am thinking about which I'd have to look up then as I recall there were some people who got nasty with me because they didn't like my opinions which is usually the case on here. I do see one name that stands out to me because this person seemed to have an issue with just anything I ever said. Even if I complimented this person she had an issue with it. lol So best guess your comments may have been popped during that whole heated conversation.🤔

In any case the why is not important to me right now. What is important to me is that I feel like you took my actions personally and to heart. So on that note I genuinely want to apologize to you for anything that I may have said and/or done whether intentionally or not. I am sincerely so very sorry. I had no idea I made you feel that way or that I made you think that I had some personal issues with you. I can assure you that I don't. I don't even have issues with people who have been nasty to me on here. Life is way entirely to short for all of that. I will ask you though if at anytime in the future your feeling some type of way about something I've said and done then by all means please feel free to PM and contact me personally. Again I am so very sorry if you took anything to heart. It certainly was not my intention. *Hugs.*😎

Thank you Velk.

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Money is power , power is arrogance , welcome to globalization .

What percentage of people already work for a boss they will never meet , will never even know the name of , someone completely detached from their own daily struggle .

That percentage grows daily and the profits go to governments and corporations who know nothing about the people who make them rich .

Edited by cunomar
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On 8/11/2021 at 5:13 AM, Luna Bliss said:

Who has more power in any society, and how does this greater power affect those with lesser power?  Are there changing power dynamics in recent times

power has always been dynamic, it shifts within a society and between societal groups

all we ask of those who currently hold power at any given time, is that they exercise it justly. As when they don't we (the large societal we) tear them down, often violently

we tend to not mind powerful people ripping other powerful people to pieces and supplanting them. What we mind is when they come after us, and when they persist in their injustice toward us then we get fed up. And when we get totally fed up, we break them

most students of power dynamics get this and when power does come to such people then they exercise it justly

Edited by Mollymews
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The real power can be with the people. Unless they are divided, of course.

People might want to look in the mirror and rethink who and what divides them.

In the mean time, the power in a developed country like the USA, lies demonstrably with its oligarchs, according to this scientific paper, "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens", by Gilens et al., in Perspectives on Politics , Volume 12 , Issue 3 , September 2014 , pp. 564 - 581, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1537592714001595

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2 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

The real power can be with the people.

How do "the people," or any one or more persons, go about persuading each other to provide goods and services without access to credit?  It's OK when they know each other, but when they don't?

I mean, I'm  just trying to imagine how, in the real world, "the people" get together to make the lights come on when you click a light-switch, or to ensure that water comes out when you turn on a tap, or somehow cause the necessary raw materials to assemble themselves into a laptop or a can of beans, and without capital and access to credit, I don't see how it works.



Edited by Innula Zenovka
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On 8/10/2021 at 1:13 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Who has more power in any society, and how does this greater power affect those with lesser power?  Are there changing power dynamics in recent times (for example, more women in the gaming industry now, or more Black people in governmental positions)?
And what can be done to make the world a more equitable place so everyone has more of an opportunity to pursue their dreams? (Or perhaps you believe a more equitable world is not a worthy goal or even impossible)?

(I began this thread because the gacha thread where these issues were beginning to be discussed took that thread way off-topic).

Changing power dynamics do not occur by merely ensuring there are more Black or female faces in government or on TV. If that were true, there would have been no need for BLM, and there still is. The Obama and Biden administrations have put many Black people in office, and more Blacks run for Congress now and win even in red states. But that's not "power in society" necessarily, which is a very complex phenomenon which I personally don't want to discuss with anonymous people on the Internet.

What can be done to make sure the world is an equitable place is to ensure that no country forcibly installs socialism or worse, communism, as I know not of a single example where installation of these systems by force, hard or soft, or even choice, with media not so free, however, that this has been beneficial.

Instead, I think liberal democratic countries under the rule of law with voting rights, a free press, and an independent judiciary do the best in providing equality and equity. That's why they draw lots of immigrants and why socialist countries do not.

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So far as “who is in charge” is concerned - that would largely be a self-selecting elite (they decided to run for office or work their way up a particular hierarchy) without regard to any particular politics. Either they persuade voters or demonstrate themselves to be the most successful sharks in their particular  pool.

This produces a world governed by either Used Car Salespeople or High Functional Egotists/Successful Predators.

The nature of the world will only make *cosmetic* changes until we fundamentally change the nature of human beings.

Some suggestions to help that along;

(1) - *Voluntarily* reduce the human birth rate to more equitably align Resources, education and employment with our population while lowering consumption and pollution. This might follow if #2 is carried out.

(2) - Broadly invest in education to make it more Universally accessible. A well-educated population is harder to bamboozle, less prone to Intolerance and has a better chance of producing high-quality leaders.

(3) - Increase wide exposure of populations to people of other beliefs and ethnicities. It’s harder to be evil to people you identify with and whose existence is not an abstract concept. Not “pubic relations” but actual contact.

But…to accomplish #1-#3 you have to wrest operational control from the “Who is in charge” group I mentioned in the first blurb.

Good Times……


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11 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

Sorry I missed this mate. What made you think I didn't anticipate this? Luna and I discussed this before she even made the thread. lol😎

You linked a post that was likely to be removed (your own), rather that copy/paste the content. Jackson then interpreted that removal as an act of censorship. While I can easily excuse your oversight, and have done the same thing myself, Jackson's misfire was an overreach.

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46 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

country forcibly installs socialism

My response as I would usually go on long winded would be off track of the thread topic.  But I want to know why the “forcibly” caveat? 

edit: because my family pays over $500 usd a month for health insurance thru work and practically nothing is covered & I can’t afford all the tests & procedures my condition requires.  

I spent over two years bouncing between neurologists, internists, radiologists & therapists being misdiagnosed before finally being given a correct diagnosis.  Thousands of dollars gone. With chronic neurological pain (I have fluid on my brain) & other issues I am all for socialized medical care.  

Edited by Pixie Kobichenko
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3 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

How do "the people," or any one or more persons, go about persuading each other to provide goods and services without access to credit?

I meant, "the people" (should be able to) hold power through voting for the right representatives.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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15 hours ago, Velk Kerang said:

First you're right you don't know me. You can take my word for it or don't. I really have nothing to prove to you. Given your nasty ignorant smartass attitude I don't care to know you. Second being around the military vs being raised up in the military in a generational military family from day one of my life and my background there is absolutely nothing you can school me on and I sure as heck don't got nothing to prove to the likes of you as I've said. It is clear to me though based off the ignorance and nastiness of your statements you don't know crap from crisco. Being around the military as you claim you obviously skipped the class about following orders. You certainly don't know the first thing about security procedures which is clearly obvious to me. Nor is it my job to teach you. As for your dirty little comment about leaving me. You wouldn't have the chance because someone like you wouldn't be working with me in the first place. People like you who think they know everything and act as you clearly do get people killed. You wouldn't have lasted a day in my shoes. And to be entirely clear I am smiling at you now because your a bad joke. lol😎

One last thing. As for your issue and anyone else's for that matter with me using the term mate when I speak. You got no idea of my heritage or background or how it is part of how I speak. I find it amusing that you think you are such an authority on where the term originates from or even attempt to speculate on why I use it. Let alone even act as if only certain people are allowed to use it. And the reason I don't explain it is because I absolutely love when people make the ignorant statements such as the one you clearly have made. It makes it easier for me to see how full of crap some people really are. So stick that in your credence. lol Have a nice day mate.😁

As you said, you have no idea of my background yet, you decide to demean me by calling me a smartass. Trust me when I say:   What I did was dangerous and hazardous.  You can obliviate on your skills and heritage all you want. It doesn't change that your working knowledge seems amiss.  Get over yourself.  You ain't all that. And stop writing a dissertation on each post.  No one got time for that.  And it doesn't make you look smarter. It DOES make you look defensive. Feel free to look me up in SL.  I am NOT impressed.

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19 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I had an SL friend (probably still around) who at one point called me "mate" because "Love" seemed awkward.

I'd rather be called ***hat than "mate".  At least ***hat is gender neutral in nature. "Mate" is a male term.  If they want to call me "sheila"  or "sha-la" (as they say down under) I'm good with that. 

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15 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Thank you Velk.

Your very welcome.:)


7 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

You linked a post that was likely to be removed (your own), rather that copy/paste the content. Jackson then interpreted that removal as an act of censorship. While I can easily excuse your oversight, and have done the same thing myself, Jackson's misfire was an overreach.

I actually did both. I guess the way I worded it just wasn't clear enough. My first response was an actual copy and paste from the last one in the thread I linked because I had a feeling it would get removed. I did it that way to mainly give Luna an opportunity to respond to it and at that time we both had some RL stuff to deal with so it was also just faster and easier to do it that way. I'm sorry about the confusion on that.:)

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4 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

As you said, you have no idea of my background yet, you decide to demean me by calling me a smartass. Trust me when I say:   What I did was dangerous and hazardous.  You can obliviate on your skills and heritage all you want. It doesn't change that your working knowledge seems amiss.  Get over yourself.  You ain't all that. And stop writing a dissertation on each post.  No one got time for that.  And it doesn't make you look smarter. It DOES make you look defensive. Feel free to look me up in SL.  I am NOT impressed.

First off I didn't demean you. You demeaned yourself. I did not call you a smartass. I said your statements were and they are. I was clearly open about myself and you chose to get nasty, rude, and hostel with your comments. I responded accordingly as anyone would. I don't need to get over it as you put it because I am comfortable in my own skin. I got nothing to prove. I do not think I am all that. In fact the exact opposite. And if you do not like the way I write my posts or what I have to say please feel free to stop reading and responding to them at any time. I'm also not trying to look smarter because this isn't a contest. Again comfortable in my own skin. If I look defensive to you then it's probably because your acting like a jerk and naturally I will defend myself when someone clearly attempts to belittle me. Deal with it.🙄

I'm not going to comment on your background you say you have because you are very vague and dangerous and hazardous can mean anything. You could have been a janitor on a Navy ship for all we know. Respectable position regardless of the fact. Also again it's not really a contest. I gave you the cliff notes version of how a security evacuation would have went down and you want to argue it to fit your agenda. I don't got time for all of that. I live in this little thing we call reality. Someone with my background would have read the words key personnel and already known what I was talking about. You didn't. So whatever your background is in I know for a fact it isn't in security.🤔

On your last statement of looking you up. I gotta be honest. I don't know how to take that. lol You've been such a ray of sunshine and oh so pleasant basically out right the starting gate more or less calling me a liar so I got to ask. What would my motivation be exactly? lol I mean I have no problem saying hi the next time I am in world, but I'm not gonna contact nobody just to get in to it with them. I'm not with all that. It's bad enough when it happens on the forums. Everybody that knows me personally knows that when I log in world on this platform I'm in my zen place. Check that mess at door. Don't mess with the mojo. lol😎

3 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

I'd rather be called ***hat than "mate".  At least ***hat is gender neutral in nature. "Mate" is a male term.  If they want to call me "sheila"  or "sha-la" (as they say down under) I'm good with that. 

I also want to comment on this here. Mate is gender neutral. Women use the term all the time. I know plenty of them who do. Most of the time I use it with out even giving it a second thought. It means friend. When I use it with the ladies it's because I don't want them to think I am ever interested in anything other then a friendship. While not always successful I try to be everyone's friend in fact because it's not my goal to make enemies in this life. Sometimes shirt happens though. So I find it funny when people take offense to it because it's really not that serious.😁

So if your going to come at me with gender political corrections on how I talk out side of making me personally aware of how you'd like to be addressed which I'll be respectful and do then I am probably not the best person to have conversations with. Just for the simple fact I do not just up and fall in line with the political correctness train because I refuse to be the sheep. The wolf eats better. lol😎

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I had an SL friend (probably still around) who at one point called me "mate" because "Love" seemed awkward.

Ya I had to laugh at this because this is exactly what I was thinking too mate. lol I mean if I was using the word love at people then knowing my luck somebody would be accusing me of making unwanted advances. lol So ya I'll stick with mate. It's the safer rout. lol It just goes to show that no matter how hard you try you just can't win for loosing. lol Also not confirming or denying the video that @Drendaposted, but I will say this. It does make me want to visit Argentina now. lol Cheers mates. lol🤣😎

Edited by Velk Kerang
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45 minutes ago, Velk Kerang said:

Mate is gender neutral. Women use the term all the time.

I've been around the block more than a few times and have never once heard a woman use this word in referring to either gender.  Unless she is actually referring to her mate (husband, boyfriend). As in who she mates with.  And even then, it's said jokingly.  

Just an fyi from the female perspective.

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18 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've been around the block more than a few times and have never once heard a woman use this word in referring to either gender. 

Definitely not in the UK! It's a male greeting...I think it's common in Australia too - is that where you're from @Velk Kerang?

@Love ZhaoyingI met a few people on SL who called me 'Luv'...they said they didn't like to use 'Rat' as they thought it was disrespectful! I wanted to say, well... I did pick the name 🙂Can't blame LL for that one 🤣

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On 8/10/2021 at 6:13 PM, Luna Bliss said:

Who has more power in any society, and how does this greater power affect those with lesser power?  Are there changing power dynamics in recent times (for example, more women in the gaming industry now, or more Black people in governmental positions)?
And what can be done to make the world a more equitable place so everyone has more of an opportunity to pursue their dreams? (Or perhaps you believe a more equitable world is not a worthy goal or even impossible)?

(I began this thread because the gacha thread where these issues were beginning to be discussed took that thread way off-topic).

Who has more power in a society depends on so many things, and I'm afraid my 'big picture' of the question is thoroughly intersectional. And while we're at it, 'power', to me, is about the ability to affect change or maintain a status quo, so 'agency' would be an equally appropriate word.

Those with greater agency/power/privilege are more able to choose decisions and opportunities without concern for consequences and threats to their well-being or how they move through the world because the world is already shaped to accomodate them, because they either belong to sufficient dominant demographics or have the resources or environment to live a relatively untouchable existence. Free from the consideration of consequence, their collective decision-making power often erases their ability to find empathy with those who suffer for their comfort, so social equity becomes an ideal that they defend against through an unhealthy guilt-reflex rather than actually strive for. They are also highly vulnerable to identity-based manipulation and take dopamine-like comfort in being spoon-fed justifications for their self-protection no matter how unjust or irrational, and countless studies and successful media and advertising campaigns reflect this. Those with lesser agency are impacted by collective decisions that don't take their needs into account, and so the lack of equity is prolonged.

There definitely are changing power dynamics occuring, and the desperate scrabblings of those whose identities and senses of self depend on the oppression of others through legislation, political campaigns and misinformation, is evidence that they have already lost, because the tsunami of social acceptance and diversity has already begun and grown and grown and does not require the approval of those who feel threatened by liberation.

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