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Innula Zenovka

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  1. I dunno. Do you think the fact LL has accounts on Meta, YouTube and the site formerly known as Twitter X constitutes any particular endorsement, or even knowledge of, their data retention and data handling practices?
  2. @Joeey Aura It would also be really helpful if the editor could remember which folder a script is in, or at least the last folder that was opened, and save things to there by default.
  3. To that I would add, enable vSync to make your machine run a lot cooler (it's enabled by default in the Official Viewer, but not Firestorm for some reason).
  4. Re-read this not llListReplaceList(NamesList, [message], 0, 0); but NamesList = llListReplaceList(NamesList, [message], 0, 0);
  5. To make that work, I think you need to read the first item in the list "data" as a string (which is what it is) and then cast it as a vector, thus: Otherwise it will report "first" as having the value ZERO_VECTOR, because there aren't any vectors in the list data, only strings that look like vectors.
  6. @Joeey Aura Thanks so much for making this! I'm a long-term Sublime Text fan, but I'm enjoying using this and may well make it my go-to editor. One feature of Sublime Text I do miss, though, is the ability to do multiple, non-contiguous, selections. Is there any easy way to add that?
  7. How do you say, though, that LL should go about "engaging with its user-base," since the user-base doesn't seem to have much interest in engaging with LL, other than to ask Lindens for their bears when they run into them? Most people, quite understandably, prefer to spend their time on doing whatever it is they particularly enjoy doing in SL rather than engaging with LL at user group meetings and in the SL discord server. From what I've heard, and it makes a lot of sense, LL do put quite a bit of effort into engaging with both with people who create accounts, log in once or twice, and then don't come back, and with long-term residents who decide to quit, to ask them what they don't like about the platform and what might have persuaded them to stay.
  8. I see the problem, but I don't see how a 1 second security orb is going to help, for the same reason that, in your situation, setting the estate to group access only isn't an option..
  9. I've very rarely -- maybe once every year or so -- had unwanted visitors disturb me in my various SL homes in all the time I've been in SL, and on all but two occasions a polite but firm request that they leave was all that was needed to restore my privacy. When asking nicely was insufficient, I was able to teleport the trespassers home and then ban them by using the parcel tools that are readily accessible in all viewers. I'm not at all worried about what happens when I'm not there, and neither am I upset by -- or even aware of, most of the time -- people flying overhead, and I really don't see the point of annoying people just because it's my land so I'm allowed to.
  10. I find having a short parcel autoreturn for non-group objects works very well. No abandoned vehicles cluttering up my land and none stuck at the boundary, either.
  11. Zindra is attractive because it's Adult mainland. Unless you particularly like glow, however, or roads that have region crossings running down their centre, it's hardly attractive as an environment. I think a whole new adult continent would look a lot more attractive than Zindra because I know what Bellisseria looks like, and because I think that an Adult version of something like Bellisseria (not identical, not least because this new project will include commercial areas), with LDPW builds and landscaping, and an enforceable covenant, will be more attractive than Adult mainland, for the same reasons many people -- particularly new residents -- prefer Bellisseria to mainland
  12. Why would LL want to devote Linden and Mole resources to finishing Zindra rather than to developing new content, be it this new Spicy project, updating existing Linden Homes and developing new themes, or working on the regular schedule of seasonal events? What's the advantage to LL or to SL residents in general? Certainly I'm more interested in seeing more themes on Bellisseria and a new Adult version of Bellisseria, particularly if it also has shops available too, than I am in seeing one of LL's less attractive projects completed.
  13. Why would LL need to process our RL info? If I were LL (or if I ran any sort of site that needed age verification) I'd contract that out to a third-party service, who'd then confirm to me that they'd been able to confirm people's ages. No need for LL to get involved, and plenty of reasons for them not to. Most of the major UK credit reference agencies already offer that sort of service, and they're presumably well acquainted with the requirements of the GDPR.
  14. They're limiting access in the sense that they're requiring age verification for sites that are primarily devoted to explicit sexual content. You'd need to ask a US lawyer, of course, but the Texas law refers to "an Internet website (including a social media platform)" of which more than one third of its content is sexual material likely to be harmful to minors, and that doesn't seem to me obviously to catch SL. It might do, but sites like PornHub are the more obvious target.
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