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Respect for private property and privacy.

Miller Thor

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I am certain that there are some who think that if an area is supposed to be off-limits then they wouldn't have access.  It is certainly understandable for newer people.  Even a lot of older people don't really understand how land works because they, for one reason or another, have never had to deal with parcel management.  Due to that they don't understand some of the difficulties that can be involved in providing a public space that has private areas and just think that the land owner will restrict those areas to the people who are allowed access.  Consequently they don't give going where they please much of a thought if it is accessible.

My take is that it really isn't something to get worked up about.  If you have a public build with private rentals then your renters should be responsible for worrying about how they deal with casual intruders and this should be clearly communicated to them.  With manual freeze/eject/tp home and specific named parcel bans people should have enough tools to deal with any casual intruders without general ban lines or orbs.  If it gets beyond that then you aren't really talking about casual invaders but a concerted effort to cause a nuisance.  However the two types of issues shouldn't be treated in the same way.  The former is just a temporary annoyance that will mostly rectify itself even if the latter needs stronger measures from the region owner and/or LL.

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On 12/1/2020 at 11:13 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

..Treating everyone who wanders into a private area as though they were an uncaring idiot is not demonstrating a great deal of tolerance or understanding.

The flip side of expecting visitors to behave with respect is, perhaps, treating your visitors with a bit of respect? Your sim sounds and looks like a pretty one, and I might ordinarily find it worth a visit, but honestly, your approach to, and characterization of those who have "violated" -- quite possibly inadvertently -- your privacy is rather off-putting.

I think I'll avoid visiting a place where inadvertently wandering off the path leads to a ban, or being labelled a "moron."

preach. from what i have seen, many have been giving advice on this thread but it goes no where, from what *i* have been skimming over and reading.

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On 12/2/2020 at 7:03 AM, Blush Bravin said:

The problem with making it group only is it destroys the ambiance of the build with ban lines clearly visible.

menu World \ Show \ Banlines has been in the Linden viewer for over 12 years

it baffles me that the visibility of banlines on our screens is still presented as a rationale to use a scripted ejector

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7 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

menu World \ Show \ Banlines has been in the Linden viewer for over 12 years

it baffles me that the visibility of banlines on our screens is still presented as a rationale to use a scripted ejector

Not to cause a ruckus, but SL really isn’t too user friendly at all. I’ve been in-world for 15 years now and still manage to find little tricks that I had forgotten, or never learned from the beginning. The newfangled obstacle course that new member have on landing does help a lot, I’m sure. However, the less-than-technologically-blessed folk are hardly going to dig through their viewers until they know “everything” 

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not opposed to banlines, but the argument against using orbs is just as silly to me. 

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10 minutes ago, norajulian said:

The newfangled obstacle course that new member have on landing does help a lot, I’m sure. However, the less-than-technologically-blessed folk are hardly going to dig through their viewers until they know “everything” 

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not opposed to banlines, but the argument against using orbs is just as silly to me. 

i get the point you are making about rationales

i just say that from a new user's pov. Login in first time on Linden viewer. Go thru onboarding, go thru the portal to the Social Island, find the portals there. Go thru them to the inworld. Wander about, see some yellow tape on your screen. Bump into the tape. Can't go that way.  Oh! well. Turn round and go another way

or, wander about, get a message that you are trespassing, and then get killed when you, being brand new, have no idea what trespassing means in what is at this moment a video game

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2 hours ago, Mollymews said:

menu World \ Show \ Banlines has been in the Linden viewer for over 12 years

it baffles me that the visibility of banlines on our screens is still presented as a rationale to use a scripted ejector

The main problem with ban-lines isn't the visibility. It's that if you collide with them whilst travelling in a vehicle, you're likely to be unseated, catapulted at least a region away and lose your vehicle. If there is no nearby rez-point, the likelihood of being able to continue your journey is very low.

Whereas if the parcel is protected by an orb (as long as it's got at least 10 secs of warning time), you get a message but you've already passed through the parcel before it tries to do anything.

I keep ban-lines on, because I sail, and I need to be able to see them. I'd much rather bump into security orb zones.

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3 hours ago, Mollymews said:

menu World \ Show \ Banlines has been in the Linden viewer for over 12 years

it baffles me that the visibility of banlines on our screens is still presented as a rationale to use a scripted ejector

I use scripted ejector for skyboxes because banlines only work up to a certain height... forgot how high though 🤔

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24 minutes ago, AdminGirl said:

I use scripted ejector for skyboxes because banlines only work up to a certain height... forgot how high though 🤔

top of banline box is about 50 meters above terrain level

just say that I have no problem with no warning insta-kill scripted ejectors in skyboxes above 2000 meters. Is not like way up in the sky is any kind of trail for unguided tourist attractions

whenever I have had a skybox then the only unguided tourists I ever had were random green dot map teleporters landing on my head

ps add

i went thru a time with a skybox that seemed to attract quite a few random map teleport tourists. Might have been because it was on a A region, dunno why exactly tho just got quite a few more than I ever got anywhere else

so what I ended up doing was at the Landing Point in the skybox I put in a scripted ejector which when I collided with it, it started a timer to do the scan, which booted anyone when I was in my skybox. Then when I left the skybox, it turned itself off and then only started again when I came back and collided with the ejector prim

Edited by Mollymews
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36 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

top of banline box is about 50 meters above terrain level


whenever I have had a skybox then the only unguided tourists I ever had were random green dot map teleporters landing on my head

ps add

i went thru a time with a skybox that seemed to attract quite a few random map teleport tourists. Might have been because it was on a A region, dunno why exactly tho just got quite a few more than I ever got anywhere else


Oh yeh 50m - thanks Mollymews.

I kept having the head sitting teleporters in my skybox too and it always baffled me until did it to someone else one time! Ok so I don't know if this is always the reason but when I did it, it was when I was curious about who was around me, so I right clicked on a name in my Nearby List to zoom but accidentally clicked on "Teleport to" and landed on their head - oops!! 😵

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27 minutes ago, AdminGirl said:

 it was when I was curious about who was around me, so I right clicked on a name in my Nearby List to zoom but accidentally clicked on "Teleport to" and landed on their head - oops!! 😵


i have done that myself. I was camming because nosey!  I meant to open the person's profile same as you and ended up on their head. Shame ! lol

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7 hours ago, Mollymews said:

menu World \ Show \ Banlines has been in the Linden viewer for over 12 years

it baffles me that the visibility of banlines on our screens is still presented as a rationale to use a scripted ejector

Sure I can turn their visibility off but then I'm left to run into invisible walls, which can lead to negative consequences for those on transportation devices. So that is one feature I never use. And then there are countless others who are new to SL and don't know about the ability. I very much like the approach Belli has taken with no ability to use ban lines, because they are ugly and extremely unwelcoming.

A security orb with a minimum 15 second warning gives plenty of time to remove oneself from the area. The orb I own can be set up with three different ejection options one being to give a warning without ejecting at all. Since the OP has specifically stated that they want visitors to come to their region and enjoy the beauty of the build, a security orb set up properly with efficient scripting is still preferable to ban lines, IMO.


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I dont mind the use of sec orbs if applied with common sense.

A 15 sec min warning time and also for the owners of the land to make sure the auto return is set to any but 0.

Nothing is more ridiculous then being booted out by a sec orb set for 0 sec and see your vehicle entering on the land and staying there until the owner logs in; founds out and returns it!


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11 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

Since the OP has specifically stated that they want visitors to come to their region and enjoy the beauty of the build, a security orb set up properly with efficient scripting is still preferable to ban lines, IMO.


i don't disagree that there are use cases where scripted ejectors are a reasonable solution

a thing. OP has created for themselves an environment which has lead to them ejecting 100s of visiting avatars, a situation which has caused them lots of angst

OP wanted to know what else could be done to reduce the number of visitor ejections and consequently their level of angst. Continuing with the setup OP currently has, won't reduce ejections or angst levels

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55 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

Continuing with the setup OP currently has, won't reduce ejections or angst levels

I totally agree with that as the only system he is currently using is a decorative fence and banning visitors.

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Dude. Here's a thought. Maybe people will be more willing to engage with your comments if (and I know this is crazy talk) you take the time to post a well-edited, comprehensible suggestion. You know...rather than posting something that sounds like the result of chugging two bottles of black market vodka, snorting a line of coke, and then deciding to log onto the SL forums. Just saying...

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On 12/1/2020 at 11:10 AM, Sassy Kenin said:

2. Go to parcel settings, add the ability to be able to be killed, buy a security orb that uses killer hornets..add friends to Orb whitelist..anyone else will be killed and sent home!..problem solved!

Where can i get the security systems to kill on sight? zooby sabertooth did nothing and i bought these bees and they did nothing at all


i like the idea and sound of your text but cannot find a product that fulfills this

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I didn't read the whole thread so this has probably been suggested but just get security orbs and set them to like 15 to 20 seconds. That gives enough time for people to walk back onto public land or to TP away. 

A lot of scenic sims that I like to explore have cabins like that but they're open to the public so I understand the confusion if the rest of the sim is public.


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