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Curiosity about why people are here in the forums.


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I came into the forums because of curiosity when I was looking up things on the internet to help with issues I had with my AV. That was my starting point. What about everyone else??

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I looked up my initial posting on the forums, I’ve pasted a photo.  So I guess I came here for grid status.  It says I joined the forums in December 2009, but I didn’t post until 2016.  I guess I stayed for a reason many might, socialization.  


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24 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

issues I had with my AV. That was my starting point.

Same.  That's when I started.  I couldn't figure out how to put the skin on the Maitreya mesh body.   I was in SL a long time ago when there weren't any mesh avatars; then this latest time I landed in a world of appliers I did not understand until I got the relays.  Once here, I found out all kinds of things about SL itself and how to make things work.

I wasn't a forum regular until COVID-19.  For two to almost three months I could not do anything but read the news and be here on the forums.  I could not even log inworld at all for the first few months of COVID because I felt all I would do is cry and I didn't want to burden others inworld trying to escape.

I'd rather be inworld.  I have been getting back slowly but I've told my friends inworld they may not see me in social situations inworld until Halloween as I have made plans for projects for a few months.    

Edited by FairreLilette
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I simply found the forums in my first week as I was exploring the SL website.  I did leave for a while, when then went from the original Resident Answers to whatever that crap was before this iteration of the forums.  I couldn't stand that version as it just didn't seem to encourage actual discussions.

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Looking at my history, I was asking how to post to events (which I know how to know and asked in Nov 2013 so I was only just over a month old in SL) prior to the change we have now regarding event posting, then asked for Glam rock looks which I always looking for even now. :D 

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26 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Same.  That's when I started.  I couldn't figure out how to put the skin on the Maitreya mesh body.   I was in SL a long time ago when there weren't any mesh avatars; then this latest time I landed in a world of appliers I did not understand until I got the relays.  Once here, I found out all kinds of things about SL itself and how to make things work.

I wasn't a forum regular until COVID-19.  For two to almost three months I could not do anything but read the news and be here on the forums.  I could not even log inworld at all for the first few months of COVID because I felt all I would do is cry and I didn't want to burden others inworld trying to escape.

I'd rather be inworld.  I have been getting back slowly but I've told my friends inworld they may not see me in social situations inworld until Halloween as I have made plans for projects for a few months.    

Come and meet me inworld!!! It;s so much easier to chat there and truly get to know each other!!! And anyone else who wants to as well!!!

Edited by Bagnu
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I've been text-chatting most of my life, having learned to type on a computer keyboard when very young. Dad had a minicomputer with two terminals, one in his office and another in his machine shop, which he used to design and make things. I was not to disturb him while he was working, but quickly discovered that he'd answer if I typed something at the keyboard of whichever terminal he was not at. I was hooked. He and I had countless chats, big and small, over the years, continuing the practice nearly until his death.

When I went off to college, I chatted with classmates on the university timeshare system. With help from folks in the Milwaukee Computer Society, I built my own modem and joined their BBS in 1986/7. From there I went to The Well, eWorld and (in 1993) the WWW where I haunted IRC chatrooms, technical forums, and Usenet science newsgroups. I stayed connected with a couple IRC friends via Yahoo Messenger, one for more than a dozen years (had he come to SL when I did, he'd have been Snugs).

During the waning days of my relationship with my SL-ex, I went looking for other ways to have meaningful discourse with people and found the forums.  I've been here nearly 11 years. I spent several of those haunting the Answers section helping people with SL's steep learning curve. When in-world, I'd usually stand on the ottoman in front of my fireplace in the lighthouse at Forgotten City, or in the wheat at The Far Away trying to steal AM Radio's locomotive, chatting with unseen friends across the grid. I am a creature of text.

I've recently shifted the bulk of my chat time back in-world, where the conversations are kinder, gentler and more immediate, as they were originally... over forty years ago.

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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I've recently shifted the bulk of my chat time back in-world, where the conversations are kinder, gentler and more immediate, as they were originally... over forty years ago.

I wish i had the same opportunity. My friends seem to be in different timezones though. And I don't always have the privacy to do what i do,. Lag is another issue with my slow internet.

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Pfft I don't remember why I visited the forums in 2005, besides to advertise a shoutcast hosting service my friend was running...and apparently post 109 other things.

Then the forums moved to IPB and I didn't post (apparently)

Now I just come on here for the interesting post or advertisement. It should be evident enough as I don't have that many posts :P

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30 minutes ago, Zack Massiel said:

Pfft I don't remember why I visited the forums in 2005, besides to advertise a shoutcast hosting service my friend was running...and apparently post 109 other things.

Then the forums moved to IPB and I didn't post (apparently)

Now I just come on here for the interesting post or advertisement. It should be evident enough as I don't have that many posts :P

Apparently advertising here is considered to be a bad thing from my experience. Maybe it's just me lol!!!

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No specific reason.. just to ask a few questions and express my feelings and thoughts about somethings. 

I lurked around the forums long before that.  Mostly because being shy and an introvert.. believe it or not.. it's true.. ever meet me in world.. and you would see it.

Here though I discovered I can be more open and worry less if others disagree most of the time. 

I might still poke them for it but won't let it get to me as easily. I tend to make it more of a them problem then a me problem  now..

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I originally came to the fora of yesteryear merely to read, and read I did, for a very long time, even when I wasn't in sl anymore.

In 2008 I came back to stay, and that was my first REAL interactions with any of the fora as more of a regular. I spent more time reading them than I did posting on them, at least these community ones (well, their predecessors ). The xstreet forums is where I spent far more of my time, both reading and participating, they were a lot more fun than these ones. These (the oooold versions) were more informative than fun for me, back then, although a bit less policed as well, weird balance really, for those that have been around long enough to watch the various transformations of the different fora.  I learned most of my creating skills from those old forums, especially in areas where more information was shared between folks, a whole lot of information actually. I also learned a lot from taking things apart and making wild guesses as to "what does this do?" and "hmm, I wonder what'll happen if..?" questions when making scripts and whatnot. 

I've always spent more time reading the forums than posting, in all their incarnations, but it's just in my nature to do that. I like words, I like using words, I like reading words...therefore I like reading forums. I learn a lot more about people just reading than I do participating too. A lot of things people probably don't even realize others can learn about them can be found on the forums, if you're here long enough to read more than the average forumite tends to do.  (see, a whole novel just to say, I read lots, and I know lots, lmao).

I do enjoy a good laugh and I get loads of them here, a whole lot of them are definitely not intentional, which is why I am far less likely to ever "react" to a post, because I learned long ago that those laughs at unintentional funnies are not welcome lol. (but, I still laugh, not gonna lie, even at things that most definitely weren't intended to be funny). I also like learning-which I've done a whole hell of a lot, on all kinds of things. I find the forums entertaining, even when not intended to be. Sometimes I also need something to give me a little push to gtfa(away, not out) from people for a while, and the forums can do that too. As negative as that sounds, it's not really. 

I like just about everyone here, really, even people with whom I regularly disagree, probably on just about everything, and people I know don't like me one iota. That keeps me coming back even if I take a break for a month or twenty. 


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Just now, Drake1 Nightfire said:

I think it was a tech question... Something to do with lag i think.. 

You can advertise... in the appropriate section..

Well then I will. I refused a very small few who wanted my services to prove my point that I didn't come here to advertise. And I didn't. Now I WILL advertise!!! Appropriately of course in the employment section!!! And it is apparently allowed in our signatures. I honestly wish it wasn't allowed here at all though. The forums should be purely about discussion.

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I joined the forums seven months after i joined SL. Probably I was still trying to figure it all out and thought this might be a good place. Maybe when I get it all figured out i will move on.

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2 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Well then I will. I refused a very small few who wanted my services to prove my point that I didn't come here to advertise. And I didn't. Now I WILL advertise!!! Appropriately of course in the employment section!!! And it is apparently allowed in our signatures. I honestly wish it wasn't allowed here at all though. The forums should be purely about discussion.

It wouldn't go in the employment section, you're not looking for actual employment or employees (just giving you a heads up, because it'll get removed and you'll get your hand slapped by mods if you put it there). If you own a club looking for employees in your profession, then you can advertise there, but you do not.

Advertising on the forums isn't exactly welcome in the way you might think it is, for anyone. That's the only reason we're allowed signatures for it, really, it's not blatant "advertising your wares". The OLD forums, used to allow advertising, again in specific areas, but did allow it. The newer incarnations do not allow it, well, not really anyway. 

I would err on the side of caution advertising your services outside of the myriad of other advertising methods and your signature, merely because it probably won't go well. There may be an area in the adult section you can advertise, not sure, I don't visit that section (someone else might know better). 


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I actually found the place across the street first,   then some one point out a topic here.  that would of been.  2008ish,  was the vb forum software back then, then they moved and my born on date for the forum got pooched and says I joined in 2009...  I've been in sl since 2007.  first topic,  hm was looking for star trek places I believe

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I joined the forums because when I first joined SL in 2007, everywhere I went in world was empty and I couldn't figure out why. I needed answers to this burning question: Where is everyone?

Well I found out and then some. Was totally entertained by the people I met in the old version of the forum (well, most there are always some people who are a PITA). So much fun, flirtation and friendship evolved out of being there.

I stayed away for a long while but came back. I like this type of communication/sharing. 

Edited by Elora Lunasea
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