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How often do you read this forum and why?

Pamela Galli

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Some of us check in here almost every day, for several reasons — for example, for me this is a community. All the friends I have made in SL, I have made here and the defunct Xstreet forum.

But there are plenty more reasons. What’s yours?

Edited by Pamela Galli
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I find out about SL goings on thru the forums even tho I am aware of official LL blogs.  Upcoming name changes, & Bellisseria for example.

Also I enjoy idle the chitchat (what is on your tv, fave holiday food types of stuff) & games in the threads. Tho I think my SL is creeping towards becoming a thing of the past.  It’s becoming longer gaps of time between my logins.  I know in recent months I’ve spent more time here on the forums than inworld.  

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Very, very off and on with me. There are days I'm here often. Then it goes to daily or several times a week. Then I have been known to take breaks that can last as long as years. It varies as to why that is the case, too. Who is here, participating? What are the threads like? While I play the games every so often, I generally am not that interested in them. Even if I visit the "What are you ______ today" threads, that will also be sporadic. I like good conversation, which is not the same thing as enjoying battles, as some people do. I also like to goof off and derail threads, which is much harder to do in these forums as opposed to the old ones, which is both good and bad. Otherwise, like others have said, I read the forums to learn what is going on, the newest reasons why SL is dying again, that sort of thing. Due to health reasons it is sometimes just too exhausting to log into SL, and the forums are a way of doing something. In other words, the more bored or having physical/mental problems, the more I'm here.

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I'm on and off during the day, even when I am in world.  Mostly, I am just lurking.  If I see an interesting thread, though, or if someone makes a comment that I think is funny, I'll jump in for a while.  I don't enjoy drama, which is why I used to avoid a lot of the forums except for the Creation ones and Answers.  The current forums are much saner and less stressful, so I've been spending more time here recently.  

For me, SL is a place to explore and experiment.  I come here to learn and to find creative puzzles -- like Maddy showing us a better way to tie shoes 😉 --  and to feed what I've learned back into the community.  I'd go quietly nuts if I didn't have a daily fix in world and here in the forums.

Edited by Rolig Loon
typos. as always.
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I've been coming to the forums  since i found them back in 2006..

I may not post every day like I used to, probably because I don't have as much to say these days..But I like to keep up with the people I've met over the years,plus see who I haven't met that becomes a regular to the forums..

Plus I used to hang in the Xstreet forums as well and loved Xstreet market ,before they closed those and so call,MERGED the forums! \o/

Some people think we come here for the post counts..Myself,I haven't even really looked over at what mine is in years.. I don't think we get anything for those ,so why bother?

I don't think we've had any kind of point system in a long long time..

oh well..I don't come here for those things..I come here because of the people here and the information here and because the forums and you all, have been a big part of my life on the internet over the years..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Just looking at who has posted in this thread so far proves what a valuable, positive, interesting, entertaining, and educational forum this is — this is the quality of posters that make this a forum worth nurturing and protecting, in partnership with the mods, without whom this would be like the old forums 😫



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I'm here serveral times through out the day.  but I visit each day and do try to help people as much as I can and I give a real world view to those that come yelling at LL about certain items, like "downtime" processing fee's and such.  I try to help people understand and see from another point of view that helps them understand sometimes why the lab does what it does when we are consumers of their products.    I'm a people person that loves helping when and how ever I can.

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1 minute ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

I'm here serveral times through out the day.  but I visit each day and do try to help people as much as I can and I give a real world view to those that come yelling at LL about certain items, like "downtime" processing fee's and such.  I try to help people understand and see from another point of view that helps them understand sometimes why the lab does what it does when we are consumers of their products.    I'm a people person that loves helping when and how ever I can.

*yells at Moe about processing fees, region crossings, missing inventory, rip offs, she stole my boyfriend, coffeepotting gleefurs, and it smelling to coffee up in here

Feel better now? I know I do. :P

I'm teasing, don't kill me!

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I tend to keep the main page of the forums open in the background all the time I'm at the computer and reload it every now and then to see if there are any new messages. I do the same with a few other web sites and forums, it's a nice little break from whatever I'm working on.

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I'm here every day, except sometimes when I'm travelling.  I don't always browse much during the work day - depends on how much I'm avoiding work.  On the weekends, I browse all day long, though there will be long breaks if I'm focused on something inworld.  

I'm here primary for the community and a bit to keep up on SL happenings and to learn things.

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52 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

*yells at Moe about processing fees, region crossings, missing inventory, rip offs, she stole my boyfriend, coffeepotting gleefurs, and it smelling to coffee up in here

Feel better now? I know I do. :P

I'm teasing, don't kill me!

*kills you with kindness*  ♥

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I'm a forum addict and I'm here every day. I like the people and this community. I'm mostly on my phone, because due to family commitments I can't always use my laptop to be in world.

I learn a lot here and I have since I first found it. In my other world I'm also a forum addict and have a big post count on that RL forum.

I don't like to see conflict, but I've seen plenty on various forums over time, and it seems to be inevitable.

But this is a big part of how I relax in RL.

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I go through phases, and it all depends how I am feeling health wise. I recently got a reconditioned computer, and that means I can actually log into world again, but too much has changed for me to get my head around so I have been on something of a nostalgia trip when I've been logging in.  The old familiar places are gone, all of my profile picks are gone.

Coming onto forums for much of the time I was not able to log in helped to keep me in touch with some of the new stuff, but mostly I stick with the general discussions section now, as I find I am too "noob" for giving advice on technical issues or anything about mesh. 

While I miss the serious derailment threads, I don't miss the flaming. I swear that set off my ulcer! 

Today I am dipping in and out of these forums because I just am procrastinating generally, not wanting to look properly at my budget sheets. It is Sunday, and I just want to chill and be part of something while not having to leave my lovely warm flat. 

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6 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

It is Sunday, and I just want to chill

Seconded. Um ... are you still getting some enjoyment out of SL actual, when you login there ? I have noticed when inworld, while there is a huge interest in mesh avvies and all the new bells and whistles, there is still a lot of long time players who are more than happy in their old old skins, which I think is great as well.

Edited by rasterscan
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Every day.  I have made some good friends on the forums and also its a good way to know who to avoid.  I guarantee every day here I learn something. I get a giggle from something.  I get frustrated by something/someone.  Occasionally I am even able to help someone. Sometimes hopefully I can make someone laugh.  Coming here is not good for my tongue though as I end up biting it way too much for a place that is supposed to be used by adults. 

The words Thank You are never said enough on these forums.  Occasionally I just click Mark Forum Read and start a clean slate.  

Also sometimes it gives me a chance to ummm


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57 minutes ago, rasterscan said:

Seconded. Um ... are you still getting some enjoyment out of SL actual, when you login there ? I have noticed when inworld, while there is a huge interest in mesh avvies and all the new bells and whistles, there is still a lot of long time players who are more than happy in their old old skins, which I think is great as well.

Yes! I still really love the Second Life that I can explore. I was always an explorer. I found bots in a skybox just yesterday, which thrilled my little non-mesh socks off :) 


A group notice from an old group informed me of a new place for Art Box, and I popped across to renew my profile photo, testing the built-in camera settings. 


I mostly like solitary activities in world, half an hour before I go to bed, which turns out usually to be two hours! 

I don't need the mesh, but I had to reconsider my avatar complexity, as I kept getting messages pop onto my screen about how how mine was.  

But yes, I still enjoy Second Life when I log into it. Sometimes just to be alone with the cat.


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When I sit down at the computer, I open 6-8 browser windows (8 at work, 6 at home).  One of them is this forum, because I find you all very entertaining, often interesting, and occasionally educational.  You are a net positive in my existence, if a somewhat distracting one at times.





In other words, DANCE, MONKEYS, DANCE!

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