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Unpopular opinions

Bree Giffen

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Finishes handing out his lolz and thanks and likes so the deserving (well, most of them) get their affirmation, I mean reputation points.

All my opinions are unpopular, so, I'll just leave this here...


Edited by Tolya Ugajin
ETA: My girl wants us to go explore Gor. I swear that I will picture the RL person behind every avatar there looking just like this
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1 minute ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Look, could you at least remove the stake? It's giving me heartburn. 

/me thinks it over a bit, then yanks out the stake.  He reaches into his laptop bag and hands her the rest of the antacid tablets he has with him, and, seeing the Reeses Pieces bag left over from yesterday's flight, and offers to share.  "So, ya got any beer in that coffin?"

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3 hours ago, Chaser Zaks said:

Probably unpopular opinion: I think LL should ban political threads from general, as in amending the rules to say "No politic centered threads". [snip]

They always just seem to divide the community IMO, and I don't want to see the community divided.

The community is already divided. Talking about differences or anything does not create the divisions. Unity only ever comes from communicating and debating issues.

The IMPORTANT first question is almost always, "What do you mean by that?"

2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Count me with Beth and Chaser with regard to politics here with the caveat that I'd personally like to see politics in general banned as a discussion topic within the forum. [snip]

There's also quite a few users whom I honestly believe revel in disruption or taking a contrary opinion, not to mention those who seem to revel in coming to the aid of someone they believe is being ganged up on...

In society in general there is an effort to get people to stop talking about politics and religion. Kill off free speech and limit the spread of ideas and facts that defeat one's idealogy. The Left, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists primarily rely on Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to control the conversation. If the conversation/debate examines the ideology of political systems based on facts both sides have problems. Thus many feel the need to control the conversation. Alinsky makes that very clear in his book.

A primary tool of the losing side is to ridicule the winning side. 


2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I think it's probably true that people enjoy the affirmation that comes from seeing people "like" their appearance or pic-taking abilities. That's pretty natural, but it is still secondary to posting the pics. I can't imagine anyone is going to the hassle of taking and posting photos for the express purpose of merely boosting reputation points.

Why would anyone care about those per se? They contribute absolutely nothing. I don't even notice them, tbh (although I will occasionally look at post count).

Everyone likes affirmation. Some need it.

As to the reputation points... They come in handy in the Answers section of the forum. In the "How you look..." thread it has less meaning. There is even a few pages in the thread where people were posting how they think of the rating. No consistency. But, it is an example of how people have different ideas and the group came to a better understanding of how diversely people see the ranking in that thread.

1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Beth thinks any discussion of ANYTHING is dangerously asking for trouble...

But THAT probably isn't my UNpopular opinion...


My unpopular opinion: I think we SHOULD be "naming" builders of problem products / builds as well as those that do good things. Silence, NEVER solves anything. Only discussion and debate do that. With some rules of debate to keep it civil, open discourse is better. Without rules of civility it ends up worse - thus why I disfavor "third party forums".

Anything we post IS dangerously asking for trouble. But, living will result in death, life is a terminal thing. We take the risk and keep moving ahead.

THe problem with naming problem products and builders is those posting such things are not always honest. I sell helicopter paint. Let me tell you how BAD, I mean REALLY REALLY BAD the other guys paint it... Few bad fake reviews and I'll make a fortune. We have vigilantes in SL. And we have pretty well documented cases of supposed vigilantes targeting people unfairly and some people even weaponizing vigilante groups.

Human nature is nearly anything will be abused and there is no way to stop it. The simple minded solution is to eliminate everything that gets misused, like speech.

1 hour ago, cheesecurd said:

There are some users here who can seemingly post whatever the hell they want, factually incorrect or not, and if you challenge their opinion then you summon their little cult following to shame you.


People who are posting based off guesswork ...

... if you say something dumb, someone who knows what [they're] saying is going to correct you. Its the obnoxious cult following some of these more popular and long term users ...

With that is my firm belief there should be no rating or points systems, no user titles, no join date, none of that crap. The reason anonymous forums and boards are so popular is because nobody likes that one ***** with an anime profile picture, 40k posts, two billion tags and stars under their name, a signature the length of Interstate 80 and an ego to match. "I have bigger number, therefore i have bigger *****". Honestly, die.

It probably does seem like some can post whatever they want. But, you would have explain what you mean by factually incorrect. Much of what people consider factual is a matter of opinion. As an example, the Pro and Anti Trumpers continually attempt to debate opinion based on out of context statements. Rather than eliminate those types of debates/arguments call people on their inability to be intellectually honest and lack of debating skills.

Does God exist? Whichever way you argue you have to rely on circumstantial evidence. Short of calling Him to the witness stand there is no direct evidence.

People making guesses... people making dumb statements... did you EVER make a dumb statement? Did you think it was dumb when you said it? I've never thought what I was saying was dumb until it got pointed out later. There is no human way to stop people making dumb statements unless to stop everyone from talking...

Everyone uses rating systems to save time and effort. They serve a purpose. The anonymous forums get out of control because all accountability is removed. Ratings provide some measure of accountability, however lame. They also provide a channel for abuse.

You will find that people build reputation. Whirly is a resident that has an amazing ability to find specific issues in the SL JIRA. That ability and her her ability to troubleshoot issues has become well known over time. But, new people have no clue who Whirly is. The Governor's enforcement teams use reputation to make determinations of what is actionable. If they KNOW you by name... OMG... it better be for good things not problems.

My unpopular opinion is people should be given the freedom to do whatever but be held accountable. My problem with my opinion is who gets to do the "holding".

Edited by Nalates Urriah
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3 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me. I have no desire to increase the amount of animosity I already encounter on the forum. Especially from the one person who likes to hound people until they either leave or that person gets themselves banned. It's happened before. It will happen again. I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again.

Do people really hate other people? I am going through my own head to see if there is anyone I actually dislike enough to actually hate.... my old headmistress who used to force feed me fat and fish with bones turns 105 this year, and I still don't hate her enough to force feed her fat and fish with bones. In SL I got monumentally ghosted and potentially humiliated/dumped in the middle of a forum thread, do I hate anyone who aided and abetted that person, or that person themselves? No. 

Hate is such a strong word and a waste of energy.

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3 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me. I have no desire to increase the amount of animosity I already encounter on the forum. Especially from the one person who likes to hound people until they either leave or that person gets themselves banned. It's happened before. It will happen again. I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again.

Well I don't know if I'm in a minority or what, but I like you.

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51 minutes ago, sternerregnix said:

SL should become a Gorean Caliphate. Gor must be the SL law, applied across the grid.

All women on SL must be voice-/video-/photo-verified (incl. RL ID) or banned. Their place will be to serve, as companions. The old and ugly will be banned but some may be allowed to stay if they can contribute to work such as building, texturing, paying for land and streams, etc. 

All fursuits will be removed from Marketplace and all furries banned for life. 


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40 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

As usual, I'm late to the party.  Probably not an unpopular opinion, but I find some of the word games fun.  When I add something in one of them, it's because the previous poster wrote something that catches my fancy and gives me something worth playing off of. It has nothing to do with post count.  Sometimes I just enjoy being silly by playing with words. 🤓

Me too. 

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Nearly all of my opinions are pretty unpopular, depending on who you ask. But..if I had to pick one that ruffles feathers the most (or has, over the years...), it would be one that involves people who ignore, textually acknowledge and/or despise verbose twits like myself...the TLDR; crowd

Whether one states it, or merely mentally acknowledges TLDR;, I believe the driving force behind it, every single time, isn't because they're actually too lazy to read it, but rather falls under one, or both, of the following (yes, every time, no exceptions)

A-they fear they won't understand it, so they don't bother

B-they actually don't understand it, so either start reading and then stop, or don't bother

In both cases, it's fueled, entirely, by a diminished and/or underestimated intellect, intentional or otherwise. When people have to actually state it (TLDR;), I cringe, each and every time. It also pisses me off, mostly because if I spent the time typing it out and people can't acknowledge how effing hard that actually is for me....they deserve nothing but my scorn at that very moment, even if they're people I normally like an awful lot.  It's absolutely insulting and devastating to me to see it and usually fuels temporary absences for me here because I end up typing out a very long and colorful reply to them that I never actually share (And then I realize I need a break, so I take one). 

 I actually have more faith in the intellect and capabilities of others than they seem to ,and it's very annoying. 

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11 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Do people really hate other people? I am going through my own head to see if there is anyone I actually dislike enough to actually hate.... my old headmistress who used to force feed me fat and fish with bones turns 105 this year, and I still don't hate her enough to force feed her fat and fish with bones. In SL I got monumentally ghosted and potentially humiliated/dumped in the middle of a forum thread, do I hate anyone who aided and abetted that person, or that person themselves? No. 

Hate is such a strong word and a waste of energy.

I didn't say I hated anyone. I said others hate (on) me. I don't hate. I have strong dislikes for some people and extremely strong dislikes for one or two. I don't hate people. I just don't like most of them because of the way they treat others. I don't even hate the one person who destroyed my life when I was 14 but I will never forget.

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1 hour ago, Odaks said:

Its an extraordinarily popular game that gets mysteriously unpopular when your post count reaches 500.

& there is my opening.  
I created the five letters game for the strict purpose of upping my post count to 500 so that I could have the sparkly stars next to my name here in the forums.   While that was going on I made a point to go through and like every single person‘s response. That did nothing for my own post count and it did nothing for my reputation count.

I did it because it was a nice thing to do to show appreciation for others playing in the game that I started. Within about three weeks I got to where I wanted to be and I pretty much left the game alone since then and it’s still being played. Lots of the people playing have plenty of post counts so I assume that they continue to play because they enjoy it.

If all the games in the forums need to be moved to their own little sub-forum I don’t see a problem with that. But I also don’t think that the games stop  anyone from clicking to a second page to see if there’s other threads they want to comment on that might possibly been pushed down because of the games.  💁‍♀️

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23 minutes ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

/me thinks it over a bit, then yanks out the stake.  He reaches into his laptop bag and hands her the rest of the antacid tablets he has with him, and, seeing the Reeses Pieces bag left over from yesterday's flight, and offers to share.  "So, ya got any beer in that coffin?"

Only this stuff.




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1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I have strong dislikes for some people and extremely strong dislikes for one or two.

I can think of a handful of people that I avoid, biting my tongue as I walk away, but I can't think of any that I really hate. (Well, one came close many years ago, but he had the good sense to die before I could work up more than an intense dislike.)  Anyone who is unlikable enough to hate is someone I probably wouldn't waste time on. Life is too short for that.

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8 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:
24 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:
3 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me. I have no desire to increase the amount of animosity I already encounter on the forum. Especially from the one person who likes to hound people until they either leave or that person gets themselves banned. It's happened before. It will happen again. I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again.

Do people really hate other people? I am going through my own head to see if there is anyone I actually dislike enough to actually hate.... my old headmistress who used to force feed me fat and fish with bones turns 105 this year, and I still don't hate her enough to force feed her fat and fish with bones. In SL I got monumentally ghosted and potentially humiliated/dumped in the middle of a forum thread, do I hate anyone who aided and abetted that person, or that person themselves? No. 

Hate is such a strong word and a waste of energy.

I didn't say I hated anyone. I said others hate (on) me. I don't hate. I have strong dislikes for some people and extremely strong dislikes for one or two. I don't hate people. I just don't like most of them because of the way they treat others. I don't even hate the one person who destroyed my life when I was 14 but I will never forget.

She didn't specifically ask if YOU hated anyone.  She just asked in general if people (any people) really HATE others.  I think she was commenting more on whether or not "the vast majority" of people really HATE you.

At least that is my interpretation of what she  wrote.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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10 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Nearly all of my opinions are pretty unpopular, depending on who you ask. But..if I had to pick one that ruffles feathers the most (or has, over the years...), it would be one that involves people who ignore, textually acknowledge and/or despise verbose twits like myself...the TLDR; crowd

Whether one states it, or merely mentally acknowledges TLDR;, I believe the driving force behind it, every single time, isn't because they're actually too lazy to read it, but rather falls under one, or both, of the following (yes, every time, no exceptions)

A-they fear they won't understand it, so they don't bother

B-they actually don't understand it, so either start reading and then stop, or don't bother

In both cases, it's fueled, entirely, by a diminished and/or underestimated intellect, intentional or otherwise. When people have to actually state it (TLDR;), I cringe, each and every time. It also pisses me off, mostly because if I spent the time typing it out and people can't acknowledge how effing hard that actually is for me....they deserve nothing but my scorn at that very moment, even if they're people I normally like an awful lot.  It's absolutely insulting and devastating to me to see it and usually fuels temporary absences for me here because I end up typing out a very long and colorful reply to them that I never actually share (And then I realize I need a break, so I take one). 

 I actually have more faith in the intellect and capabilities of others than they seem to ,and it's very annoying. 

I don't fall into either category. For me, it depends on the mood I'm in at the time. Some days I want to read long posts, other days I just don't have it in me.

In the future, as much as I like to tease people who do tend to write long posts, I'll do my best not to tease you any more. I may slip up once in a while. Try not to take it personally. It's was never meant that way and never will be.

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Another runaway snowball down the hill, and I only just caught up with it.

Wow....I never thought the word games would see the pitchforks and flaming torches on the streets! I like word games. I don't give a flying fig about post counts. I'm in bed now on my phone enjoying the word games. So suck it up peeps. I won't be giving it up any time soon.

Vanity threads? Well, I enjoy taking pictures. It takes up a lot of my time, and I enjoy the challenge of learning more. Those threads inspired me when I was new here and I hope continue to inspire new people, as to what can be produced in SL. Sure it's nice to get the likes, but if all that was binned tomorrow do you think I'd stop? Really?

Here's my unpopular opinion. Why do people get uptight about what others do? It doesn't bother me at all what or why or how anyone else spends time either here in the forums or in world.

So there. 9_9


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52 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

You panic anytime anyone posts ANYTHING that is:

1. critical of anything

2. expresses an opinion other than worship of anything LL / SL related

3. notes support for discussing things

Frustratingly we have very similar politics / perspectives on a lot of topics... but your "panic button" is so extreme I cannot even support you when I otherwise would be inclined to.

I can assure you that I have never panicked over anything I've seen on a forum. You may not like it, and that is your right, but believing there is panic in any of my words is ascribing your own bias to what you believe my emotional state is. As the person who actually feels the emotional states and having a considerable bit of knowledge as to what panic feels like vs. every other emotion, I can assure you that you are wrong when you make those claims about my mental state. 

1. Post something critical about Trump. See if I panic. Post something critical of religion. Or mushrooms. Bananas. Chihuahuas. Blue ink. Kawaii. Gothic castles, etc., etc., etc., because I promise you there are plenty of things I despise. Oh, bullying, too. I hate that. Guess what, though... when I post about things I don't like, I know that there are others who love the very same things I hate that are likely going to defend those things. It happens. It's the freaking internet. 

2. I could give you the list of things LL has done that have absolutely pissed me off, but those things are between myself and LL. I have made them known to those who have power to actually do something and, oddly enough, I see results. Go figure.

3. You're simply wrong. There is a vast difference between discussing things and what is happening in the "Those Crazy Neighbors" thread. There are some who are actually trying to figure out if something is violating the covenant, and then there are some that are posting things that they know full well are (or actually aren't) and are just trying to shame people and impose their own definition of good taste, and taste is very subjective. Those people obviously like those things or they wouldn't be using them. I'm certain I have things in my homes that others would find distasteful. I'm willing to be you do, too. And putting people on blast on a public forum because you don't like their taste is unkind and unnecessary. There is a mechanism in place to report people who are actually breaking the covenant. 

I think publicly shaming people who have no way to defend themselves because they don't know they've been publicly shamed is tacky AF, and I'm not likely to change my opinion on that because you don't approve. 

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

She didn't specifically ask if YOU hated anyone.  She just asked in general if people (any people) really HATE others.  I think she was commenting more on whether or not "the vast majority" of people really HATE you.

At least that is my interpretation of what she  wrote.

Das ist richtig. 

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

She didn't specifically ask if YOU hated anyone.  She just asked in general if people (any people) really HATE others.  I think she was commenting more on whether or not "the vast majority" of people really HATE you.

At least that is my interpretation of what she  wrote.

It was a direct response to me (I was quoted) so I took it that way. There was no indication of it being addressed to people in general. No mention of using my post to springboard. Had that been stated clearly, I would have taken it in the same manner in which you did.

The time of year isn't helping either. The downhill side of winter is always hard on me.

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Just now, Selene Gregoire said:

It was a direct response to me (I was quoted) so I took it that way. There was no indication of it being addressed to people in general. No mention of using my post to springboard. Had that been stated clearly, I would have taken it in the same manner in which you did.

The time of year isn't helping either. The downhill side of winter is always hard on me.

I am not always understood. I get thoughts in my head and then I type, and I often am misunderstood. I was directly responding to you. I was just generally asking you (and anyone else in this forum) if anyone truly did HATE anyone else - whether they hated YOU or anyone else. I know from my own experiences that I have, from time to time, felt like the least popular girl in school (and not just when I was in school) and then something has happened to prove to me that I wasn't hated after all, and in fact, I wasn't even remembered let alone hated. 

Winter is bobbins - crap - vile. I want to hibernate. And I fight that feeling the whole time, when I'm not fighting raging heat and arid dryness everywhere from the menopause. 

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