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NO Linden Home?? Please Vent Here!!

LakotaBlue Tuqiri

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8 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Hey to be fair please admit that goes for all tantrums - also those from your side ;)


No problem agreeing to that. :) Those on 'my' side, however (whatever that may be) tend to be far and between, though: not too many ppl with homes complaining. ;)

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On 7/13/2019 at 1:57 PM, point Coage said:

if i dont get a lenden homei will cancle prem  all this try to get a lenden home is a joke

Dear @point Coage

I guess we all here understand your frustration, despite the variations in attitude. After all, a Linden home is one of the perks of being a premium member in SL. For some, it's not an important one, for others, it may be the main reason - I have no idea. Technically, Linden Lab doesn't promise more than they can give: There are lots of Linden homes available, in four different themes, each with several different buildings to choose from. Plus, of course, the new homes being built in Bellisseria. The ones that have caused a renewed excitement, community feeling and community building. The ones we all (for some definitions of "all") want to have, for various reasons. Being built are the keywords here. More will come, to cover the demand.

Did anyone know how much in demand the new homes would be, or did it take them by surprise? Was it correct of them to release when they did, or should they have waited until they were finished with all their styles, and everyone could (hopefully) get the one they wanted? Not an easy answer - there's points for and against both views. As it is, the hundreds of Bellisserians has tested more than the handful of moles (and Lindens) could do in the same time frame, bugs caught earlier and fewer homes to correct. Of course, many are waiting to get their homes, some with frustration, some annoyed, and some just waiting with anticipation. I guess the frustrated and annoyed ones are the most vocal, but it's just my guess.

I was one that looked forward to the release of the new homes - I sooo wanted a houseboat, and hoped it would be possible to sail for long stretches from there. I was also one of those totally oblivious to when it actually happened. I missed the second release, too. So I waited, in anticipation for the third batch. The thought of getting an abandoned home took some time before it took root in my mind. But when it did: Refreshing and hoping to get an abandoned home always gave the result that I was too late. Until one day I fumbled a lot extra and spent more time than usual. Then I got my home. Same for a friend; she had almost given up on getting a home, even with auto refresh and alarm, until she one day noticed the alarm had gone off a while ago. She filled out without any hope - and got it. Did we get the ones that set off our alarms, or did we get some that became available after that? No idea. The point is, it's always possible to get an abandoned home.

Maybe not a big comfort for you, but on the bright side: It's getting easier and easier to get a home, due to less competition for them as more are released. And how many will abandon their current home for a trailer later? And that rumoured fourth option, shrouded in secrecy... 😉

I will not tell you what the right option for you is, but if you want a home in Bellisseria, you will get it. Maybe not tomorrow, but you will get it. The only one who know if the other perks are enough to keep you as premium or not, are you. If you do decide to wait and see, try to wait in anticipation rather in frustration and anger. It won't make the waiting time shorter, but hopefully a lot more fun.

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5 hours ago, BJoyful said:

HUGS ❤️❤️❤️  BelleBax and all those waiting both patiently and in angst.  Living in Bellisseria is the most wonderful experience we’ve had in SL and we want everyone to enjoy it as much as we do 💕 I think everyone will find its worth the wait In the end and I encourage everyone to hang in there and keep trying because this IS a lottery you WILL be able to win sooner or later! 😉 

Keep visiting and sharing your thoughts 💭 and venting!  

Cheer on our Moles and Lindens, too!  I’m impressed they have made a place so attuned to the wants of so many!! 😁



I was very fortune a short time ago and I did get a Belli home.   My strategy (if you can call it that) was to try every hour or so and hope I'd get lucky.  It's an unfortunate way to have to do this and I hope LL comes up with a better process.  The idea of users of my web application going through this process would not allow me to rest until a better process could be implemented.  Anyway - I'm happy to have a home and I hope everyone else gets one very very soon.  

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6 hours ago, BJoyful said:

I love that I’ve seen you around Bellisseria enjoying this lovely new world meeting your neighbours!  I’ll be cheering like crazy when you get yours!

Woohoo!! Thanks! 

I soak in every bit I can! Love the love you give to us homeless Bellisserians ♥

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21 minutes ago, AutresDeSade said:

Can you get a linden home trying from your mobile on your account or does it have to be inworld?

You try for them on your Dashboard, so no, you do not have to be in world. I wasn't in world when I got my houseboat. I'm pretty sure I have actually seen people post here that they have been using their phones to check the page for available homes. 

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2 hours ago, AutresDeSade said:

Can you get a linden home trying from your mobile on your account or does it have to be inworld?

As Sylvia said, it is from the Dashboard via any browser.  There is no way to actually claim a home inworld.  Once claimed via the Dashboard, you'll get a SLURL to the home. 

If you want to Abandon the home, that does have to be done inworld and cannot be done via the Dashboard.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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3 hours ago, BelleBax said:

I was very fortune a short time ago and I did get a Belli home.   My strategy (if you can call it that) was to try every hour or so and hope I'd get lucky.  It's an unfortunate way to have to do this and I hope LL comes up with a better process.  The idea of users of my web application going through this process would not allow me to rest until a better process could be implemented.  Anyway - I'm happy to have a home and I hope everyone else gets one very very soon.  

Congratulations!!!   WoOOoOooOoo HOoOoOoo!!  Now the hunt for good LOD low LI decor is ON!  Hope to see you inworld!  MOAR HUGS to all!!! 🥰 

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I tried to search for this topic in specific but I didn't have much luck finding it.  

 I signed up for a premium account to get one of the pretty mesh linden homes that everyone has been talking about on youtube. But when I come to the option to select one of the Linden Homes I only get the option to pick from one of the older style homes... I'm not sure if it's because my account was registered in 2011? Any thing would help thanks.



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No, it is not because your account is from 2011.  There are two reasons I think:

1.  The biggest reason is because, as others say above, there are more people who want the new 1024 houses than there are houses to go around.  Many threads on this forum talk about how to get one.  Basically, it comes down to timing and luck:  you have to request a Linden Home at the same moment when one comes available.  LL is releasing new regions of them at a rate of 1 region (about 20 homes) every day or two.  Plus, some people give up these new homes now and again.

2.  You also have to have a full 1024 of tier available before the land page will show you any of the new homes (the theme for these homes is "Bellisseria".  So you would have to give up your current Linden Home (which you have done lovely things with) to get one of the new ones.

LL intends to keep building these new 1024 homes until all who want them can get one.  There will be several different "themes" for them, as there were for the old homes.  So you can choose when is good for you to try for one.  They will be making new regions of 1024 homes for a long time; what you see now is only the first of many "themes".

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26 minutes ago, AngelLuvv said:

I tried to search for this topic in specific but I didn't have much luck finding it.  

 I signed up for a premium account to get one of the pretty mesh linden homes that everyone has been talking about on youtube. But when I come to the option to select one of the Linden Homes I only get the option to pick from one of the older style homes... I'm not sure if it's because my account was registered in 2011? Any thing would help thanks.



Angel, a heads up for your design of one of the elder linden homes, looks amazing! And yes the new ones are on high demand, not often available and if, only with refreshing the LH home page.


Look here for official reference:

The New Linden Homes Update Post

By Patch Linden, April 18 in Linden Homes


on the forum are several threads about how to claim still and though the high demand a home ... some are abandoned at all times and we have Monday, Wednesday and Friday at random West coast times releases of a region with homes .. bigger releases will be announced by Patch Linden.

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@Nika Talaj covered it pretty well and answered your question, but I'll just clarify one minor thing that might potentially confuse someone; 

4 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Basically, it comes down to timing and luck:  you have to request a Linden Home at the same moment when one comes available

You don't request one in the sense of applying for it. Due to the shortage of homes right now you won't see the option for Bellisseria, but when more homes become available you will see Bellisseria listed in the same drop down menu where you found the others/older styles. Selecting that, and following the process on the screen (by naming your home, selecting the Next button, and then checking the 'Agree to terms and conditions' check box) is how you get one of the new homes.

Bear in mind that because they are so rare and so sought-after right now you are going to have to be vigilant in keeping an eye on that page to see when the option does become available, and be quick to click the buttons. As more are released and time goes on it should get easier, but right now they are harder to get than one of the older style homes. Anyway, sorry if you already knew that but was also thinking of those for whom English may not be their first language (and would perhaps read that differently). Good luck and I hope you find your Linden Home soon! :) 

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On 7/12/2019 at 2:31 PM, Annielle Destiny said:

Yea, and that's in my oppinion very badly handled by LL. Instead of this whole drama storm, they should have distributed them fairly. Longer the premium member, higher on the list of getting a new one. It really baffles me, the way LL has handled this... They should have seen this coming.


This is called business and that is sometimes risky. Premises and events change at any time. Like the walk on the wire rope. Or are someone trying to dry the old sl-swamp out? Thats not fair. Bc the big gaming companies give our their new releases for free to old customers. This is a good business behaviour.

The funny part here is self explaining that the naj-sayers here mostly need two lines to complain as the ja-sayers write mostly a little book. You want to keep possible ..customers. Ja. And LL? They used to feed the pop. here in the wrong way. Again. The smarter way would be to first build all, then supply. But this is generally a 'phenomen' how business and supply are operated today. Until we all reach a really bad scenario, and then anymore homeless and hungry will loiting around to beg for something. Go figure! 

But only a few understand the real context. (America is not the world, she starts right up behind your border. bye

Edited by Monday Avril
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20 hours ago, Chywe DeVinna said:

Maybe not a big comfort for you, but on the bright side: It's getting easier and easier to get a home, due to less competition for them as more are released. 


@point Coage I think this is a very important point. It should get easier to get one of the new homes if production continues at its current pace or hopefully moves along more quickly. Or they may make a change to the release process in some way that helps the you and others in this situation.

I would also encourage the you to pay attention to the forums and announcements posted here. It MAY be that you can glean nuggets of information that at least provide some insight that helps with your decision. 

If canceling due to lack of availability of new homes, it would be wise to make that clear. If LL sees trends they may take further action. 

Edited by BelleBax
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Several "can't get a Bellisserian home' threads have been folded into this one by a moderator.  Makes for confusing reading, I guess from now on I'll always specify who I'm responding to, even if it's the OP.

Still learning the ways of this forum & its moderators after long absence ...

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2 hours ago, Daniel Voyager said:

The moles are busy in SSPE153. Release later on today maybe. 

Sweetmarsh has been pretty active too; at least 6 avatars for the last few hours (as yet it's still protected land), so I'm betting on Sweetmarsh and the one next to it starting with P... I forget already, just logged out and its getting too close to 4 am (and -3 degrees in temperature) so I'm off to bed. That's one less person in the race for a home at least.

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21 hours ago, BelleBax said:

I was very fortune a short time ago and I did get a Belli home.   My strategy (if you can call it that) was to try every hour or so and hope I'd get lucky.  It's an unfortunate way to have to do this and I hope LL comes up with a better process.  The idea of users of my web application going through this process would not allow me to rest until a better process could be implemented.  Anyway - I'm happy to have a home and I hope everyone else gets one very very soon.  

Yay!! I'm so happy for you 💖 Congrats doll ! 

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On 7/12/2019 at 3:04 PM, usagihara said:

they are going within SECONDS. your chances are so low it's honestly not going to make any difference.

Yeah it would help if they gave us a time frame. 
I mean... because the system is rigged, we just haven't figured out how yet 🤷‍♀️

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46 minutes ago, AlyceAdrift said:

I mean... because the system is rigged, we just haven't figured out how yet 🤷‍♀️

Rigged?  It's basically first come, first serve.  If you are there in time and fast enough to snag one, you have it.  I don't see how you can rig that.

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15 minutes ago, Vega Firelyte said:

Rigged?  It's basically first come, first serve.  If you are there in time and fast enough to snag one, you have it.  I don't see how you can rig that.

Well we all can't be fast enough so it's gotta be someone out there with top notch internet, and besides you can't even spam refresh now without getting put in time out now so WTH are they thinking, they are literally messing this system up..... 

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5 minutes ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Well we all can't be fast enough so it's gotta be someone out there with top notch internet, and besides you can't even spam refresh now without getting put in time out now so WTH are they thinking, they are literally messing this system up..... 

That is a far cry from the system being rigged.  It's not LL's fault if someone has a really great internet connection.  As for the Auto-Refresh, if they had allowed that to continue, no one would get a home because the system would just crash.  I'm going to guess it was like a swarming that happened every time a release occurred, with all the auto-refreshing that transpired.  With that type of activity, sites tend to eventually crash and burn from overloading.

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