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The New LH Release Plan - Your Thoughts

Chic Aeon

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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

It is about time that LL start with rules on the Mainland. Yes, rules.

They have a lot of mainland, and from what I hear, one of the continents isn't finished. (Gaeta?)

This is what I heard, and maybe I remember wrong. But if it is correct, why not shake it up, finish it, and install the Bellissaria rules. No skyboxes under 2000 m, no banlines, no privacy walls over 4 m, no builds over 15 m.

See if it sells.


Gaeta 1, is the unfinished continent.Finishing it and linking it up with Corsica not that many sims away would give it a new lease of life that is hasn't had in the ten years it has languushed there neglected and forgotten. 

As for rules for mainland they could start with no banlines or orbs set to less than 15 seconds on properties next to linden protected routeways. 

It wouldn't take a huge number of homesteads around the edges of continents to make them circumnavigable, which again would give a huge boost to the value of a lot of their land. 

Edited by Aethelwine
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48 minutes ago, ananoelle said:

What I'd like to know more about is the Linden commercial property. Will that be in Bellisseria and if so will there be rules on how one presents the shop to keep in tasteful and in theme. We are a swanky new community lol we need swanky shop displays not a shop filled with vendor boards.

I missed the convo on it and caught the end. So anyone with more Info please feel free to chime on in.

What Patch said was that in the future they are planning to implement some system where there would be like little booths or something that vendors could rent out on some kind of rotating bases that sounds like, if I remember correctly, it would be for vendors who want to sell items that are in line with the theme of the region that booth is in (like maybe home add ons and the like).

So I think don't people shouldn't start getting too excited thinking there's gonna be loads of shops available to rent to sell anything and everything. It sounds like there will be limitations to keep within the theme, but it's still in the works, so this could change yet. If you want to hear exactly what Patch said on this watch the recording. All the info he could talk about is in it:


Edited by Evangeline Arcadia
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I like the idea of regular releases of the homes, every other day. At least then there isn't a sense of frustration arising from the feeling they are holding back on them whilst people wait impatiently and it feels more like they are responding to demand as quickly as they can without any negative impact on quality. 

I am curious what time in the day they will be released and if always the same time whether it will be regularly the middle of a working day or the middle of the night for people on some shift patterns and in some countries. Maybe they could stagger the days releases, releasing a quarter of those available every 6 hours or something. 

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Well, I for one welcome the new strategy - if I don't get a home in "today's" release, I can hope to get one in the one after that. Still, at the moment, it feels like it's going to take years before everybody can get a home. Especially if they keep making them as nice as they do, thereby increasing interest in them (I wasn't keen on the first campers I saw - well, I thought they were adorable, but would not have wanted to grab one to live in - but I do like the newer ones…)

"And as the Second 50th Life Birthday Celebration approaches, Patch Linden is widely rumoured to announce the final 500 Linden homes! Stay tuned for more info!"

Totally agree that it would be great if they were released at various times, too....

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My personal thoughts on this topic is that it's the best solution in the current circumstances. At least this way there will be a constant flow of homes being released, albeit small releases, so that those eager to get one stand more of a chance now, rather than just having to rely on the possibility, no certainty, of maybe just a handful coming into the pool from being abandoned and being lucky enough to snag it, or the alternative of waiting for weeks or months for a bigger release. So now we have the certainty of more homes coming into the pool every week, coupled with possible abandoned homes which will increase that number. 

There will still be a bit of a land grab situation for a while, but people now have more opportunity to try and get a home. And it will improve going forward with the next large release of the new theme, and then constant regular small releases as now, which Patch talked about yesterday.

As has been pointed out already, there is no one solution that will please everyone.

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At this point, I think I'm going to wait for the campers 'cause that's more suitable to what I want to do (a hippy-esque crash pad/hang out/playground open to everyone) and with it being a smaller plot I'll be able to do a better job without over-taxing my crappy heallth. It's a variation of something I did on mainland years ago but never figured out how to draw people in. It's the community and landscaping on Bellesseria I'm interested in because they make it all much more possible. I don't know if anyone will be much interested, but it's close to my heart and I'd like to try.

Being in a different time zone and not able to spend hours on the auto-refresh game though, I'm just hoping I'll get lucky with a launch or that people will still be interested in exploring even after they've moved on to the next new shiny. All of this uncertainty is tiring me out though, which means less energy for trying to get one.

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I like the new plan. It makes me more inclined to drop my house and try for a houseboat, which is what I originally wanted. The trailers don't interest me at 512m but I suspect that there will be some movement as other people abandon their current home to move up into the mountains.

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7 hours ago, summernightsdream said:

If mainland ever would look nicer, bit more like Bellisseria and the costs to buy land were not that high, count me in! But not the way how it is now.

if all people keep staying away from mainland it will NEVER get better, gather friends and like minded people, buy a mainland sim, and all contribute tier to it
The costs are neglectable with enough people.
But isn't it a lot easier to move in a linden home?...

However one of my alts has a boathouse, i bought mainland yesterday, a hilltop 1024 .. what the owner didn't advertise was that there was a waterway in the same sim for sale for less than 1L sqm .. so my 1024 hilltop has more than enough Li available... just with my premium group tiers combined...
Mainland isn't really thát bad when you look around and have a little patience


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i just add my voice in support of the quick release program. Sounds like about 100 new homes a week added to the pool to be begin with, which will most likely increase as the LDPW continue to improve their workflows. Is better to get 100+ more people housed each week than it is to not house those people until some indeterminate future date

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Eventually, I think this new scheme will work out for the best. Having everyone camp the release of huge batches heightens expectation enormously (and, subsequently, leads to huger disappointments). Yesterday, I heard about abandoned plots not instantly becoming available again, but on some sort of random delay. I also heard that rumor was dispelled again. Point is, I think all these measures to not immediately announce when something is available again (be it thru abadoned homes, or new releases), will help mitigate the rush on things, and ensuing disappointments. Ideally, you want a normalized situation, where availability is just something ppl check for periodically, more-or-less evenly spaced out over time. And it looks like they're trying to accomplish just that.

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2 hours ago, Mollymews said:

i just add my voice in support of the quick release program. Sounds like about 100 new homes a week added to the pool to be begin with, which will most likely increase as the LDPW continue to improve their workflows. Is better to get 100+ more people housed each week than it is to not house those people until some indeterminate future date

Just wanted to note as other have pointed out too that M-W-F release of one region each time is "about" 20 plots average which would be 60 instead of 100. 


I also forgot to say in my OP how much I have enjoyed the opportunity to WATCH things come together and the whole process involved. 

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12 hours ago, Teager said:

I think it's as good a plan as any. No matter what the lab does, there will be people who are unhappy. People were unhappy about the original release of ~2000+ homes because they didn't hear about it. People were unhappy about the Squishy Pickle release of ~700 homes because everyone was told exactly when it would happen and they went quickly. People have been unhappy to wait until large batches of homes were finished. And people will be unhappy to have small releases every other day. There's no pleasing everyone, but it seems apparent that LL is listening, learning, and trying new things to see what works best.

they were unhappy because sadly there were many that have been waiting and waiting and still not able to obtain one due to many circumstances,,,,,,   the hard part is for when you go to the tab the old linden homes and then they have a separate page for the new homes and house boats  wonder if possible to  put all the choices  pick a then  on the same choice page older =generation may show first but open the choice box and as they have now ,,, the meadow /elderglen/ etc ,,, or when you go to the premium chose the home a list of current availability instead of going through the name it and click this and that and by the time you are done no wonder its gone ,,,,,, and i think its more frustration then displeasure . like waiting in line at amusement part and you wait and wait and wait and told the ride is broke come back in a few days ,,,,,, sooner or later no one will recommend that amusement part and go someplace  else ,,,,, 

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1 hour ago, roseelvira said:

they were unhappy because sadly there were many that have been waiting and waiting and still not able to obtain one due to many circumstances,,,,,,   the hard part is for when you go to the tab the old linden homes and then they have a separate page for the new homes and house boats  wonder if possible to  put all the choices  pick a then  on the same choice page older =generation may show first but open the choice box and as they have now ,,, the meadow /elderglen/ etc ,,, or when you go to the premium chose the home a list of current availability instead of going through the name it and click this and that and by the time you are done no wonder its gone ,,,,,, and i think its more frustration then displeasure . like waiting in line at amusement part and you wait and wait and wait and told the ride is broke come back in a few days ,,,,,, sooner or later no one will recommend that amusement part and go someplace  else ,,,,, 

IMHO what you are saying here between the lines is:

The basic problem here isn't waiting - the basic problem is the resulting inequality of accounts.

Don't tell me "But there is soooo much more to a premium account than the Linden homes." LOL that might be true but it does not even deny the fact that some people get a service they payed for and otheres don't. Argueing that not everyone will find the same parts of a deal as usefull as others is not helping either. Everyone should get the same ability to get the services they payed for - what they then make of it is their decision. This unwanted feeling of inequality causes a negative feedback which might very well affect the Lab's incomes - and if they don't find a way to adress it quickly the losses from people downgrading their premiums accounts in dissapointment might  very well outweigh the gains they got in subscriptions for releasing new homes. This effect won't be easy to revert either. Consumers are not rational things - they are emotional things. And emotions - once triggerd - are not easy to change.

Edited by Fionalein
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I was actually looking forward to a larger release of all the home styles. Traditional, Houseboats and Camper/Trailers after the SL 16th birthday bash ended.  I didn't even mind patiently waiting for that time so I would have that chance, as would many others, a window of time to find a new Linden home.  At least a few hours of opportunity. I agree that it feels now more like a bad chance at the lottery to grab a house, with a new region release every other day, when we don't know the time when these will be released and there isn't the desire or time to sit for hours on end hitting the refresh button.  I suppose I'll wait for the new style home release of campers/trailers and take my shot then. Maybe a house, houseboat will be abandon and I can grab one then. Otherwise, its making a cute set up Tiny Home style out of one of these new trailers. 

Hey creators out there, what kind of add ons can you make for these new addition of trailers?  A low, half loft style, in that wooden trailer version would be a nice feature.  😉

Edited by PrudenceAnton
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14 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

I am wondering what folks think about this new method. The friends I have talked to (already with their plots) are not very enthusiastic, but it seems like it is more important what the folks TRYING for plots. 

I don't know, Chic. On the one hand it does visibly demonstrate to residents that progress is being made. But it also could be creating a greater desperation with people who imagine they have a better chance but really don't (because only 60 or so are being released weekly).

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I think it might work! For me I can say I am in Japan and managed to finally get a new home at around 10pm my time after work todayT^T ❤️ so I am pretty happy about that and its a traditional home even! So happy that I sealclapped my cat awake when I got it ^^ and I bet pretty soon everyone will manage to get their house or boat or camper X3 the moles doing incredible work, we all know what a pain it can be to decorate, hence making a whole region nice! And they now wanting to release regions every few days seems like a lot of pressure so kudos for that!

Edited by Gwin LeShelle
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36 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

IMHO what you are saying here between the lines is:

The basic problem here isn't waiting - the basic problem is the resulting inequality of accounts.

Don't tell me "But there is soooo much more to a premium account than the Linden homes." LOL that might be true but it does not even deny the fact that some people get a service they payed for and otheres don't. Argueing that not everyone will find the same parts of a deal as usefull as others is not helping either. Everyone should get the same ability to get the services they payed for - what they then make of it is their decision. This unwanted feeling of inequality causes a negative feedback which might very well affect the Lab's incomes - and if they don't find a way to adress it quickly the losses from people downgrading their premiums accounts in dissapointment might  very well outweigh the gains they got in subscriptions for releasing new homes. This effect won't be easy to revert either. Consumers are not rational things - they are emotional things. And emotions - once triggerd - are not easy to change.

ok ,,,i am not techy or texie savy so the IMHO i thought at first you were saying  in my homeowners organnization,,,,  the blessisia  group thinggy ,,,, ikr ,,, so Now i know it means in my humble opinion

  nope no hidden in between the line thing going on ,,,, just pure frustration ,,,,  re reading and  re reading and trying to see how one would think that  compairing it  to standing in a line waiting for a ride in amusement park ,,, or  talking about the page button thinggy ,,,, really humm 

 I came to second life  as a way to de stress and relax ( something for over several months has not been able to do in second life  due to all the issues and bugs that still plague second life daily) and to build and create thing s for my humble little home.

i as most that in real life who are in second life that i speak with are very FRUSTRATED  about the  wait and see and maybe tomarrow   game ,   In no way  do i  or  any of  my real life friend who do second life feel as they are being treated as  an unequal ,( NOTE  and i believe there were other threads with that topic of un equal thing  ),,,, Just frustration at the wait and issues still not fixed

 and remember linden labs ,,, it is a lab and who knows ,,, maybe it is a thing to see how long people will wait / are they willing  to pay/ supply and demand/ and what triggers different emotional responses in people ,,, they know who the  real life people are  behind the avis ,,, yes big brother is watching you ,,what you buy,where you go , your chat , if you have pixel sex , what if you role play ,,,           and how sensitive is one to certain word choices phrases   .

and i sometimes wonder if they are  trying to merge sansar w second life . I cannot do the goggle thing it gives me a huge headache and i get sick to stomach and end up puking  the rest of the day  even the word sansar   it gets me queasy now 

so  no in between the lines  thing going on  with what i wrote and i beg your forgiveness if in any way i phrased my  thoughts  gave the slightest shadow  of  being unequal,   still trying to see what sentence i wrote cause  you to see it that way ,,, its just the ride is broken  and will go get ice cream    and when you see the  amusement park sign again  you say naw ,,,, waited in line last month doubt if they got it fixed lets go look   do  something else ,,

,for me and my friend  just pure frustration,,,, promises of stuff to be fixed ,,,, heck at the event yesterday i had no sound they gave me a link to you tube   and the same crap happened last year and you would think they would have had it fixed by now  with the  events ,,, 


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  • Moles

Perhaps I can explain the thinking behind the release strategy and people will understand better. 

Consider for a moment that (and I'm just pulling numbers out of my little metal butt for simplicity sake) whether we make 30 regions in a month and release them all at once or make one region a day, the end result is the same frequency. So what is the advantage of doing it this way?

For one, it put out homes and gets them into resident's hands as soon as they are ready. Also, it is in a constant flow instead of large chunks all at once. So instead of a mad rush Black Friday Sale style release, it is more like "The bakery that makes the world best baguettes runs out quickly, but at least you don't have to wait until next month. Come back the next day or the day after."

The other part is that it allows us to work in a production line sort of workflow, which is all about the process. Once you get the process flow working and working right, speed and efficiency will increase naturally. The more you do something, the faster and more efficient you will become. We can identify bottlenecks in the process quickly and address them accordingly. All of which will hopefully lead to an increase in the speed in which we can release new homes to residents. 

Yes, they will still go quickly. That will be true until we can get enough of them available to meet demand. It's all about tailoring our process to better achieve that.

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5 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Just wanted to note as other have pointed out too that M-W-F release of one region each time is "about" 20 plots average which would be 60 instead of 100. 

Would that be second life time or the where time zone you live in real life ,,,,, cause when it is thursday  here it is friday another part of real life world  so i would assume it woudl be second life time ,,,, help please

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2 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

Would that be second life time or the where time zone you live in real life ,,,,, cause when it is thursday  here it is friday another part of real life world  so i would assume it woudl be second life time ,,,, help please

Since all SL related times are always SL time, I am GUESSING that it would be West Coast USA time which is is SL time and as others have said "likely" during SL business hours when most LL folks are working. That has been the case so far. I don't plan to worry about it. Not trying any longer until there is a new themed large release. 


Only Patch can answer that question and his statement didn't guaranty that releases would be that regular anyway. So the folks that are enjoying the auto-refresh-listen-for-the-bell can keep on doing that and hope for the best. Watch the forums I guess for any updates any method changes. Sure someone trying will report.   

Good luck. 

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  • Moles
6 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

Would that be second life time or the where time zone you live in real life ,,,,, cause when it is thursday  here it is friday another part of real life world  so i would assume it woudl be second life time ,,,, help please

I think it is safe to assume that all times in SL are SLT (that is, the same time it is in San Francisco) unless otherwise stated.    That's how I have always worked.

On the general point of timings,  the final stages of releasing  even a single region are  a far more complex undertaking than you might imagine (that's certainly been our experience and we're used to large-scale releases) which involves Lindens and Moles from LDPW working alongside several other LL departments to complete several different tasks in order.   There are also several people who really do need to be on hand, just in case anyone has questions or anything goes wrong .    

All that means that we really are constrained by regular US working hours, otherwise we just can't have everyone there who needs to be there.

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10 hours ago, ananoelle said:

..  From what I read and this is a guess, if you watch the map, just before they release the next batch of homes that region will be restarted. Dont quote me on that but that is what seemed to happen today before St Louisa was opened for the taking.

And how do I know a region is being restarted= Even if I AM inworld an DO watch the map ... which I cannot do all the time.

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