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Quartz Mole

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  1. This thread is not the place to debate other residents' computer specs.
  2. I suggest you follow the advice in this Knowledge Base article Posting videos about it in the forums is not the way to respond to abuse and harassment.
  3. It would appear the thread is approaching the point where people have run out of things to say and are just derailing it. I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt, but I don't want to have to do another massive cleanup. Please try to stay on topic.
  4. Since I don't think anyone here has both the necessary information and expertise information to reach any useful conclusions about this site and its compliance or otherwise with GDPR, any more than we have the necessary expertise and information to determine whether Meta or the site formerly known as Twitter X does, I am really not sure what point there is in debating the topic here. If people have concerns, then take them to the office of the EU Information Commissioner, which has powers of both investigation and enforcement.
  5. May I suggest that, if anyone does have concerns about a site's GDPR compliance or otherwise, it would be better to report those concerns to the appropriate data protection authorities rather than argue about it here? Also, since GDPR is, as I understand it, a highly specialised area of law, I think it would be best if people specify what, if any, professional qualifications they hold when offering advice on it.
  6. Obviously anything we do in SL is rooted in First Life ideas and concepts because we're all of us individuals in First Life and that's where we get all our ideas from. However, I am trying to keep this discussion rooted in SL and not allow it to spin off into general discussions that are equally applicable to First Life, because that inevitably ends up with the thread getting locked for being hopelessly off topic.
  7. Friendly reminder that some disputes really should be conducted in personal messages, if they must be conducted at all, rather than in a public forum. Also general (and probably specific, too) discussions of lookism are not on topic.
  8. Friendly reminder that not every thread has to be about Child Avatars (or about PBR, come to that). Nor is what constitutes "hate speech" on topic for this thread.
  9. I think it would be best to return to the original topic. If people want to discuss parcel security, then please go ahead and start a new thread.
  10. I've just removed several posts that had nothing to do with the topic of the thread and had turned into a very unpleasant fight. Please, if your post is not in some way related to PBR and landscaping, do not hit "Submit Reply"
  11. I don't use a Mac, but I know the Moles who do were very pleased a couple of weeks ago with the Second Life Test viewer, which incorporates a Mac OpenGL buffer fix, and my impression from what the engineers were saying about it was that they'd finally understood to root cause of a lot of Mac performance issues and fixed them. I don't know if that buffer fix has yet been adopted in the main release viewer yet. From what I vaguely remember of what's been discussed at our internal meetings with Engineering, the Mac issues seemed to be resolved some months ago,and then they all came back because a bug fix for something different broke the workaround, but now the underlying problem is said to be resolved. I've not heard the Mac-using Moles complaining about performance issues since then, and they're generally pretty vocal on the topic.
  12. Since I've just had to remove almost everything posted since Thursday because it's off-topic, and frequently inflammatory, I think the time has come to end this thread. Doubtless someone will soon decide to revisit the topic of child avatars and the recent ToS changes. When that happens, I think it would be a very good idea to stick to the narrow topic of the thread and to resist any temptation to let it turn into a general row why people should or shouldn't hate child avatars. The moderators will, as always, do our best to keep things civil and on topic, and we will be greatly assisted by people exercising a bit of self-restraint in their postings.
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