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What we gonna get with the new super premium?

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On 12/9/2019 at 2:22 PM, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

They need a new Linden person --- "Soon Linden" who's word would only be Soontm.

Imma Resident: when ?

Soon Linden: soon

Imma Resident: is that like soon ? or soooon ?

Soon Linden:

Soon Linden:

Soon Linden:

Soon Linden:

Soon Linden:

Soon Linden: soon

Imma Resident: soooooon then. k thanks



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  • 3 weeks later...

@LuLu Starbrook   had a great idea for allowing a Linden Home to be passed from alt to alt with a super premium account. Allowing this to be done only one time per account or only once a quarter or year would stymie anyone trying to play real estate games with Linden Homes, but I think it'd be a popular enough option to sweeten going super premium. Something to consider, @Patch Linden :D

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14 minutes ago, Kitten Kaos said:

@LuLu Starbrook   had a great idea for allowing a Linden Home to be passed from alt to alt with a super premium account. Allowing this to be done only one time per account or only once a quarter or year would stymie anyone trying to play real estate games with Linden Homes, but I think it'd be a popular enough option to sweeten going super premium. Something to consider, @Patch Linden :D

Thanks, Kitten! It kills me that I am homeless, while my two alts have the homes of my dreams. The only reason I play Game of Homes is that I want that keeper on my main. I would love this as a perk of Super Premium. 

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7 minutes ago, LuLu Starbrook said:

Thanks, Kitten! It kills me that I am homeless, while my two alts have the homes of my dreams. The only reason I play Game of Homes is that I want that keeper on my main. I would love this as a perk of Super Premium. 

I think a number of us, me included, are scheming how to get our alts with dream properties to leave them to our mains in their wills 😏

Edited by Kitten Kaos
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  • 1 month later...

I think about "what could entice me?" to upgrade from "Premium" to "Super Premium"...

  • More land teir? Naw. Don't want no mainland purchases. It's Bellisseria-style living or nothing, for my tastes.
  • More stipend? Meh. I mean, if I need more $L than my premium alts already earn every week, I can simply buy it as needed.
  • Larger parcels and more LI allowance on Linden Homes land (specifically Bellisseria-type continents)? Nope. Too large and you start feeling more isolated and not like part of a community. Blake Sea, Eden, and Fruit Islands style covenant regions are too disjointed, spread out, and random-feeling for my taste. Not a visual pox like mainland, but definitely not the beautiful landscaped neighborhoods of Belli, either. Belli-sized plots, houses, houseboats and campers are just right.

So what, exactly, would entice me to upgrade to Super Premium?  Honestly, the ONLY two perks that would entice me would be:

  1. Ability for one Super Premium account to own TWO Linden Homes. This frees you up to play "Game of Homes" constantly on just one account. While holding on to your best parcel, you can still be fishing for an even better one to trade up to. Or just for a constant change of scenery. On one account.
  2. Ability to transfer ownership of any Linden Homes parcel to or from your other premium accounts (regular premium or super premium). I'm sitting on some really nice parcels on some alts that aren't my "mains". And some day I'm going to dump those alts. It would be nice to be able to shuffle around my favorite parcels to the "main" accounts I plan to keep forever.

With that in mind, I could see paying slightly more per month (not double) for the same stipend but ability to own two parcels at a time, or paying exactly double for both two parcels at a time AND more than double the weekly stipend of a regular premium account.

Those are honestly the only two options I could foresee making me want to upgrade to super premium.

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18 minutes ago, Fushichou Mfume said:


With that in mind, I could see paying slightly more per month (not double) for the same stipend but ability to own two parcels at a time, or paying exactly double for both two parcels at a time AND more than double the weekly stipend of a regular premium account.


From comments by Lindens when Super Duper Premium was first talked about (maybe a Town Hall?) the rate won't be just "a bit" more and could conceivably be triple.  Remember there is no point in going to all this work if The Lab doesn't make a tidy profit from it. Giving back the extra money in stipend might be PART of the deal --- I guess for the folks that can't manage their money or don't really understand that they are just getting there own money back?   I know not. 

So likely you won't be in the hoards clambering for the new option.  There ARE of course other enticements that you haven't mentioned and that might push you over to SDP -- you just don't know about them yet :D.  


Hopefully things will be revealed by March.  Looking forward to watching anyway.  

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9 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

From comments by Lindens when Super Duper Premium was first talked about (maybe a Town Hall?) the rate won't be just "a bit" more and could conceivably be triple.  Remember there is no point in going to all this work if The Lab doesn't make a tidy profit from it. Giving back the extra money in stipend might be PART of the deal --- I guess for the folks that can't manage their money or don't really understand that they are just getting there own money back?   I know not. 

So likely you won't be in the hoards clambering for the new option.  There ARE of course other enticements that you haven't mentioned and that might push you over to SDP -- you just don't know about them yet :D.  


Hopefully things will be revealed by March.  Looking forward to watching anyway.  

It's all good. 🙂

I was just trying to brainstorm "What would be more worth my while than simply have two premium alts?".... Or, if the subscription cost is indeed triple that for a single regular premium: "What would be more worth my while than simply having three premium alts?"

So for example, paying slightly less than 2x regular premium for the same weekly stipend but ability to own two Linden Land parcels would be "a deal".
Likewise, paying exactly 2x regular premium and getting ability to own two Linden Land parcels AND slightly more total stipend than what 2x regular premiums accounts earn would also be "a deal".

Otherwise, why not just have X number of regular premium alts?

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If all they intend to offer is the opportunity for two Linden homes, they can keep it.  I'm not interested in Linden homes.  Extra tier free on mainland may be an incentive but it depends on the price.  If they are going to do something foolish like triple the price of a normal premium--no thanks, not even for 10,000 groups or one more 1024.  Seriously, I cannot imagine what they could offer that would justify that kind of outlay unless it was something like unlimited land ownership with no tier.  I could take up being a land baron for that but I cannot imagine the Lindens doing such a thing.  Even a tier free region would easily justify the higher premium but again, I doubt the Lindens would do it.

It works like this.  My membership, plus land tier comes out to approximately $520 a year.  I can easily afford that.  but if I increase my tier to buy more land it would come out approximately $880 per annum.  I can afford it but I do not want to pay it.  (I don't even want to think about what a region and membership costs.  No wonder there are so many shopping malls.  SL can be an expensive hobby.)  So if the Lindens in their infinite mercy were to offer a super premium of $300 but increase the tier free land to say a half region (I'm pulling that out of a hat, it could be less but it is to be more than one 1024.), that is a damned good deal and one would be foolish to resist it.

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1 hour ago, ArgontheDevil Ormega said:

So if the Lindens in their infinite mercy were to offer a super premium of $300 but increase the tier free land to say a half region (I'm pulling that out of a hat, it could be less but it is to be more than one 1024.), that is a damned good deal and one would be foolish to resist it.

What if they offered you (for your $300 a year) a full homestead sim that was ON DEMAND (like Kitely)?  For those of you that don't know -- that means that it takes a bit longer for your region to load  -- but honestly not much.   Your land is only accessible WHEN you  (or in case of an open region- others) want to visit. The rest of the time it is offline.  This works very well in Kitely and keeps the price of a 20,000 prim (actually since mesh can count as almost nothing it is much more than that) at $15 a month.  You would have all the powers that a regular homestead would have --- and they might even throw in a  selection of houses that you could choose via HUD (like Bellisseria). 


We know already  that you would also get a DISCOUNT on any name changes that you did and you "might" get to put in free event notices (something that comes with premium on another platform).   A bit more stipend? (For some reason that seems to be important to folks - I really don't understand it).  A few more groups?   That is starting to look pretty good.  


There could even be an enticement for store owners so far as lands go but I am thinking most likely NOT since that would really be in competition with other land options.   I suggested the "on demand" thing  -- must be at least three years ago here on the forums. At THAT TIME Ebbe said it was "undoable". But we are on our way or IN the cloud now. I don't see any reason (of course I am not that techie) why it couldn't be done. If Kitely can do it on a fairly large scale then it certainly seems possible for LL.   


I wouldn't be taking part in that offering unless small business was allowed and unless you could pay with lindens (therefore bypassing Tilia all together) and I don't imagine either will happen.   But  a larger - Belli type house (with choices) on a homestead with full rights  with the only catch being a short wait?   That is where I would put MY money if I was designing something that would get folks signing up in droves. 


There was a time (not sure but almost a decade ago I think as I was pretty young) when Homestead sims were really cheap.  I don't think they were quite what we have now, but tons of folks bought those -- the LL changed the rules and there was a HUGE outcry and a giant exodus (mostly to Opensim).  Someone that was paying more attention at that time will know the particulars.  But I can't think of much else that would get folks clambering to be on the bandwagon. Just more mainland won't cut it as too many folks HATE mainland and wouldn't want that. A new continent? Possibly but the idea is similar. 


My evening (although not new) thoughts on the subject.  

Edited by Chic Aeon
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3 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

There was a time (not sure but almost a decade ago I think as I was pretty young) when Homestead sims were really cheap.  I don't think they were quite what we have now, but tons of folks bought those -- the LL changed the rules and there was a HUGE outcry and a giant exodus (mostly to Opensim).  Someone that was paying more attention at that time will know the particulars.

the original offer way back in the day was called Void region. And we had to buy 4 of them as a block as well as a full region. The Voids were intended for a region owner to stick them on the sides of their main region, and be able to sail boats and stuff on the Voids. They were never intended for people to build and live on

then people started to try doing this, even tho not recommended/intended

Linden then went Ok and gave in to the inevitable. Boosted the prim allocation on the Voids and called them Homesteads. And they changed the rules. Could buy any number of Homesteads provided we had a full region

Linden assumed wrongly that people would not buy as many homesteads as they did and then rent them out.  Which people did in the 1,000s.  The price was the same as 1 old Void region.  And the resource demands, more prims leads to more scripts, etc. blew the costs of maintaining them. Linden started losing money in a matter of weeks, so they had to put the price up

and that caused the riot

Edited by Mollymews
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  • 4 months later...

This thread is nearly a year old and recently viewers have been released which support Super Premium features. I'm curious if any of the actual perks have been seen in the wild by others, and also if there are any disincentives to discuss them here.

🔒or scavenger hunt

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5 minutes ago, Vlad Mysterious said:

This thread is nearly a year old and recently viewers have been released which support Super Premium features. I'm curious if any of the actual perks have been seen in the wild by others, and also if there are any disincentives to discuss them here.

Somewhere I read that just as technical support was almost complete, the feature offering itself was semi-officially delayed because the timing was perceived as inappropriate in light of COVID-19 economic distress.

On the other hand, I guess more might be known by third-party viewer developers (or I guess anybody who wants to read the Lab's own source changeset for the feature). I mean, there must be a finite set of attributes that could possibly level-up for double-plus Premium. So somebody knows something -- more than I do, anyway.

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"everything you could ever wants from second life"
I don't think super premium will give a full region for free or almost free or very very very cheap with no or almost no tier charges or fees.

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26 minutes ago, Ansiri said:

"everything you could ever wants from second life"
I don't think super premium will give a full region for free or almost free or very very very cheap with no or almost no tier charges or fees.

I think many are/were hoping for the chance to get a Homestead without having to own a full region.  If such was in the plans, that would also be part of why it was delayed - since LL doesn't have the resources right now to start standing up a bunch of new Homesteads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm aware that the enhanced Premium rollout has been postponed, but the features are supported by the current crop of viewers. My question was whether anyone has seen or heard of any changes to a resident account that would fall under the 'pleasant surprise' category and could be an unmasked Super Premium Perk.

And, btw, Happy 17th Birthday Second Life!!!  WOOOHOOO!!!  🎂

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On 6/4/2020 at 6:03 PM, Ansiri said:

"everything you could ever wants from second life"
I don't think super premium will give a full region for free or almost free or very very very cheap with no or almost no tier charges or fees.

This would be what I'd want too and I also don't think that's happening... but I wouldn't mind some more tier to expand a bit on the mainland if the price was right. Also, three animesh attachments.

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Aside from what appears to be a way to get "free" uploads (likely good for clothing and skin makers) there was mention (Patch I think) of different ways of owning mainland  (very vague and if I remember correctly it was in the "talking about it" stage way back then. 


But since the unveiling is so far  off now, even things that WERE in the plan may not show up in the plan and different perks may appear. So really it is simply conjecture :D.   Being able to buy a homestead without a full sim would definitely be a plus. So would "on demand" homesteads (like Kitely) or ever quad regions (again Kitely).   So we'll see when we'll see. 

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On 12/6/2019 at 9:24 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Why the heck are they blocking that?  The only possible reason that I can see is that the word is apparently also a slang insult for Asians.  I wonder what other slang words they've blocked because they are also insult words in some usages.

g o o k that is why.. so bet pretty much most slang terms that might be insults will or has been blocked.

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