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Premium...Is It Worth It?

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To an extent anyway.

Premium, Monthly. For the life of me I cannot justify the cost of Yearly at present - unlike the ones here on the forum that'll sing the praises of Yearly/Annual I actually use my Stipend, something that is a fair bit more common than they'd like to believe.

I've only ever had to use Support a grand total of twice: Both for a billing issue caused by my bloody bank.

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6 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Is your Second Life better with Premium?

I think I need the tech support. 

Premium itself doesn't really make your SL better, but you get a few things in return for it, as a house or land tier level, a weekly stipend and extended support.
But you say you need the tech support,  general tech support can be given here by your fellow residents too... if you mean just to learn things, that's not something the Linden Lab support will help you with.
The only real help you would get by LL are rare issues as with payments or serious issues with your account (=is not your avatar)

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I've been premium almost from when I first joined.  I enjoy being able to have a Linden home, as well as being able to buy mainland parcels (I've had parcels here and there around different areas of mainland over the years).  I also like getting the stipend each week.  I do pay the premium annually, but there are times when I'm not able to purchase lindens, so getting the stipend each week is helpful (though I'm not old enough to have the larger stipend amounts that the old-timers get).  Being able to get into events easier has been nice - even if I don't buy a lot, I like looking at what's available at events.  I also like being able to have more groups, so that I can have some shopping groups plus other community or special land groups.  There have been a few times when I've used Live Chat, so that's been a good perk as well.  

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There are pluses and minuses.

I have a lot more control over the land I own. What I am paying for it is also a lot LESS than almost any rental I've seen in SL - but only because of the nature of what I have (mostly double prim land or water land).

I am also a lot more stuck to it.

Say there's a really cool estate just over there, with a theme I'd really like to be part of... if I was renting here, I could just not pay tier next week and pay it over there instead. But because I own my parcel.... I've got to try and sell it on first, or pay for both places...

I actually lived on a rental estate for 6 months 2 years back, while also still owning, at the time, about 8000-16000m of double prim and water land... that was pricey... and then one of the 'bonuses' of mainland kicked in: the estate owner threw in the towel and bulldozed their entire estate except for the parcels that were rented - it was this massive nudist river land place - and suddenly we were all landlocked and looking at flat land, so people rapidly left, and their spots got bulldozed as they did, and then shortly into the all the sims just closed.
- if that ever happens to my mainland, SL is probably closing (it has happened once before that I know of, where the lindens closed down several sims - but that was in the very early days of SL, you can find what's left of that just north of Bay City; Shermerville - or so I have been told, but I am not actually sure that's true).

"Tier" on mainland is the same whether your place is amazing and double prim, or absolute junk... "Tier" on a rental is supposed to reflect the quality of what you get, but is also often priced by how foolish the tenants, or rarely but sometimes the landlord are...

On a THEMED rental estate, if somebody builds off theme, you can complain to someone. On mainland, they have to build off-TOS before you'll get any help.
- on an UNTHEMED rental estate, you're basically screwed. Unthemed rental estates are more common than themed ones... but it's pretty obvious when one is of such a nature. It will look like SL mainland did back in 2006-2007: so garish it hurts to look. And it will probably be owned and unmanaged by one particular massive land baron that also sub-rents out sims to most of those themed places too...


If you find a spot on mainland that is absolutely what you want... and you can afford to buy it... and you can afford the tier of premium, go for it. But if not, rent from someone else and keep your build something easy to pick up and move in case you feel the urge to jump away.

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Worth it for me. I've been premium since 2010 I think. A night out in RL can easily cost a year of premium membership. SL is as cheap as chips. SL has the ability to guide you to learn new skills, to be more tolerant of others views, to engage with people from different cultures and the list goes on and on. Definitely worth it!

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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What everybody else said.

Plus something else to consider. Netflix costs about $9 (us) per month, Crunchyroll is about $54 per year (I think it just went up), Amazon Prime is $110 per year, etc, etc.

I know it’s fashionable to bag on LL, but they made something special, despite its flaws. If you spend a couple hours a day in SL, $72 a year is absolutely worth it, just to support them and they give a portion back to you! So really it’s less than $72 a year.

So yes, the little perks are nice, but really, you’re supporting them. It’s totally worth it.

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30 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Plus something else to consider. Netflix costs about $9 (us) per month, Crunchyroll is about $54 per year (I think it just went up), Amazon Prime is $110 per year, etc, etc.

Also this one: One cup of Starbuck's anything costs $8 or more. Just switch back to good, old fashioned Arabian black and you're all set for an annual Premium subscription.

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Premium, paid for annually, costs $72 per year. You get a L$300 per week stipend.  At $L250 per dollar, a year's stipends are worth $62.40, so the net cost of the premium membership is less than $10 per year. The benefits are easily worth that. I rent most of my land tier for L$0.25 per square meter per week, so the 1024 m that comes with premium is worth L$256 per week, or L$13,312 per year, equivalent to $53.25. I come out $43.65 per year ahead with premium.

It's certainly worth while for me in that I save over $40 per year that I can spend on other things.

In addition, the enhanced tech support can be valuable. I have not needed it in several years, but the few times I needed it, it was extremely good to have.

The extra groups are nice, too. I don't use any of the other premium features.

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8 hours ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

Premium, paid for annually, costs $72 per year. You get a L$300 per week stipend.  At $L250 per dollar, a year's stipends are worth $62.40, so the net cost of the premium membership is less than $10 per year. The benefits are easily worth that. I rent most of my land tier for L$0.25 per square meter per week, so the 1024 m that comes with premium is worth L$256 per week, or L$13,312 per year, equivalent to $53.25. I come out $43.65 per year ahead with premium.


This (the bolded part) is the key.  If you go premium and pay annually, you are overall spending less than $10 a year for being premium. Whether you are saving the stipend and cashing-out, or spending it in-world, that's still money in your pocket. For that you get a Linden home (or use of 1024m mainland), and enhanced Support. You also get more Groups, and you get priority access to busy sims regions such as fairs.  The other benefits aren't so much worth it IMO; they give out gifts that are nice but too primmy to actually use, and you get access to Linden-run games that I have never played so I don;t even know what they are. But the land/stipend benefits alone are worth it. 

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13 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

OK, against the flow ... not worth it.

Im kinda taking the same line.
Its not worth it, if:

-a linden home parcel is just not big enough.
-someone doesnt want/need a linden home at all.
-someone doesnt want to buy a parcel at the madlands©️, for several thinkable reasons...

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21 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

-a linden home parcel is just not big enough.

Maybe 3-5 years ago this might have been the case, what with the 512sqm plot size and 175 prims to work with. Now Premium gives the next step up, 1024 with 351 prims, no extra charge.


Objects nowadays are also much less impactful thanks to Mesh. That one high quality house takes up 70 prims as mesh, when it would be 150-200 with nothing but prims and/or sculpties. Even Avatars are being made of Mesh nowadays, like it's some sort of miracle product... which it kinda is.

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1 minute ago, Marth Coberts said:

Maybe 3-5 years ago this might have been the case, what with the 512sqm plot size and 175 prims to work with. Now Premium gives the next step up, 1024 with 351 prims, no extra charge.

Thats true, but there are some people who are still not satisfied with 1K of square meters. Thats why you can rent/buy up to a whole region.

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On 4/22/2019 at 3:11 PM, Solar Legion said:

Both for a billing issue caused by my bloody bank.

Are you english or is your bank just that metal?

Sorry made me grin because that would be one hell of a bank :P

Personally I have the year premium and I do spend my stipend. Mine runs out on the 30th of june and while I will definitely stay premium because of my land I'm considering of going for the monthly or quarterly route this time around.

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Making it complicated by renting and teeming and ladling Lindens isn't why I'm here. The Linden home doesn't sway it for me either. I could be tempted by the premium only sims I guess, but I just can't be bothered to try it all out.

It should shout "buy me now" by all the benefits, but it all just seems so very low key.  It's like booking a rail journey, and deciding on whether to go first class.

Sometimes you can get breakfast one way and dinner the other, and a free paper and wifi,  and endless tea and coffee. So sometimes it makes perfect sense to do that.

Premium just doesn't come across as tempting enough, and I really don't know what would make it so.

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To actually answer the OP, yes, to me being premium is worth it.

1) I can own land instead of renting it. While I have not had any bad experiences with renting land in my almost 12 years here, it's just satisfying to know I can do what I want (within reason of course.)

2) The fact premium accounts get into sim's much easier. I was shocked during the last arcade when I got in at the first try and then remembered why. That was awesome. Not so awesome was the arcade but that's another story.

3) Premium Sandboxes. If you like to build or just to unpack stuff, these are pretty dangnabit awesome. I usually use these when I am looking for something in my inventory that I know is in a coalesced object...but I don't know which one (I have many) and can range from a simple three link set to a fully furnished house with almost 300 prims. I am not doing that to my own land >.>

4) More group slots! Always a bonus.

5) Better tech suppport. Personally I hate filing support tickets, so being able to access live chat is awesome and thus far I am 100% satisfied with the support through livechat.

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1 minute ago, BelindaN said:

Making it complicated by renting and teeming and ladling Lindens isn't why I'm here. The Linden home doesn't sway it for me either. I could be tempted by the premium only sims I guess, but I just can't be bothered to try it all out.

It should shout "buy me now" by all the benefits, but it all just seems so very low key.  It's like booking a rail journey, and deciding on whether to go first class.

Sometimes you can get breakfast one way and dinner the other, and a free paper and wifi,  and endless tea and coffee. So sometimes it makes perfect sense to do that.

Premium just doesn't come across as tempting enough, and I really don't know what would make it so.

Temptation is in the eye of the beholder. All the points I listed in my previous post do scream to me 'buy me now!' and very loudly so. I'm curious, what kind of things you'd want to see added to make you tempted enough to buy!

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5 minutes ago, Syn Anatine said:

Temptation is in the eye of the beholder. All the points I listed in my previous post do scream to me 'buy me now!' and very loudly so. I'm curious, what kind of things you'd want to see added to make you tempted enough to buy!

I wish I knew the answer!!!

At present I have use of an apartment at no cost so I don't need a home.

I avoid busy laggy sims, so I don't really aspire to easy access, even where there's supposed bargains!

I don't build, so I don't need a capable sandbox.

I'm not big on groups either!!!

I haven't needed tech support, yeah that's tempting fate for sure!!!

So there's nothing there to pull me in. I understand that the annual cost less the stipend is close, and great value, but I wouldn't currently use any of the benefits...…..


A Marketplace across the board discount might do it...………………………….

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I'm a bit with Belinda on this.

I actually agree that Premium is a great deal, particularly if one does spend a fair amount in-world. But it doesn't currently offer me anything I don't already have, or that I need.

Syn asked above, of Belinda, what LL might offer that would attract her. My answer to that question would be: a more interesting and diverse selection of options for the Linden Homes. I'm just not interested in the ones currently available (nice as they unquestionably are).

To be clear, this is not a complaint: my personal tastes might be too niche to make it worthwhile catering to them.

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Everyone makes the choice about Premium for different reasons.  I own a private region, so benefits that come with living on the mainland (including Linden Homes) are not important to me.  I occupy a hefty chunk of my own region and rent to really nice people, so the net cost to me is comparable to paying for a Premium membership but I have way more land.  Most of the other perks make little or no difference to me personally, although they can be very important to other people.  For me, the one benefit that would tip the balance is owning an Experience on my own land, which of course is only possible if you are Premium.  I haven't made the step because I'm lazy, I guess. So far, it's been enough to be an Experience Contributor, but the lure of having KVP available on my own land is getting stronger.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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