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What are some of your pet peeves?

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29 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

When people base someone;s personality off a sign of a zodiac. Actually better one, when people base how a person is gonna act, on zodiac signs. You can believe whatever you want, but I feel like too many people base everything, from how they act, to who they friend or who they date off of something that you can easily disprove. Just cause someone has some of said traits, since they were born under said sign. Does not mean that is their overall personality, and their overall person as a whole. It really annoys me, and kinda feels like lowkey discrimination to me.

I dunno, Sagittarius woman fits me to a tee.

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19 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

The what-ers?

That must mean something else in that time and place.

The band name sounds like one of the members went. What should we call our band? Other member, stepping out of the bathroom after having a massive duece. How about the floaters? Lol

Edited by halebore Aeon
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On 2/29/2020 at 1:51 AM, Orwar said:

   Items that are 'rigged for Maitreya', but also require you to have your boob slider to at least 50 or the mesh will cut into your stomach. 

That and zero fat and belly. Especially transparent items you can't just alpha out. 

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   Stores and events that shove a landmark and/or group joiner in your face when you arrive. I obviously navigated my way to the store/event just fine without that LM, and whether I'll want to join the group is something I decide on after browsing the store and seeing whether there are any benefits of joining the group.

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Stores the use a hud based unpacker for their items, which shoves a subscriber request in your face, before even offering the item you just bought. I hate subscribo, especially automatically enlisted ones. I don't want to be on a subscribo list, just because I bought something at your store. And if someone puts me on a subscribo list, at least make it easy for me to unsubscribe, and don't put your subscribo panel 3000 meters above the store.

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2 hours ago, lavalois said:

And if someone puts me on a subscribo list, at least make it easy for me to unsubscribe, and don't put your subscribo panel 3000 meters above the store.

   I usually just block the owner when this happens.

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On 2/26/2020 at 4:19 PM, halebore Aeon said:

When people base someone;s personality off a sign of a zodiac. Actually better one, when people base how a person is gonna act, on zodiac signs.

Not really a peeve of mine, but kind of an eye rolling annoyance: Basing all of the above on the Myers-Briggs. I see MB on a lot of profiles in S:. As personality tests go, the MB is less reliable than my full astrology chart is. Fwiw, INTP and Cancer.

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I think it's just a generalisations thing. Any astrologically prescribed characteristics wont apply to everyone, and surely the moment of conception would be more relevant than birthdate anyway

 And to have convenient date blocks is also generalisation. Having said that, my daughter, born the day before my birthday is a mini me. How much genetics plays into that, who knows.

The other boss in the house is Pisces, and very typical of how Pisces is supposed to be.

Just saying.

Edited by BelindaN
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Kinda reminds me on that one time my narcissistic Grandma warned me to not go to a Psychotherapist because "they just want your money!" - SAYS THE WOMEN WHO VISITS A FORTUNE TELLER ONCE A MONTH. 
Horoscopes and Myers-Briggs have a lot in common. 

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New old peeve

Alternative title: Why no one helps and especially noobs

I'm generally helpful when I can be, if people are polite in the asking. The old peeve, and I may have already mentioned it in this thread ages ago, is helping people, often in the Forum but also inworld, and never getting an acknowledgement of the help. Nary a nod or thank you. How many "Help!" threads are here in the Forum where the original poster never return posts after a dozen or more people have given good, solid answers? (So yes, my alternative title is wrong, people still help... but maybe they shouldn't.)

Not long ago, in another thread, I mentioned that I was hitting my head against the desk because I helped out a noob, and he was IMing me incessantly the minute I logged in, and throughout my inworld time. I hung out with him, I offered him friendly advice on how to de-noob himself. I offered help with his (then blank) profile and shot several headshots for his profile (if you have seen my additions to the vanity thread and/or my flickr, I will say I think I'm competent to take a noob's headshot if nothing else). That shot was tough to do because the noob was still in ultra noob, system avatar, with no upgrades on hair/skin and wearing free clothes. Someone did a kindness to me, and gave me $L10K recently and I decided to pass along the random act of kindness to this noob, who I understood also had limited funds, and gave him $L1000 the last time I saw him.

More backstory: I'm an experienced sub in BDSM and I have been looking for a Dom (not any longer, fingers crossed). Noob is not only a noob to SL but also to D/s. Yep, he wanted me to sign on as his sub to his noob Dom. I had no interest in being training wheels. I said "No" firmly and politely. I emphasize "politely." He persisted. "NO!" I think I said no three times, firmly, and more bluntly each time, but not rudely. I also told him that IMing me every five seconds starting with my initial log in, was getting annoying. I said that as politely as I could. He backed off. Which I appreciated. When I next saw him is when I gave him the $L and we chatted, politely and in a friendly manner. I had to tell him that he had received $L because he was such a noob he didn't realize it.

AND of course you know where this is going. Today, after not hearing from him for a while, I IMed him with a simple "Hi, how is it going for the noob?" I got a rude reply stating that I was a horrible biotch, that I needed to effing stop messaging him, eff this, eff that, horrible horrible for calling him a noob... (Which I meant with affection and playfulness.)

So, yeah. That happened. OH YEAH! NOW I REMEMBER why I don't help Noobs. It never ends well. I mentioned that he could remove all of the help and photos I did on his profile, cuz, ya know, who wants to be reminded of a biotch? And he could return the $L1000, for the same reason. Yeah, like that'll happen.

No. Good. Deed. Goes. Unpunished.  ...  I need the tattoo.

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   HUDs that don’t play nice together in the screen space because so few people know how to make one that, even when minimized, won’t still occlude an underlying HUD to touches.  

   I don’t often use multiple HUDs simultaneously, but it’s useful to do so during avatar customization, and quite possibly other activities. 

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1 hour ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

HUDs that don’t play nice together

yeah really!  When I'm trying to make a nice outfit the huds sometimes take up so much room that I can't see me! I really wish these designers would try to economize the space they take up on my screen.  And don't get me wrong I love multiple color fatpacks, almost always buy them because I am terribly indecisive and beside I like all the colors....

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@Seicher Rae, I can see why that particular noob was a pain but I still like to help them.  I get lots of opportunities when I'm hosting, (you can always tell the noobs because they haven't figured out their cam yet and they go running up to anything like to see it close up), in fact they are very likely to plow right over you without realizing it.

It's difficult to know how to draw the line between kind helping person and friend.  I generally will friend anyone who asks and then blank out their ability to see when I'm on line if they annoy me. An if they wanna know why I tell them, adding to your friend list doesn't make you friends, that takes time and commonality and no you can't know personal details about my logging if you are going to take advantage of me.  I've seen people get peevish about that too and I figure that's just not my problem.

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15 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

(you can always tell the noobs because they haven't figured out their cam yet and they go running up to anything like to see it close up), in fact they are very likely to plow right over you without realizing it.

13 years and counting....and this is still me at times!  Dunno, it just seems to come natural and is worse now getting older and eyesight is dimming! Also, if out shopping, I tend to use 'friends only' to reduce lag, so I probably just trundle over people like an M1A1 Abrams battle tank who's driver's suffered a fatal heart attack!  

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