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Lines that annoy you most

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i tend to flat random IMs from random people

them: hi. me: hi

then leave it to them to continue

other flat responses

them: pretty avatar. me: thanks

them: I love you. me: me too

them: are you a girl? me: Yes. them: are you a boy?: me:Yes. them: are you a frog/pony/kitten/giraffe/hippopotamus? me: Yes

and sometimes a bit more than flatting if I got nothing else to do

them: Do you do it?  me: sure. them: I teleport you baby. [after some time] them: did you get the TP? me: No. them: Now? me: No. Must be broken

them: What you do on SL babe you sexy thing? me: big long list of lots of nsfw stuffs.  them: Really?  me: no

them: want to have fun with me beautiful?. me: Yes please. them: Do you have a favourite place or should I choose?. me: I will choose ok. I know lots of places we can have fun. them: Sure babe. [me sends TP] them after rez: This is a hair shop. me: I know! isn't it fun! I love shopping





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I don’t know why SL has a big D/s scene, but I run into this one every so often.

*ding ding*

Sir Daddy Dumerson: Hello

Me: Hey, what’s up?

Sir Daddy Dummerson: What’s up? What’s up?! Is that how you greet people? The sky is up. That is not a proper greeting.

Me: Listen, I’m not a sub and I speak two other languages besides English. They all have a version of what’s up, and they’re all acceptable in an informal setting.

Sir Daddy Dummerson: *goes off on a long tirade about D/s mainly about how all women are secretly submissive, blah, blah, blah*

Me: So like I was saying, I’m not a sub. You’re wasting your time. *closes box*

*Twenty minutes go by*

Sir Daddy Dummerson: ???

Me: What?

Sir Daddy Dummerson: Did you give any thought to what I said?

Me: No *closes box*


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This one:

Her: "Hot avi. Single? Wanna, y'know...?"
Me: "No. I'm happily married to a gorgeous man whom I love dearly."
Her: "Oh, you're gay? I could totally put on a male avi for you!"
Me: "What part of 'happily married' and 'whom I love dearly' didn't get through to you there? I'm. Not. Interested."

And this one:

Him: "Whatever you're asking, the answer is yes."
Me: "I'm not asking anything."
Him: "But--"
Me: "Look, I've been married in SL to the same gorgeous guy for almost eleven years. He's also my best friend in real life, and has been so for more than twelve years. I'm absolutely devoted to him, in every way. You think I'm desperate to throw away the best thing in my life for a quick pixel shag with some rando who happens to fancy my avatar?"

And this one:

Her: "Hi. Your avatar is so hot. Fancy going somewhere quieter?"
Me: "My husband is standing right next to you. Now get out of my IMs."

RTFP (Read the F*&$!ing Profile), people. Not single. Not interested. Not even for you.

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5 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

RTFP (Read the F*&$!ing Profile), people. Not single. Not interested. Not even for you.


I´m kinda surprised they don´t seem to know you... I mean... you are famous to a certain degree... but then if they never leave f**k island how would they know..but... yeah... xD

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It's not so much the line that bothers me. It's other stuff, like when a stranger IMs me from the other side of the sim, or when a stranger who is standing close enough to talk in local, IMs me.

I don't mind being asked age/sex/location as part of a conversation, and honestly most of the guys I've met have asked those things after we've been talking for a while. When it's the first thing out of their mouths, it sets them back in my estimation.

Maybe the worst thing is persistence after I've said no. Like the guy who said, "Would you like to come and dance for me?" and when I replied "no, thanks" he followed up with "You never know, you might like it" and "Try to have a sense of humor about it" and I forget what else, but he would not stop. And then of course he began insulting me. I should have told him to try to have a sense of humor about it, but I was too angry at the time. I mean, I didn't mind the first question. It was the relentless and ultimately nasty follow-up that bugged me.

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25 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

RTFP (Read the F*&$!ing Profile), people. Not single. Not interested. Not even for you.

I wish there was a hug button.
I understand what you go through.  Clover and I started together as a couple so everyone would meet us as a couple and think of us as always being a couple and I still have days like you described.

You know, if you ever want to talk and maybe have a cup of coffee ... in a hot tub .. with just the two of us ... :D


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Here’s another one of my favorites:

*rando’s look at cross hairs have been locked on you for a long time uncomfortably long*

*ding ding*

Rando: Hello

Me: Hey, What’s up?

Rando: Come over here.

Me: lol, why?

Rando: So we can talk

Me: What are we doing now?

Rando: *types out something and deletes it a couple times* So I can get a better look at you.

Me: Did I not Rez when you were looking for the last 5 mins?

Rando: never mind

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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 11:37 AM, AmandaKeen said:

Anyone who opens an IM with a modified version of my name. “Mandy” or “Manda” really gets my hackles in an unroar :-)


I have a friend who has a (slightly) cumbersome first name, especially when my knuckles are swollen and it hurts to type. I still used the whole thing, until I got to know her well enough to ask if I could use a nickname. Which she was totally fine with. Undue familiarity too quickly is something that irks me, no matter what the opening line that contains it is.

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Uh! Uh! Another annoying line I forgot. And it's not an opener this time.

"Oh, so you're a lesbian!" 
You know you got someone with an ego more delicate than the wing of a butterfly if the sheer possibility of them or their (usually pretty awefull) pickup-lines being the reason to decline their offer is so absurd to them, that the only reason they can fathom is you not liking guys at all.

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oh my... I was hit on in LR xD there´s this topless tattooed hiphop style guy with the backwards cap and all...hitting on me out of the blue (well...how unexpected XD) in Spanish (if it´s not a "national" sim SL is an international environment so it´s quite rude to assume people speak your language... just communicate in English first XD)... he threw adjectives at me... cari~no ( corrected him that it´s cari~na obviously^^ next was preciosa.... PFFFFT xD  I answered in German, he didn´t understand - obviously xD and when I told him it´s rude to assume I speak Spanish his answer was WTF...
I explained that textspeak is rude, too, and that it was my first thought when I saw him and that I should have placed bets with my friends ( I speak a-hole, too XD). I blocked him afterwards xD I need L$ not d*cks xD


and as I wrote this - the next xD  told him to kindly eff off xD


Edited by Akasha Sternberg
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On 6/1/2018 at 9:50 AM, Cindy Evanier said:

"Hi hru "  will get the IM closed instantly without reply.  I don't do text speak 

Ohh, I am slow... I thought for some reason all Hru's friends had problems initiating chats with the right person.

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I noticed another example lately, though it is quite likely a rather unique eccentricity of mine...
Besides the most common examples already mentioned and besides not being a fan / remotely skilled at pointless small talk, there's one thing that I find plain ... well, how to put it right... creepy, unnerving and confounding for my liking: a "*hugs*" or "*kiss*" right after starting an IM.

Totally. Not. My cup. Of tea.

Especially not from strangers and also not from folks I've added for other reasons, I do not want your hugs and kisses. Like, not at all.
For me, it merely triggers a mental "yeah, blegh, whatever, get away from me" reaction and has a very high chance to just let me fall silent.

No rational explanation why. I just don't like it at all.

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