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This is an entirely unremarkable picture of an entirely unremarkable house.

Except . . .


I passed this house a few days ago on my wanderings. It's about 5 metres or so back from the SLRR tracks, perched on a tiny little outcrop at the edge of the cliff that descends into the interior of Heterocera Atoll. It's a pocket-sized house, not much larger than my own one-room boathouse (well, ok, Scylla's one-room boathouse, but she lets me sleep on the couch), and it's adorable.

I didn't want to venture onto the property itself, but I did cam the interior briefly (yeah, yeah, like you've never done that). The living space is cluttered with all manner of things (mostly high quality mesh items). There's little or no overarching aesthetic theme, but the house looks thoroughly lived in and loved. Books and magazines lie around on all sorts of surfaces; there's a fireplace, and a sideboard with a cute pink turntable and speakers. On the walls above the bed are a half dozen pics of the owner with groups of friends -- sometimes just two people, and in others five or six, all smiling and mugging at the camera. On another wall is a plaque with a formal portrait of a seated woman in a uniform, and commendation of her for her work in the SL Coast Guard. Beside the house (to the left of my pic above) is a postage-stamp-sized bonfire area; a guitar sits propped up on an old tree stump. 

The entire house is a kind of self-portrait; it made me wish I could meet the owner. It's been lavished with love and care -- not as a beautifully elegant showpiece, but as a place where one can feel comfortable and at home. I loved the sense that you had to be careful how you moved about, as you might accidentally knock a precarious pile of books onto the floor.

It made me reflect upon some of the places I have lived in SL. I love my boathouse (ok, fiiiiiiiine, Scylla's boathouse), but my favourite home for a long time was my beautiful little bookstore, especially when it was located in Hallelujah Blue. It was located on the main square of the sim, right next to the coffee shop. I used to sit on the counter and chat with people who'd just wandered in. I've had many cherished and loved places I hung out in, or frequented, but it was, more than anywhere else in SL ever has been, my home.

Edited by LaskyaClaren
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Here's a labour of love, and a really cool place to visit (and thank you to @BelindaNfor putting me on to it!).

There is now a recreation of Scapa Flow 1914-18. Scapa Flow, in the Orkney Islands off the northern tip of Scotland, was the main British naval base during The Great War: the recreation includes a small part of the village and quayside, some sheep, and a full-scale replica of the British Grand Fleet's flagship (commanded by Admiral Jellicoe), the dreadnought The Iron Duke.


In addition to exploring the village (not large but quite well done), you tour the ship, including parts of the interior below decks (the galley, officers' mess, etc.). The sim as a whole is beautiful, and the recreation really well done.

Like some other historical simulations (1920s Berlin, The Time Portal), this is scaled for "realistically" sized avatars, and historical dress is encouraged, but not obligatory. You'll arrive in the cabin of a ferry -- clicking on the door will take you to the wharf, in front of  a bulletin board. Clicking on the photo of The Iron Duke on the board TPs you to the deck of the ship. I think there's also an automated ferry that goes back and forth between the village and the dreadnought. The interior of the ship is of course fairly cramped: it's suggested you explore with mouse view, which I did off and on, but it's not really necessary.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Black Swan/128/127/1914

Really worth a visit, and a great place for photos. @Horus Salubrius, this might be of particular interest to you.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
Forgot to add the SLURL!
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As @Scylla Rhiadra remarked, Scapa Flow was and is a remarkable place, playing a pivotal role in both world wars. Anyone interested in history will know something about the Battle of Jutland in WW1, and Scapa Flow was the location of a revenge U Boat attack on the fleet early in WW2. The ship is huge and although I'm standing on the bridge, I'm lost to the scale.



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On 11/16/2020 at 1:23 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Like some other historical simulations (1920s Berlin, The Time Portal), this is scaled for "realistically" sized avatars,

lol .. which I am discovering now .. I can't get below decks ! 

so I now have a "Short Horus" shape ... 

Edited by Horus Salubrius
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Touring HMHS St. Margaret of Scotland, a converted hospital ship provided and provisioned in 1916 by the Scottish branch of the British Red Cross Society. It was staffed entirely by Scotsmen and women. The society raised  £22,000 to purchase and equip the ship through local "Flag Day" fairs and events.

You can visit this ship at Scapa Flow 1914-1918. With me is Mitch Carron, the creator of the sim. Here again is the SLURL for those interested. Mitch continues to work on sim: apparently he wants the interior of The Iron Duke entirely complete (at least, I imagine, above the waterline).

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Black Swan/128/127/1914



Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
Forgot the SLURL AGAIN!
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I am currently writing some rap lyrics to turn into a small track. Been listening to instrumentals and ambient music lately and just picked up on listening to atmosphere which is the final spark for me to get creative and write. So currently at work and thinking up lyrics to finish this track although a friend might help. I am off today on Sunday so I wanna be productive.

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