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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. LittleMe Jewell explaiend the point system. The ranks seem to be just a leftover from the old forum, I don't think it does anything anymore.
  2. To translate from tech speech to human language: the maximum distance between the centers of any two parts of a linkset is 54 m. If you try to scale it up beyond that, some parts may become dislocated to stay within the limit.
  3. Eightball Magic's teleport script is open source so yes, in this case it was ok. Not always though so it's a good reminder.
  4. If you are new to Second Life and keep getting banned from places you've never even been to before, it is possible that your IP address has somehow ended up on the list of one of those fake anti-griefer schemes unscrupulous merchants foist onto ignorant landowners. If that is the case and you decide to start a new alt to get around it, make sure you always have media and sound streaming switched off when you visit those places because it's through those they can get your IP address.
  5. Judging by the other posts Napoleon has made here, I think he's talking about sim and estate bans, Rolig, and I'm fairly sure Linden Lab regards those as disputes between users and something they won't interfere with in any way. It's still an important reminder though: if you are banned from Second Life as a whole by Linden Lab, creating a new alt is a ToS violation and can get you into even more trouble. Edit: Can we put this thread to rest now? As LittleMe Jewel mentioned, it is beginning to get a bit old.
  6. No, I'm afraid not. I know how it is. The mesh sandboxes have 12 hours autoreturn though. Is that enough? I simply made two li'l scripts for builds that I need more time on beta for, one that records the item's position and another that autmatically puts it back in position when I rez it.
  7. It seems to be fixed now. Does anybody still have problems uploading to the beta grid?
  8. Yes, they obviously get better prices than the official ones. Twice LL has had limtied time offers on "grandfathered sims" with permanent lower tier levels and there is at least one other old special deal the old established big sim owners benefitted from, probably more.
  9. The Beta grid is broken at the moment and no uploads of any kind work. Hopefully Linden Lab will fix it soon
  10. Caleb Linden is looking at it right now so hopefully it won't take too long.
  11. Turns out it's not a mesh upload issue but a general assets failure that affects lots of different items on the beta grid
  12. Oh, a JIRA. It's gonna take a few weeks before it'll be possible to use the beta grid to test meshes again then. I''ve added a comment but how do I post an image to an existing JIRA? Edit: I also contacted live chat support and was told by them to file a support case. So I did.
  13. Woops, that may be a bit tricky but there are a few things you cant try. Hippo Groups was an alternative group system created by HippoTech to get around the max number of groups we're allowed to have. It seemed like a good idea once and was quite popular for a while. Unfortunately, nobody seems to maintain HippoTech these days so there's nobody to contact to fix any problems. But you must have subscribed to some Hippo Group at some time or you wouldn't be in their system at all. If you can manage to figure out where and when that happened, you should be able to use the group joiner to leave the group. If you can't gifure it out, try an abuse report - that's all I can think of.
  14. Yes. I jsut hope it won't take too long. I'm working on a club that's supposed to open in three days. I would hate to tell my clients that they have to wait becae the build can't be uploaded. Mesh upload on the beta grid is completely broken now. I'm not sure if it's possible to upload to the main grid. Has anybody tried?
  15. As @Nova Convair said, running scripts is the lowest priority task for the server so it won't usually affect other functions but that means too many scripts will cause script failures and that can be a problem in itself. It's also important to note that scripts can trigger laggy events. HTTP requests will increase the Net Time, vehicle script are likely to add to the physics time and so on. Also, launching new scripts can cause lag. When an avatar enters the sim, the server has to load all the script it carries with it and that will cause a short lag peak. If the avatar is heavily scripted, it may be a very high peak. Usually those peaks are too short to be significant but if it's a sim where people keep tp'ing in and out all the time, it can become a serious issue. In other words, even though script lag generally is a thing of the past, it's still a very good idea to try to keep the script load as low as possible. What is a "safe" amount of total script time depends on what other tasks the server is kept busy with. If the total frame time is higher than 22-point-a-bit ms, it's an overloaded sim. If the spare time is less than a millisecond or so, the sim is pushed hard enough you must expect occasional glitches but not cntinuous poor performance.
  16. I think it only shows that when you put two or more groups of people close enough together, they will find ways to interbreed regardless of any cultural and social differences and taboos. We don't really need any scientific studies to know that, a rudimentary understanding of human nature is enough.
  17. I have noticed that the uploader is a lot slower than usual calculating cost yes, but it hasn't hung up on me yet. Does this happen on the main grid too? I only uploaded one mesh to the main grid today and that worked fine. But I've had the same problem as you on the beta grid. Out of five or sx uploads I made only one survived and I also had similar render failures with some older items I tried to rez on the beta grid.
  18. ... and 64 great-great-great-great grandparents. Genes come bundled in 46 chromosones plus some mithocondrial dna that is always passed on from the mother. So although it's possible, it is very unlikely that you have genes from all you ancestors six generations away.
  19. As Rolig said, you can't change it after it's been uploaded. You can set the alpha mode to none of course but that's not really a good solution, better to reupload the texture with the error corrected. If you don't want to mess around with complex image editors like Photoshop or Gimp, try Paint.net (freeware for Windows) or GraphicConverter (shareware for Mac) instead. Both are far more user friendly than Gimp and Photoshop and still amazingly powerful. With Paint.net: Simply open the image, select Save as and selct 24 Bit With GraphicConverter, open the image, select Alpha channel -> Remove in the Image menu and save.
  20. First, take a deep breath and try to relax. Then... there are five possible reasons why a part of an outfit won't detach. The first to check is the one Alwin mentioned. Some skins come with underwear baked onto them to keep people who aren't supposed to see the naughty bits from seeing the naughty bits. That's probably not your problem but it's easy to check. Second: when you choose a new outfit, you select "Repalce" not "Add", don't you? Third: do you have RLV enabled and are you using a third party viewer? If you are, it's possible the item you can't get rid of is scripted to be non-detachable. Solution: switch RLV off and relog or change to the official viewer. Fourth: Experiences is a kind of "RLV Light" and unlike the real thing officially approved by Linden Lab and they too can sometimes disallow removal of certain worn items. Go to a different sim and see if you can remove the item there. All these four reasons are fairly rare but easy to eliminate so check those first. Eventually you probably have to go for option five though: Go to an empty water sim, like Moses (you can't find it by searching for the name on the big map). Relog and select one of the starter avatars in the "Me" menu and click on it to replace your current outfit. That should get rid of everything you are currently wearing. Of course, replace it with one of your regular outfits right away - unless you find a starter avatar you actually like.
  21. A stack-heap collision is when the script runs out of memory and tries to use the same memory for two different things. When that happens, the script will stop working and the only solutions are either to reset it or replace the item with a fresh copy. To reset the script: Hit Ctrl+3 to open the edit window, click on the HUD, find the script, double-click on it and click on the reset button. If you can't do that, replace with a backup copy. If you don't have a backup copy, see if you can get a redelivery.
  22. It is free but you have to renew it every now and then.
  23. If wonderfully designed A rated nude beaches without too much sex pressure are your thing: Pretty Beach and Breakwater Beach. It may be a bit hard to get in there though, they are both Homestead sims and are often full.
  24. I can't reproduce that. I usually open each forum in a sperate tab so I'm not sure how it worked before but when I try it your way now, it seems to work fine. I click "Mark as read" and all the post are unbolded (is that actually a word?) and the back button takes me right back to the main forum list.
  25. Well, it is possible to live a carefree, happy Second Life and it is possible to sell stuff on the Marketplace. But you can't do both, you have to choose one or the other.
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