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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. I suppose others have different answers here. One important thing about Blender is that it's very flexible and different people use it in very different ways but: Apply modifiers - it's probably no point in switching that on since it's likely you have already applied modifiers before exporting to better see the end resultin Blender. Selection Only: It depends. If your Blender file only has a single object, it doesn't matter if it's on or off. If the file has several objects and you only want to export one of them, keep that option off, if you want to export several obejcts in one batch, keep it on. Personally I never export multiple objects together. I prefer to export one part at a time and assemble inworld since I find it easier to keep track of all the LoD and physcis models that way. That's jsut my work method though and not necessarily what suits everybody else. Only Selected UV Map: Play it safe and make sure there is only one UV map right from the start. Second Life can get really funky when asked to handle meshes with multiple UV maps and it's easy to loose track of which poly is assigned to which UV map throughout the modelling process. Include UV Textures / Include Material Textures: If you want to include the textures in the same upload as the mesh, you want to switch one of those on. I'm not sure which since I never do it that way myself. Even when I use Blender for textures, I always edit them in a image editor and import them separately. It's probably the UV Textures you want to include but others can answer that better than me. Copy: No idea what it does to be honest. Keep it switched on. Armature Options: Those are for rigged mesh only. Triangulate: That's a tricky one. Ideally you want it switched off but sometimes that gives distorted meshes. The rest of the options: Just keep them at default.
  2. If you don't grasp it, perhaps it's too sophisticated. --- That's the key. How do you like having that remark thrown into your face? It's almost a direct quote of what you said to somebody who agreed to help you but wanted some additional information first. Just to clear up a possible misunderstanding: if you think most people in Second Life know who Prokofy Neva is, think again. Nobody is that famous, there's not a single person in Second Life who is well enough known that one percent of the residents recognize their name. So when you wannabe helper asked for some confirmation about who you were before they committed themselves, that was very much a reasonable and legitimate request. As to judging somebody's character by their avatar's age, Klytyna already answered that. --- Now, in addition to bringing our attention to that blog post, Theresa has also provided some information about the technical side of griefing prevention. But to make that absolutely clear, it is not possible for the Second Life software to identify the person behind an avatar. Your connection has an IP address. That is easy to identify but also easy to change, usually all you have to do is switch off your router for a few minutes and when you reconnect you're likely to have been assigned a new IP address. You computer has a MAC address but that too is easily changed. Some mobile devices even have MAC address randomization as a standard feature these days. And of course, even if the system is able to identify the computer, there is absolutely no way for it to know who is behind the keyboard. Some people do log on to SL from public computers. The only relatively reliable way to establish an avatar's RL identity would be, as you suggested, to require confirmed payment information from everybody. If LL chose to do it that way, you should expect half of your tenants to leave SL for good, probably more. Do you really want that? --- Second Life does not have a good way to identify the origin or the creator of an object or a script. That is a serious hole in the security system and something LL should have fixed very early. They didn't and it's probably too late now. It would require some drastic changes in the assets handling and by now we're talking about a database with billions, probably even trillions, of entries. --- The best way to prevent unacceptable behaviour is to kill it before it grows. That's what Linden Lab should have done ten years ago. But they didn't and unless somebody can lend them a time machine, there's nothing to do about that blunder now. You can't even blame the current Lindens for it. Most of them didn't work for LL back then and the few who did, were not in positions where they could do anything about it. --- There is one more method, it's one of the standard answers and the one you hate to hear: ignore them. The one thing all griefers want, is attention. Deny them that and they will eventually grow tired of their silly games. No, this is not about accepting unacceptable behavior, it's all about raising above such foolishness. --- No matter how you look at it, there is no "magic bullet" to kill all griefing once and for all. There never was.
  3. Yes, go out and explore, that's the best advice. You probably don't want to pay too much attention to the destination guide though - not unless you are especially interested in old builds from the early days of Second Life. The newcomer friendly section is an exception to that rule. NCI, the Shelter, Oxbridge and Helping Haven are all great help centers for newcomers, all run by unpaid volunteers. You definitely want to go to one of those. Second Life is not a game as such. It's a platform where people play lots of different games (usually fairly low key role playing) and also occasionally do more "serious" business. It's very hard to recommend anything in particular since it depends a lot on what your interests are.
  4. YW. I added a bit more just as you replied. Had a look at that SL/OpenSim preset and... ummm... that's not the settings I would recommend.
  5. Seems the answer is fairly obvious: don't check the "Only Selected UV Map" checkbox. Edit: The only selected UV map function does exactly what it says, it allows you to export only polys assigned to a specific UV map. But when you're building for SL you really, really, really don't want to have more than a single UV map in your Blender file anyway so in this context, that checkbox is superfluous at best. I have honestly no idea what the SL+OpenSim Static preset is. I've exported thousands of meshes from Blender to SL and this is the firsttime I've even heard of it. But to export to SL, you may or may not want to export Selection Only, you may or may not want to include textures and if you've been careful with how you've configured the polys you don't want Blender to triangulate on export.
  6. Here's one important trick, please tell all landowners: Never switch autoreturn off unless it can't possibly be avoided and especially if you have every box unchecked. Objects can sometimes enter the parcel regardless of those settings. You don't even need a special viewer for it and it can easily happen by accident. A minute or five of autoreturn takes care of that problem and it doesn't affect objects set to group.
  7. In Blender you can usually see both sides of a mesh surface. The "front face" is the one pointing in (roughly) the same direction as the normals, the backface is the one pointing in the opposite direction and it si usually rendered in a slightly darker shade. When you flip the normals, you essentially turn the surface inside out so the "front face" become the backface and vice versa, but they're still both there. In Second Life and in Belnder with backface culling enabled, the backface is removed completely so you only see one side of the surface.
  8. It's no good, I have to risk the wrath of both Prokofy and Dakota here. Fingers crossed. That's spot on. Prokofy, are you really unable to see Theresa's point? You posted that transcript on your own blog and it's a perfect example how to put your foot in your mouth and drive away a potential helper through sheer rudeness. Face it: the vast majority of Second Life users have no interest or no part in your problems whatsoever. When one of them still is willing to make an effort helping you, the least you owe them is to show a little bit of gratitude and respect. If you loose your temper during a chat, stand up, step away from your computer, take a deep breath and return when you've regained self-control. One of the many nice things about text chat is that you can do that without anybody noticing. Can you try it? Please? With that being said, how about going back to the start? What can be done to reduce griefing in SL? No matter how we look at it, Prokofy certainly doesn't deserve to be treated this way and besides, the people who are after him don't care if they hurt other people too.
  9. We're essentially asking LL to put the genie back in the bottle, aren't we? That's always difficult and they shouldn't have let it out in the first place of course. I was away from SL when this all started but I did some research after my own land had been hit by griefers a couple of times. If I understand correctly, it went something like this: About ten eyars ago there was this university campus in SL with leaders who sincerely believed that Everybody Have The Right To Do Whatever They Please. Such naivity is of course bound to attract people who like to play it rough just for the sake of playing it rough and the campus soon became a haven for ... ummm... practical jokers is perhaps the most diplomatic description. At about the same time a bunch of righteous (at least in their own minds) residents decided it was their Sacred Duty to fight a Holy War against all socially unaccpetable behavior in SL so they formed a miltia and targetted this campus of naivity. Such a miltia is of course bound to attract people who like to play it rough just for the sake of playing it rough and ... I suppose everybody get the point. It escalated into a full scale war and since neither side could care less about what happened to innocent bystanders, whatever moral high ground either may once have had was soon lost from the collateral damage they caused. Linden Lab followed their usual routine for crisis handling back then: close their eyes and pretend it doesn't exist. Eventually it got so bad LL panicked, stepped in and made matters even worse and then finally managed to put a lid on it all. By then nobody had much respect for the rules LL had written down but proven themselves unwilling and/or unable to enforce, many of the Defenders of Truth and Justice failed to notice the war was over and started lashing out at random people since they couldn't find an actual enemy to fight and there's so much bad blood that even today some participants go out of their way to harm prominent members of the opposite side. Did I get this about right?
  10. Two questions: Am I the only one who only feels sad reading this thread? And is it actually going to lead anywhere?
  11. In Preferences -> Advanced Check "Show Advanced Menu" Then in the Advanced menu, select "Disable Camera Constraints". Btw, what you did with the normals isn't strictly speaking backface culling, there are no backfaces to cull in Second Life. What you did was reverse the direction the mesh faces were facing.
  12. Ah, another example of the SL viewers. amazingly user friendly GUI There is not now and has never been an Alexandria Linden, it's only a "placeholder" account, just like Govbernor Linden and Molly Linden and Magellan Linden etc. The name itself is a dead iveaway really but for those who missed it, it's spelled with an i towards the end.
  13. SUre, why not. If you can connect it to your computer, it will work. Looks like serious overkill though, unless you have other uses for those headphones too of course.
  14. Have you ever done a build you didn't learn something from? I haven't.
  15. Oh, I hope not! All good builders have their own style and usually do their best work when they stay within their comfort zone. The Linden Lab builders excel at the "Hobbit meets Mario Bros in technicolor" and the straight lined "1980s American Suburb" styles (and also the "Halloween Scary" style that is kind'a like a crossover between the two). It can be quite ... interesting ... when they try to do "scifi" (always ending up with a distinctive Jetson flavor) and sometimes even when they glue some gears on it and call it steampunk. But superimposing any of their basic styles onto baroque or rococo - I think that's pushing it too far.
  16. The forum description does say " Second Life discussions welcome here!" though, so I guess it is fair enough. I'm not at all convinced it was a good decision to stop that thread but it was certainly a justifiable one.
  17. Just to add the mandatory tenous link to SL. I got a visit from the local animal protection center last summer. They told me a stray cat had just had a litter near my house and they had taken the whole family into custody except for one kitten they couldn't find. We searched the surroundings thoroughly with no result. But later that day while I was busy procrastinating, I heard a li'l kitten meowing so I called them and we did another thorough search and they placed cat traps all around my house. A week passed and no result even though I kept hearing meowing every now and then. It was only later I realized I had only heard it while I was logged on to SL and at my Linden Home.
  18. The total absence of BDSM cats in SL is actually remarkable enough in itself and might have been enough to keep the discussion alive - if only somebody had thought of mentioning it. Too late now. Many internet forums have a special "off topic" section. Maybe we could get one here too if we asked veeeerrryyy nicely.
  19. Yes but that was hard this time. There are no cats in SL of course. And certainly no BDSM.
  20. Do you mean the linkset limit affected upload too? That's definitely worth remembering.
  21. There have been several Green Lantern avis in Second Life, but if it's the one I think it is, he certainly gave as much as he took. One of the crazy old soldiers refusing to accept that the Griefer Was ended ten years ago, he used to recruit newcomers at Barbarossa to his Justice League spinoff group. Part of the initiation rite his recruits had to go through, was to find some poorly protected sim and launch a massive noise-and-particle attack. If you somehow managed to do that without getting AR'ed and perma-banned, you were in. I'm sure many people who were here two or three years ago remember the occasional Hal Jordan griefer attacks. That was him. To be fair, his attacks were always time limited and scripted to end by themselves after an hour or so and he seems to have stopped now. Last time I heard of him in a griefer context was at the Balance attack a year or two ago and he definitely wasn't responsible for that one - he jsut happened to be there to watch the show.
  22. Yes, that does it. So not a bug then, just a poorly made GUI.
  23. That's a bug int he current Firestorm version. Try to log on with a different viewer when you want to change the music stream.
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