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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Trying to come up with a good reply but I think you've said it all.
  2. Reopen the case Thank them nicely for the link to the faq/guide but make sure to tell them you are already familiar with it Quote the relevant part of the faq/guide Refer to this thread Let's see if that works. The key phrase here is reopen the case. If the first response isn't satosfactory, try again. And again and again and... Edit: In case somebody misunderstands: no, I do not suggest you should keep nagging them until you get what you want, that would be rude. But don't give up until you have a proper answer. In a failed delivery review case that means either that they agree to remove the review or explain to you why they think it is your responsibility even though the guide they refer to clearly states it isn't.
  3. If permission changes to rezzed objects or other modifications to them don't stick, it's probably a connection glitch. Even the best connection will have a small glitch every now and then so it can happen to anybody.
  4. Did you change the permissions while the house was in your inventory? If so: don't ever do that. Rez the item, change permissions and take it back into inventory.
  5. That's good to hear but it's still a question of consitency. Of course, we have to take Arduenn's word for what happened in this particular case but... well, his word does count for a lot. He knows the drill and he's not the kind of person who complains all the time.
  6. Nice trick, I have to remember that one! But this is getting tedious. This post by Dakota is less than two weeks old: I am absolutely sure that the people at Linden Commerce are doing their best but that doesn't help when their best isn't good enough. What will happen when Dakota reads this, is that some Lindens will have to spend a lot of time clearing up the specific cases mentioned and then it's back to SNAFU. What LL really needs to do is improve their routines for MP so they will be able to perform consistently at an acceptable level. When is that going to happen? Until then, Dakota - I've told you this before but it seems I have to repeat it: don't make promises you can't keep. Good itnentions are not enough, you need to show results too.
  7. Please remove the mechant's name from your post. We are not allowed to post names that way in this forum for very obvious reasons and if you don't remove it, the moderators will delete the thread. As to why there is no comment field for flaggings (I suppose that's what you're asking about), the Lindens only know but obviously they prefer to spend figuring out for themselves what the customer could have told them right away. My best guess is that they just love to solve puzzles and don't want any spoilers.
  8. Dakota logs on to this forum every day so I'm sure it won't take long before we have an official reply.
  9. (http://info.legalzoom.com/can-furniture-copyrighted-23904.html) That sums up U.S. copyright laws as they are applied to furniture. European copyright laws tend to be a little bit stricter, I'm not sure about the rest of the world. But then there is a question whether a digital model can be regarded as a "useful article" at all.
  10. If it something that is supposed to be for sale, the vendor may be set up wrong. If so, contact the owner and let them know.
  11. Somebody is missing something, that's for sure but I don't think it's you From the Product Lisings Reviews FAQ posted at this forum only a month ago: Source:
  12. They are completely different settings. Both move the entire avatar up or down but they work independently of each other.
  13. Lucky you! My alts are to selfish for that. Oh well, the splash screen clearly states that downtime is to be expected so I guess we have to expect the expected there. The fact that avatar texture baking still fails makes me wonder exactly what the Lindens are playing with right now...
  14. Weird. That's where I was trying to log on. It didn't even show up when I searched the big map. It's back now anyway. Just don't try to change your avatar there yet, that's likely to lead to .... unexpected results...
  15. Yes, the beta grid been feeling down today. For a while you couldn't log on at all, jsut as you described, then you could but only a few sims were up and avatar clithing and alpha textures didn't render. Not sure if it's back up now, haven't been tehre for a few hours.
  16. The hover height slider is standard issue for SL viewers today, not unique to Firestorm. That happens if your AO uses sit animations with too high priority. Unfortunately, most mdoern AOs seem to do that. There is at least two more things to test: Your shoe bases also affect elevation when you sit and that can sometimes have unexpected results. And did you remember to check the old hover height function too? The one in the shape edit window that is. That is not the same one as the one you get in those sliders.
  17. Hmmm... Does that mean the SL texture makers who use Filter Forge creatively and the texture merchants who upload and sell the ready made texture are all impolite? Warning from SLGHC (Second Life General Health Office): Using Filter Forge as the creative tool it was meant to be rather than as a library of ready made resellable freebies is highly addictive and known to cause loss of sleep and gray hairs. It is easy to tell yourself you can stop any time but there is always one more little adjustment to make. In extreme cases people have been known to not only spend hours working with the existing filters but even create their own. If you reach that level of addiction, there is no longer any hope for a cure. Edit: Just to illustrate how serious this can be. One of the almost 6,000 ready made filters generates fantasy island maps like this one: The three main controls of that particular filter only allow you to generate 90,000,000,000 different island shapes. That doesn't sound like much of course but then you can change the size, shape and number of mountains, country borders, rivers, forests and of course, also the frame and the color scheme. Enough fun to last a lifetime or five and that's just one filter.
  18. Tier is due at the end of the monthly period you own the land.
  19. One very simple, although possibly not very elegant method: Quote one post, edit it to remove the text you don't need, then quote another post.
  20. The trick if you want to match pieces in SL is to remember that you can only position items with a precision of 1 mm. Make sure all parts are an even number of millimeters in size along all three axises and you'll do fine. 2602 triangles still counts as a high poly mesh but it's a huge improvement, Congratulations!
  21. It's not possible to upload something as complex as that into Second Life
  22. Oh yes, there is quite a lot of conflict between people with different skin colors in something called Real Life so it's quite understandable that somebody more used to that environment are worried about such things. And they have so few colors to choose from there. It's all just various shades of reddish-brown. Edit: sorry, couldn't resist it You deserve a serious answer too. I use both Erupean, Asian and African avatars and I can tell you that if you are female, the darker you avi's skin is, the less unwanted attention from obnoxious males you get. But the ones you do get tend to be harder to get rid of. Apart from that, go for whatever you feel comfortable with.
  23. By sheer coincidence we happened to be discussing that in another thread just now
  24. I haven't actually tried the twisted torus experiment but I have tried to upload some doorways that would have caused problems in SL to other grids and there are no particular issues with them there even though the physics engine those grids use are supposed to be less efficient than the one we use here. And there is absolutely no mention of triangle size in either of the HAVOK manuals. Also, keep in mind that people were using those presumably dangerously twisted prims for years before HAVOK came along and there is absolutely no concievable reason why the old physcis engine should manage them better than HAVOK. (Edit: Just to avoid any misunderstandings: heavily twisted toruses are indeed relatively heavy on any physics engine and they did cause load problems before HAVOK, no doubt about that, but the problem was never anywhere near the scale that their current land impacts indicate.)
  25. Oh yes, that too. And the documentation did actually help there but no thanks to LL. We managed to locate online copies of both the super secret HAVOK manual LL told us they weren't allowed to show us and the end-user manual LL was supposed to give us but completely forgot about. Drongle had already guessed the answer but he wasn't sure until we had those manuals. It's a bug. Or rather it's an attempt to cover up the mistakes LL made when they thought up the land impact formula. For some reason LL got the idea that small triangles are bad for HAVOK so they decided that triangles should be assigned more weight in the calculation the smaller they got. And since they were allergic to trigonometry, they decided to use the smallest dimension of the entire object along one of the three axises as the measurement rather than the actual size of the triangles. Sorry if that was a bit too technical but the result was that some objects ended up with unrealistically high calculated physics weights. The "solution" they came up with for objects with one dimension smaller than 0.5 m was to force them to use convex hull as their physics shape. That's why we get those doorways you can't walk through. For objects slightly bigger they simply pretended everything was right and left it to the users to deal with it. That's why we have those insanely high land impact readings for some twisted prims. The manuals clearly showed what Drongle had already figured out: it's all sheer nonsense. HAVOK handles basic physics shapes exactly the same way as ODE (the original SL physics engine) and Bullet and ubODE (the two common OpenSim engines), it just does it faster and more efficient. Try to upload a few of those "closed doorway" walls to an OpenSim powered grid and they will cause no problems whatsoever. Or try to rezz a hundred twisted toruses and walk all over them. According to the land impact formula that should cause the server to crash before you can say "lag" and according to the same formula, before HAVOK you shouldn't even have been able to finish rezzing them all before the server melted its way into the center of the earth.
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