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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I think perhaps that this changed with the advent of the PLACES PAGES. I see some listings in media that weren't there before either. It "seems" like you should be able to add a new stream and then choose that from the drop down list to CHANGE. I just realized I have music playing on some parcels that I didn't put there LOL. I never have my music on. So off to investigate. OK. You can easily REPLACE an existing music stream just by pasting a new one into the slot that is active. I did that on two parcels and now have some very nice music. LOL. So thanks for this thread.
  2. It will be difficult to find private land (islands) that will be willing to rent to a club. It is even hard to find ones willing to rent to regular businesses. So mainland is likely going to be your best bet. Some mainland landlords will rent to clubs (mine I believe does) and it is cheaper than owning and paying tier (hence I rent). BUT, that being said if money isn't a big deal then I would likely go with buying. With a quarter of a sim you will still have neighbors but you can insulate yourself somewhat and be in the sky if needed.
  3. Just wanted to say that I am sure many of us are glad you are on the forums since you know MUCH more then most on the intricacies of viewers and such.
  4. Note that at times the inventory between the beta and "real" grid (Aditi and Agni) don't always work as it should. You can certainly clean you beta grid inventory. It will not stay cleaned (in theory) but will match your "real grid" inventory and ADD what you have uploaded or saved on the beta grid. That is the theory. I use, there are many times when items that were uploaded on the beta grid, rezzed, linked and taken BACK into inventory are just gone the next day--- like whisps in the wind. Not too handy when you have to redo. There were some other MAJOR inventory issues when the new system came into play. I got caught in them. I believe that they are supposedly fixed now. I, however, only let my alt on the beta grid. It took me a week to get my inventory back to a semblance of order last time and I am not going there again. So maybe a BETTER plan would just be to make a folder FOR the beta grid and move all your things into that folder. Not as neat maybe but you might save some time working on things that really won't work as you want them to
  5. Thank you once again and yes, that is what I meant as "spongy". I have trying an experiment with two planes "on my list" :D. But list is long LOL -- oh so long. So it seems like I could use my "cube physics" and just take out the thin edges? I KNOW that isn't as elegant as your example but I am such a creature of habit and for me, the cube physics models are so much faster --- LOL. BUT, as always I am happy to LEARN and I will TRY . One more time, "Thank you".
  6. Arton alluded to my next question :D. Have you let someone ELSE look at the texture and take a screenshot. This would easily tell if the problem lies with YOU or is an actual problem. There have been many times that I couldn't see a texture or mesh or whatever and a friend could. One of these issues (not yours but I will through it in here anyway) is that textures used in both Opensim and SL with the same viewer (I use FS) can become "lost" somehow and the person using the viewer on both platforms sees the texture -- both inworld and in inventory as solid white. OTHERS can see the texture just fine. Clearing cache doesn't fix that unfortunately. That isn't your issue of course but it IS important to know if it is 'just you'
  7. My only thought would be that if this is JUST today, it might not be "you" at all. Others have reported some major permissions changes AND it is Sunday. Put that all together and I would try waiting a day or two if you can. You might also try uploading on the beta grid and see what is happening. AND if that was a beta grid photo you might try uploading on the main grid. You could try png instead of tga or the other way around, but my guess is that it isn't your fault :D. Good luck.
  8. Just wanted to clarify what I do and do not know. That a 64 bit FS viewer will be available (soon - in the Fall - September? all answers from reputable sources so I am considering that a "good" bit of info. As to timing who knows when the next viewer will be out ? -- lots of variables. No one said anything to me about it being in the Opensim viewer. One way or another. Since there are three physics versions in OS at the moment - Bullet, ODE and UbOde I can't see that it would be all that helpful and since many folks uploading in OS just let the default uploader do the work with NO physics model probably few folks care. I decided today (one of my ten second life changing decisions) not to build any more for OS. There are some great people there but the blatant, bragging, in your face theft is getting a bit hard to swallow. I have done lots of tutorials to help the folks there make their own goods. I have been supportive for almost three years, but my time there is pretty much over I think. All my close friends there have disappeared and I never made a ton of money -- again, just trying to give folks choices. So, for ME, September or whenever will be a wonderful change. Meanwhile I learned a bit about planes physics (good) and will just grit my teeth when I need Havok. It's funny really as I didn't need it for hardly anything these last years but with bigger buildings going up in my LEA sim I "DO" need it (still not liking those spongy planes physics walls ) unless I do some workarounds which I have been doing to a point. That's all I know. Like so much (Sansar for one which has been in the news again this week), we will know when we see it happen. Well duh! Rereading I see that Whirly confirmed what I thought LOL. Late to the party am I.
  9. Chatted at length in world folks. No real issues except my need for "all in one" house physics of the analyzed version. Working around that some so that I don't have to delve into Linden Viewer land all that often. I never uploaded anything with the previous viewer in the problematic areas so for ME there was no difference between the new release and the previous one. Looking forward to 64 bit Havok in the Fall! In the meantime I am designing with as little need for Havok as possible. That works too. Just so the thread is a bit more complete.
  10. Indeed. Are there other currencies besides the linden dollar? LOL. Some of us simply think (and type) in lindens :D.
  11. Website? More info on criteria? Rules? Just pointing out that there seems to be no info. Normally there is *wink*.
  12. No, but the Marketplace reference somewhere above said there would be a notice in your Marketplace backend (I can't remember EVER getting that kind of gift so don't know personally). IF it was from a "gift" vendor option in world then I really don't know if there is a way. Good point. And really I don't know the answer LOL.
  13. Just an aside for other folks wondering and NOT getting an email. If you can REZ the item, you can see a field called "previous owner" or something like that (no inworld to check). YOU (the recipient would be the owner now of course, but the "previous owner" (may just be in Firestorm) is the person that owned it before you. Hence your mystery would be solved. There are some clothes that have 'cannot rez' scripts in them but for most things this will work. I logged back in as I was wondering if you could see that info in proprieties -- for items that you couldn't rez (like a tattoo that wasn't a hud for example) and the answer is no, but here is a screenshot. If someone other than the creator would have sent this, then THEIR name would be in under "last owner".
  14. There is most likely a script out there, but there are other ways to find hunt objects that you cannot (really cannot) negate. So I suggest thinking of the hunt items as "gifts" which has always been my policy and let those that WANT to hunt, hunt and those that want to "gather" gather :D. Just a thought. So much negativity out there this week it would be good I think to opt on the side of generosity (this isn't just YOU of course, it is ALL OF US!)
  15. In the LAND tab there is a check mark to "Show in Search". This will cost you $30 a week. If you OWN the land or have most of the rights to the land (as in Estate Land) then you should be able to put a check in that box and your place will show up in search (it used to be the next Tuesday but that might have changed -- so NOT instantaneous). IF you rent land on mainland as I do, some landlords will do this for you and just add the $30 charge to your rent.
  16. I suggest going over to Linden Realms to earn money. You CAN get in there (or if you cannot you are in some very weird trouble). It is much easier than Paleoquest which has a pretty steep learning curve. You run though crystals to collect them, stay away from rock monsters and falling rocks and deadly water (that's not hard at all) and turn in your crystals for Linden. While not as lucrative as it was years ago, you can still make money there. It is most likely that you cannot get into place because you are so new. That will pass.
  17. I had issues with things taking a long time rezzing out of inventory (not my stuff -- I was looking though my folders to find things for an installation) so it is likely that things haven't been good today and since for many folks it is a holiday not too many people minding the store perhaps. Sometimes patience is the only solution.
  18. There are only a few ways you can charge lindens. Paypal (verified), Skrill, and a regular credit card (not prepaid). These are all explained I think in the links given in your error message. That is most likely the issue. If you read through all of that an can't find the problem then you could maybe call BILLING.
  19. What "I" like best is the texture that will be on the product turned to grayscale (easy to do in most any graphics program) and with the demo added on top of that. If the garment doesn't have a semblance of what it will look like the person trying on can't tell how well the textures are applied, only test the fit. Both are important.
  20. I was SURE I read this in the announcement (OTHERS could have too *wink*):
  21. Just a note WHY you don't want to do this. It takes the server longer to download an image with an alpha channel than one without. So if you don't WANT or NEED the alpha channel you are simply making your texture one that is longer to download :D. Thought an explanation (that I don't think was already here) was probably a good thing :D.
  22. One more thought on this topic since someone brought it back on my notifications. I get a LOT of Maitreya clothes demos. Some fit perfectly and others not so much. I am wondering if the ones that DON'T really fit are the ones made with the bootleg body. I did watch the beginning of that video (I don't make clothes) but not really something I am interested in. The person making the video said that there were issues with the bootleg body. In the meantime the folks with the items that fit like a glove WILL stand out among the crowd for anyone who pays attention and is discerning when buying their clothes. Unfortunately some of the big names have really pretty awful fitted mesh for Lara, so you can't go by that. What's in a name? Not much really. I could make a skirt and call it Maitreya but if I didn't have the kit (possibly the real one) it is unlikely it would fit well unless I spent an awful lot of time on the beta grid testing and redoing a vertices at a time (well maybe a handful :D).
  23. OK. FIXED FOR ME. Had nothing to do withe the DNS (since the fellow on the same one could see graphics, he agreed that made no sense in my case but all that info will likely be helpful to others. He suggested that I run CCleaner (sure there are other programs that do the same thing) and clear JUST my SESSION for Chrome. There may be an easy way inside of Chrome to do that same thing. And I am BACK. Nice to know clever people :D. EDIT: I don't have the line out option for some reason for some of the statement below, but wanted to add that my last Windows update was June 16th so that is no longer a possible fix consideration. Most likely my internet connection (power) went out and the system rebooted :D. PS. Now to be FAIR, it looks like some mysterious force ^^ also restarted my machine while I was tubbing. So it is possible that whatever the magical powers that be that "take care of us" these days did an update that fixed this too. But the session clearing might be a good thing for folks to try if they are having this problem on certain browsers.
  24. OK. Good to know as that is likely it. I thought it was a change in my ad blocking software but I added both secondlife.com and community.secondlife.com and that did no good. That sounds like it COULD be it except that a friend that lives 2 miles away checked the forums last night and he can see things fine. We are on the same ISP although he does have a dedicated server and I do not. Will check with him and see if this makes sense in our case. I can just do without the profile photos but sometimes you really DO need to see the screenshots! Thanks. Any other possible ideas welcome. I made NO changes to my software or settings so it has to be something that was done "for me" by instant updated software or something at my ISP.
  25. I haven't been able to see any graphics (profile images in the sidebar, smilies, or pasted in screenshots) in Chrome for a day now. I didn't make any changes. I can see things NOW (not last night) in Firefox. Is there a fix for this or is it not me and I just need patience? Thanks.
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