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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. You KNOW, I had that in my remarks above but edited it out (I think) as I had already said too much LOL. And we have said that 8 materials thing so many times ..... So good for you -- if that is it :D.
  2. I agree. These walls were SO thin (testing testing) that there was virtually no "sponginess". I usually make the walls thicker -- and I am not sure I am over in the "planes" camp yet LOL. But anyway. It worked. Thanks.
  3. Well I am sure Aquilla would know what's going on LOL. BUT that being said. I think you might have better luck uploading in more pieces (or as a linkset if that is your preference). The fact that a box won't work as the physics model -- even though you obviously don't want that -- well yes, uploader NOT happy. So I suggest splitting off the roof from the walls and see if you can get the walls to work (with or without the floor). My hunch is that the uploader is not happy at all with your porthole LOL. Finicky little uploader. Personally I would break off the floor, walls, and roof into three separate pieces. That's just me, though but sometimes the more complex the build gets to be the harder it is to get the uploader happy. I am really not understanding your physics model though. It doesn't seem to conform to your building (section of wall with roof). Is there another section for the base part of the build? I see something that looks like a doorway maybe on the right? If there is going to be GLASS in those "windows"? then there is NO reason to have the physics model. Hopefully someone else will have a great idea, but Immagonnago with the breaking it up into more sections. And I am pretty sure -- if I have been understanding anything about planes physics -- that Aquila would say you have too many small planes in that are where the porthole goes though. Do you even need that to be navigable? While I don't think it makes any difference (I could be wrong on this) I always have Origin to Geometry because someone smart told me to do that four years ago. I suspect that as long as the origin of the physics matches the origin of the mesh it shouldn't be an issue. This likely didn't help at all and sorry about that. Someone else will hopefully see something I did not. PS. And you do know that often you need to click on a build a second time to see the PRIM choice (pretty sure you know that but just putting it in here for others). It is a little pesky, that :D. Go forth. Solve. Happily I am not having issues today and my bake is definitely done now LOL.
  4. Had to smile at that. While we all know that I am only "learning" about planes physics (baby steps, baby steps) here are a few things to look at just in case. Object > Transform> Origin to Geometry on BOTH object and physics (I don't think that's it but it CAN cause a lot of odd issues sometimes). Do NOT analyze the physics if you are using planes In Planes physics it shouldn't make any difference which viewer (only "Chic's Cubes" physics needs the SL uploader and only sometimes like if you really needed a window type of opening. What I am wondering about is why you can't SEE the physics model at all. That seems like the key to the puzzle. Did you try flipping the faces? A screenshot of your object and physics file might help us see. Did you CHANGE THE OBJECT TO PRIM IN THE FEATURES TAB? :D. We all forget to do that from time to time in the joy uploading and texturing.
  5. Well put in a ticket anyway. There is a section called "Inventory" and that is where I was told to put it. :D.
  6. Haven't heard back from support but honestly I am just happy that I no longer appear "crazy". Found another moved folder this morning -- likely there yesterday as I don't think I was looking through my "To Blog" folder Tuesday. Added info and photo to my case but putting it in here too for documentation. I can't believe I am the ONLY one this happens too LOL. Losing my BACKUPS 2015 folder would NOT be good. A test of one item showed that "IT" at least was rezzable from that Backup 2015 folder. This is good.
  7. Today was a building day. I (amazingly) made a bed (well two styles) and a vanity set for a gacha in September. And the typist got a bunch of things done in the garden -- so a good day. This is part of the Darkstone set which is venturing over into the roleplay arena. I posted a picture of the "manor" awhile back.
  8. Well I certainly couldn't have fixed it. I guess if the corrupted files were in the folders that went moving AND I tried to use something from there AND it "really wasn't there" (and as I said I have seen that before) then I would have figured out things went missing. But I just trust that I will keep getting things that I like better and try not to worry about what gets lost. I thought I lost my Firestorm Kitty Pearl the other day (yes, I have her UUID number on a notecard, I am not dumb) but she came back the next day. Now I have her follow me (she is living on LEA12 now even though I am not LOL - more room to roam) and that works well. There are certainly things that I have that I would miss if they disappeared (and have) but I am a pretty minimalist gal in real life and happily that filters over. I have noted a lot of older textures (like art) that I "should" have and do not. I found some of them on my hard drive so can upload again. That may or may not have had anything to do with folder movement; it was yesterday I went looking for them.
  9. Notecards are always good as well as pasting into your word processor or notepad. Then they are in theory in a place on your harddrive (or in your inventory) where you know how to find them. Remember that you can't actually DO much with these logs (that TOS thing) but you can certainly refer to them at a later time to refresh your memory of what was said :D.
  10. So I have news! A Linden contacted me inworld (how nice!) to tell me that I had 300 corrupted files and advised to turn in a ticket. I did that so whatever "is gone" (or unusable as I have seen that a few times) may come back. By now you all know this is old news for me, but I was very impressed that someone official took the time to see what was going on and let me know. Many kudos there.
  11. OK. My title is a bit dra-ma-tic; guess I am in that kind of mood today. NO INVENTORY LOSS HERE (that I know of anyway LOL) but wanted to give folks a heads up as this early morn (5-7am SLT) I was going through inventory and sorting and such -- something I do almost daily now. And so far I have found two folders "moved" to VERY odd places. These were both top level folders of my making (the accessories folder being there for MANY years) and moved to places I would NEVER had looked normally. Home and Garden 2017 ended up way down inside a subfolder in a completely different area, and Accessories ended up far away under Chav and Max (my male body avatars). So in case some folders seem to be GONE today, a search for something you know is INSIDE those folders could turn them up. This isn't a new trick, but one that appears to be working today. I noticed that the database was also very slow today and sometimes a bit confused with clothing. Not sure if one thing has to do with another. BTW I AM on the new and improved Firestorm which has the new inventory (trash) helpers in it :D.
  12. Abandoned land -- except for a few exceptions -- needs to come up for AUCTION (the plots show up violet on the map during the time the auction is going on) in order for you to bid on the parcel. How long that will take is difficult to say. Since you seemingly don't have a claim on the land (as listed in that article) then you will just have to wait. If you already put in a request for that land to come up at auction then you have done what you need to do. You might of course NOT win the land at auction or it might get more expensive that you want to spend. So you can be homeless, rent, or get another linden home. Hopefully you understand that you have to BUY that land, it isn't a trading of your Linden home. If the land is larger then 512 you will have tier to pay.
  13. "I" don't LOL and the OP can't use Firestorm, but someone else might "possibly == POSSIBLY?" want to do that (so funny). I usually run between 128 and 400 depending on what I am working on :D. THANKS THOUGH!!!!
  14. There are lots and lots of homestead sims to rent. Read carefully though because there are currently two "levels" of homesteads and one supports more prims than another. So all homesteads can't be considered the same. Read that land tab to see. Also if you rent see what powers you will have on the sim. That may or not be too important to you, but still good to check and try and compare oranges to oranges :D.
  15. Unfortunately I tried all that. It was a clean install and the settings DID persist it seems as I did set clarity down to the default. That wasn't it. :D. I have a work around, but as you probably saw on that other thread (haven't gotten to that yet) I am not the only one it seems. It isn't a big deal except that I ended up spending hours trying to fix "bad mesh" that wasn't bad at all LOL. At least now I will hopefully REMEMBER that it ISN'T ME Thanks.
  16. I suggest that since you have an older machine that you try a third party viewer with the old (very old) interface. Lots of people like that better. It is based on 1.23 technology. Some of those viewers have included the new Bento code, others not so you will probably want to check that. The viewers based on that 1.23 technology are MUCH easier on older systems. In Firestorm (which you can't use) you can lower the draw distance to 32 in the preference slider which you apparently found. I doubt it can go much lower. Ask the folks that wanted you to lower it from 64 since they should know how. With an old machine though, you will be very limited. You can also turn up your jellydoll setting (move the slider lower). That is the MAXIMUM COMPLEXITY setting. That may help.
  17. Yes, I think it IS related as those shadows seem to look very much like the ones I posted about last night and are new (for me) in the latest Firestorm CLEAN install :D. If you look under the bust area, you see those same ugly and sharp shadows. For me the issue is very Windlight specific. IF you are using the same Windlight setting in both viewers then it appears that it may very well be a Firestorm problem. I did test in Opensim with the same results so not an "SL Sever" issue. It DOES seem to be a "mesh" issue though as all the times I have seen it, it was on mesh, not on natural terrain anyway or a prim -- I seldom see things these days that aren't mesh. You can "fix" the issue for you by adapting your Windlight setting. For me making it later in the afternoon by just a bunch fixed it. That has nothing to do with how others see you of course and we have never had any control over that :D.
  18. Clean install. My shadow soften setting is at the max. I apparently had shadow clarity bumped up (and it stuck through the install) as it wasn't at the default. I have likely fixed the problem but looking at those shadow settings was a good tip. Thanks.
  19. Since installing the latest Firestorm viewer I have some really horrible and harsh shadows on my "building default" Windlight setting. Some others are fine of course but twice now I have redone mesh several times thinking there was an issue with the mesh when it was only some very ugly shadows that mimicked some nasty topology. These are not SL specific but likely Firestorm specific. I can't figure out how to import or even save an use a Windlight setting in the official viewer (I HAVE tried!). So is there something that saving my settings didn't transfer over that is causing this? Here is an example with my graphics settings in the screenshot. Thanks. PS. I changed my default Windlight so that those shadows don't show up (made it later in the day) so that appears to be worked around. I would still like to know why this is happening :D.
  20. Depending on what you create you can join some sales groups or hunt and promote in that manner. You can use Facebook or Twitter or Flickr or all of the above to promote. Note that for most of us it TAKES TIME. Ten years ago there weren't that many creators. These days there are tons. So just keep making your goods and honing your skills and enjoying the process, and maybe if you are lucky you will get noticed. If not, hopefully, you had fun in the process.
  21. Here is where you find it in Firestorm in the Quick Preferences tab. I think it may be in graphics preferences too and also there in the Linden viewer. It is the maximum complexity.
  22. Well the simple answer is to turn off the SOUND not just the music in your viewer. Top right corner (in Firestorm anyway) next to all the music and video options. Looks like a megaphone sort of. The sounds you are hearing are likely from OBJECTS on other parcels. If you can find them by camming over you can MUTE (or block maybe these days) the object by right clicking and muting.
  23. Day 15 at Terradale (LEA12) - early morn. Pearl, my kitty and I look over the new dock warehouse at the beginning of the industrial area to be. Stairs and second floor will appear later today.
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