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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Yes, I figured that out and edited a couple of times. LOL. See my revised post.
  2. OK. I see on rereading that this is ONE SIDED mesh so what I wrote below is wrong. It looks a bit like a phong issue but we aren't seeing that these days so I think that was fixed and that was about "double sided" in a sense too -- so that's not it. Hopefully someone will have an idea. Did you try uploading it more than once, just in case the uploader had an issue on its own? Edit AGAIN: I had a thought. What happens if you only have one material assigned to the whole object? Do the same tris not texture? It doesn't really seem like a materials issue to me, more of a problem with the mesh. So just wondering. The beta grid is your friend in cases like this. ******************************************************* Is your table cloth bottom double sided (like with a solidify modifier)? If so and the yellow there is the underside of the cloth then the faces are too close together and you need to increase the distance between them or get rid of the underneath layer altogether as it looks like you don't really need it anyway. Or perhaps just the part near the floor needs to stay. IF coloring ONE of the yellow triangles colors them all, then that is what I am thinking about. Other than that, no other ideas
  3. Well I tried (with her) a few times and then (a few weeks ago) it wanted ALL three. It also told you up top and maybe in red -- don't remember for sure-- that you only had a FEW tries. I don't think it said it would lock your account but that "threat" seemed underlying so I went back and discovered I had misspelled her name and then Chrome put in the wrong name as default. So I was OK. It could be that the password retrieval page was wonky that day.
  4. Very good to know. I am always logged in but did just test and you are definitely correct. Hopefully I will never need to use that function.
  5. Note that was not true in my recent case where you had to answer ALL of those three things, not ONE. Just saying. :D. See previous post.
  6. You KNOW -- I have been wanting to comment on this subject for awhile === and to the original poster, it IS possible that your friend's account was hacked. Hopefully a support ticket will get it back for here IF they are able to do that or get a friend to do it for them (see below). **************************************** MEANWHILE, the other day I was trying to log in my alt. While I knew the password (not used often as Firestorm remembers) I couldn't get through. It turns out I was spelling the name wrong (well DUH!). MEANWHILE I went through the 'reset your password' thing for the first time. OK. I knew the answer to the secret question whatever it was. I did fill in names of three friends simply because she could log into Firestorm still and look them up as some were folks that she was polite to and accepted a friends request and never EVER talked to again (THAT in itself was a bad plan - keeping them in the list). And then comes the last question about paying of Linden lab. They will not accept 0 it seems. They would also not accept $72 for an annual membership. And she has never ever had any other payments. OOPS! I realize that there needs to be some safeguards but how many people know all the folks in their friends list? (I went back and cleaned mine out after this). And if the person can't log into an account, how to they send in a support ticket? Very messy. I realize there are work-arounds but I hope I never actually get caught out in the cold with this and feel sorry for the folks that do.
  7. Personally I believe that everyone has a right to choose what they believe. It may be organized religion. It may be a religion of another culture (often looked down on by the peer group of the believer). It may be simply NOT believing. I do agree that we all have value - whether or not someone believes in God, gods, Goddess, your god etc. But belief in "anything or nothing" doesn't change our worth. We are each here on our own journey and it is unlikely that others will understand exactly what that journey is. Most of the time we don't understand it well either. So for me, it is best to let people find their own way. Hence I am not enamored with your post -- although I do believe you have a right TO post :D.
  8. A beautiful example as always but ---- My point was that it appeared that the skirt was VERY gored with no waist area at all and YOUR example is pretty much a gathered skirt as I was saying. So I don't see how that method will work on the example she gave. Maybe I am missing something :D. Wouldn't be the first time for sure. Actually now that I think about it, what is shown (at least my reading of the UV map) was called a "full circle skirt". The gored skirt would typically have seams (you can see them here in the old pattern cover). Gored Skirt I found an example of a full circle skirt (this post is getting VERY VINTAGE) and how one would make it in real life. This is what happens in real life with a full circle skirt and a linear pattern :D.
  9. I am using 12 (TWELVE) slots LOL. And we wonder why there are issues in crowded places. Complexity 43689 Mesh body, mesh head, special eyelashes, and a damn good looking casual outfit LOL.
  10. I know nothing about the technical parts of this but there have been some posts here recently about changes that Linden Lab made and not all the streaming providers have "fixed" their systems to work with the new method, so thought you should know that. A bit of searching should get you a thread or two on the info. Not my thing; didn't pay much attention.
  11. Agreed Aquila did show that. It is a great way to get things into even squares, but for me LOL -- I never seem to NEED that. I need things in very UNEVEN squares in order to keep the ratio of the texture correct. So honestly while I tried it long ago it doesn't work for how "I" work. Not sure if that add-on would do the job even if you bought it (I didn't not and still mapping by hand which is fine as I like mapping, just not as much as making the textures with the nodes. As Pamela suggested trying the garment with an overall pattern (at least first) would be a good step. I don't think anyone is going to have an easy answer for you simply because there are some major problems in the design area that can't be overcome. If you try with an overall pattern maybe all the things we are saying will make more sense :D.
  12. I agree that while it is perfectly find to go try Signature first at your friend's recommendation, you should try the others too. I have tried them all and think Belleza is the best so far. As you know by now TMP (while still supported by designers) is no longer viable. MAKE SURE you look at the hud and understand how it works (all huds are definitely not equal and are just as importing as the body IMHO). Also see if you can get clothes for that body. Currently Bellaza, new on the screen, doesn't have that many clothes for it but more are being added as the weeks go by. The only other thought is that apparently Slink is the only body that works with AKERUKA heads (this via Strawberry Signh in a video) so that might be a consideration. If you plan on getting a head too, I would get demos for both head and bodies and try on demo skins until you find a set that all works well together and feels like you. It is a BIG project and a big expense so taking your time is a good mode of travel.
  13. Just another thought after seeing the UV map (thanks for that). Have you tried uploading this to see if it will work with any texture? It looks like perhaps your program unwrapped the skit and top "for you" without any instructions from you. I can't see how this will work at all without the stripes stretching way way out at the waist (the very tiny circle in the middle of the texture area of the skirt as I read the map). As Pamela said you need to make the skirt into a rectangle by defining a SEAM, applying rotation and scale (this in Blender, not sure what it would be or if needed in other 3D programs) and unwrapping. Even then while the stripes will all go the same direction, they will not be uniform in width. If you think about it, having a striped gored skirt in real life is pretty much impossible too. It needs to be a gathered waist skirt. So you might want to rethink your design as it looks like it won't work at all. Even with substance painter (don't use it so have no hints there) the UV map as it is appears to have some big issues. Just trying to save you some work. It could be that I am reading that map incorrectly for what you are planning. If so, disregard this
  14. Well, perhaps you need to explain what exactly a guild base is and how it would work, number of people there at any given time etc. Basically mainland is cheaper but you do have neighbors which can change often. You have less control on mainland and cannot change terrain textures or windlight settings -- things like that. But without knowing your needs I doubt that anyone can give you good advice.
  15. No, the uploader spits mesh (somewhat inconsistently) when you have more than eight MATERIALS, not faces. Eight faces is nothing so perhaps you just misspoke there. This shouldn't be the case and I uploaded things with MANY faces as one mesh today both on the beta and regular grid so I think we need more information and a screenshot in order to understand what your problem was.
  16. I haven't heard anything back from support and I added more info to the mix a couple of days ago a mentioned above. But TODAY I had another folder pop up in an unusual place. It was in the primary first level list so NOT lost inside another folder and NOT their the other day when all this started -- or the day after when I found more. I am not going to keep adding info to my case if no one is listening but documenting here just in case someone wants to know in the future. MEANWHILE THIS IS NOT FIXED!!!! The skin appliers were under skin appliers under Body Parts. These are from November 2015 so not new at all. http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2015/11/my-attic-snapshots.html They have no business being in my primary level folders! I have also found corrupted textures. Not sure if those were some of the "corrupted files". When I look at the date. It says Wed, Jul 19 which may mean that they got replaced, but a NOTE FROM SUPPORT would be a good thing I am a thinking. So keep watching your inventory folders.
  17. Remade an existing building to become a shipping agent office. Dock happened last night when I realized I had made a dock long ago for Cloud Party. Half and hour of updating textures and there is now a wharf of sorts by the water. LEA12
  18. Not sure if this is relevant to you as I don't use Substance painter but the upcoming version of Blender has a new type of shader which apparently has something to do with Substance Painter as it was mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial. I haven't watched much of it, just wanted it in my queue for later :D. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H5W6C_Mbck&t=1224s
  19. Items that require linear alignments (horizontal - vertical or both) need to be mapped as such during the UV unwrapping part of the process. If it is YOUR mesh then simply rotate the "skirt"UV pieces for example so that they are going in the same direction as the textures for the top. If it is a mesh template you are using then it is still possible (hopefully) but will take a lot of trial and error to get what you want. Note that not all mesh make pay attention to the direction of the UV islands ^^ including some that do lovely work but somehow forgot that wood just doesn't GO in that direction LOL. You can get a better guess but looking at the parts of the map that are the top and the skirt and make sure that the texture is the same RATIO (height to width) so that the stripes don't look bigger on the top than they do on the skirt. If the meshes were made to be singles and not part of a dress and especially if made by different people, then it is going to be very difficult to do what you want to do. So rethinking your texturing design might be called for.
  20. This isn't the Sansar forums :D. Completely different platforms so I suggest getting in contact with someone in SANSAR :D. Yes, some worlds do load the whole sim. Not sure if that is still the case at Hi Fidelity but it took awhile there to load things (just a couple of minutes) when it was in alpha. Blue Mars apparently did that. Part of the problem is likely that the folks building the sims (I am not there and have never been there so only conjecture) are making their mesh and textures too heavy. This isn't anything unsual :D. Cloud Party limited what you could have on your piece of land so far as heavy mesh or ones with high LODs for long distance viewing. I think that was an EXCELLENT idea as it solved a lot of those "not built as a game asset" problems with content.
  21. Along with what Skell said which was absolutely correct, they MAY have been saying that the new MESH BODIES are lower land impact (we don't use prims anymore) than some of the original ones. You don't NEED a mesh body but if you like shopping and clothes --- well it is difficult to keep "your look" these days and be "in style" (all a matter of how you look at it of course) without getting a mesh body. THEN you need an applier skin to go OVER or ON the mesh body. I suggest looking up Mesh Body Adicts and reading their info and then do lots and lots of body demos with skins to find one that you feel is "you". And if you don't care that much about clothes, then just stay as you are and enjoy your vintage look. That works too. You CAN get a new skin for your system avatar but more and more skin creators are ONLY making mesh body appliers, so you will need to find a brand that still has system skins if you just want a new look and not a smooth mesh body.
  22. Three weeks in at LEA12, I finished the second warehouse. Not too many more buildings to go, I am heading off to rest.
  23. I have never in nine years had the photos show up when using Quick Fill. Always need to upload a photo again (and yes, usually another photo since it is a similar product; you cannot relist the same product legally. This is NOT Linden Lab, just residents so if you think there is truly a problem you will need to put in a support ticket. Use "Marketplace" as the area you are writing about. It is possible since you appear to be new, that there WAS a bug that was keeping the photos in for QuickFill for awhile and they fixed that :D.
  24. Honestly I didn't know Redgrave was still out there (that isn't a snide comment; I just haven't seen ANYTHING on them lately) so it may be that there ARE NO appliers for that skin and that the hands and feet appliers were from long, long ago (that's my best guess anyway). You WILL need a full applier in order to match your new mash to your system head (and later perhaps to a mesh head). No other way except to wear a choker. That's the way it is. Been there
  25. Yes, I was there too. Happily Aquila has ESP so hopefully all will be well. It's funny really -- and this is a general comment -- most of us have a set way of seeing things and our own "method" (let alone workflow) so it is difficult sometimes to get a grasp on what folks are actually doing or trying to do. I couldn't wrap my head around the physics model shown and how it related to the model -- hence, I was pretty stuck. This isn't JUST a comment on Blender of course
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