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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. In Firestorm (not sure about other viewers) you can have the pop-up not show up by changing settings in the Notification > Alerts. You can STILL see your complexity when you want by using Avatar>Avatar Health>Show Complexity Information. That's what I do. Then you can still check when you want.
  2. So looks like we read your message incorrectly. If your backend web account in SL says they sent the money (and you got an email to that effect) and it didn't arrive at Paypal, you can maybe go to support and put in a ticket. https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ IF it went to another Paypal account then that is not good. These days though you don't type in your info, it comes from your webpage backend (I think so anyway) so that seems an unlikely problem. IF the info in your SL account is incorrect, then the payment definitely could have gone astray -- like perhaps to an old Paypal account email? That's my only guess. Good luck.
  3. You CAN illuminate individual faces of a single mesh object using a script so if that was the only issue (I thought you were going to open the door too maybe?) then you don't need separate parts for that. You need to DEFINE each face you want to be separate in your modeling program (in Blender we assign a different MATERIAL to each set of faces (or vertices if that makes more sense) we want to act in the same way. (So it could be one face defined by four vertices as in a table top or it could be many faces all meant to act together when brought in world; frequently this is to define texture areas -- some which you might want to add materials to like shine, others that you would not). And it is EIGHT material faces, not nine for SL. The uploader will upload a model with more than eight but you REALLY don't want to do that. Won't explain why but you can look that up in the forum archives if you want. Basically the uploader breaks the model up "for" you since you didn't pay attention the the rules. MUCH chatter over this new feature when it appeared. I know it is confusing when we use terms that aren't your 3D software terms. Sorry. Maybe this makes a little bit of sense. Edit: Rereading your last post maybe you don't need the lights to turn on and off which is what I was thinking. THAT would need a script. Just to make some glow yellow and some glow blue for example could be done in the build menu.
  4. June 8th was Thursday. The weekend times are not "business days". It typically takes several days for you money to post even now when it is supposed to be faster. Others have complained on the forums that the didn't get their money quickly this month. We don't know why of course. So I suggest patience is needed.
  5. The project was abandoned some time ago I think. The men's body especially still has clothes being made for it but not so much the gals. So in some ways the clothing designers are still "supporting" the body, but I don't think you can buy it any longer. Most of all from all the comments on this forums you should look at other alternatives. Try the Mesh Body Addicts website for lots of info. http://meshbodyaddicts.com/
  6. No, that can't be good. But a lot of info for the future. Good luck.
  7. :D. Well there are of course different definitions (chucking a bit) to "primmy". As ChinRey said, four is really too much. 2 because you need all the parts, so 2 would be your minimum (if I read that correctly as I am just quitting for the day and tired). At 2 you should be able to get good LODs. OK. Here is another thing as you didn't specify that this was a linkset in your OP. Did you make the linkset pieces all correspond in naming to your model pieces. So "box" "box_phys" etc? If not here is a post that explains that. Doesn't mean that 22,000 is good, but may not be the ONLY issue. And if you did already know how this works, the post may help someone else again . And I do agree with ChinRey that this would be better uploaded in pieces for various reasons so you might want to try both ways to get a feel for the differences --- if you haven't done that before of course. We don't really know what you have done -- except perhaps swear a time or two. Been there :D.
  8. If it is really that heavy I would take a LONG AND HARD look on reducing some geometry. It took me four years to come up against that issue (smile) and your box will be way too dense (and likely "primy"). I am pretty sure that while ChinRey and I don't always agree LOL, she will concur on the vertex count of your model. I suspect she didn't even think of that because there was no reason for your model to have that many vertices (wink). Lose some edgeloops :D. The sub-surf modifier or whatever that function is called in your software is NOT your friend. Whenever I use it I then go back and get rid of all the edgeloops it made that I didn't really need to be there. Good luck! I am glad that I had a similar issue (well documented somewhere here in the archives from January I would guess) and knew the end conclusion.
  9. Agreed. SL has never played nicely with AMD. I had a 6900 long long ago and it was a TOP card at the time. MANY problems. No longer buy with AMD which is a very good card, just not for SL.
  10. That can happen if your model has too many vertices (I think it is around 22,000 plus a bit ) but I can't imagine your model being that dense. So I am going to guess that isn't it. Did you apply, location, rotation and scale and move the Origin to the middle of the model? (Origin to Geometry in Blender) I sometime have this issue when I forget to do that. Those two things and the wayward vertices (which I did NOT have when I had this continuing issue -- it was a heavy mesh problem for me and since I rarely go there I didn't even think) are the only three things I can think of that will cause this issue. I use Blender so not sure how you would do the location, rotation etc bit. PS. BOTH your model and the physic model need to have those things applied :D.
  11. Actually I kind of disagree with you there :D. True that there are some shops that seem to be always in SL's "free advertising" events (including Marketplace) and that has been talked about often here. I always assumed (just guessing) that they are some top sellers OR top advertisers (or both) for The Lab. Honestly if they are really good stores with great products then I have no issue with that. This was not a "new kids on the block" event -- or at least I don't think it should have been. But as some other folks have said, there did seem to be some lower quality merchants included and I am pretty sure that there were plenty of folks that filled in the application so among them there were likely better choices from a QUALITY point of view. Unfortunately in all events of late (not just official ones), quality seems to be one thing that isn't always being taken into account. That is sad for me and I have watched designers leave long standing popular events simply because the venues became too -- well less say the skill level of the creators was lower than when they joined the group. What happens then is that the shoppers who spend LOTS of money, don't go to the events because they want to see more than just a handful of well made things. It is a sad trend. So I would have voted for more big name, long time, highly skilled creators than less - LOL. This is from a shopper standpoint and for the good of the event. The new folks on the block (and we have all been there) have to put in their time. Baby steps and hard work can get them acknowledgment. I don't think it is LL's responsibility to pick out a few budding designers and give them a helping hand in a big venue like this.
  12. Important to note on this hunt that the hunt item has VERY BAD LODS and can only be seen close up unless you have the LOD setting at 4 or greater. ^^
  13. I don't use Avastar but in other programs there is a setting to LOWER the avatar body within the program (in your case Avastar) and that lowers the animation or pose on upload. So look for that --- as in lowering the pelvis area maybe ? Sure someone using the program will have a specific place for you to look. Good luck.
  14. Plenty of events and hunts do ask that. That was not a criteria at this event though -- at least not on the application sheet. Quite a few creators put out previous group gifts too, which is also not allowed in other events (likely not specified in this one and some folks "cheat when they can", I see it so often). So glad I am not an event organizer! Aphorism actually had a girl's sizing of the men's shoe gift in the pack. And the Tableau Vivant hair and the Alice Project hair were both unrigged and would likely work for some guys :D. But yes, the items for the guys were in the minority. Again, not unusual and undoubtedly becoming the norm over time as guys shop less.. Only one clothing gift for guys that I remember (or found) and the unisex part of that did NOT fit girls (even boyish me LOL) so we can't call that unisex. The Addams voucher could be used for a very few men's items in the store and that wasn't obvious. They were not mesh body specific ones however and appeared to be from awhile back; some shoes there too. THAT gift voucher (basically one free item from the store with some money left over for a discount if you wanted) was working well and the store is busy with mostly gals but some guys were shopping with them. Really a smart move on the owner's part I think. Still some very nice gifts; I am sure many folks are very happy.
  15. And quite a few merchants had photos of their gifts so that was helpful. I had one gift that I liked very much and it was from a creator that I had never heard of and SO "not me". So that was a fun surprise.
  16. Actually I just picked this sentence to quote to shorten the thread a bit :D. But it is a pretty good one. While I agree mesh bodies do add to rendering cost, most of the bodies (not all the heads) are well made and the designers have done a lot to keep that cost of being pretty down. You can check the differences by putting them on and off AND the clothes (and accessories) you are wearing while having Avatar Rendering Costs turned on. I have done a few posts on this; here is the first one. That little meter is an eye opener, but as you can see you can look pretty stylish and still keep your costs low. I am wondering if you have your jellydolls setting turned up (or down depending on how you look at it). That is covered in this post too along with info on some comparisons with non-mesh bodied avatars. Most of the issues are actually garments, not bodies and the older scupt items are still the worst lag offenders -- at least in all my tests. There is apparently one brand of mesh head that is really heavy mesh (not one of the most popular ones). Here is that post: I did some tests both in Second Life and on two Opensim grids. My SL avatar did MUCH better than the Opensim ones -- mostly it seems because of sculpts which I never EVER liked much. So, the idea of mesh bodies and heads being a huge contributor to viewer lag appears to be incorrect. http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2016/08/jellydolls-and-avatar-rendering-costs.html
  17. Agreed. There were lots of familiar folks and some new to me names. There were a few folks that I wondered about the choices but all in all it was a very good event. I saw a fair amount of new folks (or old alts in pink polka dotted dresses) getting a redo. As often is, there were lots more for gals than guys but there were some nice men's stores in the mix so that was good to see. And of course it all depends somewhat on WHO wanted to be there. A friend of mine went over (premium) and could fly into a "full" region while others could not. That might have just been luck or maybe the premium bonus entrance into sims. Not exactly clear if that has happened. Since I most always either get in early or don't go *wink*, I wouldn't use that perk. Sure others though are or will be very happy.
  18. I went back today and really REALLY looked LOL, and as you say most did. However a couple seemed to be missing -- then again I am not the best "hunter" when it comes to that. But if there are only six vendors and none are a gift and nothing else in the store -- LOL. It is a lovely event though. Discounts were very obvious to my mind. Lots of signs :D. PS. I really do appreciate you checking before hand :D. To my mind though gifts should be fairly obvious or they no longer become "gifts". I know that not all creators are into gift giving and some can be fairly nasty about it (not necessarily folks at YOUR event of course LOL) so gifts could have been removed. Not good, but it does happen. Really it only says not so nice things about the creator, so to my mind it is better to opt out of any venue that you don't want to gift a required gift. Me? I sometimes just add one to my booth because I feel like it. We are all different. PS. I just thought of another possibility. I am a cam queen -- a worthwhile skill learned when I was very new. I seldom walk up to vendors, I cam in whether for shopping, checking out good photo spots or looking for gifts to blog. IF the contains for the gifts are in less than great LOD meshes, I most likely would not see them. There have been a few post on that (and those horrible mesh texts that only rez at LOD 4 or better) on these forums. So that certainly could have been MY problem :D.
  19. I made some shops for another project and decided at the insistence of my buddy to put them on some group land that wasn't being used that much. Shops are small but very tasteful and cute. Perfect for having some sort of inworld presence for your Marketplace site or for those just getting started. There are RULES (well of course there are as I am a rules gal). ***** RULES: * You must be the ORIGINAL CREATOR of your items; not templates, not web uploads. * You must have PRODUCTS of some kind (well I know that seems obvious but maybe not). * Item must conform to the Linden Labs TOS. No adult items; this is a moderate sim. * No hover text, no landmark spammers. 50 prim shops and 25 prims shops ($150 and $75 per week). This is NOT a "high traffic" spot. I am NOT going to advertise or network. It is simply a cute place on a quite mainland sim with ocean view (if you don't turn your draw distance up too high - LOL). Here are some photos. And here is the landmark. Rental posts will MOVE out of the way so not in front of the shops (I so hate that). Shops are numbered and your name appears as the renter so should be easy enough to find your post to pay. Refunds on exit minus $50. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Demondrille/144/16/37
  20. Chic Aeon

    please delete

    Along with the mesh issues, uploading this would be against the Terms of Service of Second Life. The model either needs to be created by you personally OR you have purchased FULL RIGHTS to the model or it needs to be in the public domain. Free models where the original maker still has rights (hence they had to give your permission to use IF you credited them) are not OK. You can of course reread the TOS again. It could easily be that the file didn't convert well (even dae saves from inworld don't always work great). Good luck. Maybe learning to make your own models is in the future. Hope so.
  21. I made it over to one sim last night, Halycon, which was the only one available due to traffic. The build was vast and impressive and a bit classier than most Linden builds. I agree it was easy to get around and not get lost. As far as I can tell, not all participants offered gifts. I even turned on area search when I couldn't find them :D, but I did find a few very nice things. It is pretty typical for event participants to "overlook" the rules in a venue. Apparently they all got there on time for the opening -- or perhaps some folks on the waiting list zipped in, I know not. Anyway it looks like a hit and that's good. It is questionable how much SHOPPING is actually taking place, but there is that brand recognition thing and that is always good.
  22. Agreed, but the NEW UbOde system (with physics similar to SL) also has land impact in the mix. So things are no longer "one" no matter what. Not everyone is opting for the new system of course so there are three choices now in Opensim. Bullit, ODE and UbOde. Your point however is definitely correct.
  23. You need a MATCHING body applier to go with your head applier. Did you use the same Lure body applier (same skin tone that is) and still get those odd results? If so, the only thing I can think of is that you might have a skin tint on the body layer if that is an option with your body.
  24. So this feature would say for someone with LOD set at 4 give a warning when they uploaded? I think that is a fine idea however I don't necessarily go along with the reason why creators upload based on high settings :D. Some apparently (they have been quoted) simply don't care. Still especially for new folks this would be good. IF that warning happened it would be nice if the creator could set what level they wanted the warning at. For me, at 2 (and I hardly even change the LOD past that -- if it doesn't look good at 2 it doesn't get blogged *wink*) I wouldn't want to be nagged. Even with our LOD settings and the warning, it is really still up to the creator to test AND each of us will undoubtedly have different ideas on what is usable and how far we should be able to see an object. Lots of variables. A good reason not to buy things without seeing them, methinks.
  25. Busy with a project but I will definitely look at those soon. Thanks!
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