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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I kinda thought what arton said early this morning but didn't want to sound negative. It looks like you used the decimate tool (I AM a Blender user) on some fairly heavy mesh. The "waistband" or whatever those long vertical pieces are definitely need less topology. They might be a ruffle? From Marvelous Designer? Just guessing. Anyway, if you CAN (if this started in Marvelous Designer -- just a guess from the topology) then I would go back and get rid of some edgeloops rather than using the decimate function (again complete conjecture here; just going by post similar in the past). THEN you can straighten fairly easily by hand. I can see no way that you will be able to do what you want with the topology you have now. Hopefully someone that is more into wearables will have some further insights for you. You could of course just leave the Iamguessingskirt as it and add the textures in your graphics program and do the matching up THERE OR use a non linear pattern that won't matter. Good luck!!!!
  2. This came up awhile ago and possibly the same issue. I went over to "that" spot and indeed the neighbor (maybe you - I am having trouble following your post ) had done nothing against the rules. He was not encroaching on the land, it was a sculpts issue. This is not new news. An abuse report could be filed of course but I doubt seriously that anything would come of it. We don't get to pick our neighbors -- in SL or in RL. If that picture is showing that one neighbor put up a large megaprim to "block" the map encroachment, well of course that won't work. Either of you could move of course but best thing would just be to derender the megaprim. If this is that same club, then there is likely no good answer. Sorry. It comes with the territory. When we end up with GOOD neighbors it is a blessing. Maybe the person putting up the megaprim will figure out it is doing no good. One can hope. Obviously they don't really understand what is going on.
  3. An important note when you are shopping for cards -- especially with an older upgraded system. Be SURE that the power supply will handle the card. If it will not, you can easily burn up your power supply and take the motherboard with it. I purchased a machine (NEW) like that where the power supply was "listed" as good enough to run my graphics card (GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2) but it was a very "cheap" card and wasn't really as powerful as the maker implied. So be careful and go overboard on your power supply if you can. I don't know anything about your system so that was just general advice. I had gone through a few power supplies (I don't over clock but use my system on steroids for sure) and KNEW about that, hence my surprise when I lost a good portion of my new machine. The company which shall remain nameless but no longer a go too place for me or my friends was no help (no surprise as the computer was a MESS when it arrived) but a local shop fixed it up at my cost and so far all has been well. Another lesson learned :D.
  4. Since the lucky day I got the Win10 Creator's Update (pro version) Blender has been crashing a lot. I didn't have crashes before. Now, moving nodes sliders in RENDERED view can lead to bye-bye-restarts. I even just crashed in MATERIALS view doing nothing the least bit tricky. Since nothing else has changed that I know of, I am suspecting that update. So anyone out there that gets it in the future (took about half an hour on my computer), you might want to SAVE a bit more often. It is manageable, just not fun. Any ideas on how to deal with this better are always welcome. No other issues with any other programs -- that I have noticed so far; it has been about a week.
  5. Well BABY STEPS and it did work just fine LOL. I am a GREAT MAPPER!!!! We can't be good at everything. I DO get your point though! I think I am wedded to cubes for most things but SMARTER NOW. TY!
  6. Sorry that was me being dense (or tired) :D. Visual quality is pretty easy in general. Most of the folks that I know doing machinima film in Firestorm as it has SO many features and much easier Windlight. Aside from that I think you need to be more specific in your question. Obviously the higher the setting you can use the better the outcome. You really need at least 15 fps to capture most things. You can capture in a smaller window if needed. I use 1600 x 900 and there really isn't much reason to go beyond that for our purposes if you will be uploading to the web. Most folks that I know that make machinima (not vlogs) use FRAPS to capture but that could certainly be its longevity factor as a product.
  7. Day 12 over in Terradale (LEA12) brought a little mystery into the sim. Not all is balloons and candy you see. There are dark forces at work as well. (The mystery is going to be active in OCTOBER so that is only fitting.) The building was completed today and some landscaping. Plenty more to do of course in lots and lots of areas :D.
  8. In my tests the best audio has come from third party add-ins. I am using Flashback Express -- free but somewhat limited if you don't also have video post production software. You can also opt to get the premium version of the product (I didn't need it but I don't think it is terribly expensive. Recordings from the viewer are typically not as clear -- at least to my ear. I can even strip the audio from the clips or sometimes just record a boring blank screen in order to GET that audio. So it really depends on how you plan to work and what your end product is. I will say that the audio from Flashback (note that it only does 10fps so not good for capturing movement or cams but does fine just with talking heads shots or other simple inworld video). Here is an example:
  9. In the olden days there were lots of plots of land "for sale" on the beta grid. Whether you could actually BUY it was always a question, but there were full neighborhoods and such. NOW as I look at the map, all the for sale icons with prices are in UNKNOWN sims. The beta grid appears to be more transitory that it was in the past. These days I am always on the mesh sandbox (or my alt is anyway). An easy way to get your build back in Firestorm (and perhaps the Linden viewer although I thought they took the feature out years ago) is RESTORE TO PREVIOUS POSITION which works fine. Another important thing to note is that if you are working on large projects it is good to save a copy of you build in a SUBFOLDER and not just under OBJECTS. Today, once again, yesterdays build which had been taken back into inventory all textured and linked was gone from the Objects folder (it was there when she logged off). Also there are tons of "New Folder" icons with nothing in them. So the inventory on the beta grid is VERY transitory lately. I have done several tests and putting the items in a subfolder (which I happily did yesterday) works well.
  10. I have been working over on LEA12 and having lots of fun. Much to do of course but a good start on day 11. My plan is to be finished by September :D. A Steamy Mystery takes place in Steampunk Victorian town of Terradale. Visitors follows shadowy prose clues to find the next installment of the story. As they wander the town, a tale unfolds. Can they solve the mystery?
  11. I actually DID read the TOU for early content creators (not machinima folks). I backed out after reading the part half way down several times and shaking my head. And of COURSE you were supposed to read your version before "signing" it. And if your copy was anything like mine it was very obvious that you had no rights to put your film up anywhere. That's on you. I won't ask you more about the 30 minutes per sim as that is also covered under you NDA. Happily I signed many NDAs in our corporeal world so I understood that READING IS REQUIRED.
  12. Since I am waiting for a bake, I am wondering if there isn't a setting that turns on the lossless ability. I have that as the default in FS but I logged in on the Linden Viewer (with no changes as I only use it under duress to upload mesh) and didn't have that ability BUT the box is there. I scanned back and didn't see if you told us which viewer you are using but since that check box appears on BOTH I suspect there is a place to change that in preferences. PS. While this is a jpg file (?) it says so anyway. I did try a transparent png and I still had that option.
  13. Just and update for my TUTOR :D. Started a little fantasy-esce house today and it had that problematic look AND I could actually "see" what I needed to do, so I did a planes physics test and it worked perfectly (in Firestorm). Just wanted Aquila to know that I was paying attention. 2 land impact at 10 meters for the main room only. PS. I forgot an analyzed this the first upload (habit, habit). WOW, was THAT a MESS! LOL.
  14. I SO didn't know that. Happily my inventory is fairly small at 30,000. But very good to know and could possibly the cause of lots of issues for people who post here often !
  15. While you can certainly live in SL without money and still have a good time, your giant capital letters lead me to conclude you are a believer (BELIEVER) in that everything should be free edict. If that is the case then it is likely you will fit in better in Opensim where there are plenty more free things including lots of free land. Of course there is also a lack of things there, so you give up some things for that "freedom" :D. There are often free apartments around for new folks in SL and I have seen some for as low as $25 a week which you can easily make at the realms or in some other way inside SL. So that is an option too, but SL will never be "ALL FREE". Most of us enjoy the beauty from hard working creators who will not create for free :D.
  16. And sometimes things that you save are GONE. I had that happen just recently too. If it is important I suggest putting the info on in a note on your computer and not in the database :D. Always a good plan.
  17. You can CHANGE the current music stream in FS as I did that this morning (see earlier post). It did not appear that you could get rid of ALL music in FS though, you had to replace.
  18. If it is mostly in BUSY sims as you say, it is likely that it is the avatars as much or more than the build. An avatar can have a TON of textures on. So in the Quick Preferences panel there are quite a few things that you can do easily. On the top of my list would be turning up your "jellydolls" setting (marked in red). Lowering your draw distance might help some too. Note since Whirly will likely see this, I did not purposefully set my bandwidth to 2200 and I did turn it down. Also MY jellydolls setting was at the max which I have NEVER used. So likely something in the new update and I didn't notice the changes ^^. They are fixed now.
  19. You could put BOTH things in the listing name. You have that ability and I have seen some VERY long "names" in the past. Typically though as has been said, people search for the exact name of the gacha item that they want :D. Price is going to be the deciding factor for many as well as if you have lots of other gacha items up for sale and or a regular Marketplace site. This is to cut down on the chances of getting an empty box which does happen :D. Good luck.
  20. I can say that as a blogger I get VERY VERY few mesh clothes that are fitted for Tonic. There are a few template makers for clothes that seem to be making templates for Tonic though. If it was ME, I would go with Maitreya since it has a huge share of the market (for a reason *wink*) and more and more designers are ONLY making for Maitreya. BUT that being said, the real test (and a fun one) would be to get the demo body on and go around your favorite designers and see what might fit. OR look up mesh clothes for Tonic on the Marketplace and get some demos. Unless you plan to spend most of your time naked (certainly a choice) then finding clothes (just like the HUDS) is an important part of choosing IMHO>
  21. It has moved to "discontinued" in Seraphim's listing so I suspect it closed. Lots of venue and weekly events have closed. More open of course :D.
  22. I think perhaps that this changed with the advent of the PLACES PAGES. I see some listings in media that weren't there before either. It "seems" like you should be able to add a new stream and then choose that from the drop down list to CHANGE. I just realized I have music playing on some parcels that I didn't put there LOL. I never have my music on. So off to investigate. OK. You can easily REPLACE an existing music stream just by pasting a new one into the slot that is active. I did that on two parcels and now have some very nice music. LOL. So thanks for this thread.
  23. It will be difficult to find private land (islands) that will be willing to rent to a club. It is even hard to find ones willing to rent to regular businesses. So mainland is likely going to be your best bet. Some mainland landlords will rent to clubs (mine I believe does) and it is cheaper than owning and paying tier (hence I rent). BUT, that being said if money isn't a big deal then I would likely go with buying. With a quarter of a sim you will still have neighbors but you can insulate yourself somewhat and be in the sky if needed.
  24. Just wanted to say that I am sure many of us are glad you are on the forums since you know MUCH more then most on the intricacies of viewers and such.
  25. Note that at times the inventory between the beta and "real" grid (Aditi and Agni) don't always work as it should. You can certainly clean you beta grid inventory. It will not stay cleaned (in theory) but will match your "real grid" inventory and ADD what you have uploaded or saved on the beta grid. That is the theory. I use, there are many times when items that were uploaded on the beta grid, rezzed, linked and taken BACK into inventory are just gone the next day--- like whisps in the wind. Not too handy when you have to redo. There were some other MAJOR inventory issues when the new system came into play. I got caught in them. I believe that they are supposedly fixed now. I, however, only let my alt on the beta grid. It took me a week to get my inventory back to a semblance of order last time and I am not going there again. So maybe a BETTER plan would just be to make a folder FOR the beta grid and move all your things into that folder. Not as neat maybe but you might save some time working on things that really won't work as you want them to
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