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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. You haven't shown us any screenshots of your Blender scene so we can only guess. IF you made your object with just one face, you either need to build a corresponding face to it OR use the solidify modifier to make a two sided face. Blender shows the face as solid unless you turn on BACKFACE CULLING which I did mention in one of the first tutorials but didn't explain WHY I told you to do that :D. The top photo shows an empty cylinder WITH backface culling turned on. The second shows that same cylinder after adding a solidify modifier. Backface culling is still on.
  2. Any extra MAINLAND tier will get charged to the same credit card that you entered when paying for your premium account. So if you buy a 1024 it will be $5 extra a month. The rates are all listed in the web backend of your account AND if you buy a parcel before you buy it will tell you how much more you will be paying by buying that land. I am also not in the Linden Viewer so not sure where the Land Tab would be. Sorry .The Linden viewer isn't all that popular *wink*. I suspect that you can RIGHT CLICK on the land and get the land tab that way. Prims are directly tied to the size of the land so there is no way to increase your prims unless you are renting (or leasing from a private estate and THEY give bonus prims. This is normally because they set aside roads and lakes and parks etc and give the extra prims not used to the tenants.
  3. You need to have a premium membership to buy land. You can buy PRIVATE land without a membership. You are actually LEASING the land however as you never "own" the land, so a difference there. You need to look in the LAND TAB of the viewer to see info on the land. A 512 mainland lot now comes with 175 prims. You can see the size of the lot and how many prims it will accommodate === again in the LAND TAB of the viewer. Typically private land for sale (again not really a sale) has a big sign to click or one that has all the info about that piece rezzed in the center of the parcel. Good luck.
  4. I have watched this too, and while not a big name by any means after a year and a half on the venue merry-go-round the thrill has kind of waned for me. I have also watched some creators push themselves too hard and definitely lower the quality of their work. You don't even have to be paying that much attention to notice that the quality of event items in general has gone down by leaps and bounds over the last year or so; that's for many events including some top ones. There are still some phenomenal items to be found and I am happy that some creators are keeping their quality high, but as someone wanted a ways back in this thread, those with less skills (not always new but sometimes) ARE getting added to events. Since I don't run any event and don't take tea with those that do, I can only guess as to the reasoning behind the lowering of quality. I have left some events because of that after hanging in longer than many. Eventually, being in a less than great event can actually HURT your brand and others have realized that. People are still doing well in events, some better than others and it seems to depend a lot on WHAT you build -- and not so much on HOW WELL you build it :D. Honestly that depresses me a bit. But, since I try to be a glass half full gal I do my best to show of the folks that are putting forth that superior effort and producing wondrous products. I still plan to do events, but not as many and not as often. I sell best on the Marketplace still and I can build whatever I like with no costs there until I sell and item. So backtracking a bit in my personal business plan and paying more attention on what I "want" to build.
  5. Agreed that the "best" method is to look on the map. Check one continent at a time unless you know you want a certain one. Follow the roads as a roadmap in your case (I follow the beach line :D). As to price, it can be anything for 1 linden per square meter (doubtful for roadside) to unbelievable amounts that are extremely unrealistic. Obviously the folks listing for 50 sq m and up just like thinking that they have "the best" parcel around. And so far as the current situation --- while I actually have a beach and roadside parcel, there is very little advantage to that these days. Folks don't drive around and shop :D. Yes, I can remember going for my very first stroll around the neighborhood of my $25 a week apartment almost a decade ago. But those days are gone. Even having an inworld store can be worked around in many cases. So I would do some more exploring and see how business has changed before you buy. If YOU like to drive, then that is a completely different scenario of course.
  6. As I understand the system (haven't done it but no one seems to be answering -- you can set any rate you wan't but you may have to wait awhile or a long time depending on the rate you set. So it is sort of like offering to sell stock to someone at a certain price -- there may be no takers. It seems to be a gamble whether buying or selling and the further you get away from the normal price the more of a gamble it is. Hopefully someone who has done this can answer in a better manner.
  7. Are you sure that white space isn't the UNTINTED hairbase that came with your head? That is sometimes how they show up. If so you can either tint or turn the hairbase off with the hud (guessing as I don't have that head).
  8. The inside and the outside of the glass needs to be different materials. There was another issue a year ago or so called "phong". If you look that up in the archives you will find info on a very long thread. Basically you ended up with lots of triangles in the texture (where you mesh was triangulated). I haven't seen that in awhile so It I think THAT is fixed. So try making the inside of your glass one material and the outside another. I am pretty sure that will more or less solve your issue. You WILL have alpha sorting and other issues within SL no matter what, but that fixes the main one within YOUR object. This is the reason that you don't stand in front of glass windows when taking a photo :D.
  9. Ahhhh. OK. I see. Well from my experience I would guess it was in addition unless the folks at some venues are making WAY more than anyone I know LOL. And yes, if that was added to the entrance fee, then I suspect some folks would just pack up. There have been places that only took a portion of the profits for many years, but those were shops, not monthly events. The ones like that that I know about ONLY took a percentage but it was more like 25 to 50 which would be OK for some folks and definitely not OK for others. So yes, it will be interesting to see how this flows. Somewhere in the long thread there was mention of new (and sometimes questionable quality) stores getting into venues when more established stores with better quality merchandise could not get in (we aren't talking about me here but folks I know who seem to want to be in a TON of events *wink*). I am not sure if that is altruism on the event owners part or networking or what. But in some ways the idea of new folks in events IS happening -- for whatever reason. Unfortunately that sometimes leads the more established brands to leave the event as traffic goes down (and it really does in many cases sadly). Probably no really great answer.
  10. Well certainly some guys would I amma guessing :D.
  11. Interesting. I know of one venue (what I would consider minor event) that has been doing this awhile. Things are definitely shifting in the venue-events realm; you don't have to pay too much attention to see that. Some have closed, others apparently scrambling, owners being MIA for the most part. I am waiting to see what the next "big thing" will be in SL :D. Always an adventure watching. Since I really hate vendors and don't use them except for charity events, that would likely take me out of the venue carnival. Good for the new folks maybe, not so good for the major brands unless the percentage taken was really small. What "I" foresee happening if more event owners go the split profits route is that creators would make smaller, inexpensive items -- not putting for all that much effort and consider the event advertising rather than a profit making exercise. Probably not all that positive in the long run.
  12. OK. I am going to answer this logically. EVEN TODAY (it was easier in the past) someone can come in and live for "free" and have a nice MESH avatar. Here is how I would do it today (and I did it in a similar manner nine years ago). Go to the realms and earn money chasing crystals (not as lucrative as it use to be but still works) LEARN how to build either inworld or outside and upload products into SL and sell them Find a nice place to live for free ("I" just did this even at my old age and it is super with a lovely BIG house and 180 prims == and no I am not telling but they are out there) Get free group gifts and go on hunts for clothes and things. Open a store inworld (again you can find free spots) and / or on the Marketplace. ALL IT TAKES IS EFFORT!!!!!!
  13. I doubt anyone would argue your point. I also think that many of us are wondering WHY ON EARTH you would leave $10,000 in Linden Lab's "care". While we would like to think that the grid will go on for-e-ver, there is absolutely no guarantee that it will. It could be gone tomorrow. So the adage about paying only one week's rent ahead goes WAAAAAAY more for cashing out dollars.
  14. Even though I seemed to be pretty elitist at the beginning of this thread, I do in many ways agree with your statement (not just the line I used to paste in). A week or so ago I even spent the morning making a sort of Pay It Forward Venue space complete with plan and rules and notecards (oh my). It was based pretty much on your concept of new folks and old folks although I weighted it more toward recognized brands as honestly that is what "most" folks want. Before I sent it live out into the firmament, I discarded the plan. Why? Because I was 90% sure that I couldn't get enough old-timers involved even though I was only going to charege $100 a month. So I DO support your position and I hope to see something happen in the future. The problem is that the folks running most of the venues are in a certain mindset. They need to pay their sim tier. They "need" to make a profit for their efforts. That is all well and good, but it doesn't leave room for altruism. I think many folks have forgotten about helping folks out just to help them out (not you it seems, but there is always a minority). Anyway, here's to the future and things turning around a bit. There WERE some events like this in the past (well maybe six years ago?). I was not part of the process but I do remember them. If anyone wants my ready-made venue for this (built for a 1024 lot so about 10 land impact or so per creator) they can contact me. I am guessing it is somewhere in the depths of my currently very messy inventory :D.
  15. Indents have indeed been out for a few decades (I taught MS Word in the day). THAT being said, it is VERY NICE to have the choice for those that choose to be nostalgic. I have great praise for the new forums. They are run by a magical jinn who seems to answer our every wish. Woot.
  16. WHAT SHE SAID! I always wanted to do that
  17. Sigh. Another complainer post. First off, even if you own your own home in real life ( I do) you have to pay TAXES each month as well as other fees sometimes. But most importantly it is your CHOICE to buy a sim. So if you don't want to opt in -- then simply DON'T DO IT! Honestly this stuff gets tiring.
  18. Mesh Sandbox 3 I am pretty sure. Will log in and check. Yes!
  19. Yes, I go that from the notecard message, but my alt got the error on the beta grid along with that other very odd message that you needed to have more than one object in order to link. This when LINKING a group of maybe 10 pieces of mesh which works as normal. So THAT is what got me confused. I hadn't seen the Lelutka message when all this happened this morning :D.
  20. Just a note especially for anyone not used to the beta grid, that my alt has been getting reoccurring (before the grid went down yesterday - early in the day and still now) incorrect alerts. It cannot find her mesh head even though she is wearing it and is looking for a URL for Lelutka and that pops all all in red letters quickly in an alert box. Then she lassoed a bunch of prims (only hers) and linked them and got a warning that she needed to select more than one prim in order to link (well duh!). It linked fine. So things are WORKING OK but it might be frustrating for folks that aren't over there often. EDIT a bit later: This just came in from Lelutka so that is part of the issue. I haven't seen any problems anywhere I have been on the main grid. Odd that for me it has only been on Aditi. That doesn't address the other odd message which was what made me think the beta grid had issues *wink*.
  21. I suggest -- and not in jest, that you look at and perhaps move to Opensim where you can "live in complete freedom without any costs" (an often touted adage). Oh wait, there is a 20% fee to sell on Kitely market and a 45 day wait to get your money to Paypal. Then if you sell something for virtual dollars on the grid you reside on and want to cash out, there is a fee from Podex or Globit or whoever. There is also a fee to buy money. There is however no upload cost and you can get free housing and shop space on many grids. Of course there are many less BUYERS on Opensim so your chances of selling are possibly less :D. There are always costs. If you want free and fast delivery from Amazon, you get a Prime membership which COSTS. Hate commercials, you get Netflix which COSTS. Companies need to make money in order to stay in business. The number of BIG brick and mortar stores closing down next month in the US is HUGE (someone sent me a email on that the other day). The only rights we have as users and consumers is to CHOOSE how we want to spend our money. If we make those choices wisely and in our own interests whatever they may be, then we have no reason to complain IMHO.
  22. MY bold and red on Alwin's posting of the actual Linden post (TY Alwin). Actually, if we look back a few weeks ago at threads by creators that cash out regularly and their "outrage" at the limiting of cash out levels so that folks cannot collect linden dollars and then cash out to save fees ----- THIS evens the playing field and is FAIRER to the creators that make money in SL -- since fewer folks will get a deal from the cash out fees (the $25 cap). For anyone making $1000 US or less, there will be no change at all. It would be even more fair if there was no maximum and it was simply a 1.5% fee across the board, but this is an improvement from my point of view. I have never purchased Lindens; I have always earned my way from the beginning as part of my "personal game". So for those that are very set against buying or selling linden dollars, there is always the option to simply living within their means as well as not cashing out -- living WHOLLY inside the "game".
  23. There is a special preset just for SL when exporting.
  24. Typically on art projects that I have known, artist were part of the rez group and simply placed their art in the venue space. That is pretty much how it is usually done. Quite easy really. Of course the land would need to be set to the group so would need to be owned land, not rented unless some private lands let you change to your own group but I haven't come across that. UWA had artists put a copy of their art in a dropbox so that is an option. Not all artists will want to give away their art though, so I suspect you would have better success with the group method. OR artists could make the art transfer and you could give it back after the event. Another method sometimes used.
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