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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Check the Jomo store for eyeshadow. See if there is an Omega Relay for Jomo. Those are pretty much your only options. When you purchase a head from a specialty store (one that isn't super popular :D) then you pretty much need to buy from the original creator OR if there is a Relay https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/133475 you can use any shadow that uses that system. Be sure and try demos of course.
  2. I am not sure about any waiting period needed to access the beta grid as it has been a very long time since that was an issue for me, but you can explain more what the problem is perhaps. you can tests textures inworld for free by using the LOCAL option. I do this all the time and it works well. Just be sure that after you get the texture you want, you UPLOAD it and then apply it to all surfaces. If you don't everyone else will see the item with a solid gray texture. Testing with an alt is good. Go to the texture tab in the build menu and then ADD the texture you want to test. It will show up in the list then when you click on the object you want to add the texture to, just click on the name of the texture in the list. YOU will see it fine. OTHERS will not.
  3. Aeros had an empty area with BELLEZA in big letters on it a week or so ago so I am looking forward to seeing what comes with that. Aeros will hopefully also make a head applier with Omega. Fingers crossed.
  4. This is going to sound super simplistic (and the reason I asked for the specs was that when I went to the website it said there were models from $1100 to $2200 so that is a pretty big range of computers all called the same thing). Anyway, do you have it set in the viewer so that it will NOT log you out? I know that sounds odd, but there is a setting that if you aren't really doing something it will log you out. Most of us that I know turned that off LONG ago (it was from WAAAAAY back when), but if you did a clean install you might have lost that setting. Not sure what viewer you are using or maybe I just missed that.
  5. Wanted to add something to this thread I started a new -- larger, two-story and more complex house today and I used planes physics. I am sure that Aquila's physics model would have been better than mine but mine did work just fine and I am happy with it. I will work on refining my process in the future. The download cost is mostly because this is a very high LOD build as I want it viewable from far far away for most everyone :D. AND yesterday while doing a tutorial, I uploaded a simple doorway using CUBE physics and the December version of Firestorm and it worked fine. It was very simple though, so it seems that the problems with cube physics and FS come when things get more complex.
  6. Agreed. While I don't make custom mesh, I did do Work For Hire in real life for over a decade -- and did very well. I gave ALL rights to the work to the person commissioning me and only kept the right to show the work in my portfolio if I chose. A perfectly good way to work. I have done a couple of partnership things in SL and OS and they have worked out fine as far as I know :D. I have friends that enjoy the partnership thing very much it seems, so we DO all work differently :D.
  7. I have Win10 Pro so cannot speak to the home version. But did you do all the Windows updates too. Is it just one viewer or did you try another viewer also? I can't remember seeing any posts on this but checking the forum archives is always a good plan. A couple minutes later: My search didn't turn up anything. I found a few posts through Google but they didn't seem to relevant to your issues. So no hints there. Sorry. There are apparently MANY versions of your computer so pasting in the specs might help those super techie folks with some answers. Not all "gaming" computers are equal of course :D. Good luck.
  8. Along with ChinRey's answer ---- Typically when someone makes custom mesh clothes to be sold by the purchaser (rather than full perm template clothes), they send the buyer the DAE file so that the person buying uploads the garments and with the buyer's name on the item (rather than adding a "creator prim" which can often be seen as such by inspecting (there are ways around this of course)). The buyer would likely want exclusivity; if so, in effect you would be doing Work For Hire -- which is a perfectly fine way to work if that is acceptable to you. The other choice (maybe) would be to go into a limited sort of partnership with the person and split the proceeds somehow. The important point is that however you decide to proceed -- if you decide to proceed is to get everything figured out before hand and in writing. So be clear with each other about expectations :D.
  9. OK. Now I know that is POSSIBLE and I use both features often, BUT did you look at the video? That is a TON of trees to derender the foliage on --- I go to great lengths sometimes making machinima but I am thinking something else is going on there. I guess asking the person that MADE the film would be the best option :D.
  10. My sales are norm for this time of the month. Summer can affect some vendors too as ChinRey says. It depends a lot on what you sell I would guess. For me Marketplace and instore sales are doing well and venues (events) are definitely down. That wasn't your question but just saying LOL.
  11. I agree with ChinRey and I sell furniture :D. Long ago and far away in an SL that is no more, most all of the furniture was no copy. That was the norm. Along the way things changed. I can only speak for myself as both a consumer and a creator. When an item is transfer and it gets lost then the customer will sometimes write and say "hey, I lost the serpentine couch in blue -- can your replace it please?". Now most sellers want to be nice and have good customer service, but how can you KNOW that they actually lost that item; they might just want a copy. So making things copy - no trans solves that problem. Send replacement at ease or use a redelivery terminal. As a BUYER I will almost never (sometimes a cute gacha item at the yardsales) buy an item that is no mod. I might want to resize. I might want to TINT (often). A poll of customers on these forums felt that mod was VERY VERY important. So you will for sure lose customers on no mod items. You can solve the "pieces" issue simply by uploading the mesh as a single object. Sometimes I do that -- sometimes not. I try not to get paranoid about what folks will do with my items. Personally I see no reason to make both copy items and trans items. If someone wants to give an item as a gift they can use the Marketplace OR the "gift" option in your vendor system. I am in the huge minority (oxymoron there) that does not use vendors. I also do not have a RL cell phone (OMG - REALLY? Really). Best of success with your endeavors!
  12. Yes, those are there, certainly. Still, somehow --- it seemed more friendly and less "corporate" way back then when the world was a simpler place and ideas were formed in brief sentences. Guess it is just nostalgia.
  13. Just another historical note and interesting memory. In the TOS that I originally OKed almost a decade ago, there was a section about being nice to one another and not letting "race, creed or religion" (not word in the TOS I am sure but that idea) cause people to ask badly to one another. That was a LOT of paraphrasing of a memory but I bet a handful of folks still remember that section (the TOS was much shorter then too I think). There was MUCH more griefing back then, but perhaps a bit more overt also --particle bombs, cages come to mind (and we couldn't double click on the ground back then but of course we COULD Ctrl+Alt+H ) :D. It IS amazing though how some folks seem to end up in the melee and others of us just do fine. Maybe it is just a mindset.
  14. AND adding a third bit of info to the mix. You can go into your web backend account and add the amount of meters into this form and have it calculate what things WOULD be. Just DON'T change the tier that you want level until after you win the auction.
  15. So I basically knew all that you mentioned, thanks. BUT BUT BUT --- You missed the part where I tried the NEW just out FS viewer yesterday and got the very same result. It should be noted that before said issue -- I guess as you say it was at Christmas as I haven't been uploading a lot of houses -- the last being for Draftsman in January so done early as I am an early gal . I was very much hoping that the just out viewer WOULD solve this issue but it hasn't for me. I have been using this same method and the same 64 bit SL -OS versions for years now with no problems and lovely walk through doors and rezzable floors. I only noticed a problem a few weeks ago on another build. It was fairly complex and I decided the uploader just really didn't want to think that hard :D. Then too the Linden Viewer uploaded as expected. But THIS is a very simple build. So, while it could have just been me, I am not certain that things are really fixed. Since there are not that many folks that are uploading mesh with cube physics and / or that have upgraded to the newest version of FS I guess time will let us all know how well the improvements took. I got the exact same problem with the new version as with the previous (December) one. I just gritted my teeth and quickly uploaded the mesh with the Linden viewer. And yes, most of us on the forums know about the skinny walls issue. It has been around for maybe four years? I am sure all that very good info on the problem can be found in the archives -- those archives are sometimes very handy! Hopefully lots of folks will learn some new stuff! Later edit: I will go back and try one more time with the new Firestorm as I am a very good "beta tester", the first being Homesite 1.1 if any of you remember Homesite before it became assimilated :D. Will post results here. Will be a few days. Much on my agenda.
  16. Great explanation and I really do get it now (taken awhile). Since you need to use cube physics on some Opensim Opensim grids and since I have been making cube physics for four years LOL, I of course used that in my (currently editing) tutorial. I DID however give an explanation of the other flavor *wink* and even have a screenshot on the beta grid. By the time I am finished the land impact will likely be determined by the download and not the physics but I realize the server would likely be happier with a lower "cost". Meanwhile I don't have any issues at all with rezzing prims on the floor or roof or whatever and the cube physics model doesn't change in land impact based on the physics (or very minimally) so that is something to consider depending on the build. No? Anyway thanks for the lesson!!!! I may try planes on the next build. Always good to experiment and learn.
  17. Good to post that head is no longer available. Thanks. Didn't know it was a short time offer. While I do believe that yearly premium is a great deal for land or home, getting a premium account for the stipend (LOL) doesn't seem like a sound investment to me. You are just getting MOST of your money back over time is all, so that "windfall" each week isn't actually a gift -- but more like a repayment of a loan. BTW folks that went premium early in the game got $400 per week and some really old timers $500 --- and there was some sort of "forever" deal back in the Paleozoic days, but don't know those details. I don't think I mentioned the free body on the Marketplace. There are no feet for that body and no alpha slots, but if you want to run around naked in boots for some reason (maybe to dance on an pole and earn money for a better one?) --- well, it IS free. I forgot the maker; someone posted the info on these forums awhile ago. Agree about gachas for heads and in general really. Some machines will let you know the rares rate in the description. The only stellar gacha machine in my mind is one that will give you something you can use and like on one pull - LOL. Hence not a gacha gal. My store ones are set at 8 BTW .
  18. Akeruka has a free head (group join fee) right now and there are some free heads on the marketplace. You will have to save up for your body though. Not deals on those OR use one of the ones in the viewer. And I agree with Alwin. They are expensive for everyone. I had my alt chase crystals at the realms to get money for hers. Maybe that is a good plan for you too.
  19. Well that sounds like a very good idea since that is AGAINST THE TOS! But the land tab isn't showing as being checked. Does that mean that The Lab refuses to list but "overlooks" the breach? Puzzling for sure. I didn't actually READ the land info. I was in and out in less than five seconds LOL.
  20. Well I WAS going to tell you that Places listings don't show up well in websearch but certainly do in Places searches. Since I seldom use websearch though I did a test and my store came up when I searched for it. I ONLY have an "ad" in Places. Honestly I was surprised. I teleported over and I did not see the check mark in show in search. So I was wrong on that ^^ I would FIRST check to see if you are being charged each week. If there is someone besides you that can check that box (assuming it looks unchecked to them also) then I would have them check the box and see if it sticks. If you are the only one that can check the box, then I would try logging in with a different viewer (the Linden Viewer maybe if you don't normally use that) and see if the box THEN looks unchecked to you. You could then check it in that viewer and see if it sticks. If none of that works, you can send in a ticket telling them all that you have tried.
  21. Update: So Aquila did find Lani on the beta grid and Lani and "I" and "the typist" all got a lesson again. I tried uploading my non-analyzed physics model and it did work. But the land impact was MUCH higher - 17 instead of 5. But, as I understand it (and I am sure she will correct me tomorrow if I got this wrong), while MY cube physics model was just fine to use with ANALYSED physics, I need to use PLANES for my physics model when uploading with non-analyzed. Since planes physics doesn't work in Opensim and I am trying to make tutorials for both (and also -- let's be honest -- because I have been doing it this way for four years LOL) I will just use the Linden viewer for now and hope that FS will get this worked out down the road. So --- planes (as large as you can make them AND they can overlap) for non-analyzed physics and cubes (not touching) for analyzed. Here are some photos.This is Aquila's house and my houses and some physics models. Her house was lower land impact than mine (she has always been smarter -- no argument there -- and has baled me out of issues for years -TYSM). My linden viewer house though is only 5 and doesn't increase when resized up. So I am happy with that and will just grit my teeth when I have to upload something with doors in the Linden viewer. So set in our ways. BUT SMARTER NOW. All good. Aquila's house, planes physics model and screenshot of physics.
  22. Thank you. I will try that. I have never actually understood when and why (and I remember you asking me long ago if I did) the difference and since Drongle told me long ago to analyze I almost always do unless I have some odd issue. I did forget to try that. I didn't get that warning on my current big machine FS Firestorm 5.0.1 (52150) Dec 10 2016 or on the notebook with the newly installed just out of the gate version. IF I would have seen that LOL, I would have had a hint. I will try the un-analyzed and see how that works compared to the other. If you have time would you explain "why" you use one over the other (in normal circumstances of course) as hopefully I am smarter now. Hope you waved at Lani if you were on the same sandbox LOL. Thanks very much, she will try momentarily.
  23. I am having issues AGAIN with house physics on the beta grid and also on the main grid IN FIRESTORM. It isn't the physics model, it is pristine. This is the second time I have had this issue in the last month. I hadn't needed "house physics" as in walking through the doors lately; been making smaller things. When the physics are analyzed parts of the doors get closed off in the FS viewer. I have heard others complain in chat when they had to switch viewers in order to upload :D, but I have never had this problem before. I know there is a new FS out but I also need to finish some Opensim stuff in a few days so wanted to wait to install the new version. I am HOPING that the change is address in FS. I guess I can install the new one on my notebook and test. LOL. So my question is to those in the know -- is this something folks besides me already know has been happening? My test on the beta grid shows the building works just fine when changed to prim when uploaded with the LINDEN viewer. So it is just me wanted to know what happened. This is 5 land impact when changed to prim so happy with that. Later: I installed the new FS viewer on my laptop but alas it doesn't fix the problem. Same exact thing happens. Any insights appreciated.
  24. Note also that many buildings (especially prim buildings) come in Rez Boxes -- so when you open the box that the building came in (likely but this is not always true, I don't box mine :D) you may get a box looking item that you need to click in order to have the house or diner "rez" (appear) for you. Also I suggest that if this is a copy item to go ahead and practice in a sandbox. Once you get the hang of opening and placing things it will make more sense. You can just delete the building you practiced on (AGAIN ONLY IF IT IS A COPY DINER). Then go to where you want it to be REALLY and rez it -- or the rez box -- again and repeat the process. A few tries and you will have it. We all had to figure this stuff out. It DOES work :D.
  25. Yes, not a viewer thing, but a Windlight thing. You can also of course turn on lights WITHIN the house or wear a bright facelight LOL (we do what we need to do to get that shot). Here are some Windlight setting tutorials that might help. https://www.slartist.com/windlight-getting-started_f3beaf8ee.html https://www.slartist.com/windlight-shadows_d644bc182.html https://www.slartist.com/windlight-making-skies_198048558.html
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