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No More Free Lunch

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There's no way my alts can afford to be the superior Premium residents.  They already demand free lindens from me for doing nothing I can't do.  And I would not trust my alts if they were exiled to the Moocher Land grid.  Next thing I know, they would be setting up social casinos there and be out of my control !


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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4 hours ago, EnCore Mayne said:

i do believe, after much inspired thought [we've got some good bud here at the grocers (only in Canada, eh?)], it's come to the time to revolutionize the world, once again.

let me explain:

we have in fact two worlds. 1. free accounts, and 2. paid accounts.

i'd like to hear what the Linden shills and free thinkers have in mind when the discussion comes to separating the free loaders from the paid participants. aside from the technically inevitably insurmountable issues, could we not have total separation of the account species while still keeping whatever use the free accounts are known for. it'd be just like the Teen world. not sure how that worked or what it was like in comparison to the main grid, but i do know they ran concurrently. not like the botched separation of the adult content (and that might be another category for a separate world too) but there'd be a locked door on who's to enter from one grid to another.

should the paid accounts want to frolic in the midst of the unpaid account world they would, by virtue of their account status, be able to log in to either world at will. it'd just be another grid on the viewer's grid dropdown option. all inventory and land assets would be preserved and maintained (unlike the Beta to Main grid methodology). any land assets rezzed in the free world could equally be rezzed in the paid world.

free world accounts that stubbornly cling to the old ways of enjoying any and all comforts in the existing world situation would no longer have the privilege of sharing the unbounded glory of what comes from being in the paid account world. such a shame would be world shattering and would elicit a substantial boost from free to paid account signups. given sufficient advance warning of the new world order to come i'm sure the empty map would soon flourish with creative potential. perhaps the contracted moles could lend a hand in setting up some themed realms (like the Horizons and Bellisaria spaces). perhaps preview setups could be entertained. who knows, it may overtake the paid grid in its compelling wonders.

just what type of ill affects would be generated with their loss; a stampede of closed accounts, a pulling out of an incalculable amount of inworld assets, a spike in hacking retributions, dogs sleeping with cats, who knows what else....

so. please, if you have any thoughts on how impossible or feasable this separation could be i'd love to have you add/subtract from what is but a rudimentary exercise in formulating a better world. i think it's brilliant but i'm open to discussion. what say you?

So, to sum up..

”Wahh wahh im a snob, wahhh wahhh I want my own personal super special world where I get special privileges because I pay premium monies wahhh wahh”


Yeah, it’s a stupid idea.

Edited by ItHadToComeToThis
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5 hours ago, EnCore Mayne said:

i do believe, after much inspired thought [we've got some good bud here at the grocers (only in Canada, eh?)], it's come to the time to revolutionize the world, once again.

let me explain:

we have in fact two worlds. 1. free accounts, and 2. paid accounts.

i'd like to hear what the Linden shills and free thinkers have in mind when the discussion comes to separating the free loaders from the paid participants. aside from the technically inevitably insurmountable issues, could we not have total separation of the account species while still keeping whatever use the free accounts are known for. it'd be just like the Teen world. not sure how that worked or what it was like in comparison to the main grid, but i do know they ran concurrently. not like the botched separation of the adult content (and that might be another category for a separate world too) but there'd be a locked door on who's to enter from one grid to another.

should the paid accounts want to frolic in the midst of the unpaid account world they would, by virtue of their account status, be able to log in to either world at will. it'd just be another grid on the viewer's grid dropdown option. all inventory and land assets would be preserved and maintained (unlike the Beta to Main grid methodology). any land assets rezzed in the free world could equally be rezzed in the paid world.

free world accounts that stubbornly cling to the old ways of enjoying any and all comforts in the existing world situation would no longer have the privilege of sharing the unbounded glory of what comes from being in the paid account world. such a shame would be world shattering and would elicit a substantial boost from free to paid account signups. given sufficient advance warning of the new world order to come i'm sure the empty map would soon flourish with creative potential. perhaps the contracted moles could lend a hand in setting up some themed realms (like the Horizons and Bellisaria spaces). perhaps preview setups could be entertained. who knows, it may overtake the paid grid in its compelling wonders.

just what type of ill affects would be generated with their loss; a stampede of closed accounts, a pulling out of an incalculable amount of inworld assets, a spike in hacking retributions, dogs sleeping with cats, who knows what else....

so. please, if you have any thoughts on how impossible or feasable this separation could be i'd love to have you add/subtract from what is but a rudimentary exercise in formulating a better world. i think it's brilliant but i'm open to discussion. what say you?

I don't even want to take the high road here, but I will take at face value that you want to discuss this because you just don't know.

Not a single premium member with 2 brain cells will be happy if this happened. Not a one. But lets assume, for a sec, they were...

It wouldn't last a week before they got their pitchforks out.

I went premium eventually, but let me tell you, I spent more money on SL while a basic resident than since I was premium. I bought Linden dollars fairly frequently and in bunches.

I also work in SL. You don't even need to buy Ls to get them. And either way, once you get them, you spend them.

Add this to the fact that segregating them means premiums would have less people to socialize with, perform for, and sell products to. Right now, SL concurrency is on a 13 or so year slide. At one point, peak hours saw 80K avatars logged in at once. These days, they struggle to hit 50k. I'm not sure they even do anymore. I think they are struggling to get 48K, if not 45K right now.

Lets put the number at 50K. That is a 40 percent drop. Lets say out of the 50K online at the peak of any given day, even 5 percent are basic. Which we all realize, I think, does not scratch the surface. Overnight, peak concurrency goes from struggling to hit 50k to struggling to hit 45K. OVERNIGHT. Nobody wants to be in a ghost town. The biggest issue with other grids is that everyone interested in virtual worlds are all in SL. Axing free accounts would give SL that same problem.

People draw people.

Its bad enough that creators and consumers get classed in the attitudes of a lot of people, and far too often in the actions of LL, failing to realize there is only one class of user in reality - the SL resident.

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5 hours ago, EnCore Mayne said:


so. please, if you have any thoughts on how impossible or feasable this separation could be i'd love to have you add/subtract from what is but a rudimentary exercise in formulating a better world. i think it's brilliant but i'm open to discussion. what say you?

I have MANY thoughts after reading that propaganda pamphlet, but non my grandmother would agree that I use them in public...and non that wouldn't get **** any ways. 

Do you have slogans already for the good world people? Will they wear uniforms with armbands? And will we put a sign on the non good world people, so that the important people can be warned of them from far away?

You should be ashamed how can one take that much time of their day to write such crap on here? SL was always diverse and inclusive, that's one their biggest upsides. I think I never read something more disgusting on this forum.

I hope for you it's just trolling otherwise you are probably a very lonely person in RL.

Edited by Gwin LeShelle
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20 minutes ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

I have MANY thoughts after reading that propaganda pamphlet, but non my grandmother would agree that I use them in public...and non that wouldn't get **** any ways. 

Do you have slogans already for the good world people? Will they wear uniforms with armbands? And will we put a sign on the non good world people, so that the important people can be warned of them from far away?

You should be ashamed how can one take that much time of their day to write such crap on here? SL was always diverse and inclusive, that's one their biggest upsides. I think I never read something more disgusting on this forum.

I hope for you it's just trolling otherwise you are probably a very lonely person in RL.

I very much would have liked to give the OP the benefit of the doubt, and assume that this proposal was simply poor considered, or badly expressed.

Unfortunately, the language of the second paragraph of this screed -- terms like "Linden shills and free thinkers," and most especially "free loaders" -- pretty much makes that impossible. What this reeks of is a sense of entitlement and privilege, duly paid for. It reminds me of the sort of person who, without any authority whatsoever, stops a scruffy looking person from leaving a grocery store in order to demand to see their receipts for the items in their shopping buggy.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the OP will prove I'm wrong by returning to clarify, or even maybe backtrack and apologize? Cuz, she's certainly insulted a lot of people here.

I hope so.

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My immediate thought on this was summed up by this quote:

“I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” Groucho Marx



Anyone wanting the gated community experience can make their own or hang out in a Premium sandbox.

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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I very much would have liked to give the OP the benefit of the doubt, and assume that this proposal was simply poor considered, or badly expressed.

Unfortunately, the language of the second paragraph of this screed -- terms like "Linden shills and free thinkers," and most especially "free loaders" -- pretty much makes that impossible. What this reeks of is a sense of entitlement and privilege, duly paid for. It reminds me of the sort of person who, without any authority whatsoever, stops a scruffy looking person from leaving a grocery store in order to demand to see their receipts for the items in their shopping buggy.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the OP will prove I'm wrong by returning to clarify, or even maybe backtrack and apologize? Cuz, she's certainly insulted a lot of people here.

I hope so.

Same for me but ..Such a long post was clearly well considered and worded just as they intended to. And reading the things Ruth posted here I think, that's just the way this person is x3

Probably the OP didn't get a hug in a very long time, so some small part of me feels sorry for them.

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I've always thought the Premium members were the poor kids on the block, getting a tiny home on a tiny parcel and obeying more rules than my sharkskin landlords has in my rental contract.  Premiums only pay about $36 USD/year after the stipend!  What cheapskates!  Give me a 30K private full region for $239/Mo any day.  Premiums pay $36/year and Basics with a 30K private region pay SL $2,668/year.  


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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7 hours ago, EnCore Mayne said:

i do believe, after much inspired thought [we've got some good bud here at the grocers (only in Canada, eh?)], it's come to the time to revolutionize the world, once again.

let me explain:

we have in fact two worlds. 1. free accounts, and 2. paid accounts.

i'd like to hear what the Linden shills and free thinkers have in mind when the discussion comes to separating the free loaders from the paid participants. aside from the technically inevitably insurmountable issues, could we not have total separation of the account species while still keeping whatever use the free accounts are known for. it'd be just like the Teen world. not sure how that worked or what it was like in comparison to the main grid, but i do know they ran concurrently. not like the botched separation of the adult content (and that might be another category for a separate world too) but there'd be a locked door on who's to enter from one grid to another.

should the paid accounts want to frolic in the midst of the unpaid account world they would, by virtue of their account status, be able to log in to either world at will. it'd just be another grid on the viewer's grid dropdown option. all inventory and land assets would be preserved and maintained (unlike the Beta to Main grid methodology). any land assets rezzed in the free world could equally be rezzed in the paid world.

free world accounts that stubbornly cling to the old ways of enjoying any and all comforts in the existing world situation would no longer have the privilege of sharing the unbounded glory of what comes from being in the paid account world. such a shame would be world shattering and would elicit a substantial boost from free to paid account signups. given sufficient advance warning of the new world order to come i'm sure the empty map would soon flourish with creative potential. perhaps the contracted moles could lend a hand in setting up some themed realms (like the Horizons and Bellisaria spaces). perhaps preview setups could be entertained. who knows, it may overtake the paid grid in its compelling wonders.

just what type of ill affects would be generated with their loss; a stampede of closed accounts, a pulling out of an incalculable amount of inworld assets, a spike in hacking retributions, dogs sleeping with cats, who knows what else....

so. please, if you have any thoughts on how impossible or feasable this separation could be i'd love to have you add/subtract from what is but a rudimentary exercise in formulating a better world. i think it's brilliant but i'm open to discussion. what say you?

Not getting this animosity at all, but ideological zeal will do that to you.

Just because someone has a "free account" doesn't mean they don't participate in the economy and contribute.

I have many tenants who have NPIOF but pay rent because they work in clubs or do other jobs and make cash.

Some countries make it very hard for you to buy things on line or have a credit/debit card.

The Lindens have such poor retention that they need to preserve the free accounts and even do more for them.

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The thing to realize is that people like to spend their money in different ways. Some people like the subscription model, some like paying one lump sum and some just want to pay as they go. Linden Lab has given us multiple ways to spend our money and it's been successful. Second Life has outlasted many games that have tried to go subscription only but find they did not grow their base of players and then frantically switched over to a free to play model without enough incentives for those free players to spend in the world. They tried and died. Linden Lab can't afford to make that same mistake by fixing what isn't broken. 

Also, many people have alts that are non-premium so that's another reason why the OP's idea would be in the category of "let's think of ways to fail". 

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7 hours ago, EnCore Mayne said:

i do believe, after much inspired thought [we've got some good bud here at the grocers (only in Canada, eh?)], it's come to the time to revolutionize the world, once again.

let me explain:

we have in fact two worlds. 1. free accounts, and 2. paid accounts.

i'd like to hear what the Linden shills and free thinkers have in mind when the discussion comes to separating the free loaders from the paid participants. aside from the technically inevitably insurmountable issues, could we not have total separation of the account species while still keeping whatever use the free accounts are known for. it'd be just like the Teen world. not sure how that worked or what it was like in comparison to the main grid, but i do know they ran concurrently. not like the botched separation of the adult content (and that might be another category for a separate world too) but there'd be a locked door on who's to enter from one grid to another.

should the paid accounts want to frolic in the midst of the unpaid account world they would, by virtue of their account status, be able to log in to either world at will. it'd just be another grid on the viewer's grid dropdown option. all inventory and land assets would be preserved and maintained (unlike the Beta to Main grid methodology). any land assets rezzed in the free world could equally be rezzed in the paid world.

free world accounts that stubbornly cling to the old ways of enjoying any and all comforts in the existing world situation would no longer have the privilege of sharing the unbounded glory of what comes from being in the paid account world. such a shame would be world shattering and would elicit a substantial boost from free to paid account signups. given sufficient advance warning of the new world order to come i'm sure the empty map would soon flourish with creative potential. perhaps the contracted moles could lend a hand in setting up some themed realms (like the Horizons and Bellisaria spaces). perhaps preview setups could be entertained. who knows, it may overtake the paid grid in its compelling wonders.

just what type of ill affects would be generated with their loss; a stampede of closed accounts, a pulling out of an incalculable amount of inworld assets, a spike in hacking retributions, dogs sleeping with cats, who knows what else....

so. please, if you have any thoughts on how impossible or feasable this separation could be i'd love to have you add/subtract from what is but a rudimentary exercise in formulating a better world. i think it's brilliant but i'm open to discussion. what say you?

Free accounts buy stuff / spend L$ and add to the Second Life economy. By doing this, they help keep Second Life operational.

Your apparent assertion that there are only "shills" and "free thinkers" seems to pre-judge that anyone who supports LL must be a "shill", and anyone who agrees with you is a "free thinker".

Sorry, but I do not find any logic or merit in your arguments or suggestions. 

That being said, your post is both interesting and insightful. Thank you for your contribution to the Forums!

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40 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think the OP was bored & decided to troll the forum for a laugh.

The mystery for me is, how can something seem almost thoughtfully written but have not capital letters? Maybe translated from a language without capital letters, or Shift Key broken?

I guess it beats "all caps", and at least wasn't against a blinding white background, all in one paragraph as a single run-on sentence with no punctuation and bad spelling. Could be worse. 

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