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1 minute ago, Bagnu said:

OK, perhaps I don't understand the block process well them. From what I know, the blocked person can still me fine if I block them. It's me who can't see them well. How does that protect me from being stalked by them?

It doesn't. Blocking is not really a remedy for stalking. In fact, as you have pointed out, it might actually make stalking easier. We have other (very imperfect) tools that work against stalkers, but they are mostly related to land permissions.

Blocking is about harassment and abuse.

7 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

And a way of preventing child AV's from rezzing in adult areas.

I don't entirely disagree with this. But the problem is that "Adult" is used as a designation for a great many sims that actually have little or nothing do with sex. I go to "adult" sims all the time: none of them are about sex.

We need a much more granular or at least enforced rating system. Right now, many places are "adult" largely as a precautionary measure.

8 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

i personally don't believe in child AV's in an online community meant for people over 18 to begin with.

With respect, that's the perspective characteristic of someone for whom sex is the most important, or at least a very significant draw of SL.

There are a very great many of us who aren't here for that. I don't myself get the appeal of RPing or representing as a child here, but SL is fundamentally about having the power to be who you want to be -- and that should include being a child. Banning that option merely because there are lots of people who want to engage in sex here is unfair to them.

Sorry, Sandor: it probably sounds as though I'm picking on you. I'm not: these are interesting questions.

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10 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

How is our present block system superior? All I'm suggesting is a block on both ends, where the AV's would be aware of each other through grey anonymous figures. They just wouldn't know who the other person was (unless they had only blocked 1 person), or interact with them.

while this might be a grief protector, it can also be a grief cloaking enabler. Examples

greifer cloaks themselves by blocking people on the region, then launches an attack on the region/parcel

mean people cloaking also. Block the victim then open chat trash talk them to everyone else present


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7 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

I'll just note that there are several pages of "how do I get this thing off my screen" threads based on a new innovation by LL. If you make a HUD, give it a very visible detach button 😉

Agreed. Someone -- I've forgotten who and where now -- had the excellent idea of including a standard HUD in the next round of new avatars, with the express purpose of teaching them how to use one. I think that's a brilliant idea. Were I to do this as a HUD, it would be along those kinds of lines.

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59 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

I'm thinking, that if we block someone, we can't see them, and they can't see us. I can't see how that could be useful for stalking, since both parties would be invisible to each other.

It's interesting how I was never griefed or harassed. I started as a female Escort, and BDSM. When I was approached I always asked for money. If they didn't want tp pay, they would leave me alone.

Blocking in most other platforms (online mmos I mean) result in the person blocking not hearing not being able to be contacted privately by the person being blocked. SL actually takes that a step further by making the person blocked a meaningless speck on the screen. In no game (that I am aware of) does blocking result in the person blocked being unable to hear or see the person who blocked them. I would not what that in SL as blocking simply needs to shut up and remove the person being blocked from my mind - I can continue to look amazing and as a result annoy them because they are insanely jealous.

There is also a privacy issue to consider here - some people may block certain people not because they have had any interactions with them but simply because they never want to (you can tell the types from the profiles). If you blocked them and all of a sudden you became unable to be rendered by them then it clearly indicate you blocked them and you have given up the secret ability to block with we now have.

Edited by Kyle Blackwood
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8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Serious question, Rolig: were I to redo this, would it work better as notecards with linked image (with an online version), which is what I did originally -- or as a HUD that covered part of the screen only, but had more accessible images for explanation?

That's a good question, Scylla. Both approaches require a user to know how to find and open the resource, and they expect the user to take time to actually read the thing.  There's a big inertia barrier there, so I have always worried about how many people actually benefit from things like this. I don't say that to be discouraging, because a well-done system really would be helpful to people who actually use it.  That's why I really liked your notecard back in the day.  ;) When I get into conversations with newbies now [not as frequently as in the past], though, my best advice about dealing with harassment in world is 

"See that house-shaped symbol in the upper left corner of your screen?  If you ever need to escape from an uncomfortable situation, click it."

Even before a newbie has set her own home location, that's the quickest way to get out of trouble that SL offers.  Regardless of whatever we can provide in a notecard or HUD, I think that's one thing all newbies should be told.

Now, to actually address your question, my personal preference would be for a HUD. Notecards are terribly basic.  You can't embed a real image in them or even format text properly, and they are static.  You can't navigate in a notecard, and you can't update or customize its content the way you can with a HUD that has a menu structure and links to web resources. Notecards are fine for short, simple instructions but not for stuff that is complicated or that you may want to refer to repeatedly.

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2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Now, to actually address your question, my personal preference would be for a HUD. Notecards are terribly basic.  You can't embed a real image in them or even format text properly, and they are static.  You can't navigate in a notecard, and you can't update or customize its content the way you can with a HUD that has a menu structure and links to web resources. Notecards are fine for short, simple instructions but not for stuff that is complicated or that you may want to refer to repeatedly.

This makes sense.

Another attraction of HUDs is that they integrate a text explanation with an image much better. (It might be a different matter if you could embed an actual image, rather than a link to it, in a notecard).

Alright! I'll give this some thought. (And start looking for HUD-driving scripts . . .)

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I would really like to see more tools inside of SL to build with.  Taking myself out of SL to build things in blender ruins the immersion for me as well as the drive to create anything, I like to be in the world to see how my creations interact and come to life in the environment I am building in.


Edited by Istelathis
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Why larger?  For creatures like dragons and such?  I can't for the life of me figure out why a human avatar would need to be larger than the giants we already have.

Wouldn't help socialization, IMO.  Folks like me would just immediately hit their Home button to get out of that hell.  It would be worse that landing in one of the many Hubs that folks get dumped in when their login location is not available.

Larger avatars feeds into the irrational need of some people to be the alpha in the pack. Look at me I'm premium and I'm bigger than you! It will also help you avoid them because you can see them from further away.

When you hit the Home button, it will take you to the Nexus. It will be coded into all the viewers. No one will ever log in to anywhere but the Nexus and you have to walk a certain distance to be able to teleport. I wrote about all of this a while ago. While it was rejected by every resident who can say if the idea will be rejected by Linden Lab?

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55 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

Larger avatars feeds into the irrational need of some people to be the alpha in the pack. Look at me I'm premium and I'm bigger than you! It will also help you avoid them because you can see them from further away.

When you hit the Home button, it will take you to the Nexus. It will be coded into all the viewers. No one will ever log in to anywhere but the Nexus and you have to walk a certain distance to be able to teleport. I wrote about all of this a while ago. While it was rejected by every resident who can say if the idea will be rejected by Linden Lab?

I usually start at home when I login. Occasionally last location. I don't want to start at some Nexus.

And why a simpler starter AV? I would have wanted something mesh when I started!!!

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1 minute ago, rasterscan said:

Imagine lots of sl 'mini worlds' instead of a gigantic lag groaning grid. Then those mini worlds could cater to the users tastes, sci-fi world, furry world, sin city, etc etc

Isn't that essentially how estates work, in practice?

Some of us love the mainland. Keep your hands off my continents!

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Well imo the Lab is in the business of selling regions and as such has very little interest in what the resident wants that isn't directly in line with them being able to sell more land.

As a resident though I would like to see a graphically based Inventory system like IMVU has, which makes it so much easier for Barbie's and Fashionistas to dress up, create looks and outfits. The text based one that we have in S/L is quite frustrating in comparison with its constant need for searches trying to find the right item. Much more efficient when one glance allows me to see a 100 hairs at once to select the best one for a particular look. Compare this:


To this:


A graphically based Inventory would go a long way to making the viewer more user friendly and flatten the learning curve for S/L

The other thing I would like to see made more efficient is the shopping experience where it takes me 20 or so clicks to go from picking up a demo, unpacking it, trying it on, deleting it, buying the full version, unpacking it, categorize it in inventory, delete the parts not needed, and finally wear it. Compare again to Imvu were it takes 2 clicks. One to try the demo, and another to purchase or remove it and on to the next demo. The lab could make this a much more efficient process with a little thought which would be a huge benefit to old and new resident alike.

Edited by Arielle Popstar
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4 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

A few suggestions I have posted before:

1. A mobile client showing just your avatar or possibly including a small amount of the world.

2. An option for 30% larger avatars for premium accounts.

3. A simpler starter avatar in the same design as those being made for other virtual worlds.

4. A Nexus where everyone starts when they log in ever day.

5. A simple in-world mesh building set of tools to replace prims.

1. sounds like a good idea

2. no, just no.. Alpha males and females are already abundant. No need to give them the option to be even bigger.

3. Simpler as in less vertices? Sure. 

4. Oh hells no. I dont need to log in to somewhere there will be freeni aplenty and naked noobs. 

5. yes yes this a thousand time yes. 

4 hours ago, Bagnu said:

And a way of preventing child AV's from rezzing in adult areas. i personally don't believe in child AV's in an online community meant for people over 18 to begin with.

No. Child avs are allowed on any sim, per LL rules. They already have guidelines for them, no need to bann them.

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2 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

Larger avatars feeds into the irrational need of some people to be the alpha in the pack. Look at me I'm premium and I'm bigger than you! It will also help you avoid them because you can see them from further away.

When you hit the Home button, it will take you to the Nexus. It will be coded into all the viewers. No one will ever log in to anywhere but the Nexus and you have to walk a certain distance to be able to teleport. I wrote about all of this a while ago. While it was rejected by every resident who can say if the idea will be rejected by Linden Lab?

Why are you so hell bent on killing SL? If you are so unhappy with the way things are, why are you still here? Why not go find somewhere that is more suited to your morals and ethics?

If the residents reject the idea what makes you think LL would jump on it? They want to retain the customers they have not run them all off!

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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Blocked should mean you are dead to me and i to you , we will never again meet . Only thin skinned limp wrists block for a one off incident and a week later they likely remove the block to make room for more , not remembering what resulted in the block anyway .

I have blocked one person in 4.5 years of SL and because it could still see me tolerated being slagged off publicly in the place i considered home . I knew there was something wrong with my setting because public chat showed the blocked text in grey but nobody would tell me how to fix it .

End result i left that place and have wandered ever since expecting every single person i talk to to be the alt of someone i would like to inflict severe violence on . I'm polite but i dont want to know you just in case . I've also blocked about 7 of maybe 20 alts that scum has visited me with .

So yeah currently block means to bury your head in the sand with your ass exposed .

Fix the block button or remove it .

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@Arielle Popstar That is something I would also love to have, I do enjoy Firestorm's outfits, and find Wardrobe by CTS makes managing outfits easier - but it would so much nicer to have an icon as an option by each item.  To further improve it, an optional preview window to open and allow you to compare how different outfits look without having to try them on your avatar.  This would have the benefit of creating outfits, or comparing them with relative ease in a 3d setting, while quickly making adjustments.  Now, if we really want to push the limits, and get the creators all excited - such a window would allow us to get a look of items that are on sale.  The need for demos would not be needed, no more inventory space would be required to hold them and they would not even need to be unpacked.  Just a simple click of the button, a preview window pops up and you get to see what you are buying, how it looks on you, and can try other accessories to see if it makes the look you want.

One can always dream 💖

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I’d like to see sim instances for events that can sometimes take days to get into. When demand is high a temporary copy or copies of the sim would appear to accommodate overhead. Something like this could be subsidized by and only accessible to premium+ members and not affect the tier of whoever is hosting the event. 

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31 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Well imo the Lab is in the business of selling regions and as such has very little interest in what the resident wants that isn't directly in line with them being able to sell more land.

As a resident though I would like to see a graphically based Inventory system like IMVU has, which makes it so much easier for Barbie's and Fashionistas to dress up, create looks and outfits. The text based one that we have in S/L is quite frustrating in comparison with its constant need for searches trying to find the right item. Much more efficient when one glance allows me to see a 100 hairs at once to select the best one for a particular look. Compare this:


To this:


A graphically based Inventory would go a long way to making the viewer more user friendly and flatten the learning curve for S/L


That would only work if every item had a picture associated with it. I don't think there is any way for the server to figure out a picture of an object in your inventory.   Things are not created in other worlds the way they are created in SL.



31 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

The other thing I would like to see made more efficient is the shopping experience where it takes me 20 or so clicks to go from picking up a demo, unpacking it, trying it on, deleting it, buying the full version, unpacking it, categorize it in inventory, delete the parts not needed, and finally wear it. Compare again to Imvu were it takes 2 clicks. One to try the demo, and another to purchase or remove it and on to the next demo. The lab could make this a much more efficient process with a little thought which would be a huge benefit to old and new resident alike.

Problem is that stuff in other worlds is standardized, whereas we get a mish-mash of stuff from lots of folks, all created differently.  LL would have to impose some tight standards on merchants and then someone would have to figure out how to deal with pre-existing content.


All that would be great, but I'm not sure there is a way with current content.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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33 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Well imo the Lab is in the business of selling regions and as such has very little interest in what the resident wants that isn't directly in line with them being able to sell more land.

As a resident though I would like to see a graphically based Inventory system like IMVU has, which makes it so much easier for Barbie's and Fashionistas to dress up, create looks and outfits. The text based one that we have in S/L is quite frustrating in comparison with its constant need for searches trying to find the right item. Much more efficient when one glance allows me to see a 100 hairs at once to select the best one for a particular look. Compare this:


To this:


A graphically based Inventory would go a long way to making the viewer more user friendly and flatten the learning curve for S/L

The other thing I would like to see made more efficient is the shopping experience where it takes me 20 or so clicks to go from picking up a demo, unpacking it, trying it on, deleting it, buying the full version, unpacking it, categorize it in inventory, delete the parts not needed, and finally wear it. Compare again to Imvu were it takes 2 clicks. One to try the demo, and another to purchase or remove it and on to the next demo. The lab could make this a much more efficient process with a little thought which would be a huge benefit to old and new resident alike.

Oh, do I ever agree!!!!  A graphical inventory system would make things so much easier!!! and the streamlined shopping experience!!!!

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