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Which is your favorite season of four and why?

it's a tough struggle for me to decide if I love spring🌱  or autumn 🍂  more.
in spring everything is tinged with different shades of green and the air smells of every type of flower, seems to me to be immersed in a fresh laundry, the days get longer and the colors become more vivid, the sun warms up without bothering.
on the other hand even autumn has its own reason, you can see every possible color from green to brown, passing through yellow and orange, the first fogs, the air begins to be pungent even if the sunlight is still strong, you need to cover your eyes.
some days everything is melancholy, especially walking in the misty, somethimes loosing either path and thougts.
I certainly don't like summer 🐠  and not for the costume fitting but because it's too hot, it's sultry, sometimes you can't breathe.
winter 🎿 , on the other hand, if it doesn't bring snow, I find it "useless" and the days are too short, even if gives me te opportunity to spent more time on sl ... like when rains a lot.

So, which is your?


even on Vivaldi's music I am undecided between spring and autumn




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I very much like Autumn because:

  • My body, for some reason, is really hard to cool down, to the point even during winter I am wearing summer clothes and have a fan on medium.
  • Halloween. I like spoopy.
  • It is when the bugs begin to go away. Not that I am scared of them, more of just, I am mysophobic and I don't want them landing on me otherwise I have to go up and wash where it was.
  • Thanks giving food.

My second favorite would be Winter because:

  • Christmas food.
  • Snow. Even though I don't go outdoors because of mysophobia reasons, it is still nice to look at.
  • Provided people haven't worn me out with the out of season Christmasing, Christmas is quite nice and cozy.
  • New years food.

Spring and Summer are ok, but that is when it begins to heat up and becomes uncomfortable for me. Even if I wasn't mysophobic, I'd still probably go to the beach on a colder day such as near the beginning of Autumn or somewhere near the beginning of Spring.

Plus Autumn brings good harvest.


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Winter for me as Southern California is where the desert meets the sea.  The South West is beautiful/peaceful/spiritual in the Winter.  We can have four seasons in one season and many seasons have 4 seasons in one season...it's Fall weather, it's Wintery cold with snow, then warms up to low 80's and is gorgeous at the beach in Winter and it's like Spring or Summer all within the matter of a month.  Most years do not have heavy rainfall unless we go into El Nino, then it could flood and have mudslides.  We haven't had El Nino for quite some time though.  But, here, where I live, it's Winter...plus things pollinate year 'round in Southern California.   If we do have a rare rainy year, the Spring is gorgeous though as just about every tree imaginable is here when I live. 

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For me, it's a toss-up between Autumn and Winter.  If you really push me, I'll vote for Winter.  I love snow and the feel of crisp air.  The sound of winter is both relaxing and stimulating, too.  Snow muffles some sounds, so there are fewer echoes, but cold air favors high-frequency sounds, so there's a sharp, cleanness to the season.  There's nothing I enjoy quite as much as walking in the woods on a snowy January day.

Spring, on the other hand, is mud season.  It's sloppy and dirty, and the air is full of pollen.  It's rainy, not much fun to be outside in.  The best I can say is that it's at least not summer. Summer is hot, sticky, uncomfortable all around.  I put my order in for snow and then wait for six months for the factory to deliver.  Thank goodness for air conditioning and indoor plumbing.

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I prefer spring much more over autumn.  Out of the winter into the warmth and life starting over again. Perfectly captured in music by Vivaldi and I consider it one of the best classical music ever.

Autumn anounces death to me : in my mind is framed the last time I shared time with my father outside ( 4 years ago from now ) , watching life pass by in the sun's golden rays. Heard him say: "Thanks. This is nice." I could not utter a word. 

A week from now he was gone. I never hear Vivialdi remembering said moment. I just remain numb during these times.



Edited by TDD123
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1 hour ago, TDD123 said:

I prefer spring much more over autumn.  Out of the winter into the warmth and life starting over again. Perfectly captured in music by Vivaldi and I consider it one of the best classical music ever.

Autumn anounces death to me : in my mind is framed the last time I shared time with my father outside ( 4 years ago from now ) , watching life pass by in the sun's golden rays. Heard him say: "Thanks. This is nice." I could not utter a word. 

A week from now he was gone. I never hear Vivialdi remembering said moment. I just remain numb during these times.



a big enormous hug to you 😘

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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

 I love snow and the feel of crisp air.  The sound of winter is both relaxing and stimulating, too.  Snow muffles some sounds, so there are fewer echoes, but cold air favors high-frequency sounds, so there's a sharp, cleanness to the season.  There's nothing I enjoy quite as much as walking in the woods on a snowy January day.

I'm agree.. but unfortunately snow few times where I live.. this is why I dislike winter.. here is a mud season like spring for you

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2 minutes ago, manoji Yachvili said:

unfortunately snow few times where I live.. this is why I dislike winter.. here is a mud season like spring for you

Yes, so much depends on where we live.  I have always lived in northern states in the U.S., where we have nice, long winters.  Temperatures drop well below freezing and stay there for up to three months, so we end up with a deep snow cover much of the season.  If I lived much farther south, in places like Missouri or Tennessee, I would have unpleasant winters full of ice storms and slushy roads.  I have spent winter months in Scandinavia and Scotland, and have sat in onsens in Akita prefecture in Japan in January, so I know there are many parts of the world that have winters like the ones I enjoy at home.  If your winter is a mud season, I don't blame you for disliking it.  

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1 minute ago, Rolig Loon said:

Yes, so much depends on where we live.  I have always lived in northern states in the U.S., where we have nice, long winters.  Temperatures drop well below freezing and stay there for up to three months, so we end up with a deep snow cover much of the season.  If I lived much farther south, in places like Missouri or Tennessee, I would have unpleasant winters full of ice storms and slushy roads.  I have spent winter months in Scandinavia and Scotland, and have sat in onsens in Akita prefecture in Japan in January, so I know there are many parts of the world that have winters like the ones I enjoy at home.  If your winter is a mud season, I don't blame you for disliking it.  

Exactly, I loved winter for a long time until I worked in a ski centre.. but when I moved I have discovered a new terrible mud winter.

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Spring, because it's the season of new births.. New colts new calves, just all the new little critters, kittens  pups.. They're all over the place..

I love fall when we ever get one, because after the hot sunny summers, the overcast cool days are a refreshing break..

Winter, ehh.. They are usually just wet here, although when we do get a really good snow that covers everything with snow.. i really love that and start to miss the winters up north..

Summer is just too hot for me.. I love the cold more I think..

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I prefer autumn. The air turns crisp, taking on a cooler, dry, fresher quality. And I get to break out the hand knit sweaters I've been working on during spring and summer.

Winter is a close second favorite.  The snow, when it comes, is the best part.  Walking under the snowfall is incredibly peaceful and meditative with fresh snow crunching underneath your feet. Also, the mosquitoes can go back to hell where they belong.

I'm not a fan of spring with allergies and hay fever. It was a miserable way to live before I discovered a good immunologist.

Summer can go to hell with the heat, humidity, high electricity bills, and bugs. I hate bugs.

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Summer, because for two or three weeks*** if we're lucky, it stops raining and we get a bit of weather that isn't grey, wet and miserable.


(I don't know who that unfortunate person is, the pic came from a local news report).

*** of course they are never three consecutive weeks.

Edited by Maitimo
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Spring for hope and a feeling of quickening in my heart, everything feels joyful and new. Spring bulbs, dogwood and fruit tree flowers are among my most favorite flowers. 🌸 

summer brings the long light & bright days of endless possibility and abundant energy. Aircon gives enough relief from heat & sticky humidity. I get more done in summer most years.

autumn has for me reflection and a welcome coziness. One of my favorite times to do things outdoors.

winter, contemplation and stillness rule. Hygge time!

I like the endless seasonal change over any single one. My ‘favorite’ is usually the next one upcoming because I like looking forward to it. 
I have an app that lists the 72 Japanese seasons. Why just observe 4? 😉

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Now that I am back living in the northern hemisphere - autumn.  I love the changing colours, the crisp nights & warm days, lighting up the wood burner, the promise of Christmas, but mostly the food - apples, pumpkins, squashes, cabbages, and if you're a meat eater (which I am) venison & game birds & making soups & stews again.  

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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Yes, that's where the shirt comes from.  It's a perfect troll on their campaign's goof when they scheduled a press conference.  Look it up, it's the funniest thing that's happened all year.

Rudy is such a screw-up. I bet you could make an entire comedy series on all the things he's botched.

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