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  1. I vote YES. Get rid of those pesky remotes cluttering up my end table.
  2. Do you think wi-fi is dangerous? So many mixed reports I can't decide.
  3. I plan to binge Handmaid's Tale from the very beginning.
  4. I believe calling someone a troll is prohibited, as there is a rule against name-calling. For example, you can't call someone an idiot and generally get away with it on a forum that prohibits name-calling. One must be sneaky. You could say, instead of calling him a troll: "I do believe there is an entity in our midst who is not engaging in all seriousness with other participants presenting their current opinions. In fact, considering numerous posts by this entity within our midst, I suspect he may be trying to disrupt the positive energy flow normally present on our fine platform". And I am in a fine and silly mood today
  5. The heaven channel filters all that out 😍
  6. It depends but a typical process can be: If the model is made from tris or from complex polys, convert to quads (Ctrl+T to triangulate and then Alt+J to ... ummm quadrify?) This makes everything so much easier. Eliminate any suprefluous edge loops/lines first since they can be hard to identify and select later in the process. Delete any hidden tris. Do a limited dissolve (Shortcut X) and set the Max angle as high as possible without distroting the model. Limited dissolve creates a lot of complex polys, so you have to convert to quads again afterwards. Repeat step 4 and 5 until the triangle count no longer drops or the model becomes distorted (when it does, remember to undo last round with Ctrl+Z). Check the model and see if there is anything else that can be safely removed. Look especially for "zero angle" vertices that can be removed without altering the model at all. For some reason limited dissolve isn't good at handling those. Do this for each LoD model, including the high one. Here's one very useful trick I've never seen anybody mention: If you're unsure whether you've simplified too much, take before and after screenshots in object mode and compare them side by side. It's much easier to judge the differences that way than when you undo and redo to switch between the two in Blender. Thanks. Somebody should sticky this!
  7. Since getting a more complex shape requires quite a bit of geometry (as far as I know), what would be the first step in Edit mode to reduce that geometry?
  8. First, did you use the decimate modifier so that you model is less complex? You might try searching on YouTube for some tutorials on this modifier.
  9. It sounds to me like he wants some support for RL within SL, like people who join groups in SL dealing with disability, feminist issues relating to female empowerment, or all the other groups we have dealing with RL issues. So whether SL is welcoming to transgender residents or not is irrelevant.
  10. You could ask around in some of these groups inworld and find out who's effective: https://search.secondlife.com/web/search/?q=free+tarot&s=secondlife_com&m=N&lang=en-US
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