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What are some more of your pet peeves?

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5 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

peeve.. people who care too much about forum reputations systems..

is your ego that frail that your reputation means that much...

When I start commenting endlessly about other people's egos, I'll know it's time to worry about my own.

Screenshot_20200815-065230_Samsung Internet.jpg

Edited by Amina Sopwith
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8 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

When I start commenting endlessly about other people's egos, I'll know it's time to worry about my own.

Screenshot_20200815-065230_Samsung Internet.jpg

ouch.. not.. lol.. I dont take things so personal as some like to do here at times. I learned that lesson.. guess some have not. if your buttons can be pushed by simple comments on a forum.. you need to re-think your priorities. :P

peeve.. people who cant take a joke about their peeve.. :P

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7 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Ah, the keyboard warrior is in full swing again...

On topic: Objects refusing to rezz, no matter how much time you give it and then having to log out and back in again to force them.

perhaps the object doesn't like being owned by you. so is being maliciously compliant. :P


maybe you need to update/upgrade/improve yo connection or potato hardware and software. :P

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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Etiquette (aka RKKN / Nutmeg) now cancelling support for both male Signature bodies, after being one of the few nice looking brands supporting the Geralt body at all, then dropping it like a hot potatoe again. Now the recent releases were Belleza Jake and Legacy body 1 and body 2... couldn't care less about their specific names... only.

Guess that means I gotta shop elsewhere. 😶

Just kinda glad that I didn't toss out more L$ for Nutmeg's objects during the recent sale. Would have been a bad reminder.


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18 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

Etiquette (aka RKKN / Nutmeg) now cancelling support for both male Signature bodies, after being one of the few nice looking brands supporting the Geralt body at all, then dropping it like a hot potatoe again. Now the recent releases were Belleza Jake and Legacy body 1 and body 2... couldn't care less about their specific names... only.

Guess that means I gotta shop elsewhere. 😶

Just kinda glad that I didn't toss out more L$ for Nutmeg's objects during the recent sale. Would have been a bad reminder.


Whattt? Why would they do that? Thought sig was one of the more popular male bodies. What a shame.

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16 minutes ago, AdminGirl said:

Whattt? Why would they do that? Thought sig was one of the more popular male bodies. What a shame.

Same. I always considered Signature (at least with their Gianni body) to be one of the typical body brands. I have dropped using Geralt (even if I really loved that one), but wow...just dropping the entire brand is quite a step.

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I see a cute indoor decor piece at an event.  The ad says that it is 1 LI.  I edit the item and see that it is 3 LI.  Therefore, the display model has been increased in size quite a bit, and thus the 1 LI sized version is going to be pretty darn tiny.   

For smaller items, honest creators will have the rezzed version match the ad.  Only for large items, will they often rez a smaller version and then give you a location to see the full sized one.  Honest creators won't make a small item larger than the ad version just so it is more visible and holds LOD better.

To me, this is very much like a 'Bait & Switch' tactic - and most folks won't even notice.

That creator just went on my list of 'never buy from'.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

Looks like Amina was right about the fragile ego. You may want to put some bubble wrap around it, inflated ones seem to be especially prone to instability.

lol.. not fragile.. keep poking and throwing rocks.. your cute when you try to taunt you know. :P

your attempts at goading are subgrade you know. up your game.

peeve..not peeve.. people who think they are superior.. when really they are not.. but cant seem to understand it. Its sort of cute really.

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Just now, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

lol.. not fragile.. keep poking and throwing rocks.. your cute when you try to taunt you know. :P

I'm not taunting you. I'm just saying how it is. Its pretty obvious why you are here. You said it yourself once: You are a quiet little mouse in RL. You come here to literally play the dragon. I can't count how often you have to mention what a dangerous, mighty dragon you are. I think nobody else here refers that often to their SL avatar as you do. You enjoy this space, where you can act like that, without consequences. I bet there is a lot of frustration behind that.

But because its all an act and you aren't really the no fs given dragon you want to be, you lash out at any chance you get. You may think that suits your role, but actually it lets anyone who pays somewhat attention to the forum take a peak behind your charade.

In some way, this is quite sad and in other circumstances worthy of empathy and support... but not when your copying mechanism is trying to be the biggest insufferable butt in the forum.

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1 minute ago, Syo Emerald said:

I'm not taunting you. I'm just saying how it is. Its pretty obvious why you are here. You said it yourself once: You are a quiet little mouse in RL. You come here to literally play the dragon. I can't count how often you have to mention what a dangerous, mighty dragon you are. I think nobody else here refers that often to their SL avatar as you do. You enjoy this space, where you can act like that, without consequences. I bet there is a lot of frustration behind that.

But because its all an act and you aren't really the no fs given dragon you want to be, you lash out at any chance you get. You may think that suits your role, but actually it lets anyone who pays somewhat attention to the forum take a peak behind your charade.

In some way, this is quite sad and in other circumstances worthy of empathy and support... but not when your copying mechanism is trying to be the biggest insufferable butt in the forum.

nice try but you fail again. keep trying.. you might get it right one day. until then your just being cute with your attempts.

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31 minutes ago, Gage Wirefly said:

People who run around with flame throwers and then paint themselves as victims.  Nut up , buttercup.

Looking at a few members of this forum............

people who think nut up or shut up should be acceptable.

when really it just shows how shallow and callous they really are.


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20 hours ago, shiviex said:

I have the same problem! I really love some house companies, but even if the houses were half the size, they would be pretty big for me.

Then again, I am pretty short too.

It is hard to even find a decent sized one story house in SL, everyone wants these big expansive houses they can decorate the crap out of. And here is me, wanting a bouse just to decorate to look nice and be liveable. Lol 

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A peeve of mine are people who sh*t all over other people's peeves, especially with judgement.

This is where we go to vent and air out our peeves righttt??

A peeve is simply something that annoys or irritates us. We're not necessarily implying that we're right and they're wrong, or that we're entitled to things being a certain way. It just annoys us - nothing more, nothing less.


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4 hours ago, AdminGirl said:

A peeve of mine are people who sh*t all over other people's peeves, especially with judgement.

This is where we go to vent and air out our peeves righttt??

A peeve is simply something that annoys or irritates us. We're not necessarily implying that we're right and they're wrong, or that we're entitled to things being a certain way. It just annoys us - nothing more, nothing less.


Mine:  People.

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7 hours ago, AdminGirl said:

A peeve of mine are people who sh*t all over other people's peeves, especially with judgement.

This is where we go to vent and air out our peeves righttt??

A peeve is simply something that annoys or irritates us. We're not necessarily implying that we're right and they're wrong, or that we're entitled to things being a certain way. It just annoys us - nothing more, nothing less.


well maybe some people should not take things in life so serious especially about an online platform of any kind.

if you cant stand the heat.. stay out of the fire.. grow a thicker skin.. ya know. :P

if you cant stand someone being contrary to your peeve. that is a you problem and not a them problem.

people are allowed to peeve about others peeves.. they dont have to just shut up about your peeve just because you want them too. which even means being judgmental about your peeve.

that is what it means to be human.

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11 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

well maybe some people should not take things in life so serious especially about an online platform of any kind.

if you cant stand the heat.. stay out of the fire.. grow a thicker skin.. ya know. :P

if you cant stand someone being contrary to your peeve. that is a you problem and not a them problem.

people are allowed to peeve about others peeves.. they dont have to just shut up about your peeve just because you want them too. which even means being judgmental about your peeve.

that is what it means to be human.

Eh it's just a peeve. All the "can't stand this or that" and "taking things too seriously" are your additions, assumptions or even projections.

And you're exactly right, anyone can peeve or disagree with peeves here. I wasn't saying they can't. Disagreement in my view does not equate to sh*tting all over something, so I don't see there being any problem - me or them.

My peeve really is about judgements, assumptions about people's characters based on things that annoy them (a.k.a. peeves), name-calling, things like that. And again, this is my peeve. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm thin skinned or going to cry if someone disagrees. It's just simply something that annoys me, and if that doesn't annoy you, more power to you. But I'm sure there are other things that annoy you and those peeves don't make up your character or make you entitled or thin skinned or whatever. Not in my opinion anyway.

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28 minutes ago, AdminGirl said:

Eh it's just a peeve. All the "can't stand this or that" and "taking things too seriously" are your additions, assumptions or even projections.

And you're exactly right, anyone can peeve or disagree with peeves here. I wasn't saying they can't. Disagreement in my view does not equate to sh*tting all over something, so I don't see there being any problem - me or them.

My peeve really is about judgements, assumptions about people's characters based on things that annoy them (a.k.a. peeves), name-calling, things like that. And again, this is my peeve. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm thin skinned or going to cry if someone disagrees. It's just simply something that annoys me, and if that doesn't annoy you, more power to you. But I'm sure there are other things that annoy you and those peeves don't make up your character or make you entitled or thin skinned or whatever. Not in my opinion anyway.

see now your getting it. if someone gets offended by what someone says its really a them problem. it means they are taking it too serious.. serious enough to get annoyed about it aka peeved.

why waste time doing that. just ignore it and let it go. dont wast the energy. dont give it that sort of power or control over you. which by peeving you are doing.

it is human nature to make judgments and assumptions about others. that will never stop or end online because there is no real context to what is being said. to know how that person really thinks or feels about the situations or if it is a minor thing or a major thing. and should still ultimately be a non-thing.

thin or thick.. its all a matter of judgment and perspective based upon the reaction given.

lots of things annoy me.. but usually only for that moment. I dont tend to internalize things or keep them for very long. its just not worth the energy to do so. i get upset over something I find something else to do that I can enjoy at that moment. most of the things that peeve me are really not worth commenting about.. or else I could have doubled the page count easily if I took everything so serious all the time.

i poke at people and their peeves to show them how silly it is to have them. that at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. the people or things they are peeved at is not going to change just because they posted it here in the forums. which is the primary reason for rants on forums.. to hope that the one that peeved you sees it and changes. when the majority of the time they wont and dont care and wont ever care.

most online rants are just pitty parties.. sympathy parties.. feel sorry for me parties. if it was a real problem you would contact ll with a support ticket instead.

this thread is basically just people saying feel sorry for me.. comfort me.. agree with me..validate me and my waste of time and energy over something that should have been a non-issue.

if you dont like a content creator find another simple.. or learn to be one yourself.. you dont like how a sim is run find another or start one yourself. at the end of the day you have only yourself to blame if you got upset or peeved over something in a virtual reality world. this same thing applies to any and all actions here on the forums or inworld.

if something makes you so bothered or upset or angry that you need to get peeved and express that peeve then you are doing it wrong..go do something else more enjoyable.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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