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The Self Care Thread

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We are all feeling, at least a little, like many things in our lives are beyond our control right now. No need to rehash all those things here.

In truth, the only thing we have complete control of is ourselves - so it makes sense for us to take really good care of ourselves right now, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. 

The first thing I noticed physically as a result of staying home all the time is dehydration. I was getting itchy, and realized that I'm not drinking nearly enough water, or moisturizing well enough. 

Today I'm exfoliating. All over, and giving my skin some much needed TLC. If you don't have specialized products at home, you can easily make some. Got some coffee grounds, olive oil or coconut oil? Honey? Sugar or salt? A little googling will lead you to plenty of DIY face and skin care products on the cheap. 

I'm keeping my patio door cracked open even though it's cold outside not only for the fresh air, but for the ambient noise that I'm finding calming. 

That's just a couple of the things I'm doing to take care of myself right now.

I hope we can use this thread to get ideas and share the things we're doing, and to encourage each other to look after ourselves. 

So what are you doing to be nice to yourself today?

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1 minute ago, MarcCross said:

Since I just had  "average" flue  2 weeks ago, and we all not have to work from home. I'm making it a point to bundle up and  walk a bit more outside, and spring cleaning  might as well start now   :)

Good point... we can go outside, and we should. Take a walk around the block, just don't walk close to other people or stop to talk to anyone, unless you're shouting to each other across the street. 

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16 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

So what are you doing to be nice to yourself today?

Scrolling past a few 🙄 forum posts that make me want to smack my head on the desk 10 times.   

Other than that I had a little sit out on my decking then a netflix fest  and a giant hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles. 

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Went for a walk this morning, and felt immensely grateful that I was in a position to do so.

(I went past a local fishmonger, on the blackboard outside there was a note: "due to panic buying we are obliged to limit our customers to 150 lobsters per person. Sorry about that." Or something along those lines.) And one of the charity shops (US: thrift stores) had a sign that said "panic buyers welcome here" - that made me chuckle.

I have a few recipes for soups that I'm going to try. Soup is good. Especially if garlic is involved. Everything is better with garlic*. AND garlic is good for you.



* well, except chocolate mousse... 

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Thank you for another really engaging topic, @Beth Macbain.  I'm doing the things I normally do at home, pacing myself and trying to get two useful things done each day as well as enjoying my hobbies.  I might be doing more chair dancing than usual, I'm not sure; I disappear into music to feel good, and sometimes to escape noise.  Lately I've been letting myself feel more anger, which helps me focus on what needs to be done or said, and it gives me a rush.

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I'm finding music to be incredibly helpful right now. I'm only listen to goofy, upbeat music, and getting up to dance when the mood strikes. Spotify has a bunch of playlists dedicated to feel-good songs, and I bet there are a bunch on YouTube, too. 

Being silly is fun. I'm making slime tonight. 

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I've found being mentally healthy is even more more important to me than the physical level. So I get up really early in the morning, followed by a 20 min Pilates workout before getting to 'my home office'. I take a shower and dress up, as if I was going to my actual office; it gives me a sense of ... normality, I don't really know how to put it in words.

And during the weekends, lots and lots of reading, and virtual meetings with our friends. Since we're finished the second quarantine week, we've decided not to watch or read any news, they have a really negative impact on emotions. 

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I love this thread, thank you @Beth Macbain. I’m just peeking in tonight but I’ll try to check in regularly with a post. One thing that I did immediately was looked to our eating and nutrition, and did a massive grocery shop. Not hoarding but fully stocked so we can limit contact with outside people as much as possible for now.

I’m pausing on waking, at noon and in the evening to just lightly check in with myself and my fiancé for a minute, to see what we are feeling, and what we need to do for ourselves to stay calm and centered. Oddly, a big comfort for me is re-starting KonMari. It makes me feel very in-control of a tiny something that gives visible progress for every hour I devote to it. I’m gong to dry-brush my skin tonight an have a masque and an oatmeal and black salt bath and trim my bangs back into a cute Hime cut. I’d been growing out my side bangs but eff-that for now, I need some insta-cute when I look in the mirror right now!

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I have read some things lately about the lack of essential vitamins in the food we buy at the store, and had been thinking I really should be taking supplements, but I had never gotten around to actually doing it. Today however I did it, I got some vitamins. (Yes, many stores are still open in Florida, including GNCs)  

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I'm pretending I am retired.  Wake up when the sun tells me it's time to get up.  Walk around most of the day half dressed.  Most of the time completely unkempt, only worrying about my hair if I am on a cam call and planning to skip shaving until I go back into the office.  Eat whatever seems easy and tasty at odd times.  Exercise a little (and infrequently).  Screw around on SL, games, binge watch Star Trek (on the one with Scott Bakula now).  Drink what and when I want (I had my first cocktail yesterday about 1:15 PM,. right after my last conference call).  If it's decent outside, putter in the yard.  And of course time with my fiance online off and on all day.

In short, not really doing anything different from a normal long weekend, except work interruptions are more regular.

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16 minutes ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I'm pretending I am retired.  Wake up when the sun tells me it's time to get up.  Walk around most of the day half dressed.  Most of the time completely unkempt, only worrying about my hair if I am on a cam call and planning to skip shaving until I go back into the office.  Eat whatever seems easy and tasty at odd times.  Exercise a little (and infrequently).  Screw around on SL, games, binge watch Star Trek (on the one with Scott Bakula now).  Drink what and when I want (I had my first cocktail yesterday about 1:15 PM,. right after my last conference call).  If it's decent outside, putter in the yard.  And of course time with my fiance online off and on all day.

In short, not really doing anything different from a normal long weekend, except work interruptions are more regular.

 I hope Netflix gets some more movies soon as I am going through them pretty quickly.

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I've been trying to walk at least two miles around my neighborhood each day.  I rarely see even one other person out when I am, so I don't have to worry about keeping distance from others.  I have refrained from walking to any specific location where in other times I might have gone in to get a coffee or smoothies.

I finally got a flu shot yesterday (and the first of two injections for shingles - which may not have been too wise at this moment because I was one of the 50% who receive it and end up with flu-like side affects). 

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1 hour ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I'm pretending I am retired.  Wake up when the sun tells me it's time to get up.  Walk around most of the day half dressed.  Most of the time completely unkempt, only worrying about my hair if I am on a cam call and planning to skip shaving until I go back into the office.  Eat whatever seems easy and tasty at odd times.  Exercise a little (and infrequently).  Screw around on SL, games, binge watch Star Trek (on the one with Scott Bakula now).  Drink what and when I want (I had my first cocktail yesterday about 1:15 PM,. right after my last conference call).  If it's decent outside, putter in the yard.  And of course time with my fiance online off and on all day.

In short, not really doing anything different from a normal long weekend, except work interruptions are more regular.

As one who is, I can report that's a pretty accurate retirement simulation. 

Except the part about the fiance.  I haven't got one of those, just the Resident Geek.

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1 hour ago, Storm Clarence said:

Another thread on how you feeling today.  There doesn't seem to be a difference. 

Laughs all the way to the 'Land for Sale' thread.


I’m truly sorry that you lack the mental acuity to distinguish between the two threads.

Thank you for adding nothing useful and please enjoy jerking yourself off.

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Why can't people just scroll past a thread if its not something that interests them? 

Today I need to plan some structure to how I am going to deal with the home schooling.  The sun is shining already so I will be able to sit in the garden and just listen.  The workmen might be back doing next door's extension tomorrow so their noise will drown out the birds.   

Doing a little SL too by going to my SL sisters DJ set which is themed so we get to dress up.  I like the idea of a bathroom pamper session.  Adding that to my plans for some time this week.  


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Mine aren't very...hmm....normal, we'll go with normal, but there IS a method to my madness, albeit it a bit morbid as well. (sometimes morbid is nice, odd as that may seem)

1-Don't die- that one's super important, and it has nothing to do with the virus, the panic or fear surrounding it (despite both being currently ramped up), or really anything...it's something I do every day...try not to die

2-Be cranky -also very important because cranky means I haven't yet accepted that I shall die today. Cranky means I'm still worrying, thinking about, doing, noticing, paying attention to..and whatever else...other things, other people, other acts.  It keeps me on task for #1

3-Listen to music -music has always played a large role in my day to day doings, same with my family, we don't like quiet, and it is never quiet in this house. Even when everyone is sleeping, there is noise..and I love it. Quiet is too creepy for me. 

4-Allow my slightly obsessed with cleansing wipes child to re-cleanse whatever surfaces she so desires as often as she so desires, and not judge her.- I wouldn't judge her anyway, laughing isn't judging. Also, even though she's not really a child, child, but a bigger barely adult child...I call her a child, because she's my child and I call all my childs child. There now that we've settled that......she does this now and then with cleaning, not just cleansing wipes, they're just her new(er) thing. I make the wipes for her though, because otherwise she'd probably cause a chemical reaction none of us needs to deal with. It's not an OCD thing, it's just a her thing. I can't say I mind when she chooses to clean things at random just because she has nothing better to do. Right now it's sort of a form of entertainment, I take mental bets with myself on what she'll end up doing each day. So far, I'm winning.

5- Binge watch whatever the hell I want to. -This is kinda an everyday thing, so.....eh, it still counts 😄

6-Take my damn vitamins. -Ugh...I so loathe myself sometimes...friggen vitamins....at least they're gummies.  You can also include the other meds I need with this, I loathe them just as much, and am just as much of a child when taking them (that part is both funny, and not..I am a grown ass adult...but my grown ass HATES medicine.so, I fight it, not even always internally)

7-Talk about stupid ***** with other people. -This is also an everyday thing, in my family, stupid ***** is never off the table, and we talk about all kinds of weird things. We had a two hour conversation about rabbit (ours, that is) and his remodeling that he's so fond of, and how we'd do it differently, iff'n we were lil fluffy butts that had a home that amounts to the size of your average full bathroom, complete with a gate, like he does. (ok, he's spoiled)

8-Fall down various buzzfeed, boredpanda and reddit holes at random times, just because.- I'm noticing a pattern here...I do this a lot too. 

9-Read things on forums, type up nasty replies and never hit send. -This might go along with #2, or it might be a daily thing, I dunno, but it oddly makes me feel better, so I do it. 

10-Be grateful I'm not high maintenance.- I really hope this one doesn't sound rude or condescending, but, I am, truly. I am a low maintenance kind of gal, all day, everyday, all the time. I'm more grateful for this now, because there is less I need to do, less I need to stock up on, less I need to worry about and probably some other lesses I can't think of right now. I actually have an odd (to me, maybe to others) amount of sympathy for people who are high maintenance normally, because this whole *****show has got to be throwing a wrench in their lives, and that is a bit sad for me.

11-Check in on other people.- This, more than anything, is important right now. Not just family, but also neighbors, people I grew up with and only am in contact with on facebook or email, people I don't even really know that well but might be concerned for, hell people I don't know at all, lol. Checking in on others, even if they're fine, helps bring a bit of rational calm to the ever brewing storm that is a product of whatever the hell has invaded my system. It balances out #2, too. I also send people to help people who need help, because I can't help people that need help, I can't even leave my yard, lmao. 

12-Procrastinating. -I have grown superbly keen of this in particular. I am procrastinating damn near everything I can, even if I don't need to, some things I force myself to. I am, in fact, supposed to be in here typing up part of a paper for class while I wait for meds to kick in so I can go to bed....I am not doing so, clearly. I'll write it tomorrow, ***** tomorrow is today now I forgot, or monday, it's not even due til monday night. This one probably lacks a method to the madness, it's just mad, but, I'm rollin with it nonetheless. 

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7 hours ago, Storm Clarence said:

Another thread on how you feeling today.  There doesn't seem to be a difference. 

Laughs all the way to the 'Land for Sale' thread.


Stormee, if you are at a loose end and would get some pleasure out of dressing me up as a pig and chasing me around inworld with a big stick, just send me an IM, it will come into my email, and I shall gladly log in and try and feed your needs. 


Edited by Marigold Devin
This (thread) is NOT your room!!!
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Now that I am recovered from the virus, I am well enough to take a walk outside. I haven't stepped outside my door (except to take trash out) since Thursday, and what I need the most today is fresh air and exercise. It's easy to avoid people right now; there's hardly anyone else out at all. 

I suggested to my partner that we pack up a picnic and drive up onto the moors (Pennines) for a few hours of hill-walking, but he said he'd read that so many other people are apparently doing the same thing. Mount Snowdon had more visitors yesterday than any day last year. The National Trust opened up all their outdoor parks and properties for free, but they had such a massive influx of people they've been forced to close them again. I expect the city centre is quieter than the countryside today.  So I'll just go for a walk round here and see what my local park is like.



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3 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

Now that I am recovered from the virus, I am well enough to take a walk outside. I haven't stepped outside my door (except to take trash out) since Thursday, and what I need the most today is fresh air and exercise. It's easy to avoid people right now; there's hardly anyone else out at all. 

I suggested to my partner that we pack up a picnic and drive up onto the moors (Pennines) for a few hours of hill-walking, but he said he'd read that so many other people are apparently doing the same thing. Mount Snowdon had more visitors yesterday than any day last year. The National Trust opened up all their outdoor parks and properties for free, but they had such a massive influx of people they've been forced to close them again. I expect the city centre is quieter than the countryside today.  So I'll just go for a walk round here and see what my local park is like.



Last Sunday was one of the most amazing days I can remember having for a very long time. It involved a drive to Derbyshire, and six miles of walking around Edale, Castleton, ending up at a smashing pub in Hathersage for an amazing Sunday lunch/dinner (it was 4pm by this time).  The only hint there was anything wrong in the world was a notice stuck on a coffee machine in the pub at Hathersage, and one young woman was wearing a mask in Castleton.

This Sunday would be a very different story. The pub of course will be closed until further notice.

But I feel sure a lot of the regular walkers will be there, hardy bunch that they are, with their packed lunches in their rucksacks.  

As you have been ill very recently, and are not even meant to be going back to work until Thursday, I would strongly urge you to remain at home. You are infectious and you could even relapse. 

Back garden/yard? For a picnic. A bit of running on the spot or star jumping or whatever for some warming exercises and to get back into fitness?  



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