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Our Weirdness

Beth Macbain

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I have different shopping patterns for every single event in SL (or the ones I regularly go to, anyway). I cannot stray from these patterns. I cam-shop instead of actually walking around, but it has to be done in the exact same order. I get freaked out by events that are laid out in a way that makes it difficult to cam-shop. I also cannot shop with other people. I have girlfriends who ask me to go shopping with them, and I just can't do it. It disrupts the pattern. 

What weird things do you do in SL? 

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2 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

But I never cam. I walk round in mouseview, just like RL. However long it takes. Just like RL.

That would take forever, hence why I almost never go shopping at an actual store in RL -- all online.

I cam also, for all of my shopping.  And I'm pretty much always hovering in fly mode to keep me above the folks bumping into everyone.

Not sure I really do anything else weird in SL

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Likewise, I can't shop with anyone else, in SL or RL. I just want to get to points A, B and C and then go home. 

Also hunts. Nope. Cannot cope with those at all. Just show me the vendor where I can pay full price instead of wasting time better spent elsewhere.

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Back in the days of walking a mile uphill, in 6 feet of snow, to get to the store, I used to shop with either my bslf (best SL friend) and/or my RL other half in SL occasionally. It was fun. 

These days, bslf has gotten married and moved on from SL and I'm still stuck shopping with the SO in RL. :S

Anyway, I do both, cam and walk, but there is no way I can use mouselook.

There are one or two in store hunts that I will do but grid wide hunts got to be too much of a PITA.


Edited by Selene Gregoire
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Wow.  I thought I was the only one who preferred shopping alone.  I don't have a set pattern though...I sometimes do a Search and then flit from store to store looking for a particular type of thing, or look on the MP to find some stores to visit.

I cam.  Boy, do I cam!  At a big mall, I can start off standing in one store, and be looking at something in another store clear across the sim.  Er, region!  Region, Patch! 

I occasionally have enjoyed shopping with others, but it can be annoying too.  I'm looking at something, and my friend/partner/co-conspirator will yell, "come look at THIS!"  Then I can't find the something I was looking at again.

And, I'm with Matty on hunts.  I can spend hours looking for that TINY LITTLE DOGGONE THING and then someone says where it is, and I look...and it's right where I've already looked twenty times before.

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I am obsessed with hunts.  In most of them, the majority is stuff I end up throwing out - after it clogs my inventory forever - but I am still obsessed.  I MUST MUST MUST do every hunt in SL.

That might be related to my obsession with puzzles when I was younger -- things like Logic puzzles, not picture puzzles with pieces to put together.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I need to move when I talk to people in voice. I'll usually walking in circles. I don't know why, but that's a habit I have anywhere. Did the same in WoW. 
Same for when I want to listen to music, I'll just log into some game/sl and start walking, lol. On the plus side, somehow it gets me imaginative and creative.

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I prefer shopping alone but, in fact, I usually avoid shopping at all unless I have convinced myself that I need some specific thing.  Then I'll do a quick run through Marketplace to see who sells it and dash to the in-world shop to see what the actual item looks like and grab a demo if I need to before making a final purchase.  If I'm looking for clothes, I often get distracted by other things in the same shop, so I can end up walking out with something other than what I came for, but I rarely end up wandering into other shops in the same area.

I suppose that's a weird way to shop (or non-shop) compared to some people, but it seems normal to me.

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51 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I need to move when I talk to people in voice. I'll usually walking in circles. I don't know why, but that's a habit I have anywhere. Did the same in WoW. 
Same for when I want to listen to music, I'll just log into some game/sl and start walking, lol. On the plus side, somehow it gets me imaginative and creative.

Sounds like you need an SL Fitbit :)

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For events,I check the web page for everything there..Get my list together,run in grab demos..Then go home and try everything on..

Because when I'm back at home,I have to think,is this really good enough to go back in the chaos for,today?

A lot of times I don't go back..But I will go back for something really good.. The other stuff that really didn't pull me to them,I'll just wait for that event to fall to the next page and go back when there is hardly anyone there..

I don't know if that's strange or not..it's just how I've always shopped when there is a crowd.


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I find shopping events tiresome and frustrating, so I usually ignore them completely.  They are crowded and laggy, generally, and there's an incredibly boring sameness about much of the clothing shown.  It's hard to find a few designers who actually create new, unique things instead of slapping textures on someone else's mesh templates.  I can stand 15 or 20 minutes of camming around before I give up and leave.

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16 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I have different shopping patterns for every single event in SL (or the ones I regularly go to, anyway). I cannot stray from these patterns. I cam-shop instead of actually walking around, but it has to be done in the exact same order. I get freaked out by events that are laid out in a way that makes it difficult to cam-shop. I also cannot shop with other people. I have girlfriends who ask me to go shopping with them, and I just can't do it. It disrupts the pattern. 

What weird things do you do in SL? 


16 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I... wut?? I can't even handle it when I have to go into mouseview to throw a shoe at someone... lol! Kudos to you for being able to do that!

I LOVE MOUSEVIEW! I am not weird for that, all the rest of you are weird for not doing that. ~Harrumphs~

Edited by Alyona Su
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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

For events,I check the web page for everything there..Get my list together,run in grab demos..Then go home and try everything on..

Same... I grab the demos and GTFO. Run back when I've decided what I want, if anything, and take off again as fast as possible.

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I would much rather spend lindens on a new outfit on the marketplace when I log in in the morning than spend 20 minutes - or longer - rummaging through my inventory. Yes I allow my money to fund my laziness. How's that for weird? lol

I don't have much of a shopping ritual but I will only cam if I'm with my girl and she is cam shopping. I'll stay with her. Otherwise I'll walk through fire AND lag before trying to creep at a snails pace with my camera - which is even slower than lag walking most times especially at great distances - and having to fumble with resetting my camera.

I still change my clothes the way I did before we could make outfit folders because my inventory already looks like a bomb went off in a closet without them

My girl is a saint for going on hair shopping trips with me. How I don't make her pull her hair out with my pickyness is beyond me. I will spend 20 minutes wearing a demo before spotting one piece of hair that makes me go well crap and take the thing off. Oh and don't get me started on unisex hair. 90% of it is just two carbon copies of the same thing. Makes me wonder if a couple ever went to get their hair done in RL, with the dude looking at the girls hairstyle and going "ok can you do that for me?"

I've been spotted doing the Thriller dance to country music.

Honestly I think "weird things I don't do in SL" would be a shorter list lol

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Just now, Alwin Alcott said:

since a while i don't even do this anymore, i look at seraphim and if nothing interesting is shown i stay at home :)

Since I've been in SL sporadically the last month or so, that's what I'm doing more and more, except I mostly use Grid Affairs. They don't have the photo gallery but they have more events and usually have a link to the event's website where there will hopefully be a gallery.

There are just too many events now to hit them all unless you're in SL for hours every day. 

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   I've been putting up lights in my SL house to combat the darkness of night. Almost everything I buy uses the old point light system and their light shines through anything, walls, floors, ceilings, which bugs me. So I've been going through all of them that I can modify and getting them set up with projector based lights that I can turn on and off when I want. I'm weird that way. I want realism in a place where it's absolutely unnecessary.

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Another weird thing I've been doing of late, despite having a lovely landscaped parcel with a four-storey castle to live in, I spend 99% of my time at home in a plain unfurnished skybox.  I occasionally change the wall texture for the purposes of taking photos.

In fact last week I picked up the castle and the forest, since I'm not using them, and put half the land up for rent.  I'm considering abandoning it altogether and returning to Bellisseria; I think I want a houseboat this time.

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22 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I have different shopping patterns for every single event in SL (or the ones I regularly go to, anyway). I cannot stray from these patterns. I cam-shop instead of actually walking around, but it has to be done in the exact same order. I get freaked out by events that are laid out in a way that makes it difficult to cam-shop. I also cannot shop with other people. I have girlfriends who ask me to go shopping with them, and I just can't do it. It disrupts the pattern. 

What weird things do you do in SL? 

OMG, I thought I was the only one who did this. Whenever they change the layout of one of the events I go to, I start to panic and find it hard to breathe. I also rarely walk around an event, I stand off in a corner and cam shop but like you it must be done in a specific order otherwise I just leave or I'm bound for a panic attack. 

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