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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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On 4/4/2020 at 7:17 AM, Eirynne Sieyes said:

It's got nothing to do with Jared. Each of our States should have had all this preparedness equipment to begin with. It is part of their job and is  budgeted. But the monies were spent on other projects. (Like who could have possibly imagined this!!!) So the Fed is pitching in and procuring supplies.

The primary goal of a for-profit health system is efficiency in order to maximize profit. The supply chain runs on an 'as needed' basis and sees excess stores of goods as wasteful. Future safety for the community doesn't figure into the profit calculation. To further complicate the process, many of the needed supplies are in other countries due to offshoring as a way for corporations to maximize profit with cheap labor.
Neoliberalism at its best.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

The primary goal of a for-profit health system is efficiency in order to maximize profit. The supply chain runs on an 'as needed' basis and sees excess stores of goods as wasteful. Future safety for the community doesn't figure into the profit calculation. To further complicate the process, many of the needed supplies are in other countries due to offshoring as a way for corporations to maximize profit with cheap labor.
Neoliberalism at its best.

I guess that is 'how you are feeling today'.  (the OP demands such diligence).

Just think, tomorrow is another day. You may feel better.

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4 minutes ago, Storm Clarence said:
8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

The primary goal of a for-profit health system is efficiency in order to maximize profit. The supply chain runs on an 'as needed' basis and sees excess stores of goods as wasteful. Future safety for the community doesn't figure into the profit calculation. To further complicate the process, many of the needed supplies are in other countries due to offshoring as a way for corporations to maximize profit with cheap labor.
Neoliberalism at its best.

I guess that is 'how you are feeling today'.  (the OP demands such diligence).

Just think, tomorrow is another day. You may feel better.

Something about thousands of people suffocating because the world decided to focus on profit as opposed to the health and well-being of the community makes me sad, yes.    I'm afraid this is not something I can feel better about tomorrow.

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10 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Never mind. Not worth it.

Requesting this thread be closed. It's outlived it's usefulness.

Please, Beth, I urge you to wait until Wednesday. It is a full moon tomorrow, and we're all just barking at it currently, like last month, and previous months. We need this thread. 

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I need this thread, I don't want to see it closed.  I accept that I am not in control of much of anything around here except for what I post.  I do use the ignore feature.  I also have a less extreme ignore feature that just skips over posts that I don't like.  We can't force people to post the way we want them to in this thread.  That was always an illusion. So if someone violates that illusion, we have a few choices.  We can pick up our marbles and leave in a huff.  We can complain.  We can skip over the post and carry on.  Love is coming. Love is coming for us all.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - "Carry On" -1980 Remix - YouTube

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3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

The primary goal of a for-profit health system is efficiency in order to maximize profit. The supply chain runs on an 'as needed' basis and sees excess stores of goods as wasteful. Future safety for the community doesn't figure into the profit calculation. To further complicate the process, many of the needed supplies are in other countries due to offshoring as a way for corporations to maximize profit with cheap labor.
Neoliberalism at its best.

Usually true, but it's more about China than corporations this time. 3M  and Honeywell told officials that they had supplies ready for export from their China factories to the US when China refused export and purchased the goods for themselves. Also, around January or February, China hoarded about 2 billion masks and a large amount of protective gear purchased from the EU, Australia, and Brazil. 

Recently China has begun easing exports, using it for soft power, essentially saying it's a humanitarian gesture. Except the problems we are facing came about as a direct result of their policies.

The US is weighing action against their alleged practices. 

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7 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Walking to my brother's - 1.6 mile daily exercise routine I have, while keeping the social distancing rule - and I encountered a woman with three children under ten years old, all cycling along the pavement. Of course I shifted out of their way, but I did wonder if it really was the wisest thing for them to be doing, because not all people are shifting out of the way and keeping to the two metres social distancing rules, and frankly I wouldn't put my kids at risk like that. Just not worth it

Not everyone has a garden.  She might be a key worker who still has to take her kids to school.  She might have an abusive partner and needs to get them out.  Maybe they had been in lockdown for the 2 weeks and just had to get outside.  Maybe they are low on food and she has nobody to look after them at home.. maybe maybe maybe...  we just never know.  


3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

Never mind. Not worth it.

Requesting this thread be closed. It's outlived it's usefulness.

Come on, we got this.  We have pulled this thread through before when this happens and we will do it again.  Also try the block feature. As you well know its not perfect but it gives a certain satisfaction.  The thread is very useful to those who actually understand what its for.  Just ignore the rest.  Not easy I know as some of them are quite determined to infiltrate it with an agenda.  Don't let them win.  You got friends here Beth and though you are finding it rough right now, you need us.  Well you need me.  Me me me me.  I am important  :D  (Just in case I have to add a disclaimer for the idiots,  I am taking the P out of myself)

I slept rubbish again but strangely I feel strong and determined today.  💪   (Need that hug reaction)  

47 minutes ago, Eirynne Sieyes said:

Usually true, but it's more about China than corporations this time. 3M  and Honeywell told officials that they had supplies ready for export from their China factories to the US when China refused export and purchased the goods for themselves. Also, around January or February, China hoarded about 2 billion masks and a large amount of protective gear purchased from the EU, Australia, and Brazil. 

Recently China has begun easing exports, using it for soft power, essentially saying it's a humanitarian gesture. Except the problems we are facing came about as a direct result of their policies.

The US is weighing action against their alleged practices. 

Wrong thread for all this btw

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I would hate to see this thread close.

As I mentioned earlier, I think it is difficult to separate the politics from the feelings about the pandemic, and the pandemic is driving our feelings at the moment. (For the most part, and yes, a generalization.) There's mentioning the politics and then there is standing on a soapbox and/or arguing about it and/or debating it for pages. To that end I started another thread today that is a place to vent about the politics, or anything else to vent about. It was created in hopes to bring this thread back around, as well as other threads, like a light-hearted thread about music that also got knocked sideways (and other threads likewise). 

I dunno. I keep saying I should back away from the forums, maybe I should listen to me for once.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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Yesterday I was in one grocery store, cashier done her work ,I grabbed everything I.bought in my bag,said thank you and left.and I saw how owner of that grocery walked near cashier ,they said something to each other and he immediately looked at me for a second and then left. What it was?it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. 

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Funny how one little thing can change your whole day (it is only 9 a.m. so the day can change back again easily). I had insomnia last night. I finally got up from trying to sleep around 5 am and ate some breakfast. That did the trick as I went back to bed and slept. I grumpily woke to the sound of my phone chiming with a text. Grumble grumble. "Ooooooooh!" it was notification that my grocery order had started to be shopped! I'm now glued to my computer in messaging contact with my  shopper, Jessica, as we discuss options for alternatives. This is going to be a long conversation. :/ I am currently all on pins and needles to learn if I get toilet paper and eggs and milk. Fingers crossed!

Nothing like a cubic ton of $$$$$$$$ food to raise the old spirits. Thank god for credit cards. Thank god for people like Jessica who are risking their lives for these things. 

ETA I placed this order well over a week ago, so the anticipation has been building. Ah, the good old days when I could place an order and get it within 4 hours.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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21 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

Nope.  no can do.  We need you here

Well so far it is my self-preservationist logical side that is saying walk away. Who listens to that?  Cray cray side gets addicted to things that give instant gratification, even if that gratification is negative.

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When I started this thread, there was sort of a tacit agreement among all of us posting here that we'd leave whatever differences we had at the door, and it was wonderful for about four months.

Someone doesn't like me. And that's fine. I'm not especially fond of him, either.

He's brought that dislike of me into this thread, though. A few weeks ago someone asked him very nicely to leave this thread alone and he agreed, but his dislike of me, and making sure to show that whenever he can, is apparently more important to him than keeping his word. 

I don't feel comfortable posting in this thread anymore. It's no longer a safe space for me. I was relieved when he agreed to leave this one thread alone. I'm sad that he can't put his dislike of me aside so we can have this one thread - just one freaking thread. 

I did ask the mods to lock this thread last night. I don't know if they will or not. If they do, I encourage one of you to please start another one. I don't know if I'll post in it or not, but I want you all to still have this. If they decide not to lock it, and that's fine as well, I don't think I'll be posting here. I won't say that I definitely won't because if I did say that, and posted something, it would just be another excuse for him to call me a hypocrite. 

None of us are 100% good or 100% bad. I know I've annoyed, offended, fought, bickered, etc., with some people. I don't even know what it is I did to offend this guy so badly. I do know that he doesn't know me. I have bad qualities just like everyone else - and I have some damn good ones, too. I'm just tired of it. Who wants to be backed into a corner all the time where they have to defend themselves? And that's how I feel right now. There is enough crap going on that we all have to worry about, myself included, and the added worry of what snotty little thing this guy is going to poke at me with is just more than I want to deal with right now. 

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

There is enough crap going on that we all have to worry about, myself included, and the added worry of what snotty little thing this guy is going to poke at me with is just more than I want to deal with right now

Some people have to become a keyboard bully in order to feel better in their own life or maybe just because they have small man part syndrome.  I think you should be proud of this thread and what you have done for people.  I totally understand you needing to get away from some people and also understand how exhausting it must be to try and keep the thread on the path of its origin.   Not sure if the word cockwomble is allowed here but its a perfect one for this person and another one that pokes her beak in here occasionally.  I hope the thread stays and maybe if you can take some time away from it, you will be ready for it again in future.  I also had my moment of it not feeling the safe space I needed for a while just at the precise moment I really really needed it.  Some come in with their bully attitude, some political, some with other agendas.  I hate that.  They are never big enough to start their own threads, have you ever noticed that.  I am waffling now but you do what is best for you Beth and I thank you 100 times over for starting this in the first place ❤️

Edited by Cindy Evanier
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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

stuff I understand all too well

I know of whom and what you speak, as I was the target of a "band of merry pranksters" [heavy sarcasm font] that included said person amongst its nasty little ranks (and I do mean rank). It is not fun. At all. And with some people it never stops. My stuff went on quite actively over 6 years and probably is still going on in other parts of the Internet. In times of stress it does just wear you out.

If ever were a case of Illegitimi non carborundum, this is it.

To shed some light on this person who doesn't like you, note his sig line. This is in reference to something that happened about 10 years ago on the old, old Forum. Okay, that's kind of pathetic enough, but it gets worse. The owner of the sig line is a sycophant of an infamous troll who was permabanned from SL.  The guy who was permabanned could be quite hilarious at times and certainly had some IQ behind him and "your" guy just puppy dogged him.  Anyway, it was the permabanned guy who did the anvil thing (and yeah, despite your feelings about the author, it was hilarious). So... the thorn in your side is so pathetic that "his" claim to fame, his oh so funny sig line, is someone ELSE's remark, made a decade ago. That's who/what you're dealing with. 

Take a deep breath. Eat some chocolate. Realize that "loser" is a compliment to this guy and carry on.

ETA: One mistake you are making IS defending yourself with this idjit. Just ignore, as hard as that is. Oh, he'll keep coming. 8 or 9 years into my "thing" he still left a stupid message on my SL feed. Meh. Trust me, this one is easy to ignore. He always has been and always will be a poor old wannabe.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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I just wanted to mention that at some point LL may have to close this thread due to its size. @Cristiano Midnight can tell of his own experiences of having to do that on the old SLU because it would cause issues. The board would slow way down and throw errors. He continues that practice with VVO.

Hopefully, if it does happen for that reason, they will let us know that is the reason and not because of things getting out of hand. That would give us closure and let us know it wasn't something we did wrong.

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4 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I just wanted to mention that at some point LL may have to close this thread due to its size.

Based on the size of the "How does your avatar look today" thread, I don't think the size of this thread is an issue:


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5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Based on the size of the "How does your avatar look today" thread, I don't think the size of this thread is an issue:


You should have seen the size of the Red Zone threadS on SLU. Some had over 40k replies. The size and number of images has a bearing on it also. We don't post quite as many images here as was done on SLU. Again, Cristiano can tell you about his experiences.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
forgot to bold the S
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2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

You should have seen the size of the Red Zone ThreadS on SLU. Some had over 40k replies. The size and number of images has a bearing on it also. We don't post quite as many images here as was done on SLU. Again, Cristiano can tell you about his experiences.

Yeah, images would definitely play a role in it. 

That weighs more on how this thread can survive for a really long time.  We have almost no images here, yet that Look at Me thread that I noted contains images in almost every post.  If LL doesn't lock it, this one still has a long life ahead of it.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Yeah, images would definitely play a role in it. 

That weighs more on how this thread can survive for a really long time.  We have almost no images here, yet that Look at Me thread that I noted contains images in almost every post.  If LL doesn't lock it, this one still has a long life ahead of it.

I agree. I was simply putting the information out there for those who don't know much, if anything, about how forums work. Something I know a bit more about than most people since I have set up, skinned and admined several forums over the past 20 years. If you ever saw the FS forum, that was all my work. If you didn't, well... it's gone now because Zetaboards sold out to Tapatalk and the Tapatalk forums are garbage so I let them delete it since I wasn't about to use Tapatalk's crappy software.

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

Who wants to be backed into a corner all the time where they have to defend themselves? And that's how I feel right now. There is enough crap going on that we all have to worry about, myself included, and the added worry of what snotty little thing this guy is going to poke at me with is just more than I want to deal with right now.

Beth, what Seicher said, pretty much exactly.

I just want to add that, as difficult as it may be (and I can speak with some authority on that issue as well, having been provoked on a few occasions by the master troll of whom Seicher speaks into posting things I really regretted posting afterwards), you don't need to "deal" with this at all. You can ignore, block, whistle nonchalantly, whatever. That can actually, I know, be more difficult than responding effectively, so god knows I'm not going to berate you if you feel you can't.

In the final analysis, do what is best for you.

BUT . . . this thread has served an enormously good purpose. Whether or not you continue to contribute to it, you can, you should, feel really proud of what you have gifted people with here. Even if you walk away, do so with a feeling of accomplishment.

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