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Unfortunately there are people like that everywhere as you know. Public sandboxes are feasts for trolls because they're usually unmonitored and they're able to use griefing tools in them.

I used to question why people did certain things in rl or sl, but it all boils down to them thinking it's funny. No matter how many lectures they get, most never change. 

Respecting other's boundaries is something that many don't practice.

The best that can be done is report the griefing to the sandbox owner and Linden Lab. 

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Build high up in the sky is my recommendation, if it bothers you. That's generally how you signal that you want privacy in sandboxes (and vice versa, building on ground level signals otherwise, at least everywhere I frequent).

That said you could also sit while building.

(i.e. the standard in sandboxes I make stuff in is ground level = feel free to chat or poke my build, sky = leave me alone).

Edited by Cinos Field
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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I don't understand why you're setting up parameters to determine whether a person can or cannot be upset by an experience. What might upset you wouldn't phase another, and vice versa, so it would be difficult to judge what is "appropriate" for another in terms of how they should feel. 

I'm not "setting parameters," I was talking about the importance of context. You're free to get upset or annoyed by literally anything, I won't stop you. (General you, not you specifically.) But I am also free to criticize behavior I find irrational. Which, "venting" to a forum about a seemingly insignificant event you didn't even experience yourself, is. It's a virtual world, you're everything but helpless even when someone is intentionally trying to attack you. You have all the power in the world to stop it, don't surrender that power to them.

1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

This is a griefing technique -- deliberately shoving into other people. I've encountered it simply walking along a street before too, making it very difficult to walk. The intention is to annoy another.

At the time you wrote this post, there was no way for you to determine in any way that it was intentional. It was only described as "moved his avatar from where he was standing" which is way too vague to say "Aha! Griefers!" Never jump into conclusions, even if a broken clock might be right sometimes. Same wisdom applies to @AngstyJellyfish.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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I wouldn't read too much into it..

The person could have been curious and just checking out your friends work and also bumped the avatar to see if they could get a response..

they may not have IM'd him and may have said something in General chat and not got a response..

It's hard to tell what really went on if you are not there..

Could have been innocent,because if he was really getting griefed I would expect more than what you described.. like his avatar in a cage or blasted to the other side of the map,or a bunch of junk left inside or around the project..anything really..


To me it just sounds like someone having a look around..




Edited by Ceka Cianci
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It's pretty much a given in a public sandbox that nearby people will come and poke around. It's been like that as long as I can remember.

As others have said, just sit your avie on a prim or on the ground when afk, and no one can move you. It just takes one click. 

People can't harm anything in your build, but it's a good idea to save copies to your inventory on a regular basis, as some folks still like to set off spam objects and other griefing tools which make the sandbox unusable for a time. 

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45 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:
2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I don't understand why you're setting up parameters to determine whether a person can or cannot be upset by an experience. What might upset you wouldn't phase another, and vice versa, so it would be difficult to judge what is "appropriate" for another in terms of how they should feel. 

I'm not "setting parameters," I was talking about the importance of context. You're free to get upset or annoyed by literally anything, I won't stop you. (General you, not you specifically.) But I am also free to criticize behavior I find irrational. Which, "venting" to a forum about a seemingly insignificant event you didn't even experience yourself, is. It's a virtual world, you're everything but helpless even when someone is intentionally trying to attack you. You have all the power in the world to stop it, don't surrender that power to them.

I see you as leaving out a lot of context actually, and of course, likewise, you can criticize anything you want on a forum as anybody can get as upset or annoyed as they wish.  But, once again, I need to point out that you are not the arbiter of 'reason' itself as you are setting your views up to be when you decide another person's behavior is irrational -- you may decide a behavior is irrational, but this does not mean it actually is. In your first sentence you say "behavior I find irrational" and so I find nothing wrong with this, but in your second sentence you set yourself up as the authority regarding what constitutes irrational behavior (based on the two criteria - venting to a forum about a seemingly insignificant event, & an event one did not experience themselves). But you cannot determine what is "seemingly insignificant" for another, nor is there a rule book somewhere that states a person can't be as upset about an experience that happens to a friend as they are when experiencing it themselves ( even more so when it's a series of events experienced by a group, and so these griefing incidents have indeed been experienced by Angst).
Once again, it's not your right to determine for another what is rational. It's fine to say that you don't agree, but not to set your viewpoint up as being the rational one. It's very insulting to say to someone, as you did in your initial response, that "The level of over-reaction from you is absurd."  There's no way you can know if it's an over-reaction, as people respond differently to various experiences, some with a lot of emotion and some with no emotion at all. Plus it seems you did not take into account many details (other griefings experienced by this group, for example).

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1 hour ago, AngstyJellyfish said:

Thank you. I appreciate the advice, and I'm sorry people bother you like that. It's never fun. I'm glad you have more luck with getting them to leave you alone. I do try to ask them to stop, but it never really works. Asking them why they're doing it never seems to yield results for me either. I might be too polite. Some of my friend will certainly get good use out of this method though.

Thanks. I can't say it always works but I like to believe at least this one person thought "hey, I could be doing something else, like something constructive even".   :)

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I'm going to guess your pal was building at ground level, anyone can come along and bump you deliberately or not walk in/around your items interact with furniture etc. you don't really get any privacy. if you use a platform in the sky some HUDs & other tools like Mysti-tool will automatically rez you one at a desired height and size the only people likely to disturb you are the ones going out of their way to be at your height

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During times when I have no choice and have to use a sandbox, there's only one I go to. There are large and small platforms and each one has a "panic button" where you can call for help with one click. I've been using this particular sandbox for more than 10 years (off and on). The mods live on region and there is usually at least one logged in.

I'm not saying people will always be able to work in peace there but there is a lot less hassle than any other sandbox I've used. And just ignore the huge black build hanging off the corner of one of the platforms, don't let it bother. It belongs to one of the mods and has been there about a year now. If it bothers, just move to another platform or derender if you are using a TPV.

Just so you know, moving someone's avatar around (using your own to push) has been considered a harmless practical joke since 2003. It's sort of a tradition between friends. When strangers do it, not so much. Still, no harm meant and no harm done. Best to just find another sandbox to play in for a while.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skidz Isle/190/194/391 Give that to your friend. The TP for the platforms is to your left when you land. Click a square on the board that is not red and then use the teleport and enjoy the new playground.

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If a griefer was looking to get a rise out of someone, then these reactions mean the griefer has won.

Best thing to do is to shrug it off and just not care. Why give a random stranger on the internet that much influence over your emotions? If it persists and interferes with building work, then follow some of the good advice in this thread.

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EVRYONE STOP! ~Grabs another bowl of popcorn~ YOU MAY RESUME.

Everything after @Alwin Alcott's comment is entertainment. What he says in the first reply is all that really needs to be said, the way I see it. Rather than express my opinions on the mood and word-view of the OP, I'll just stop now while I'm ahead.

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4 hours ago, AngstyJellyfish said:
5 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

1. Sit on something while afk.

2. Mute and derender offensive elements.

Problem solved. You're welcome.

Please explain? 

There's not really much more than a few seconds, or none at all, when you have to afk suddenly.

I see you're not really interested in a solution to your 'problem'. Have fun discussing.

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16 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

EVRYONE STOP! ~Grabs another bowl of popcorn~ YOU MAY RESUME.

Keep it up. I'm playing on my phone while reducing the passata, it's a crap brand I haven't tried before and won't be buying again. Really watery. Reducing it to the right consistency is going to take ages.

Maybe I'll create a thread to vent about it. 

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5 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Keep it up. I'm playing on my phone while reducing the passata, it's a crap brand I haven't tried before and won't be buying again. Really watery. Reducing it to the right consistency is going to take ages.

Maybe I'll create a thread to vent about it. 

I think you should. BUT, it will get lost in all the other complaint/vent threads. Though, I don't think I would lump that thread in to the Snowflake Fodder category. 😊

Edited by Alyona Su
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3 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

I think you should. BUT, it will get lost in all the other complaint/vent threads. Though, I don't think I would lump that thread in to the Snowflake Fodder category. 😊

How about if I throw in a mention of Tilia?

Also, this is the worst passata I've ever tried to use. It would have been better if I'd just made it myself. 

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I agree with most of the responses here that the OP, and his/her friend, are overreacting.  Cinos Field's advice to use a sky platform, and to sit your avatar on something any time you're in a sandbox, is very good.

Bumping an AFK avatar is pretty small potatoes.  At The Forum Cartel Hangout, and sometimes at Caledon Oxbridge University, we have been known to decorate AFK avatars with funny objects, take embarrassing photos of them, and then send the photos to the AFK avatars, as well as posting them on the clubhouse bulletin board.

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2 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I agree with most of the responses here that the OP, and his/her friend, are overreacting.  Cinos Field's advice to use a sky platform, and to sit your avatar on something any time you're in a sandbox, is very good.

Bumping an AFK avatar is pretty small potatoes.  At The Forum Cartel Hangout, and sometimes at Caledon Oxbridge University, we have been known to decorate AFK avatars with funny objects, take embarrassing photos of them, and then send the photos to the AFK avatars, as well as posting them on the clubhouse bulletin board.

I remember one time I was with some friends at a club we worked at..

I fell asleep..

Once they knew I was asleep they got together and started to bump my avatar out of the club,then pushed it around to the back of the club and then over the cliff out back..

I woke up in the pit out back of the club and not even knowing where I was ..


it was good fun and I had a big laugh from it..

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53 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:
5 hours ago, AngstyJellyfish said:
6 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

1. Sit on something while afk.

2. Mute and derender offensive elements.

Problem solved. You're welcome.

Please explain? 

There's not really much more than a few seconds, or none at all, when you have to afk suddenly.

I see you're not really interested in a solution to your 'problem'. Have fun discussing.

I don't want to sit down all the time because an AFK emergency might happen. Your solution isn't so good.

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It certainly didn't take long for the forum White Knight to show up and pretend to give two tin craps ....

Public Sandbox? Expect others to examine what you're doing, especially at ground level. Barring an absolute emergency there is nothing whatsoever stopping one from sitting on something or - if using some TPVs - hitting the keyboard combination for Sit Down (in the one I use for example, Alt + Shift + S). That latter taking almost no time whatsoever.

If you (general) also pay for Premium then guess what? You've got access to sandboxes that the general userbase cannot get into. Use them.

That's the beginning and end of it all, nothing to understand, no feelings that need to be examined and sure as heck no violation of privacy (or anything else) transpired here. At all.

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12 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

It certainly didn't take long for the forum White Knight to show up and pretend to give two tin craps ....

Solar, I majored in Psychology & Social Work. And what I learned was that generally people have such trouble with each other because they don't know how to respond emotionally to each other.  I've seen first hand conflicts that disappear like magic when people simply acknowledge each others feelings.  Not necessarily agree with each other -- simply demonstrate they made an effort to hear the other.
So when I see a poster's feelings get trampled on via telling them what they're experiencing should not matter, I respond.  Nothing fake about it -- this issue is very important to me because I really feel it's the source of so much misery in the world -- we need to have more empathy and make an effort to see the other side instead of negating it and "taking sides".
Not to say this conflict Angst is experiencing is 'oh so important' in the scheme of things -- I just want people to be more friendly. Angst has been friendly, so why can't we respond in kind!

** Please give me a little credit -- I made no attempt to rescue or participate in the "somebody made fun of my big butt & I'm hurt" thread   :)

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Good, finally got dinner in the oven. The only time I'll use that passata again is in the case of no deal Brexit and it being the only thing left on the supermarket shelves. I still have a couple of cartons. If I start reducing them now, maybe they'll be ready by the time the EU extension, which I hope they'll give us, is up. 

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To the OP, it's good to vent about what upsets you.  You'll find some support but also a lot of "what did you expect"s in the process, no big surprise.

And also as no big surprise, a lot of the "perks" Linden Lab offers to premium account holders involve increased privacy and increased means to live the life you want to live without necessarily being subject to "others" to the same extent that free accounts are.  Better sandboxes, a tier-free 1024 plot to live on or build on... Etc.   Privacy means money, alas.  Sad but true.

Not everybody in the general public is a jerk, of course.  But unfortunately you can't rely on everybody to be kind or understanding either.  For your sanity it is wise to not rely on public goodness but to nevertheless commit to public goodness even so. Just never be that guy who knocks around afk avatars and keep being a safe place for others in your surroundings.  

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54 minutes ago, Kiera Clutterbuck said:

Your solution isn't so good.

It beats waving a magic wand and make all people no longer push you away while afk. Unless you have an even more brilliant solution.

[Update] I did the test. And I must admit, I almost peed my pants, having to perform the laborious task of sitting my avatar down first.


Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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