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Security/Privacy and New Linden Homes

Constantine Linden
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17 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

Flying today (24 April, 2019) in Bellisseria 200 meters above ground and suddenly... ZAP! :S


Unfortunately it didn't give me any time to leave in orderly fashion even in fast flying aircraft!
Instead I was sent home at once. 😬 😒

The same happened to me. Looks like the same orb, maybe.

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On 16/4/2019 at 23:00, Constantine Linden said:

Vogliamo ringraziare tutti per le gentili parole che hanno espresso nelle ultime 24 ore da quando Linden Homes ha lanciato la sua prima fase di case. Siamo lieti che molti di voi stiano godendo le case, l'arredamento e soprattutto l'atmosfera della comunità. Come parte della promozione di quella comunità, parleremo di due cambiamenti che si stanno verificando nel corso della prossima settimana (e spieghiamo il nostro ragionamento).

Il primo è che alle 6am SLT di mercoledì 17 aprile, stiamo per deselezionare la casella sulla proprietà di Linden Homes che consente ai proprietari di pacchi di accedere a restrizioni più restrittive rispetto alla tenuta. Significato: nessuna linea di divieto . È nostra convinzione che, dato il senso di comunità come obiettivo principale di Linden Homes, le linee di divieto inviano il messaggio sbagliato. I proprietari di pacchi possono ancora vietare individui fastidiosi per nome sul loro pacco ma non saranno in grado di mettere il loro terreno in blocco virtuale limitando l'accesso al solo gruppo.

Il secondo va di pari passo con l'accesso ai pacchi, e questo è un dispositivo di sicurezza. Vogliamo consentire ai residenti di volare, camminare, guidare, navigare ed esplorare liberamente attraverso Bellisseria senza compromettere la privacy e la sicurezza dei residenti sui propri pacchi. A tal fine stiamo permettendo l'uso di sfere di sicurezza . Tuttavia, dal momento che molte sfere possono essere impostate in modo da precludere anche il più innocente di deviare attraverso un confine di pacchi o essere mandati a casa anche se sei a 500 metri nel cielo, siamo costretti a trovare un compromesso. 

Per ora puoi utilizzare i tuoi globi o dispositivi di sicurezza personale in Linden Homes, ma all'inizio della prossima settimana: ti forniremo un dispositivo approvato tramite i Content Pack di Linden Homes. Funzionerà in modo altrettanto aggressivo nel proteggere le tue case da intrusioni indesiderate, ma consentirà comunque ai Residenti di esplorare senza timore di essere espulso o teletrasportato a casa senza preavviso. Una volta aggiunti i pacchetti di contenuto di Linden Homes, l'uso di altri dispositivi di sicurezza con script non sarà consentito e questo sarà annotato in un aggiornamento del patto di Linden Homes.


Quindi, per riassumere:

- Le linee di divieto andranno via per Linden Homes a partire dalle 6:00 SLT di mercoledì 17 aprile

- I globi di sicurezza forniti da Linden verranno distribuiti tramite i Pacchetti di creazione dei contenuti di Linden Homes all'inizio della prossima settimana

- Le sfere / dispositivi di sicurezza personale saranno consentiti dalla data di cui sopra fino a quando gli spilli di sicurezza approvati non saranno distribuiti (e non dopo)


Siamo entusiasti che ti piaccia Linden Homes e siamo eccitati per tutto il resto!


On 4/16/2019 at 11:00 PM, Constantine Linden said:

We want to thank everyone for the kind words they have expressed in the last 24 hours since Linden Homes has launched its first phase of homes. We are delighted so many of you are enjoying the homes, the decor, and especially the feel of community. As part of fostering that community feel, we are going to address two changes that are occurring over the next week or so (and explain our reasoning).

The first is that at 6am SLT on Wed April 17th, we are going to uncheck the box on the Linden Homes estate that allows parcel owners access restrictions to be more restrictive than the estate. Meaning: no ban lines. It's our belief that with a sense of community being a main goal of Linden Homes, ban lines send the wrong message. Parcel owners can still ban troublesome individuals by name on their parcel but they will not be able to put their land in virtual lock down by restricting access to group only.

The second goes hand in hand with parcel access, and that is security devices. We want to allow Residents to fly, walk, drive, sail and explore freely across Bellisseria without compromising Residents privacy and security on their own parcels. To that end we are allowing the use of security orbs. However, since many orbs can be set in ways that preclude even the most innocent of straying across a parcel boundary or being sent home even though you are 500m in the sky we are forced to come up with a compromise. 

You may use your personal security orbs or devices in Linden Homes for now, but early next week: we are going to provide you with an approved device via the Linden Homes Content Packs. It will work just as aggressively in protecting your homes from unwanted intrusion, but still reasonably allow Residents to explore without fear of being ejected or teleported home without warning. Once those are added to the Linden Homes Content Packs, the use of other scripted security devices will not be allowed and this will be noted in an update to the Linden Homes covenant.


So, to recap:

- Ban lines will go away for Linden Homes starting 6am SLT on Wed April 17th

- Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs early next week

- Personal security orbs/devices will be allowed from the above date until approved security orbs are distributed (and not after)


We’re thrilled you’re enjoying Linden Homes and we’re excited for everything else to come!

Hi , I'm sorry but where i can find this " Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs " in mail box of my house , i see only some options different styles and pack for home decor and garden ..thank you Adriana from San Jocoso

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On 4/16/2019 at 11:00 PM, Constantine Linden said:

Vogliamo ringraziare tutti per le gentili parole che hanno espresso nelle ultime 24 ore da quando Linden Homes ha lanciato la sua prima fase di case. Siamo lieti che molti di voi stiano godendo le case, l'arredamento e soprattutto l'atmosfera della comunità. Come parte della promozione di quella comunità, parleremo di due cambiamenti che si stanno verificando nel corso della prossima settimana (e spieghiamo il nostro ragionamento).

Il primo è che alle 6am SLT di mercoledì 17 aprile, stiamo per deselezionare la casella sulla proprietà di Linden Homes che consente ai proprietari di pacchi di accedere a restrizioni più restrittive rispetto alla tenuta. Significato: nessuna linea di divieto . È nostra convinzione che, dato il senso di comunità come obiettivo principale di Linden Homes, le linee di divieto inviano il messaggio sbagliato. I proprietari di pacchi possono ancora vietare individui fastidiosi per nome sul loro pacco ma non saranno in grado di mettere il loro terreno in blocco virtuale limitando l'accesso al solo gruppo.

Il secondo va di pari passo con l'accesso ai pacchi, e questo è un dispositivo di sicurezza. Vogliamo consentire ai residenti di volare, camminare, guidare, navigare ed esplorare liberamente attraverso Bellisseria senza compromettere la privacy e la sicurezza dei residenti sui propri pacchi. A tal fine stiamo permettendo l'uso di sfere di sicurezza . Tuttavia, dal momento che molte sfere possono essere impostate in modo da precludere anche il più innocente di deviare attraverso un confine di pacchi o essere mandati a casa anche se sei a 500 metri nel cielo, siamo costretti a trovare un compromesso. 

Per ora puoi utilizzare i tuoi globi o dispositivi di sicurezza personale in Linden Homes, ma all'inizio della prossima settimana: ti forniremo un dispositivo approvato tramite i Content Pack di Linden Homes. Funzionerà in modo altrettanto aggressivo nel proteggere le tue case da intrusioni indesiderate, ma consentirà comunque ai Residenti di esplorare senza timore di essere espulso o teletrasportato a casa senza preavviso. Una volta aggiunti i pacchetti di contenuto di Linden Homes, l'uso di altri dispositivi di sicurezza con script non sarà consentito e questo sarà annotato in un aggiornamento del patto di Linden Homes.


Quindi, per riassumere:

- Le linee di divieto andranno via per Linden Homes a partire dalle 6:00 SLT di mercoledì 17 aprile

- I globi di sicurezza forniti da Linden verranno distribuiti tramite i Pacchetti di creazione dei contenuti di Linden Homes all'inizio della prossima settimana

- Le sfere / dispositivi di sicurezza personale saranno consentiti dalla data di cui sopra fino a quando gli spilli di sicurezza approvati non saranno distribuiti (e non dopo)


Siamo entusiasti che ti piaccia Linden Homes e siamo eccitati per tutto il resto!


On 4/16/2019 at 11:00 PM, Constantine Linden said:

We want to thank everyone for the kind words they have expressed in the last 24 hours since Linden Homes has launched its first phase of homes. We are delighted so many of you are enjoying the homes, the decor, and especially the feel of community. As part of fostering that community feel, we are going to address two changes that are occurring over the next week or so (and explain our reasoning).

The first is that at 6am SLT on Wed April 17th, we are going to uncheck the box on the Linden Homes estate that allows parcel owners access restrictions to be more restrictive than the estate. Meaning: no ban lines. It's our belief that with a sense of community being a main goal of Linden Homes, ban lines send the wrong message. Parcel owners can still ban troublesome individuals by name on their parcel but they will not be able to put their land in virtual lock down by restricting access to group only.

The second goes hand in hand with parcel access, and that is security devices. We want to allow Residents to fly, walk, drive, sail and explore freely across Bellisseria without compromising Residents privacy and security on their own parcels. To that end we are allowing the use of security orbs. However, since many orbs can be set in ways that preclude even the most innocent of straying across a parcel boundary or being sent home even though you are 500m in the sky we are forced to come up with a compromise. 

You may use your personal security orbs or devices in Linden Homes for now, but early next week: we are going to provide you with an approved device via the Linden Homes Content Packs. It will work just as aggressively in protecting your homes from unwanted intrusion, but still reasonably allow Residents to explore without fear of being ejected or teleported home without warning. Once those are added to the Linden Homes Content Packs, the use of other scripted security devices will not be allowed and this will be noted in an update to the Linden Homes covenant.


So, to recap:

- Ban lines will go away for Linden Homes starting 6am SLT on Wed April 17th

- Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs early next week

- Personal security orbs/devices will be allowed from the above date until approved security orbs are distributed (and not after)


We’re thrilled you’re enjoying Linden Homes and we’re excited for everything else to come!

Hi , I'm sorry but where i can find this " Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs " in mail box of my house , i see only some options different styles and pack for home decor and garden ..thank you Adriana from San Jocoso

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1 hour ago, deplove said:


Hi , I'm sorry but where i can find this " Linden-supplied security orbs will be distributed via the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs " in mail box of my house , i see only some options different styles and pack for home decor and garden ..thank you Adriana from San Jocoso

They haven’t been released yet. 

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1 minute ago, Brinlea said:

I was sitting around and this appeared. I have access to my control panel set to "list." What is this all about?

Access settings.JPG

i just got one for my place too and hadnt changed the setting since they did this last week so dont know whats goin on

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18 minutes ago, PerdyLala said:

i just got one for my place too and hadnt changed the setting since they did this last week so dont know whats goin on

Oh I see what it is...in About Land, the Access tab has been changed. All you can do is ban people from that tab now.

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14 hours ago, Brinlea said:

I was sitting around and this appeared. I have access to my control panel set to "list." What is this all about?

Access settings.JPG

It was your banline being turned off per LL policy on those in Belliseria. Your security options will be either the ban list or the soon to be distrubuted LL security orb which will likely have some limits on what you can set. The idea is that those passing by or at reasonable altitude over your parcel should be allowed to do so as long as they keep moving. or are on road or waterways.

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9 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Considering the demands and complaints about the shortage of homes, I'm guessing that orbs are not at the top of the priority list at the moment. I'm sure we will get an update when they have time to work on them. 

Exactly. Which also brings to mind that since the ban-lines were forced off and these orbs are not available yet... I haven't thus far seen any complaints about incursions, intrusions, or any otherwise violation of privacy. Has anyone else? I'm not saying it's never happened, just that no one has even mentioned such as happening in the entire Bellesaria continent up to now.

As Ive always said before: one cannot plan the future based on events of the past. I mean, the whole security debate was almost at the point of shrill for a while there.

Edited by Alyona Su
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Just now, Alyona Su said:

Exactly. Which also brings to mind that since the ban-lines were forced off and these orbs are not available yet... I haven't thus far seen any complaints about incursions, intrusions, or any otherwise violation of privacy. Has anyone else? I'm not saying it's never happened, just that no one has even mentioned such as happening in the entire Bellesaria continent up to now.

As Ive always said before: one cannot plan the future based on events of the past. I mean, the whole security debate was almost at the point of shrill for a while there.

Since the sudden shock of the banlines going down, it does appear to have calmed down quite a bit.  I also noticed that there does not appear to be the intrusion of griefers and intruders doing a sudden onslaught, to those who swore, that was about to occur when the banlines were removed.  I have the little bike from Consignment, which I love to use when I explore and it's nice.  The houses are gorgeous, the neighborhoods are quiet but still full of people enjoying everything and, I admit, seeing no banlines really does look great.

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One little negative thing I've discovered is that because you can't deed the parcel to a group, it means only the parcel owner can actually eject and ban intruders... not an ideal situation if you share your home. Is the forthcoming orb the only way to fix this?

I've had 2 intruders in the first few weeks, but interestingly neither "wandered in" off the street, both arrived via TP at the landing point which was set. That seems odd to me, like they saw my dot on the map and just tp'ed to it 🤔

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28 minutes ago, Vega Firelyte said:

Since the sudden shock of the banlines going down, it does appear to have calmed down quite a bit.  I also noticed that there does not appear to be the intrusion of griefers and intruders doing a sudden onslaught, to those who swore, that was about to occur when the banlines were removed.  I have the little bike from Consignment, which I love to use when I explore and it's nice.  The houses are gorgeous, the neighborhoods are quiet but still full of people enjoying everything and, I admit, seeing no banlines really does look great.

Precisely. Just because {bad thing} happened before is no reason to attempt (by overkill) to prevent it's repeat because the possibility of a repeat is amazingly negligible. In the case of ban line, the way I see it, it's to punish the many to protect the few against the almost-none.

14 minutes ago, Eowyn Southmoor said:

One little negative thing I've discovered is that because you can't deed the parcel to a group, it means only the parcel owner can actually eject and ban intruders... not an ideal situation if you share your home. Is the forthcoming orb the only way to fix this?

I've had 2 intruders in the first few weeks, but interestingly neither "wandered in" off the street, both arrived via TP at the landing point which was set. That seems odd to me, like they saw my dot on the map and just tp'ed to it 🤔

TPs can happen, and I'm willing to bet 50% of the time it's by accident: clicking on the map and accidentally double-clicking (which causes the TP - happened to me a few times). The real question is whether they actually griefed you or not or just pop back out as soon as they could? (Rhetorical question). As for the shared bit and ban list, etc, I will go out on a limb and presume the forthcoming LL Orb will allow you to add "managers" just as the house control panel allows it. :)

Edited by Alyona Su
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59 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Exactly. Which also brings to mind that since the ban-lines were forced off and these orbs are not available yet... I haven't thus far seen any complaints about incursions, intrusions, or any otherwise violation of privacy. Has anyone else? I'm not saying it's never happened, just that no one has even mentioned such as happening in the entire Bellesaria continent up to now.

As Ive always said before: one cannot plan the future based on events of the past. I mean, the whole security debate was almost at the point of shrill for a while there.

I've encountered quite a few 0-10 second orbs in my traveling as recently as yesterday. So the banlines have been gone but I don't think the true effects have been felt yet by those who object to having their privacy options curtailed. I know of several people who moved to a new Linden Home because of my excitement which I shared in various groups I'm a member of or moderate. Since the removal of the banlines I've had a couple contact me to say they are very upset with the turn of events and have abandoned their Belliserian homes.

I think the jury is out until we actually get one of the LL provided orbs to see what they will do.

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2 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

Exactly. Which also brings to mind that since the ban-lines were forced off and these orbs are not available yet... I haven't thus far seen any complaints about incursions, intrusions, or any otherwise violation of privacy. Has anyone else? I'm not saying it's never happened, just that no one has even mentioned such as happening in the entire Bellesaria continent up to now.

As Ive always said before: one cannot plan the future based on events of the past. I mean, the whole security debate was almost at the point of shrill for a while there.

Agreed. I've seen complaints (justified, IMO) that people have 0 seconds orbs set, but no complaints at all about perverts, peeping toms, etc. The only "troublemakers" seem to be the Bellissaria residents. lol

Side note: Am I the only one who spells the continent name differently each time they type it? Hopefully I get it right now and then!

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6 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Am I the only one who spells the continent name differently each time they type it? Hopefully I get it right now and then!

I think it's like America, which is strangely no longer called Vespucciland. Spelling evolves.

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25 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Agreed. I've seen complaints (justified, IMO) that people have 0 seconds orbs set, but no complaints at all about perverts, peeping toms, etc. The only "troublemakers" seem to be the Bellissaria residents. lol

Don't you think it's rather early to be making a conclusion about whether or not people's privacy is going to be affected by uninvited guests? It's been what - not even two weeks. And certainly basing a conclusion on the number of people posting to the forums is a fool's errand. We know that the number of people who are active on the forums is a drop in the bucket compared to those who are not. 


Adding: the new system is here and I'm super happy to see a 15 second minimum. Thanks to the lab for making a system that should work for both travelers and home owners. :D 

Edited by Blush Bravin
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1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

Adding: the new system is here and I'm super happy to see a 15 second minimum. Thanks to the lab for making a system that should work for both travelers and home owners. :D 

There you go. I was hoping for at least ten seconds. See? We can all get a long. Hahaha

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2 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

There you go. I was hoping for at least ten seconds. See? We can all get a long. Hahaha

I'm seriously happy. All I ever wanted was for all needs to be considered and not have one group lord it over the other. I want community and safety. :D 

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1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Agreed. I've seen complaints (justified, IMO) that people have 0 seconds orbs set, but no complaints at all about perverts, peeping toms, etc. The only "troublemakers" seem to be the Bellissaria residents. lol

Side note: Am I the only one who spells the continent name differently each time they type it? Hopefully I get it right now and then!

This one single setting (zero seconds warning) is my only complaint about security orbs. Even set to TP home is fine by me, but at least give a ten second warning. The people who set zero warning and TP home ar simply masocists and likely laughing at any poor victim whenever it happens, there's no way to justify it. The Lindens feel that 15 seconds is fair and that's even five seconds more than I was hoping for.

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1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

Don't you think it's rather early to be making a conclusion about whether or not people's privacy is going to be affected by uninvited guests? It's been what - not even two weeks. And certainly basing a conclusion on the number of people posting to the forums is a fool's errand. We know that the number of people who are active on the forums is a drop in the bucket compared to those who are not. 


Adding: the new system is here and I'm super happy to see a 15 second minimum. Thanks to the lab for making a system that should work for both travelers and home owners. :D 

I don't believe I attempted to predict the future. *reads post again* Nope, I didn't. :)

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